# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is an automated Yarn.social feed running feeds v0.1.0@72e53a9 # Learn more about Yarn.social at https://yarn.social # # nick = @cryptohagen@social.data.coop # url = https://feeds.twtxt.net/@cryptohagen@social.data.coop/twtxt.txt # type = rss # source = https://social.data.coop/@cryptohagen.rss # avatar = https://feeds.twtxt.net/@cryptohagen@social.data.coop/avatar.png#oj3oixuylakicmxbxxiknwdb3eynomnx4wj3wlxpsezv4tz2mt7q # description = Public posts from @cryptohagen@social.data.coop # updated_at = 2024-12-06T08:01:24Z # 2024-11-27T06:53:38Z ****
😕 Berlingske's citat historie "Dansk politi åbner kriminelles telefoner med nyt supervåben" fra Radar på ing.dk skriver om 🇮🇱 Cellbride som om det er noget nyt - men så vidt vides er der hældt rigtigt mange 🇩🇰 skattekroner i det firma og deres systemer gennem tiden


\- og som forventet skal Justitsministerens holdning ... ⌘ [Read more](https://social.data.coop/@cryptohagen/113553599289566621) 2024-11-27T09:08:01Z ****
Det sociale medie [#Bluesky](https://social.data.coop/tags/Bluesky) er kommet i 🇪🇺 Europa-Kommissionens søgelys, fordi selskabet på sin hjemmeside ikke oplyser, hvor mange brugere i EU mediet har, og hvor i unionen selskabet hører juridisk hjemme – som det ellers er påkrævet efter EU-lovgivningen.

Det skriver Financial Times

[https://ing.dk/artikel/bluesky-kommer-under-eus-lup-overholder-ikke-loven](https://ing.dk/artikel/bluesky-kommer-under-eus-lup-overholder-ikke-loven) ⌘ [Read more](https://social.data.coop/@cryptohagen/113554127701688892) 2024-11-27T13:00:53Z ****
Office buildings have become like web browsers – they're full of tracking technology, a trend documented in a report out this week by Cracked Labs.

The study, titled "Tracking Indoor Location, Movement and Desk Occupancy in the Workplace," looks at how motion sensing and wireless network technology in buildings is being used to monitor the movement and behavior of office workers and visitors [#bossware](https://social.data.coop/tags/bossware)

[https://www.theregister.com/2024/11/27/workplace\_surveillance/]( ... ⌘ [Read more](https://social.data.coop/@cryptohagen/113555043337661023) 2024-11-28T13:19:59Z ****
Australiens 🇦🇺 har torsdag vedtaget lov om at forbyde sociale medier for unge under 16 år. Forbuddet er det første af sin slags i verden

Onsdag stemte et flertal i det underhuset for lovforslaget. Torsdag blev det godkendt af senatet.

Med vedtagelsen af loven forventer Australiens parlament, at techgiganter som Meta, der ejer Facebook og Instagram, tager "rimelige skridt" for at forhindre australske unge i at have konti

..ventes at træde i kraft i slutningen af 2025

[https://www.berlingske.dk/international ... ⌘ [Read more](https://social.data.coop/@cryptohagen/113560780798845017) 2024-11-29T05:49:16Z ****
What law enforcement looks for: [#Europol](https://social.data.coop/tags/Europol) says that connection logs and IP addresses are the most useful information that agents seek during law enforcement investigations

.. but connection details are what officials say have provided more value over the past year

In its yearly electronic evidence report, Europol says that social media, messaging apps, and crypto exchanges have proven by far to contain the most relevant information for its investigations

[https://www. ... ⌘ [Read more](https://social.data.coop/@cryptohagen/113564670816202329) 2024-11-29T18:48:34Z ****
Calls to boycott tech company Stripe after CEO posts about recent visit to Israel

Irish-American billionaire Patrick Collison is under fire after posting on X about his run in Tel Aviv, not far from Gaza war

[https://www.middleeasteye.net/trending/calls-boycott-tech-company-stripe-after-ceo-posts-recent-visit-israel?s=09](https://www.middleeasteye.net/trending/calls-boycott-tech-company-stripe-after-ceo-posts-recent-visit-israel?s=09) ⌘ [Read more](https://social.data.coop/@cryptohagen/113567735103570939) 2024-12-01T08:08:22Z ****
Ligner til forveksling et af de andre offentligt IT projekt med en meta-dagsorden om at spare penge før konsekvens analyse

Tusindvis af offentlige ansatte kan blive frigjort af kunstig intelligens, viser kommissorium

.. digitaliseringsstrategi, igangsat 10-års-plan for ny teknologi i den off. sektor, skulle frigøre 10.000 årsværk over 10 år

[https://www.berlingske.dk/danmark/taskforce-skal-fastsaette-maal-for-frigoerelse-af-offentlige-ansatte](https://www.berlingske.dk/danmark/taskforce-skal-fastsaette-maal ... ⌘ [Read more](https://social.data.coop/@cryptohagen/113576542395746724) 2024-12-01T08:19:07Z ****
[#Today](https://social.data.coop/tags/Today) in 1971 (53 years ago), Michael Hart launched the project now known as Project Gutenberg by making his first posting, the Declaration of Independence

The mainframe was one of the first 15 nodes on ARPANet, the precursor of the modern Internet

Now he's known as the father of eBooks


(Project Gutenberg is a library of over 70,000 free eBooks) ⌘ [Read more](https://social.data.coop/@cryptohagen/113576584663510534) 2024-12-01T13:55:08Z ****
Robot density by region

The European Union 🇪🇺 has a robot density of 219 units per 10,000 employees, an increase of 5.2%, with Germany🇩🇪 , Sweden🇸🇪 , Denmark 🇩🇰 and Slovenia 🇸🇮 in the global top 10


Robot density serves as a barometer to track the degree of automation adoption in the manufacturing industry around t ... ⌘ [Read more](https://social.data.coop/@cryptohagen/113577905937989710) 2024-12-03T08:48:49Z ****
Center for Cybersikkerhed [#CFCS](https://social.data.coop/tags/CFCS) må skære ned. En situation som CFCS' ledelse ifølge DR’s oplysninger har erkendt over for medarbejderne

\- økonomisk uføre i Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste [#FE](https://social.data.coop/tags/FE)

\- ansættelsesstop samt en stram, økonomisk spændetrøje

\- rejsebudgettet skåret ned, så der ikke kan foretages kontrol- og tilsynsopgaver eller deltages i møder eller arbejde med udenlandske kollegaer

\- stort set alle CFCS' fagabonnementer e ... ⌘ [Read more](https://social.data.coop/@cryptohagen/113588026066503759) 2024-12-03T10:38:09Z ****
Så kan medierne godt stoppe hyper-ventilering

Martin Lippert, dir. hos GlobalConnect, som har fået ødelagt 2 internet-kabler i Finland, mener ikke, at der er tegn på, at bruddene skyldes sabotage.

\- Vi har ikke nogen indikation på nuværende tidspunkt på, at der er tale om sabotage

\- Vores første indikation er, at det for det ene kabel handler om, at en gravemaskine i forbindelse med noget byggeri har skåret kablet over. Jeg ved endnu ikke noget om det andet

[https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/seneste/dataleverand ... ⌘ [Read more](https://social.data.coop/@cryptohagen/113588455951504741) 2024-12-03T10:32:53Z ****
Der var mange lange, flotte fraser og flerstavelsesord i spil, da regeringen på et pressemøde præsenterede sin strategiske vision for kunstig intelligens. Der var ikke meget nyt - men med danske myndigheders track record på AI i baghovedet

\- er det ikke en dårlig ting

[https://pro.ing.dk/datatech/artikel/analyse-regeringens-nye-ai-strategi-er-mest-gammel-vin-paa-nye-flasker-det-er-forfriskende](https://pro.ing.dk/datatech/artikel/analyse-regeringens-nye-ai-strategi-er-mest-gammel-vin-paa-nye-flasker-det-er- ... ⌘ [Read more](https://social.data.coop/@cryptohagen/113588435238690874) 2024-12-03T13:31:33Z ****
.. en rapport fra Rigsrevisionen, spiontjenesten - [#FE](https://social.data.coop/tags/FE) \- i 2023 kunne konstatere, at ’forvaltningen af løn- og ansættelsesmæssige dispositioner er langt under det niveau, man kan forvente af en statslig ansættelsesmyndighed’

Rigsrevisionen, i en opfølgningsrapport .. regelbrud i 8 ud af 13 gennemgåede sager

Den opfølgende revision viser, at der er kommet delvist styr på sagerne

[https://politiken.dk/danmark/art10189821/FE-har-ryddet-op-men-der-er-stadig-problemer-med-ove ... ⌘ [Read more](https://social.data.coop/@cryptohagen/113589137796854592) 2024-12-03T14:43:36Z ****
😈 ⌘ [Read more](https://social.data.coop/@cryptohagen/113589421127559899) 2024-12-04T09:55:23Z ****
European Court of Human Rights [#ECHR](https://social.data.coop/tags/ECHR) ruled that Hungarian gov. violated reporter's rights in a November 2016 wiretapping scandal

Blikk reporter Klaudia Csikos sued government after police wiretapped to unmask a source who shared details about a high-profile murder case

Conversations used to fire source

.. government broke reporter's right to privacy and freedom of expression and failed to investigate complaint of illegal spying

[https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/eng#{%22itemi ... ⌘ [Read more](https://social.data.coop/@cryptohagen/113593950129663485) 2024-12-04T10:02:43Z ****
🇵🇱 The former head of Poland’s Internal Security Agency (ABW), who served under the previous Law and Justice (PiS) government, was today detained by police and forcibly brought to testify before a parliamentary commission investigating the use of [#Pegasus](https://social.data.coop/tags/Pegasus) spyware

It was the first time in the history of the Sejm, the more powerful house of Poland’s parliament, that a witness has been compelled to appear in this manner

[https://notesfrompoland.com/2024/12/02/ex-head-of- ... ⌘ [Read more](https://social.data.coop/@cryptohagen/113593978933313518) 2024-12-04T10:10:38Z ****
An [#Apple](https://social.data.coop/tags/Apple) employee is suing the company over alleged monitoring of personal devices and iCloud accounts

The lawsuit alleges that Apple forces employees who use their personal devices for work to install software that tracks all their activity

The surveillance allegedly takes place even when employees are off-duty or after they have left the company

The lawsuit was filed by Amar Bhakta, an employee in Apple's advertising division since 2020

[https://www.semafor.com/art ... ⌘ [Read more](https://social.data.coop/@cryptohagen/113594010048331867) 2024-12-04T13:33:27Z ****
Det er ikke alle ting der er hybrid-krig 😀

Stigende antal kabler i jorden bliver gravet over, når der bliver lagt nye fiber-forbindelser og fjernvarmerør

Sidste år blev der registreret 22.546 grave-skader på især data- og elkabler i jorden. Det er en stigning på 4.000 graveskader i forhold til året før, skriver Klimadatastyrelsen

Styrelsen driver et lednings-register, som indeholder oplysninger om, hvem der ejer nedgravede ledninger og når der sker skader på kablerne

[https://www.berlingske.dk/danmark/fjer ... ⌘ [Read more](https://social.data.coop/@cryptohagen/113594807604092323) 2024-12-04T13:41:20Z ****

FBI: encryption is a public security threat

FBI: use encryption to protect against security threats to the public


During a call with reporters on Tuesday, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency official Jeff Greene said Americans shou ... ⌘ [Read more](https://social.data.coop/@cryptohagen/113594838600899549) 2024-12-04T14:02:38Z ****
Today In Infosec [@todayininfosec](https://bird.makeup/users/todayininfosec)

2013: Troy Hunt launched the free-to-search site "Have I Been Pwned? (HIBP)"

At launch, passwords from the Adobe, Stratfor, Gawker, Yahoo! Voices, and Sony Pictures breaches were indexed. Today? Billions of compromised records from hundreds of breaches ⌘ [Read more](https://social.data.coop/@cryptohagen/113594922348078772) 2024-12-06T07:59:15Z ****
[#Spyware](https://social.data.coop/tags/Spyware) like [#Pegasus](https://social.data.coop/tags/Pegasus) was treated as rare, targeted threat – something that impact

\- member of civil society

\- high-level executive

\- political representative

but not average business- or everyday [#smartphone](https://social.data.coop/tags/smartphone) user

.. uncovered 7 Pegasus infections. Might seem small, but represents a massive red flag in the world of mobile security

.. investigation detected 2.5 infected devices ... ⌘ [Read more](https://social.data.coop/@cryptohagen/113604818060422367)