# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is an automated Yarn.social feed running feeds v0.1.0@72e53a9 # Learn more about Yarn.social at https://yarn.social # # nick = Oatmeal # url = https://feeds.twtxt.net/Oatmeal/twtxt.txt # type = rss # source = https://eli.li/feed.rss # avatar = https://feeds.twtxt.net/Oatmeal/avatar.png#4sclavig4blkjv64fpyqaeypamebiqr76jc3aib4yexybwrs55lq # description = # updated_at = 2024-09-12T17:08:47Z # 2020-07-24T14:49:53Z ⌘ https://eli.li/2020/07/24/like-2020-07-24t10-49-53-0400 2020-07-20T20:29:06Z ⌘ https://eli.li/2020/07/20/i-found-a-family-of-lost-mp3-files-today 2020-07-20T01:39:15Z ⌘ https://eli.li/2020/07/19/like-2020-07-19t21-39-15-0400 2020-07-18T13:49:59Z ⌘ https://eli.li/2020/07/18/2020-07-18-09-49-59 2020-07-12T11:41:17Z ⌘ https://eli.li/2020/07/12/like-2020-07-12-07-41-17 2020-07-10T00:10:38Z ⌘ https://eli.li/2020/07/9/2020-07-09-20-10-38 2020-07-09T16:22:40Z ⌘ https://eli.li/2020/07/9/like-2020-07-09t12-22-40-0400 2020-07-09T13:55:57Z ⌘ https://eli.li/2020/07/9/like-2020-07-09t09-55-57-0400 2020-07-09T13:13:02Z ⌘ https://eli.li/2020/07/9/the-all-mother-has-spoken-kicks-condor-has-strayed-from-the-path-of-blogging-righteousness 2020-07-01T00:10:35Z ⌘ https://eli.li/2020/06/30/but-really-reiner-thinks-the-secret-to-a-long-life-is-having-something-to-do-in-the-morning 2020-06-29T15:50:51Z ⌘ https://eli.li/2020/06/29/all-the-tenets-of-intersectional-feminism-web-accessibility-and-diversity-and-inclusion-are 2020-06-29T12:03:05Z ⌘ https://eli.li/2020/06/29/2020-06-29-08-03-05 2020-06-28T13:14:19Z ⌘ https://eli.li/2020/06/28/like-2020-06-28t09-14-19-0400 2020-06-27T18:26:08Z ⌘ https://eli.li/2020/06/27/2020-06-27-14-26-08 2020-06-27T13:13:44Z ⌘ https://eli.li/2020/06/27/2020-06-27-09-13-44 2020-06-24T02:14:23Z ⌘ 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https://eli.li/2020/12/24/2020-12-24-07-20-49 2020-12-24T12:34:06Z ⌘ https://eli.li/2020/12/24/2020-12-24-07-34-06 2020-12-24T22:20:59Z ⌘ https://eli.li/2020/12/24/2020-12-24-17-20-59 2020-12-26T13:17:16Z ⌘ https://eli.li/2020/12/26/like-2020-12-26-08-17-16 2020-12-27T20:19:22Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2020/12/27/like-2020-12-27-15-19-22) 2020-12-27T16:29:54Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2020/12/27/2020-12-27-11-29-54) 2020-12-28T14:29:06Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2020/12/28/like-2020-12-28t09-29-06-0500) 2020-12-28T14:59:41Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2020/12/28/like-2020-12-28t09-59-41-0500) 2020-12-28T22:56:08Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2020/12/28/i-have-spent-months-looking-for-bucatini-now-i-know-why) 2020-12-29T14:20:14Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2020/12/29/like-2020-12-29t09-20-14-0500) 2020-12-30T19:52:02Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2020/12/30/starting-something-new-on-the-smol-net) 2020-12-31T12:12:41Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2020/12/31/20202-12-31-07-10-53) 2021-01-04T02:20:05Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/01/3/i-ve-been-oggling-forth-in-a-few-different-flavors-for-a-little-over-a-year-now-thinsp-mdash-thinsp-i) 2021-01-04T17:18:19Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/01/4/reply-2021-01-04t12-18-19-0500) 2021-01-05T14:19:29Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/01/5/like-2021-01-05t09-19-29-0500) 2021-01-05T14:24:28Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/01/5/reply-2021-01-05t09-24-28-0500) 2021-01-06T17:34:12Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/01/6/like-2021-01-06-12-34-12) 2021-01-09T15:26:12Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/01/9/2021-01-09-10-26-12) 2021-01-12T02:50:51Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/01/11/dirk-gently-s-holistic-detective-agency-douglas-adams) 2021-01-16T01:00:43Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/01/15/like-2021-01-15t20-00-43-0500) 2021-01-16T01:06:50Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/01/15/my-knigdom-for-a-knish) 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more...](https://eli.li/2021/03/15/because-of-this-absolutely-any-discussion-of-preparing-for-the-consequences-of-the-climate) 2021-03-15T22:01:00Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/03/15/like-2021-03-15-18-01-00) 2021-03-15T22:18:11Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/03/15/2021-03-15-18-18-11) 2021-03-16T02:03:28Z dice.ts ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/03/15/dice-ts) 2021-03-18T13:22:49Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/03/18/in-fact-as-cell-phones-become-more-and-more-general-purpose-i-suspect-there-will-be-more-room-for-non) 2021-03-19T17:09:26Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/03/19/each-commit-of-this-project-corresponds-to-a-section-of-the-book) 2021-03-19T19:41:44Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/03/19/like-2021-03-19-15-41-44) 2021-03-23T23:35:58Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/03/23/like-2021-03-23-19-35-58) 2021-03-24T11:38:38Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/03/24/nokia-bell-labs-has-handed-plan9-to-the-plan9-foundation) 2021-03-26T19:03:03Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/03/26/like-2021-03-26t15-03-03-0400) 2021-03-27T00:19:49Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/03/26/like-2021-03-26t20-19-49-0400) 2021-03-27T13:30:03Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/03/27/i-like-that-so-far-we-all-seem-to-agree-that-the-boat-is-stuck) 2021-03-27T22:00:34Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/03/27/2021-03-27-18-00-34) 2021-03-28T02:51:09Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/03/27/like-2021-03-27-22-51-09) 2021-03-28T11:49:43Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/03/28/equa) 2021-03-28T12:46:12Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/03/28/like-2021-03-28-08-46-12) 2021-03-28T13:27:47Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/03/28/like-2021-03-28-09-27-47) 2021-03-28T21:51:54Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/03/28/like-2021-03-28-17-51-54) 2021-04-01T18:30:48Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/04/1/like-2021-04-01-14-30-48) 2021-04-03T16:59:12Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/04/3/i-ve-day-dreamed-for-a-long-time-about-an-entire-os-like-this-%E2%80%94-at-every-level-a-game-or-puzzle-of) 2021-04-06T22:39:41Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/04/6/2021-04-06-18-39-41) 2021-04-07T11:12:37Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/04/7/airship-scheme-is-a-new-implementation-of-the-scheme-programming-language-implemented-in-common-lisp) 2021-04-07T11:52:07Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/04/7/like-2021-04-07-07-52-07) 2021-04-09T16:13:06Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/04/9/ye-highlands-and-ye-lawlands-oh-where-have-you-been) 2021-04-11T16:43:35Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/04/11/like-2021-04-11-12-43-35) 2021-04-13T02:18:36Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/04/12/like-2021-04-12-22-18-36) 2021-04-14T19:46:47Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/04/14/like-2021-04-14-15-46-47) 2021-04-15T17:27:37Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/04/15/like-2021-04-15-13-27-37) 2021-04-17T15:42:05Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/04/17/2021-04-17-11-42-05) 2021-04-18T18:39:08Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/04/18/like-2021-04-18-14-39-08) 2021-04-18T19:10:27Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/04/18/2021-04-18-15-10-27) 2021-04-19T14:30:26Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/04/19/like-2021-04-19t10-30-26-0400) 2021-04-25T22:48:44Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/04/25/the-molten-filling-of-a-freshly-toasted-pop-tart-has-to-be-one-of-the-top-most-dangerous-objects-you) 2021-05-03T23:59:55Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/05/3/2021-05-03-19-59-55) 2021-05-04T12:32:16Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/05/4/like-2021-05-04-08-32-16) 2021-05-04T12:37:00Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/05/4/like-2021-05-04-08-37-00) 2021-05-07T12:55:55Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/05/7/reply-2021-05-07t08-55-55-0400) 2021-05-07T19:18:38Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/05/7/in-a-field-that-has-elevated-boy-geniuses-and-rockstar-coders-obscure-hacks-and-complex-black-boxed) 2021-05-08T21:21:09Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/05/8/a-few-posts-ago-i-set-out-to-make-a-program-that-could-bleep-and-bloop) 2021-05-10T19:09:37Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/05/10/like-2021-05-10t15-09-37-0400) 2021-05-11T02:15:14Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/05/10/like-2021-05-10t22-15-14-0400) 2021-05-11T17:06:56Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/05/11/like-2021-05-11t13-06-56-0400) 2021-05-16T00:51:08Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/05/15/the-biggest-problem%E2%80%94and-this-isn-t-limited-to-web-development%E2%80%94is-how-it-has-baked-exploitation-into) 2021-05-16T17:38:07Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/05/16/the-affordances-of-the-filing-cabinet-as-an-information-technology-have-produced-new-relationships) 2021-05-16T18:11:27Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/05/16/2021-05-16-14-11-27) 2021-05-16T18:18:40Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/05/16/2021-05-16-14-18-40) 2021-05-22T17:07:36Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/05/22/like-2021-05-22-13-07-36) 2021-05-22T21:09:39Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/05/22/2021-05-22-17-09-39) 2021-05-22T21:11:46Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/05/22/2021-05-22-17-11-46) 2021-05-26T00:35:20Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/05/25/like-2021-05-25t20-35-20-0400) 2021-05-26T17:15:33Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/05/26/like-2021-05-26t13-15-33-0400) 2021-05-27T18:13:03Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/05/27/like-2021-05-27-14-13-03) 2021-05-27T18:55:06Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/05/27/2021-05-27-14-55-06) 2021-05-31T17:52:32Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/05/31/like-2021-05-31t13-52-32-0400) 2021-06-02T15:12:52Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/06/2/like-2021-06-02-11-12-52) 2021-06-02T16:48:01Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/06/2/2021-06-02-12-48-01) 2021-06-02T17:05:12Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/06/2/rick-has-taken-the-time-to-write-up-a-really-solid-explainer-on-deferred-behavior-in-retroforth-my) 2021-06-03T01:02:34Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/06/2/like-2021-06-02t21-02-34-0400) 2021-06-03T01:00:41Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/06/2/like-2021-06-02t21-00-41-0400) 2021-06-03T14:43:25Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/06/3/the-truth-as-will-become-a-common-refrain-in-this-piece-is-difficult-to-know) 2021-06-03T15:26:59Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/06/3/one-such-agenda-is-that-of-agile-transformation-which-promises-to-remake-organizations-to-optimize) 2021-06-04T18:33:40Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/06/4/2021-06-04t14-33-40-0400) 2021-06-06T13:02:40Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/06/6/like-2021-06-06-09-02-40) 2021-06-07T20:21:35Z WikiJousting ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/06/7/wikijousting) 2021-06-16T19:59:52Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/06/16/2021-06-16-15-59-52) 2021-06-16T19:59:13Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/06/16/2021-06-16-15-59-13) 2021-06-18T17:26:24Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/06/18/picotron-is-lexaloffle-s-third-and-final-fantasy-machine-and-has-been-co-designed-with-pico-8-and) 2021-06-19T12:09:19Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/06/19/like-2021-06-19-08-09-19) 2021-06-21T14:57:14Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/06/21/like-2021-06-21t10-57-14-0400) 2021-06-24T00:38:25Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/06/23/nearly-every-paragraph-of-this-biography-reads-as-if-it-comes-from-someone-else-s-life) 2021-06-24T00:47:19Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/06/23/2021-06-23-20-47-19) 2021-06-25T21:50:42Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/06/25/like-2021-06-25-17-50-42) 2021-06-26T02:19:18Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/06/25/like-2021-06-25-22-19-18) 2021-06-30T11:50:51Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/06/30/like-2021-06-30-07-50-51) 2021-07-06T11:00:47Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/07/6/2021-07-06-07-00-47) 2021-07-06T10:57:18Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/07/6/like-2021-07-06-06-57-18) 2021-07-07T19:54:30Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/07/7/like-2021-07-07t15-54-30-0400) 2021-07-08T19:19:40Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/07/8/like-2021-07-08t15-19-40-0400) 2021-07-10T12:33:13Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/07/10/like-2021-07-10-08-33-13) 2021-07-11T22:17:49Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/07/11/2021-07-11-18-17-49) 2021-07-11T23:23:49Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/07/11/like-2021-07-11-19-23-49) 2021-07-12T14:41:51Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/07/12/2021-07-12-10-41-51) 2021-07-15T19:43:01Z Code Log: In which we split a string with RetroForth ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/07/15/code-log-in-which-we-split-a-string-with-retroforth) 2021-07-16T12:00:55Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/07/16/like-2021-07-16-08-00-55) 2021-07-16T22:34:34Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/07/16/i-ve-never-had-so-many-journalists-reach-out-to-me-with-interview-requests-than-they-have-since-the) 2021-07-16T22:39:24Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/07/16/like-2021-07-16-18-39-24) 2021-07-26T01:01:37Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/07/25/concatenative-programming-is-so-called-because-it-uses-function-composition-instead-of-function) 2021-07-26T10:10:22Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/07/26/2021-07-26-06-10-22) 2021-08-01T00:39:31Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/07/31/like-2021-07-31t20-39-31-0400) 2021-08-01T02:33:00Z ⌘ [Read more...](https://eli.li/2021/07/31/like-2021-07-31t22-33-00-0400) 2021-08-08T22:24:44Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [Introduction — Learning APL](https://xpqz.github.io/learnapl/intro.html) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/08/8/like-2021-08-08-18-24-44) 2021-08-08T19:42:37Z ** **
![A monarch butterfly in flight. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_5050.png) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/08/8/2021-08-08-15-42-37) 2021-08-09T12:32:03Z ** **
In reply to: [CNN - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos](https://lite.cnn.com/en/article/h_3a81f8679957a2e5b388091358690881)

> Bottom line is that we have zero years left to avoid dangerous climate change, because it’s here ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/08/9/bottom-line-is-that-we-have-zero-years-left-to-avoid-dangerous-climate-change-because-it-s-here) 2021-08-09T17:31:13Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [Drawdown Framework](https://www.drawdown.org/drawdown-framework) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/08/9/like-2021-08-09t13-31-13-0400) 2021-08-11T17:52:50Z ** **
In reply to: [NASA ebook Archive](https://www.nasa.gov/connect/ebooks/ebooks_archive_1.html)

TIL that NASA has an archive of ebooks. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/08/11/til-that-nasa-has-an-archive-of-ebooks) 2021-08-12T12:19:09Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [Permacomputing Update 2021 \| viznut](http://viznut.fi/texts-en/permacomputing_update_2021.html) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/08/12/like-2021-08-12-08-19-09) 2021-08-15T19:38:26Z ** **
[A screenshot of a very tiny c program written on System7](_assets/_images/minivmac-c-programming.png)

I’ve got to use macOS by nature of my work. Lately I’m increasingly down on this. Here I will not re-hash anything about the current state of Apple’s hardware and software ecosystem. I don’t care.

Wanting to take a trip down nostolgia lane, however (to when I was 2 years old) I thought I’d install Mac OS System 7. What follows is a quick guide for doing the sa ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/08/15/a-screenshot-of-a-very-tiny-c-program-written-on-system7) 2021-08-20T22:36:36Z ** **
![A kitten in a shower curtain. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_5051.png)

Cat ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/08/20/2021-08-20-18-36-36) 2021-08-20T22:50:14Z ** **
![A small, fluffy kitten sitting in a bookshelf of kids’ books. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_5096.png)

Another cat. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/08/20/2021-08-20-18-50-14) 2021-08-21T22:40:20Z ** **
![A large wooden troll sculpture in the woods. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_5106.png) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/08/21/2021-08-21-18-40-20) 2021-08-22T22:59:57Z ** **
In reply to: [GitHub - hoppecl/jamlang0001](https://github.com/hoppecl/jamlang0001)

> A small dynamically typed programming language with first-class comments, where every value is explained by a comment. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/08/22/a-small-dynamically-typed-programming-language-with-first-class-comments-where-every-value-is) 2021-08-25T15:54:04Z ** **
In reply to: [Wildermyth tells incredible stories that hit surprisingly hard](https://www.polygon.com/reviews/22638600/wildermyth-review-pc-proc-gen-worldwalker-games-strategy-mac-linux)

> These stories mean that playing Wildermyth is not just about doing tactical battles from one end of a scripted narrative to another. It means tracking a small crew of changing people through their careers as adventurers. Sometimes their personali ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/08/25/these-stories-mean-that-playing-wildermyth-is-not-just-about-doing-tactical-battles-from-one-end-of-a) 2021-08-26T11:21:03Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [DIY Air Purification Designs](https://edgecollective.io/airbox/) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/08/26/like-2021-08-26-07-21-03) 2021-08-26T11:28:32Z ** **
![a poster showing how to build your own air filtration](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_5144.png) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/08/26/2021-08-26-07-28-32) 2021-08-28T02:07:30Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [GitHub - elrzn/forth-orc-battle: Land of Lisp's Orc Battle in Forth](https://github.com/elrzn/forth-orc-battle) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/08/27/like-2021-08-27-22-07-30) 2021-08-29T20:59:08Z ** **
In reply to: [1980s computer controls GRPS heat and AC](https://www.woodtv.com/news/grand-rapids/1980s-computer-controls-grps-heat-and-ac/)

> A Kentwood High School student programmed it when it was installed in the 1980s. Whenever the district has a problem with it, they go back to the original programmer who still lives in the area. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/08/29/a-kentwood-high-school-student-programmed-it-when-it-was-installed-in-the-1980s) 2021-08-29T21:06:22Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [BLVUUG](https://blvuug.org/) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/08/29/like-2021-08-29-17-06-22) 2021-09-01T18:08:58Z ** **
In reply to: [West Fund, El Paso, TX: contribute to abortion access](https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/contribute-to-abortion-access) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/09/1/reply-2021-09-01t14-08-58-0400) 2021-09-01T18:16:01Z ** **
🙌 Liked: ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/09/1/like-2021-09-01t14-16-01-0400) 2021-09-02T14:50:16Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [GitHub - mame/quine-relay: An uroboros program with 100+ programming languages](https://github.com/mame/quine-relay) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/09/2/like-2021-09-02-10-50-16) 2021-09-04T11:33:09Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [Wheel Reinvention Jam \| Handmade Network](https://handmade.network/jam) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/09/4/like-2021-09-04-07-33-09) 2021-09-13T00:12:13Z ** **
In reply to: [Solarpunk, Climate Change and the New Thinkable — Mangal Media](https://www.mangalmedia.net/english/solarpunk-climate-change-and-the-new-thinkable)

> Solarpunk sits at the intersection of possible positive futures and likely negative ones. It is a recognition of humanity’s wide-ranging damage upon the natural world and inevitably, upon itself. Solarpunk is also a reaction to the cynical and dystopian imaginaries that have come ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/09/12/solarpunk-sits-at-the-intersection-of-possible-positive-futures-and-likely-negative-ones) 2021-09-23T08:20:55Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [Single bee is making an immortal clone army thanks to a genetic fluke \| Live Science](https://www.livescience.com/bee-creates-perfect-clone-army.html) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/09/23/like-2021-09-23-04-20-55) 2021-09-23T13:31:53Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [Jett: The Far Shore's fictional language started life as gibberish choral music \| Rock Paper Shotgun](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/jett-the-far-shores-fictional-language-started-life-as-gibberish-choral-music) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/09/23/like-2021-09-23-09-31-53) 2021-09-25T12:40:06Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [Bringing the Unix Philosophy to the 21st Century - Brazil's Blog](https://blog.kellybrazil.com/2019/11/26/bringing-the-unix-philosophy-to-the-21st-century/) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/09/25/like-2021-09-25-08-40-06) 2021-09-25T17:27:00Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [Pixel Art Tutorials - Saint11](https://saint11.org/blog/pixel-art-tutorials/) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/09/25/like-2021-09-25-13-27-00) 2021-09-25T17:33:10Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [Paper Computing](https://www.tinybrain.fans/paper-computing.html) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/09/25/like-2021-09-25-13-33-10) 2021-09-25T17:46:04Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [WDR paper computer - Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/WDR_paper_computer) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/09/25/like-2021-09-25-13-46-04) 2021-09-26T21:07:32Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [Interactive Fiction: The Computer Storygame "Adventure" : Mary Ann Buckles : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive](https://archive.org/details/maryannbuckles) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/09/26/like-2021-09-26-17-07-32) 2021-09-27T18:12:09Z ** **
In reply to: [Kids who grew up with search engines could change STEM education forever - The Verge](https://www.theverge.com/22684730/students-file-folder-directory-structure-education-gen-z)

This, for me, points to the arbitrariness of the“desktop” as a prime metaphor in computer user interfaces.

It made sense at the birth of contemporary computing — business suits and what not — but maybe there’s a new paradigm worth explori ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/09/27/this-for-me-points-to-the-arbitrariness-of-the-desktop-as-a-prime-metaphor-in-computer-user) 2021-09-27T19:38:26Z ** How to install Uxn on macOS **
[Uxn](https://wiki.xxiivv.com/site/uxn.html) is an esoteric stack-machine with 32 bit instructions. It exists someplace at the intersection of a GameBoy, 6502 ASM, an Apple II, Forth, RetroForth, the z80, a Sinclair ZX Spectrum, and“what if Nausicaä from Studio Ghibli’s _Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind_ used a computer?” It is tiny, unlike most anything else around these days, and, once you wrap your head around it, pretty fun.

I won’t go into how to develop for it ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/09/27/how-to-install-uxn-on-macos) 2021-09-28T02:00:38Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [Concrete: The material that's 'too vast to imagine' - BBC Future](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20210628-concrete-the-material-that-defines-our-age) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/09/27/like-2021-09-27-22-00-38) 2021-09-28T14:38:02Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [Patterns in confusing explanations](https://jvns.ca/blog/confusing-explanations/) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/09/28/like-2021-09-28-10-38-02) 2021-09-29T18:13:59Z ** **
In reply to: [Sable: Kotaku Review, My Top Game of 2021](https://kotaku.com/sable-the-kotaku-review-1847762599)

> Sable’s world is not a broken machine, it’s doing fine. You’re not on some grand quest to save it, or return the planet to its former glory. You’re just a girl growing up in this place, and growing up means choosing a new mask.


> Sable imagines identity and growth as playful, joyous, and nearly impossible to fail. It promises you that chang ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/09/29/sable-s-world-is-not-a-broken-machine-it-s-doing-fine) 2021-09-29T20:07:32Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [Climate Change Is the New Dot-Com Bubble \| WIRED](https://www.wired.com/story/climate-change-economy-dot-com-bubble/) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/09/29/like-2021-09-29-16-07-32) 2021-10-12T15:24:43Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [Building Tiny Raspberry Pi Linux Images With Buildroot](https://rickcarlino.com/2021/building-tiny-raspberry-pi-linux-images-with-buildroot.html) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/10/12/like-2021-10-12t11-24-43-0400) 2021-10-15T18:23:46Z ** **
In reply to: [MEMEX - The Small Website Discoverability Crisis [2021-09-08]](https://memex.marginalia.nu/log/19-website-discoverability-crisis.gmi)

> A proposal, dear reader: Create a list of bookmarks linking to websites you find interesting, and publish it for the world to see. You decide what constitutes“interesting”. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/10/15/a-proposal-dear-reader-create-a-list-of-bookmarks-linking-to-websites-you-find-interesting-and) 2021-10-17T16:57:21Z ** Data Types and Variables in C **
I’ve been writing a heap of Lua lately — this has lead to my becoming interested, again, in C. Here are some ancient notes I dug up on the most basics of data types and variables in C.

All of a computer’s memory is comprised of bits. A sequence of 8 bits forms a byte. A group of bytes (typically 4 or 8) form a word. Each word is associated with a memory address. The address increases by 1 with each byte of memory.

In C, a byte is an object that is as big as t ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/10/17/data-types-and-variables-in-c) 2021-10-17T19:19:30Z ** **
![A parent walks in the woods holding the hands of two children. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_5427.png)

Woods walk. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/10/17/2021-10-17-15-19-30) 2021-10-19T12:31:37Z ** What is Solar Punk? ** ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/10/19/what-is-solar-punk) 2021-10-19T23:17:57Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [historicalsource (Historical Source) / Repositories · GitHub](https://github.com/historicalsource?tab=repositories) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/10/19/like-2021-10-19-19-17-57) 2021-10-19T17:15:55Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [#273: Weird Browsers \| CSS Tricks](https://css-tricks.com/newsletter/273-weird-browsers/) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/10/19/like-2021-10-19t13-15-55-0400) 2021-10-19T15:04:28Z ** **
I realized this morning why I’m put off by super hero movies. They are fun, and I’ve always loved comic books, but the super hero movies of the last decade specifically, (I mean, beside being military propaganda) totally omit the potential future of any sort of utopia. They cannot envision their own undoing.

The stories are predicated on the super heros always needing something to be super against, despite having fantastical abilities to help usher in some sort of uto ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/10/19/i-realized-this-morning-why-i-m-put-off-by-super-hero-movies) 2021-10-20T00:34:45Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [BQN: finally, an APL for your flying saucer](https://mlochbaum.github.io/BQN/) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/10/19/like-2021-10-19-20-34-45) 2021-10-21T16:19:58Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [Famicom Party](https://famicom.party/book/) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/10/21/like-2021-10-21-12-19-58) 2021-10-23T21:12:03Z ** **
![Looking up at a tree covered in shelf mushrooms](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_5478.png)

Up and up and up ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/10/23/2021-10-23-17-12-03) 2021-10-28T13:30:02Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [Byte Magazine Volume 07 Number 12 - Game Plan 1982, Cosmic Conquest](https://archive.org/details/byte-magazine-1982-12/page/n125/mode/2up) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/10/28/like-2021-10-28t09-30-02-0400) 2021-10-28T13:29:01Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [Resurrecting a 40 Year Old Forth Strategy Game](https://rickcarlino.com/2021/resurrecting-a-40-year-old-forth-strategy-game.html) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/10/28/like-2021-10-28t09-29-01-0400) 2021-10-28T15:42:03Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [JohnEarnest/Mako: A simple virtual game console](https://github.com/JohnEarnest/Mako) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/10/28/like-2021-10-28t11-42-03-0400) 2021-10-30T01:28:16Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [Hallucinating Facts: Psychedelic Science and the Epistemic Power of Data, by Emma Stamm](https://vtechworks.lib.vt.edu/bitstream/handle/10919/97368/Stamm_E_D_2020.pdf) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/10/29/like-2021-10-29t21-28-16-0400) 2021-11-08T23:41:02Z ** **
I got a menu in the mail from a new Chinese food restaurant. Across the front of the menu, beneath the phone number is a note,

“Open Christmas!”

I feel seen. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/11/8/i-got-a-menu-in-the-mail-from-a-new-chinese-food-restaurant) 2021-11-12T02:11:36Z ** Operators in C **
Following up my notes on [Data Types and Variables in C](https://eli.li/2021/10/17/data-types-and-variables-in-c) here are notes on operators in C.

An operator is a symbol that represents a mathematical or logical operation. An operator effects operands.

C provides a number of operators.

Some arithmetic operators include,

```hljs plaintext

`%` is the most exciting of the list, it is called modulo and it returns the remainder after division. Of note, modulo c ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/11/11/operators-in-c) 2021-11-16T13:15:02Z ** **
![A black and red cat with pointy ears sat in half of a cardboard egg. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_5597.png)

Cat in a cardboard egg ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/11/16/2021-11-16-08-15-02) 2021-11-20T15:31:00Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [About Forth Haiku](https://forthsalon.appspot.com/haiku-about) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/11/20/like-2021-11-20-10-31-00) 2021-11-23T18:49:08Z ** ** ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/11/23/like-2021-11-23t13-49-08-0500) 2021-12-12T14:27:10Z ** **
![Skematic diagrams of many different kinds of plugs. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_5733.png)

Pick your character! ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/12/12/2021-12-12-09-27-10) 2021-12-18T16:14:02Z ** **
![A googly eye stuck to wood flooring.](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_5761.png)

The watcher returns. Visited at the beginning of the now endless pandemic, we moved house, thinking that the eye wouldn’t follow. Now, years later, the eye has opened. We are seen. Perceived through an endless void. A summoning. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/12/18/2021-12-18-11-14-02) 2021-12-20T04:34:47Z ** Introducing Guava **
I’ve been fascinated by [Forth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forth_(programming_language)) and [concatenative](https://concatenative.org/wiki/view/Front%20Page) programming for a while now. I can’t remember how I initially stumbled in to it, but once I got going I’ve been unable to stop. I’m a wee bit in love with it.

Wanting to play a bit with implementing my own spin on things and having opinions about tooling, I picked up a little scripting language called [Ripen](https://felix.plesoia ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/12/19/introducing-guava) 2021-12-20T21:02:22Z ** Olophont.js **
In Lord of the Rings there are creatures that look like giant elephants. JRR Tolkien named these creatures“olophonts…” simply replacing every vowel in the word elephant with an o. Here is a javascript function to do the same thing.

```hljs javascript
function olophont(string) {
 let replaceVowels = "" ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/12/20/olophont-js) 2021-12-23T17:01:01Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [Lisp in Life - Conway's Game of Life](https://woodrush.github.io/lisp-in-life/) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/12/23/like-2021-12-23-12-01-01) 2021-12-28T20:26:00Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [generative artistry, interactive tutorials](https://generativeartistry.com/tutorials/) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/12/28/like-2021-12-28t15-26-00-0500) 2021-12-29T00:41:33Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [Hempuli's blog >> Snake nest](https://www.hempuli.com/blogblog/archives/2535) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/12/28/like-2021-12-28t19-41-33-0500) 2021-12-31T00:48:30Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [Stampadia, print and play roguelike](https://www.kesiev.com/stampadia/) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/12/30/like-2021-12-30t19-48-30-0500) 2021-12-31T01:19:02Z ** Star Wars, and a year in review **
I tried to write a“ [year in review](https://txt.eli.li/pb/y-i-r.md)” kinda post, but it got wicked melodramatic pretty fast. This year has been a slog…it really fucking sucked.

Rather than reflect on it further, I thought I’d write about something vapid that I’ve been thinking a bit about lately instead: Star Wars.

Despite my best efforts, I’ve always loved Star Wars. As a child I spent hundreds of hours pouring over novels, and comics, and books of sch ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2021/12/30/star-wars-and-a-year-in-review) 2022-01-02T12:44:25Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [NASM Assembly Language Tutorials - asmtutor.com](https://asmtutor.com/) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/01/2/like-2022-01-02-07-44-25) 2022-01-05T14:39:34Z ** **
In reply to: [The Whippet 137: Please don’t make me fight a fire ant](https://thewhippet.substack.com/p/the-whippet-137-please-dont-make)

> It’s named after Texan exterminator Tom Rasberry, but you can call it a Raspberry Crazy Ant if you want and no one will notice I bet.

> The Raspberry Crazy Ant, for some reason, loves electronics, so it will come and chew through wires and get electrocuted. When an ant dies, it releases an ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/01/5/it-s-named-after-texan-exterminator-tom-rasberry-but-you-can-call-it-a-raspberry-crazy-ant-if-you) 2022-01-06T01:41:22Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [Mimic — Buried Treasure](https://buried-treasure.org/2022/01/mimic/) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/01/5/like-2022-01-05t20-41-22-0500) 2022-01-06T03:15:43Z ** Forth, a tool for cultivating community **
I watch most of the recordings of the [Forth2020’s Zoom](https://www.Forth2020.org/zoom-meeting) [chats](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoyDNIcnpgc). A topic that comes up from time to time is how to get more folks interested in Forth — especially younger folks. In my weird little corner of the internet I can say that there are certainly young folks interested in Forth!

I wonder if the issue at play is less one of interest, and more one of cross c ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/01/5/forth-a-tool-for-cultivating-community) 2022-01-06T23:08:15Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [Vlojure](https://vlojure.io/) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/01/6/like-2022-01-06-18-08-15) 2022-01-07T22:57:35Z ** **
![A guy in a big coat, winter hat, and a back pack holds a toddler while standing next to a six year old. They are all looking at a model train set in a window. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_5865.png) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/01/7/2022-01-07-17-57-35) 2022-01-08T00:20:10Z ** **
🙌 Liked: [Virtual Pet Jam - itch.io](https://itch.io/jam/virtual-pet-jam) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/01/7/like-2022-01-07-19-20-10) 2022-01-11T14:20:32Z ** **
> I feel like it took me a bit longer to fully understand how to work in Smalltalk than it did most languages. The IDE is different than anything I’ve used before, and probably anything you’ve seen as well. You’re not going to be opening myscript.st in your favorite text editor, and then run it from the command line as you would a Python program. It takes a little mental adjustment to start with.
> That’s not the warning, howe ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/01/11/i-feel-like-it-took-me-a-bit-longer-to-fully-understand-how-to-work-in-smalltalk-than-it-did-most) 2022-01-12T00:43:03Z ** **
Eagle-eyed folks may have noticed that I made a few wee changes to this website.

The biggest, and most noticeable one is that I’ve filtered out all of the `like` type posts from appearing on the main feed, from rss, and in the [archives](https://eli.li/archives). There were waaaaay to many, so filtering them out makes the entire website a lot more navigable. They are not gone, though, and I’ll probably keep sharing `like` type posts, but now they ar ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/01/11/eagle-eyed-folks-may-have-noticed-that-i-made-a-few-wee-changes-to-this-website) 2022-01-13T14:05:07Z ** ** ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/01/13/2022-01-13t09-05-07-0500) 2022-01-19T23:35:15Z ** A quick and dirty intro to the .pbm file format **
I’ve been fiddling with writing programs that draw pictures. I started with [PostScript](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PostScript) for this, but have since moved to writing programs that output in the `.pbm` format.

My goal here is to write noise to a `.pbm` file.

A `.pbm` file is the lowest common denominator among image file formats.

An example of the format,

```hljs plaintext
# comment describing the file

5 5
1 0 1 0 1
0 1 0 1 0
1 0 1 ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/01/19/a-quick-and-dirty-intro-to-the-pbm-file-format) 2022-01-26T17:51:07Z ** Chess Rules **
I love when folks say stuff like“there are only a finite number of states a chessboard can occupy, therefore a computer can play chess.”

To the folks who say such things — I wish you to play chess with my 6 year old.

Be not confined by rules! The only things governing chess in this house here are the laws of physics!

…and even then, not all need apply.

For instance, during a recent game the opposing kings left the board in order to go out on an adventure. They returned later with a large, plastic dragon. The dra ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/01/26/chess-rules) 2022-01-26T20:04:19Z ** ** ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/01/26/2022-01-26t15-04-19-0500) 2022-01-27T21:11:21Z ** Notes on 6502 Assembly **
The [NES](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_Entertainment_System) runs a very slightly modified [6502 processor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MOS_Technology_6502). What follows are some very introductory, and not at all exhaustive notes on 6502 Assembly, or ASM.

If you find this at all interesting, [Easy 6502](https://skilldrick.github.io/easy6502/) is a really great introductory primer on 6502 Assembly that lets you get your hands dirty right from a web browser.

## Numbers

Numbers pre ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/01/27/notes-on-6502-assembly) 2022-01-30T19:50:33Z ** **
![A young child sits in tall snow, looking at the shadow their mittened hand casts.](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/97AE66D5-1716-42E4-9E4D-2F5607FA8DCC.png) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/01/30/2022-01-30-14-50-33) 2022-01-31T20:36:05Z ** What is an addressing mode? **
In a [recent post](https://eli.li/2022/01/27/notes-on-6502-assembly) I referenced addressing modes. But what the heck are they!?

## Setting the stage

The instruction register holds the program instruction that is currently being run.

A fixed number of bits within the instruction register represent the operation, e.g. “op. code” — examples of these instructions include things like add, subtract, load, and store. We can imagine the instruction register like this:

[![ASCII diagram of ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/01/31/what-is-an-addressing-mode) 2022-02-21T21:10:52Z ** **
![A child runs out of frame. Behind their retreating form a fairy fort with pine bow flooring.](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/FullSizeRender (1).png)

From where to what? ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/02/21/2022-02-21-16-10-52) 2022-02-24T05:00:00Z ** 2022-02-24 feature/6.0 Android test plan **
## Overview

Will test the upgrade path from a known state to new version to ensure that settings and app state are maintained during upgrade process.

V. 6.0 of libro.fm android app introduces an entirely new local database. This testing is focused on ensuring that local data remains intact between versions.

## Notes

This evening I was mostly focused on setting up a successful build of feature/6.0 on my test device or the emulator. So far, no dice. My next ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/02/24/2022-02-24-feature/6-0-android-test-plan) 2022-03-13T23:04:38Z ** **
![Close up of seed pods](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_6166.png)

Signs of spring ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/03/13/2022-03-13-19-04-38) 2022-03-13T23:03:18Z ** **
![A kiddo in winter gear looking at a birch poly pore mushroom](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_6170.png)

Birch poly pore. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/03/13/2022-03-13-19-03-18) 2022-04-29T13:15:28Z ** **
In reply to: [~karlen](http://tilde.town/~karlen/)

I was recently introduced to this series by @dozens where blogposts that are at least a year old and feature the phrase“no one will ever read this but” are read allowed…and…it is remarkable. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/04/29/i-was-recently-introduced-to-this-series-by-dozens-where-blogposts-that-are-at-least-a-year-old-and) 2022-05-02T01:24:55Z ** **
![A red-tailed hawk with wings outstretched to keep its balance while perched on a peek branch of a tall pine tree.](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/imageproxy (1).png)

An unexpected visitor came to the tree in our neighbor’s yard today. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/05/1/2022-05-01-21-24-55) 2022-05-13T12:20:00Z ** My programming language odyssey **
While I wouldn’t say I’m wicked adept at any one language, I’ve dipped my toes into many different languages. Here, I try to roughly recreate my programming language journey.

### I can make websitez gud; HTML, CSS/SASS, JavaScript > CoffeeScript > TypeScript, and PHP

The web. A marvel, a terror. I started here, more out of ease of access than necessity, but was able to get far enough to make a career out of web dev. I should also add SQL to this list.

[Elm](https://elm-lang ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/05/13/my-programming-language-odyssey) 2022-05-15T12:39:01Z ** **
![Screenshot of Pocket Forth running on Mac OS System 7.](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_6662.png)

I’m toying with the idea of becoming a full time Mac OS System 7 developer. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/05/15/2022-05-15-08-39-01) 2022-05-22T18:27:00Z ** That one time when Buffy the Vampire Slayer maybe saved my life? **
A secret pleasure of mine in high school was getting home before my parents and watching 30 - 60 minutes of TV. I technically wasn’t allowed to do it, but I suspect they new I snuck this time whenever I could.

My favorite show to watch in this secreted me-time was _Buffy the Vampire Slayer_. Of all the episodes 3 have stuck with me the longest — the musical one…because of course…and the a pair of episodes;“I Was ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/05/22/that-one-time-when-buffy-the-vampire-slayer-maybe-saved-my-life) 2022-06-26T03:06:12Z ** **
In reply to: [Oatmeal - That one time when Buffy the Vampire Slayer maybe saved my life?](https://eli.li/2022/05/22/that-one-time-when-buffy-the-vampire-slayer-maybe-saved-my-life)

After giving my brain bleed time to heal the neurosurgeon called me back in to hospital; the plan was to reassess, attempt to fix it using the minimally invasive technique that they tried once before, and if that didn’t work, do something a bit more squidgy dir ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/06/25/after-giving-my-brain-bleed-time-to-heal-the-neurosurgeon-called-me-back-in-to-hospital-the-plan-was) 2022-06-26T10:49:15Z ** **
![A large cat lying on the sill of an open window. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/23BA2FC9-DEFE-4C16-AE10-490F23250F1A.png) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/06/26/2022-06-26-06-49-15) 2022-07-02T14:42:53Z ** **
![A toddler picks some snap peas with a stuffed hippo in tow.](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_0387.png)

🌱🦛 ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/07/2/2022-07-02-10-42-53) 2022-07-06T14:01:53Z ** Lamination for a lost explorer **
I remember the days when [Kicks Condor](https://www.kickscondor.com) used to update regularly. I miss those days.

For a while every post seemed to unearth some new, yet weirder corner of the little internet (maybe not yet the smol web).

There are folks doing similar web archeology…I do some of it myself…but no one does it like Kicks was doing it; there was often a feeling of unknown, but ulterior motive behind the curation — bits building towards a cohesive something.

Perhaps ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/07/6/lamination-for-a-lost-explorer) 2022-07-09T12:42:18Z ** **
In reply to: [A simple mess](https://idiomdrottning.org/a-simple-mess)

> This is also something people keep getting wrong about Markdown as originally presented. Markdown isn’t a format. It’s a convenience tool that helps you write some of the boringest and commonest parts of HTML easier, and you can easily drop into more wonky HTML at any time.

Yes yes yes yes yes yes! ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/07/9/this-is-also-something-people-keep-getting-wrong-about-markdown-as-originally-presented) 2022-07-09T15:48:32Z ** **
![Toddler holding a stuffy wanders by a community garden nestled into the edge of some woods.](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/F8755BC7-6B7E-4774-870E-A4FF74EB4F2F.png) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/07/9/2022-07-09-11-48-32) 2022-07-10T19:48:32Z ** **
In reply to: [episode 8](https://tilde.town/~dozens/podcast/2022-07-12-episode-8-eli.html)

👋 Oh hai!

I was interviewed on a podcast! ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/07/10/%F0%9F%91%8B-oh-hai) 2022-08-20T22:23:28Z ** **
![Red headed child in a romper walking along a wooded path.](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_7327.png) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/08/20/2022-08-20-18-23-28) 2022-08-20T23:46:07Z ** Miscellaneous this and that **
Since my brain injury (which I’ve since learned can be called an“ABI” or“acquired brain injury”) I’ve noticed that I have trouble focusing on programming tasks; I’m able to do what I need to do for work and family but, when it comes time for hobby projects I’m just gloop. Totally oozy.

Because of that I’ve been drawn to do more reading and game playing, but also still wanna code…I’ve found that it is easier to use more“batteries included” kinda languages, namely scheme, over what I’d ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/08/20/miscellaneous-this-and-that) 2022-08-25T21:51:58Z ** **
![Two kids, brothers, playing together at a small picnic table.](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/761F3AAB-64CE-462B-B565-ED3D1E70AAA6.png) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/08/25/2022-08-25-17-51-58) 2022-09-28T19:00:07Z ** week notes **
Am I allowed to call them“week notes” if I don’t do them weekly?

I went in for what was supposed to be my final brain scan, a diagnostic angiogram (don’t look that up). The good news is that the repair has officially cured my brain bleed! The bad news is that they saw another vessel that looks primed to bleed; I’m due for another repair procedure sometime in October. I’m pretty bummed to not be done with this ordeal, but trying to remain optimistic that this new one was caught before it bled and because the surgeon s ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/09/28/week-notes) 2022-10-03T10:58:45Z ** **
![A family looks down at a gigantic amonita mushroom.](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_5235.png)

We found a big mushroom. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/10/3/2022-10-03-06-58-45) 2022-10-11T01:14:45Z ** uxn laboratory **
As I look to [assembly nights 2](https://ratfactor.com/assembly-nights2), and think of trying my own take on it, I wanna have a cozy space ready to play with [uxn](https://100r.co/site/uxn.html).

The setup I’ve landed on is sort of inspired by [plan9port](https://9fans.github.io/plan9port/).

## Prepare the way

- in home directory, create a`u` directory
- in`u` clone `uxn` and build it
- add`~/u/uxn/` to your path as `$UXN`
- add`$UXN/bin` to your path
- moving forward we’ll put any and all`*.rom` files into ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/10/10/uxn-laboratory) 2022-10-12T03:28:45Z ** uxn exit **
This evening I sat down on the couch sleepy. We’d just gotten the kids into bed. I hadn’t planned on writing any code but figured I’d round the evening out with some reading.

First I read through the docs and glossary of [uf](http://www.call-with-current-continuation.org/uf/README), a forth system for uxn. Then I read through an [example program](https://gitlab.com/b2495/uf/-/blob/master/examples/bounce.f) provided by uf.

…with my palette whetted I [re-visited some other forth documentation](https://eli.li/_assets/bin/P ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/10/11/uxn-exit) 2022-11-14T20:57:45Z ** Occasional notes **
If they aren’t weekly, I guess they’re occasional?

3rd repair procedure to fix brain bleed was a success. I have a few more scans and follow ups, but, _knock wood_ I think I’m through at this point.

I’ve spent about a week laying low and taking it easy navigating some wild pain, but that is subsiding now. I watched a bunch of stuff. It was a nice change of pace. I don’t typically watch much television or many movies. Stand outs (all things I revisited) include:

- _Michael Clayton_
- _Point Break_, the o ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/11/14/occasional-notes) 2022-11-16T11:38:00Z ** **
![Brothers hugging. Littlest one is holding a toy wooden camera. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/661BF0FF-24EE-45EE-8D65-12CF50F503E1.png)

Happy birthday hugs ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/11/16/2022-11-16-06-38-00) 2022-11-17T00:13:13Z ** **
In reply to: [Oatmeal - My programming language odyssey](https://eli.li/2022/05/13/my-programming-language-odyssey)

A while ago someone asked what I liked about the programming languages I like — forth and lisp specifically.

I’ve noodled on it for a bit now, and I think the reason I like forth and scheme and other languages with something like a repl is because when I start a new project I’m dropped right into the entire language and t ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/11/16/a-while-ago-someone-asked-what-i-liked-about-the-programming-languages-i-like-%E2%80%94-forth-and-lisp) 2022-11-21T22:06:37Z ** **
In reply to: [chreke's blog - Little Languages Are The Future Of Programming](https://chreke.com/little-languages.html)

> The idea is that as you start to find patterns in your application, you can encode them in a little language—this language would then allow you to express these patterns in a more compact manner than would be possible by other means of abstraction. Not only could this buck the trend of ever-growing applications, it would ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/11/21/the-idea-is-that-as-you-start-to-find-patterns-in-your-application-you-can-encode-them-in-a-little) 2022-11-23T23:43:25Z ** **
![Image shows a large wooden troll standing in the woods illuminated by twinkle lights. A parent and kid stand at the feet of the troll. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/C6F77F90-E345-496F-B4FF-B85411957470.png)

We visited a troll in the woods this evening. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/11/23/2022-11-23-18-43-25) 2022-12-10T01:11:00Z ** December adventure **
Over the past couple years I’ve done the [advent of code](https://adventofcode.com/2022/about) to varying degrees. I thought I was going to do it again this year but decided to try something different. I’ve been calling what came together a“ [December Adventure](https://git.tilde.institute/elioat/december-2022/about/).”

It isn’t anything fancy; throughout December I aim to write a little bit of code everyday. So far I’ve written a bit of apl, bash, elisp, explored a bunch of flavors of scheme, and star ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/12/9/december-adventure) 2022-12-10T15:20:30Z ** **
![A large orange cat basks in the sunlight next to a red door. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/9D0EB90B-D874-46BD-80CC-291C360153C6.png) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/12/10/2022-12-10-10-20-30) 2022-12-15T01:06:00Z ** Thoughts on accessibility in smol computing **
What follows is my attempt to spark a conversation in a few converging, but separate communities I lurk in.

I’ve already had a bunch of amazing conversations around this topic with a lot of people. Those conversations helped to shape what follows. Thanks to everyone who was willing to think this stuff through with me.

Before I get into it I want to say at the top this isn’t meant as an accusation against anyone in these communities, nor the goals of t ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/12/14/thoughts-on-accessibility-in-smol-computing) 2022-12-30T15:30:00Z ** I read some books in 2022, and have some thoughts about computer science writing **
At the start of this year I set out to revive my long dead reading habit. After having kids it fell by the wayside. I’ve read 41 books so far this year. Mostly a mix of science fiction and nonfiction computer science books. [Here’s the complete list of everything I’ve read](http://eli.li/_assets/bin/2022-reading-list.txt). I’ve got mixed feelings about keeping track and sharing cou ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2022/12/30/i-read-some-books-in-2022-and-have-some-thoughts-about-computer-science-writing) 2023-01-16T23:40:08Z ** **
![A dithered image of a cat sleeping on a window seat. The window is surrounded by fairy lights, and a felt, dinosaur mobile hangs next to the window. It’s snowing outside. The cat appears peaceful, but in reality is an asshole whom I love dearly. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/EBB49C9B-3ED5-4A30-A2E3-30D9D4201A30.png)

Snorlax leaning into the whole vibe of her namesake. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/01/16/2023-01-16-18-40-08) 2023-02-05T20:50:10Z ** **
![Dithered image of a large cat with tufted ears sitting in a laundry basket. The basket has colorful play silks woven into it. The cat has a vacant, empty expression on its face. It’s 11 neurons are all firing, desperately trying to keep up with the pace of life. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_8199.png)

“I’m on a boat.” ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/02/5/2023-02-05-15-50-10) 2023-02-05T23:02:00Z ** week notes **
It got a [wee bit cold here in Maine](https://www.pressherald.com/2023/02/04/extreme-cold-breaks-created-frost-quakes-in-northern-maine/) this weekend. It was thankfully uneventful for us. We hung around inside and watched it get real cold outside. Our home faired pretty well, too. Honestly pleasantly surprised about that!

We picked this weekend to go all in on potty training — pantsless days, treats, rousing bouts of encouragement sung, and a lot of spot cleaning. Fueled by hubris, I thought we had this potty trainin ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/02/5/week-notes) 2023-02-07T12:34:39Z ** **
![Dithered image of a large cat with tufted ears sitting inside of and partially on top of a wooden play house. The cat is looking directing at the viewer and appears to be angry, angry at you, the universe, and all things in between. The cat is not happy. Behind the cat is a wall covered in Charlie Harper bird decals. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_8220.png)

“I am Batman.” ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/02/7/2023-02-07-07-34-39) 2023-02-07T14:47:48Z ** **
In reply to: [Oatmeal - week notes](https://eli.li/2023/02/5/week-notes)

The worst kind of blogging is blogging about blogging, so, I’ll keep this blogging about blogging short!

I’ve made some minor updates to the design of the website that have improved it’s usability a wee bit, and are a step in the right direction toward upping my accessibility game. The major remaining accessibility issues are around color contrast and some structura ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/02/7/the-worst-kind-of-blogging-is-blogging-about-blogging-so-i-ll-keep-this-blogging-about-blogging-short) 2023-02-11T23:44:00Z ** Accessibility updates **
I’m feeling pretty chuffed! [Last week](https://eli.li/2023/02/5/week-notes) I wrote about my intention to make this website more accessible. My motivations were many-fold, but, primarily, mostly shame. I’ve worked as an accessibility specialist in the past, and now spend a bunch of my days at work looking for ways to make public infrastructure online more accessible. It seemed fitting to at least make sure the little bit I contribute to the web here is also accessible.

I thought it was going t ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/02/11/accessibility-updates) 2023-02-16T18:30:00Z ** Accessibility and the product person **
This post is a slightly modified version of a talk I presented to the product practice at my work. It presents a few ways that product designers and managers can help to move accessibility forward. It is a little bit different than what I normally share, here, but, I thought it may be interesting to some folks.

* * *

[![Picture of a slide with the title “Why though?” It also includes a quote from Kat Holmes’ book Mismatch. The quote reads: “There are many challeng ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/02/16/accessibility-and-the-product-person) 2023-02-18T13:58:00Z ** Moon maker **
I recently re-read [Peter Naur’s“Programming as theory building”](https://gist.github.com/onlurking/fc5c81d18cfce9ff81bc968a7f342fb1). Afterwards I set out to write my own [text editor](https://texteditors.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl). The paper posits that it’s really hard, if not impossible, to fully communicate about a program and sort of gestures at the futility of documentation…what spun around inside my head as I read was that our primary programming medium — text files — is silly. Like, some folks would totally 100% s ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/02/18/moon-maker) 2023-02-20T15:18:00Z ** Ideas for making accessibility and equity a core part of the software development lifecycle **
In [accessibility and the product person](https://eli.li/2023/02/16/accessibility-and-the-product-person) I said

> we need to make accessibility a core part of our processes

Here, I want to talk about that in more detail. I want to briefly explore what making accessibility a part of core processes looks like, and how that is different from centering access ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/02/20/ideas-for-making-accessibility-and-equity-a-core-part-of-the-software-development-lifecycle) 2023-02-25T15:56:00Z ** week notes **
I’ve been experimenting. I’ve been concocting a recipe for vegan kugel, and rediscovering little features and edges of my website I’d forgotten I baked in. Like chocolate chips hidden in an oatmeal raisin cookie.

**One chip most recently re-discovered:** support for per-page custom styles?! All I gotta do is include an optional bit of meta data, `bespoke-css`, that points to a style sheet. I may play with this feature more. I do love myself some css. I can tell exactly when in my life I added this feature because th ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/02/25/week-notes) 2023-03-31T20:49:00Z ** week notes **
Some things of note, links mostly:

First and foremost, I found a suitable pinboard replacement in [link hut](https://ln.ht/~eli)! Shout outs to my buddy Bruno for the tip.

Here’s a bookmarklet I wrote to make it a bit more ergonomic for how I like to roll,

```hljs javascript
javascript:(function () {
 const tags = prompt('A space separated list of tags.' ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/03/31/week-notes) 2023-04-21T12:37:00Z ** of array programming, lightsabers and some thoughts on permacomputing **
A bit of this and that, some kind of mishmosh.

Over the last few weeks I’ve been reading a lot about array programming systems like J, K, Q, APL, and BQN. I’ve been intending to add a page to the [wiki](https://eli.li/wiki) about them, but havent gotten to that yet. Consider this a little promise that I’ll do that sometime soon. I’m interested in array programming less because I think it’s particularl ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/04/21/of-array-programming-lightsabers-and-some-thoughts-on-permacomputing) 2023-05-06T19:25:58Z ** 📸 Photo **
![A dithered image shows a young child with long hair standing on the rocky coast, looking out at the sea. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_8902.png)

First afternoon at the beach this year! ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/05/6/2023-05-06-15-25-58) 2023-05-28T16:58:00Z ** week notes **
Last year I set out to [rekindle my reading habit](https://eli.li/reading-lists). That went well. This year’s reading has been enjoyable, but I’m not cozy with the ratio of non-fiction to fiction I’ve read this year…non-fiction (especially of the computing persuasion) far out balances the fiction I’ve read. I think this is mostly because I’ve been mired amidst a fiction book that I’ve found to be a slog…but enjoyable, too. I’d have abandoned it and moved on, elsewise. Onward!

Spring is quickly making way to summer h ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/05/28/week-notes) 2023-06-16T21:56:00Z ** of vast distances, connection over them, and being made to feel alone; of water catchment, soil, and bits **
[Anomie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anomie), a word for your consideration.

The [dictionary of cyborg anthropology](http://www.cyborganthropology.com/Anomie) defines anomie, in part, with this anecdote:

> In everyday life, the modern vehicle and the daily commute is one of the most isolated moments an urban human can experience. T ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/06/16/of-vast-distances-connection-over-them-and-being-made-to-feel-alone-of-water-catchment-soil-and-bits) 2023-06-19T17:53:07Z ** 📸 Photo **
![Close up image shows some budding, bunched flowers in a large meadow.](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_9340.png) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/06/19/2023-06-19-13-53-07) 2023-06-25T22:57:00Z ** summer's lease hath all too short a date **
[After the excitement of last summer](https://eli.li/2022/05/22/that-one-time-when-buffy-the-vampire-slayer-maybe-saved-my-life) I was hopeful for a chill one this year. So far, so good.

![A jumble of bikes lay on the ground in front of 2 overgrown sheds in various states of disrepair.](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/mdi-summer-vibes/2023/bikes.JPG)

We visited the island where we used to live and started our family. We saw a few friends, and visited some fa ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/06/25/summers-lease-hath-all-too-short-a-date) 2023-09-05T00:20:00Z ** Updates from the end of summer **
Today was the last _real_ day of summer for us. Tomorrow the kids go back to school.

![A long-haired child in a brightly colored water shirt kicks an oncoming wave, they’re suspended in mid-air, surrounded by water droplets.](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/01-summer-23-small.JPG)

You know those last few weeks before the dark of autumn — the ones that hold the last bursts of summer? Those days where you try to squeeze in as many chill summer vibes as humanly possible?

I’ve bee ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/09/4/updates-from-the-end-of-summer) 2023-09-10T14:43:02Z ** 📸 Photo **
![A photograph of the night sky. 1 star is visible towards the top of the frame. Below the star is a branching bolt of lightening. The lightening shows some trees and a house in silhouette. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_3775.png)

We’ve had some very dramatic thunderstorms the last few evenings. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/09/10/2023-09-10-10-43-02) 2023-09-23T12:15:53Z ** 📸 Photo **
![A dithered photograph of the grand lobby at the union station hotel in St. Louis, Missouri. There is a very large, arched ceiling, decorated with a mixture of deco and Nuevo modern ornimentation and filigrees. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_0511.png) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/09/23/2023-09-23-08-15-53) 2023-10-17T14:00:00Z ** **
Political speech is something I shy away from. But, of course, that is political.

Sometimes there are things that you can’t ignore. There are, perhaps, many such things…right now there is one that I’m particularly close to, close enough that I am made to look because I am in some way directly implicated in it.

I am Jewish. I was raised so, and live so today.

Being raised a Jew I was constantly taught to“never forget.”

There seems to have been a forgetting.

A genocide is being perpetrated against Palestinians. I r ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/10/17/2023-10-17-10-00-00) 2023-10-23T22:59:08Z ** 📸 Photo **
![A tree in a cemetery. It is autumn, and the ground is littered in damp leaves. The tree is covered in red-orange leaves.](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_0870.png) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/10/23/2023-10-23-18-59-08) 2023-12-08T19:05:00Z ** an approximately programmer-shaped person **
I was recently interviewed by [Manu](https://manuelmoreale.com/pb-eli-mellen) for his _People and Blogs_ series! It was a great honor to be suggested by [Piper](https://piperhaywood.com) for that, and I had a blast responding to all of Manu’s questions.

The [December Adventure](https://eli.li/december-adventure) is in full swing. There are so many fun adventure logs this year. I’ve been mostly focusing on building toys with [Decker](https://beyondloom.com/ ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/12/8/an-approximately-programmer-shaped-person) 2023-12-10T19:15:35Z ** 📸 Photo **
![Photograph shows a young child in a purple winter coat, a beanie and fuzzy mittens holding a dog’s leash walking in a cemetery. It’s pretty foggy. The child and the dog both face away from the camera so that we see both of their backs. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_1198.png)

Soggy winter ambling. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/12/10/2023-12-10-14-15-35) 2023-12-18T05:00:00Z ** Accessibility-first **
Whereas _mobile-first_ design and development invited folks to think more expansively about the physical reality of the _devices_ people use, **accessibility-first design and development invites folks to think more expansively about the lived experiences, and physical reality of actual people.** ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/12/18/accessibility-first) 2023-12-25T21:34:16Z ** 📸 Photo **
![A photograph showing two children in light winter kit walking down to the ocean. It is very foggy out, making the ocean hard to see. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_1296.png) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/12/25/2023-12-25-16-34-16) 2023-12-25T21:32:46Z ** 📸 Photo **
![A photograph taken from the center of a pedestrian bridge over a tidal river outlet looking out to sea. It is very foggy so that you can’t see all the way to the ocean which is about a quarter of a mile in the distance. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_1325.png)

Foggy Christmas adventuring ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2023/12/25/2023-12-25-16-32-46) 2024-01-01T15:05:00Z ** New year **
The last weeks of 2023 have been very enjoyable. Other than having to deal with a cascade of car issues, there’s been a lot of time to hang out with the partner and kids, wander around outside, and poke at fun personal projects…and I mean, work, too, but…you know.

The other evening I pulled together a fun Markov chain toy. It isn’t anything fancy, but I wanted the ability to feed a madlib style script to the program and have it use that as a template to fill in. The resulting program is [beak](https://git.sr.ht/~eli_oat/beak) and ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/new-year) 2024-01-07T21:30:00Z ** A scrappy fiddle **
![A screen recording of a teeny tiny browser window. The window starts by displaying a grey surface with a subtle white grid on top of it. A computer cursor moves around, occasionally it clicks to open a context menu that lists 3 choices, “circle, square, triangle.” When the cursor selects a shape that shape is inscribed within that grid cell.](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/toad-mode.gif)

I’ve had fun playing at implementing a very basic visual programming system over the last few days. I like the direction I’ve s ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/a-scrappy-fiddle) 2024-01-10T01:43:49Z ** 📸 Photo **
![A majestic, magnificent, teeny tiny White-throated Sparrow perched on an even teeny tinier branch. It is winter. It is grey. It is cold. The bird is royalty. A sovereign among fathered beasts. None know more regent a beast — Gloriana, but a dinosaur-footed, be-feathered friend.](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/A38DB88F-33BE-4D65-920D-6D006334C281.png)

Break thrones; build tables. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2024-01-09-20-43-49) 2024-01-13T14:07:37Z ** 📸 Photo **
![The sun struck yellow rain boots of a kid, haphazardly left in the hall by a bright yellow wall. The floor is made of brick.](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_1090.png)

It’s been very damp. It was, however, recently sunny for a bit. Here is the proof of the sun’s continued existence. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2024-01-13-09-07-37) 2024-01-14T21:30:00Z ** Arkady Martine and Virginia Woolf **
As an undergrad and a grad student I was obsessed with Virginia Woolf. Woolf’s writings appeared in my citations pretty much regardless of the class or subject area I was writing on.

I have [recently finished reading](https://eli.li/2024-reading-list) an engaging and lovely novel by Arkady Martine,“A Memory Called Empire.” Of course, I was excited to pick up the sequel, but, also, I had this feeling, this Woolf’s scent — I’ve always felt that Woolf’s nonfiction was more lucid and p ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/arkady-martine-and-virginia-woolf) 2024-02-05T02:45:00Z ** Two good stories **
I just finished reading [The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Adventures_of_Amina_al-Sirafi). I loved it. [When I finished](https://eli.li/arkady-martine-and-virginia-woolf) A Memory Called Empire I assumed it’d be my most favorite book of the year — it has already been unseated!? I mean, if I kept track of favorites. As I finished The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi I immediately wanted more, so looked to see if there is a sequel (alas, no (or not yet, I hope!?)). I’ve got a gigantic l ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/two-good-stories) 2024-02-15T01:20:00Z ** Valentines, patron saint of bees, plague, and sushi **
Hot on the heals of [recently being interviewed by Manu](https://eli.li/an-approximately-programmer-shaped-person), I was [interviewed by Kristen Foster-Marks](https://www.pluralsight.com/resources/blog/leadership/voices-of-developer-thriving-eli-mellen) from the [Developer Success Lab](https://www.pluralsight.com/developer-success-lab). It was a lot of fun! We had a wide ranging conversation, but often came back around to the importance of“learning ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/valentines-patron-saint-of-bees-plague-and-sushi) 2024-02-16T17:44:57Z ** 📸 Photo **
![A fuzzy silver and black cat lazily lounges on a yellow couch. Its grinch paw draped over its face. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_1752.png) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2024-02-16-12-44-57) 2024-02-16T17:43:50Z ** 📸 Photo **
![A black and white dog sleeps tightly curled in a small patch of sun dappling down through a window on to a yellow couch. Behind the couch a bunch of drawings made by kids are adhered to the wall. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_1747.png) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2024-02-16-12-43-50) 2024-02-21T20:53:27Z ** In reply to: Scaling accessibility beyond compliance at VA.gov through community and culture - Ad Hoc **
In reply to: [Scaling accessibility beyond compliance at VA.gov through community and culture - Ad Hoc](https://adhoc.team/2024/02/21/scaling-a11y-va/)

> If“accessibility as compliance” is a staircase where outcomes are restricted to the normative limitations of the law, Accessibility Beyond Compliance is an exponential curve. It isn’t limited to fulfilling legal constraints, and we can use it to explore, understand, and b ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/reply-2024-02-21-15-53-27) 2024-04-09T00:37:26Z ** 📸 Photo **
![Photograph of an eclipse during totality. The image is all black, with a black disc obscure the hallow of the sun.](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_9387.png)

Solar eclipse from Kingsfield, Maine. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2024-04-08-20-37-26) 2024-04-15T00:30:00Z ** books, the end of winter, video games and javascript **
Since my last update I’ve [read a handful of books](https://eli.li/2024-reading-list). Some standout reads include Tales from Earthsea, The Other Wind and The Left Hand of Darkness, all by Ursula K. Le Guin. I’d read them all before, accepted for The Other Wind. I thought I’d read The Other Wind, but hadn’t! Chaos: Making a New Science by James Gleick was also a fun read. I liked it for the rabbit holes it invited me down; I’ve been thinking a lot ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/books-the-end-of-winter-video-games-and-javascript) 2024-04-18T23:10:23Z ** 📸 Photo **
![A male yellow rumped warbler showing off its dashing blue plumage and big old blue rump.](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_9609.png) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2024-04-18-19-10-23) 2024-05-11T12:34:44Z ** 📸 Photo **
![A photograph looking up at the night sky. Sheets of aurora are visible across the sky in bands of green and purple. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_2241.png) ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2024-05-11-08-34-44) 2024-05-17T12:00:00Z ** Astronomical occurrences **
In the span of two posts here I’ve witnessed two astronomical events! First the [total solar eclipse](https://eli.li/2024-04-08-20-37-26), and then more recently the [aurora borealis](https://eli.li/2024-05-11-08-34-44). Both were amazing, especially the aurora. I’d never seen either before and both were pretty incredible to behold.

I left my old job at the start of the month, and, after a few days off, I’ve started a new one! I’m really excited for this one, though around day two the anxiety and im ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/astronomical-occurrences) 2024-06-21T02:27:00Z ** The story of life **
Or at least the story of life as I implemented it in swift recently as a little learning project because I haven’t written any swift since walking away from mobile dev a few years ago (no regrets)!

* * *

First there was the universe! Well, first there was some requisite boilerplate, but then there was the universe! A 2 dimensional grid, an array of 10 columns and 10 rows.

```hljs swift
import Foundation

let rows: Int “It’s hard for a hungry man to swager”

This line from The Tale of Thorleif Earl’s Poet has gotta be one of the greatest lines from all of Icelandic saga literature. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2024-07-22-16-28-40) 2024-08-10T01:00:00Z ** I wrote some APL at work and I like historical fiction **
This summer my oldest kid — 8 years old — asked to learn more about programming. They’ve already got about a full time job’s worth of experience with Minecraft’s red stone, Super Mario Maker 2, Logo, and Scratch so I knew we weren’t starting from nil, but, despite having done a bit of teaching about programming with kids in the past, I hemmed and hawed. After hemming and hawing for a bit, though, I realized that I was hemming and hawing abou ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/i-wrote-some-apl-at-work-and-i-like-historical-fiction) 2024-08-11T14:13:00Z ** Dithering the Shire **
In my last [post](https://eli.li/i-wrote-some-apl-at-work-and-i-like-historical-fiction) I said that

> I’ve had a few ideas for other personal experiments I wanna build on those walks, but haven’t actually wanted to do much programming — maybe this fall or winter will be a good time for that?

Welp, it wasn’t even an idea when I wrote that, but I made another implementation of [pico cam](https://smallandnearlysilent.com/pico-cam/), this time using swift for iOS. I won’t release it to the App Store because I d ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/dithering-the-shire) 2024-08-16T23:31:43Z ** 📸 Photo **
![Two children sit next to each other on a path in the woods. They’re surrounded by dense brush, and conifers. There’s a lot of hanging old man’s beard all around. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_3116.png)

We took a boat to a teeny tiny island called Bean Island. We walked around the entire edge of the island’s rocky coastline.

There were some gloriously regal looking black backed gulls along the shore, as well as a pair of juvenile bald eagles who were making hilariously squeaky noises. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2024-08-16-19-31-43) 2024-08-17T21:28:06Z ** 📸 Photo **
![A photograph of a rocky coastline leading to the Atlantic Ocean. Beyond a large stretch of water is a point of land. There are some big fluffy clouds above it all.](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_3197.png)

Rocky shore. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2024-08-17-17-28-06) 2024-08-18T21:28:20Z ** 📸 Photo **
![Two young children in sweaters and shorts, each with reddish hair and white skin sit on a large granite rock by the Atlantic Ocean. They’re looking out to sea. It is fairly foggy. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_3242.png)

Summer vibing, fog horn whooping. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2024-08-18-17-28-20) 2024-08-19T01:20:00Z ** Evidently I've become a guy what that makes camera apps? **
I really like the unpredictable depth of field and color handling of single-use cameras. The day before we left for a little vacation to down east Maine I wrote [another](https://smallandnearlysilent.com/pico-cam/) weird little camera app, [lut cam](https://smallandnearlysilent.com/lut-cam/). Lut cam attempts to simulate some of the aspects of a single-use camera by allowing you to apply color profiles to the raw image produced by a devic ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/evidently-i-ve-become-a-guy-what-that-makes-camera-apps) 2024-08-20T19:50:57Z ** 📸 Photo **
![Two young children in swim things are next to each other in the surface. They’re jumping over a small, crashing wave. Above them an overcast sky stretches waaaaaay out to sea. There’s some sea weed out on the drying sand, because the tied is going out. ](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_3286.png)

Home beach. Last day of vacation for me. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2024-08-20-15-50-57) 2024-08-23T21:50:00Z ** You, and me, and the HTML5 canvas, pixel art, and quest logs **
As we start to round out the summer I haven’t been reading as much, so I don’t have much to report on that front, but I have been keeping busy!

I made yet another pixel art drawing tool, [pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel pixel](https://smallandnearlysilent.com/pixel/) allows folks to draw chonky pixel art creations on pretty much any sized canvas. This was fun to make. I’ve spent _so_ much time with the HTML5 canvas lately that I’m rea ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/you-and-me-and-the-html5-canvas-pixel-art-and-quest-logs) 2024-09-01T22:10:00Z ** September summer **
I finished [reading](https://eli.li/2024-reading-list) Robin Sloan’s [_Moonbound_](https://www.robinsloan.com/moonbound/) today. It was fun, and light. The blurb likens it to _Narnia_, and, while a bold claim, I think that was a correct assertion, but more about the intended audience than the book’s subject matter. If a sequel is ever written I’d most certainly give it a look. It seems like a great gift book for a kid between like 8 and 15…or you know, perhaps, anyone who likes fun stories that aren’t scared of bein ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/september-summer) 2024-09-02T14:45:00Z ** Reshape, in JavaScript and APL **
In [APL](https://eli.li/array-programming) the rho, `⍴`, called [reshape](https://aplwiki.com/wiki/Reshape) is used to both construct arrays of a given shape (dimensionality), and to reconfigure arrays into new shapes.

Sometimes I wish I had reshape in [JavaScript](https://eli.li/js-love)…so I wrote it!

Here are two functions that, when combined, a la Captain Planet, can stand in for APL’s reshape in JavaScript.

Ravel is the simpler of the two, it takes an array of any dimension and ret ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/reshape-in-javascript-and-apl) 2024-09-02T19:15:00Z ** Constants, variable assignment, and pointers **
After [reading my last post](https://eli.li/reshape-in-javascript-and-apl), a friend asked an interesting question that I thought would also be fun to write about!

They noted that in the `reshape` function I declared the variable `result` as a constant. They asked if this was a mistake? Because I was resigning the value iteratively, shouldn’t it be declared using `let`?

What is happening there is that the constant is being declared as an array, so the reference ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/constants-variable-assignment-and-pointers) 2024-09-03T23:45:00Z ** A playground for sharing scrappy fiddles **
I shared some snippets of [JavaScript](https://eli.li/reshape-in-javascript-and-apl) in a recent blog post and was wicked irked that I didn’t have an easy way to share interactive code on my own thing…so… [I made a totally static JavaScript playground for running little experiments and sharing scrappy fiddles!](https://smallandnearlysilent.com/playground/)

It is pretty simple — it allows folks to enter and run JavaScript, includes a console so you can easily log thing ... ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/a-playground-for-sharing-scrappy-fiddles) 2024-09-08T19:09:40Z ** 📸 Photo **
![Two kids in shorts and sweaters standing on a lumpy rock looking out over some Rosa Rugosa at the sea.](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_3573.png)

It is starting to smell like fall! ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2024-09-08-15-09-40) 2024-09-12T17:08:20Z ** 📸 Photo **
![A relatively close up photograph of many yellow and white flowers in a meadow. The sky is blue and the image is processed to have a warmer hue. It is out of focus.](https://eli.li/_assets/_images/ios/IMG_3618.png)

I had time to take a walk before running some errands and getting a flu shot and a Covid booster this morning. ⌘ [Read more](https://eli.li/2024-09-12-13-08-20)