# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is an automated Yarn.social feed running feeds v0.1.0@72e53a9 # Learn more about Yarn.social at https://yarn.social # # nick = amro # url = https://feeds.twtxt.net/amro/twtxt.txt # type = rss # source = https://strangeobject.space/@amro.rss # avatar = https://feeds.twtxt.net/amro/avatar.png#bnwgvetdqar5jxx3ey3isaqb3ybgnpz6ju7fsh2atnnxbhebftjq # description = Public posts from @amro@strangeobject.space # updated_at = 2024-09-13T07:03:30Z # 2024-04-06T15:17:21Z ****
The first warm day over here... And someone dragged his jembey to the skate ramp across the road...

The first 3 hours were fine. Fine! Okay!

But I'm losing my patience... after this sporadic encore every 15 minutes 6 hours later.

When I used to live at a large squatted terrain with loads of bonfire nights there was this rule that was enforced ruthlessly; Jembeys, drums and bongo's will be burned when played by the talentless or repetitive.

Practice at home! ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112224937048649634) 2024-04-06T06:49:53Z ****
I was so tired yesterday, coming home from seeing my SO for the first time after a couple of months 'cause she has been to ill for visits.

Stuck in traffic on friday afternoon...

I have fysio in an hour. And I don't know if it's a good idea.

[#LongCovid](https://strangeobject.space/tags/LongCovid) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112222941599154118) 2024-04-05T06:01:02Z ****
Good morning you all and a special good evening for [@melissabeartrix](https://aus.social/@melissabeartrix) who seems to be having a tiresome day. Hugs

I need to put the phone down and have that last little sleep before my alarm rings. ![:blobcatsleep:](https://files.strangeobject.space/custom_emojis/images/000/110/435/original/728fbbdc30740e6f.png) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112217087164528800) 2024-03-29T00:40:12Z ****
As it turns out, I was just a fediversity hire.

Sweet dreams everyone ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112176189423053057) 2024-03-27T21:33:39Z ****
Just saw (on tv) Baudet (FvD) threatening to punch Klaver (GL-PvdA) in the face for asking about his Russian financial ties.

Another highlight in Dutch politics ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112169793562860919) 2024-03-27T00:56:35Z ****
Oofff... ok, time to go to bed. Enjoy your farmersmarket on steroids, darling! ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112164929236000948) 2024-03-26T18:19:18Z ****
Just think about it! ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112163367052909198) 2024-03-25T19:19:23Z ****
[https://youtu.be/9knToyK-wUs?si=PBW98zN8kZqwuCfk](https://youtu.be/9knToyK-wUs?si=PBW98zN8kZqwuCfk) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112157940996047083) 2024-03-25T19:12:40Z ****
Today I found out they are organizing the actual Passion of Christ (the televised one) in my hometown.

They have been building massive stages in the town centre... Traffic is a mess.

The only thing making this bearable is, when all the tourists come and ask for directions. I can say 'Crucifiction? Crucifixtions are to the right. Yes? Good!'

[#ThePassion](https://strangeobject.space/tags/ThePassion) [#Easter](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Easter) [#LifeOfBrian](https://strangeobject.space/tags/LifeOfBrian) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112157914563703164) 2024-03-25T15:04:50Z ****
Yes 🥳 No drilling, pulling or pain.... Just critique. Don't talk about habit forming to an ADHD adult. It's not going to happen. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112156940045163415) 2024-03-25T12:22:19Z ****
Please dentist. Be kind to me. Really, sporadically I brush regularly.

Honest. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112156301030271369) 2024-03-24T21:04:24Z ****
I used to be creative...

flashing gif warning!

[#MadeIn2001](https://strangeobject.space/tags/MadeIn2001) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112152691641947823) 2024-03-24T16:48:21Z ****
I don't want to peel potatoes. But I must! They will feel wrath!

🥔 🥔 ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112151684784834712) 2024-03-24T10:13:41Z ****
I woke up late to an overload of [@yassie\_j](https://labyrinth.zone/users/yassie_j) in my timeline sprinkled with retro tech neon wave pixel art, the latest global doom, some meta fedi drama.

All interlaced with messages of kindness and hope.

My timeline is wonderful. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112150132926772596) 2024-03-19T23:27:13Z ****
Oops, I didn't do it again!


[#HashTagGames](https://strangeobject.space/tags/HashTagGames) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112124941645455287) 2024-03-19T19:32:43Z ****
Let's rage! Time for some Korn.

In a can.

[#Music](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Music) [#MashUp](https://strangeobject.space/tags/MashUp)

[https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=9C4ispSViPE&si=UybDsuNKRDGxcJBn](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=9C4ispSViPE&si=UybDsuNKRDGxcJBn) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112124019575169031) 2024-03-19T12:27:02Z ****
Which version exactly? ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112122345746881847) 2024-03-18T23:51:46Z ****
[@james](https://strangeobject.space/@james) You're awesome ![:Blobhaj_Hug:](https://files.strangeobject.space/custom_emojis/images/000/009/515/original/Blobhaj_Hug.png) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112119375887677260) 2024-03-17T09:41:26Z ****
Goodmeawing ! Getting Sunday morning headbutts.

[#CatsOfMastoden](https://strangeobject.space/tags/CatsOfMastoden) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112110369942283406) 2024-03-16T18:32:41Z ****
I am Slartibartfast and I condone this message.

[#HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy](https://strangeobject.space/tags/HitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy) [#Slartibartfast](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Slartibartfast) [#SlartibartfastForPresident](https://strangeobject.space/tags/SlartibartfastForPresident) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112106796586583726) 2024-04-07T12:52:37Z ****
I just looked at my tattered tarot deck and I wondered; Should there be a non-binary deck or a non-binary included version?

How would it influence readings?

[#NonBinary](https://strangeobject.space/tags/NonBinary) [#Tarot](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Tarot) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112230030241522156) 2024-04-07T14:51:48Z ****
I must look terrible. The youngest son of my Georgian neighbors (the one that tries very hard to cultivate a streetwise hustler attitude) carried my groceries for the last hundred meters.

Bless his hart. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112230498866198429) 2024-04-07T19:10:41Z ****
I thought it was pretty. Probably just saharan sand and pollution.

[#Sunset](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Sunset) [#Photography](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Photography) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112231516803966697) 2024-04-07T20:19:38Z ****
Whoa... I did some digging on the interwebs ( I watched three and halve video's on youtube); I got it all wrong or right, depending on which school of Tarot you follow.

The binary nature of Tarot cards comes from the positive or negative outcomes from the concept that a card represents. The fact that some cards have gendered names like "the Empress" or "the Emperor" doesn't mean the concepts they stand for are gendered. Unless you choose so.

And apparently this only about tarot de Marseille. Which is not commonl ... ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112231787924556280) 2024-04-07T22:41:02Z ****
Most starships go foomp! or phtoomp! coming out of ftl. Not Discovery. Discovery goes splat! like an open hand on the surface of the universe.

I like that.

[#SciFi](https://strangeobject.space/tags/SciFi) [#StarTrekShitposting](https://strangeobject.space/tags/StarTrekShitposting) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112232343965716443) 2024-04-07T23:44:35Z ****
You say eep. I say sleep.

[#CutCatsOfMastodon](https://strangeobject.space/tags/CutCatsOfMastodon) [#CaturdayEveryday](https://strangeobject.space/tags/CaturdayEveryday) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112232593858736107) 2024-04-08T13:13:54Z ****
\-\\* Step away from the computer\*- ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112235776233428689) 2024-04-08T14:13:30Z ****
Someone finally shared a better copy then the tape that survived since the eighties;

In all it's unpolished brilliance.

Funeral Oration - Shadowland


[https://universeodon.com/@SrRochardBunson](https://universeodon.com/@SrRochardBunson) It's the sound track for my [#heirloomfiction](https://strangeobject.space/tags/heirloomfiction) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112236010546395321) 2024-04-09T19:28:52Z ****
Dennis: Listen. Strange women lying on Fox News claiming 'coordinated effort' is no basis for a system of divine belief. Supreme religious power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical news show.

Arthur: Be quiet!

Dennis: You can’t expect to wield supreme religious power just ’cause some delusional tart threw some claims at you! ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112242912942345675) 2024-04-09T22:57:23Z ****
Time for a final song for today....

Sweet dreams, now or later.

[https://youtu.be/SMJMWAnI-i0?si=sH8Ps1FXpn22wAk4](https://youtu.be/SMJMWAnI-i0?si=sH8Ps1FXpn22wAk4) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112243732876906333) 2024-04-10T13:07:57Z ****
I did some fixing 'cause I couldn't face doing the real stuff.

The plastic hinge of my press grill broke. Why plastic?

I thought maybe I can [#3dPrint](https://strangeobject.space/tags/3dPrint) it, but I can't CAD something like that. In the end I repurposed an Ikea curtain rod holder. It works again 🥳

[#Repair](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Repair) [#Recycle](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Recycle) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112247077412042958) 2024-04-11T18:07:09Z ****
I saw a squirrel! Walking to the shops on a concrete ledge there ran the cutest red squirrel...

I was so excited I told the first stranger I came across. He was a little taken aback by this sudden social interaction but in the end acknowledged that "Yes, squirrels are cute." ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112253916261083395) 2024-04-11T23:18:25Z ****
I had to google him 'cause I did not know who he was. But now I know. He is the same kind of "born into a rich family but pretends to be a self made guy" biljonair parasite.

Everyone just sits there and plays nice. The discussion is heated but polite. Nobody mentions that the money he "earns" is by fucking over the average taxpayer. Like in 2018 when he bought a house heavily subsidized by the dutch government and sold it for double. That's a 100% profit margin. And exactly what not was supposed to happen with th ... ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112255140198591643) 2024-04-11T23:16:11Z ****
I fucking hate it when another asshole biljonair gets airtime to says he's against the proposed taxation of capital and starts going on about the hardworking average person (in my case dutch) and that he doesn't want to pay more tax because the government doesn't spend it right.

[#MarcelMelis](https://strangeobject.space/tags/MarcelMelis) is a hedge fund capitalist. He doesn't produce anything or innovates. He makes money pumping around money.

[#Op1npo](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Op1npo) [#BelastingOntwijk ... ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112255131416004283) 2024-04-11T23:39:51Z ****
I need to calm the fuck down and go to sleep. Goodnight. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112255224463871027) 2024-04-12T15:50:36Z ****
Don't feel like cooking, going to pretend to throw stuff on a pizza is the same.

[#Life](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Life) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112259041656590665) 2024-04-12T15:02:33Z ****
De volgende reactie kwam binnen;

Re:Geert Wilders

Was alleen de titel. Zat geen body bij.

[#NLPolitiek](https://strangeobject.space/tags/NLPolitiek) [#Wilders](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Wilders) [#PunchNazis](https://strangeobject.space/tags/PunchNazis) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112258852688788879) 2024-04-13T10:52:30Z ****
Bozig... ik vond net een parkeerbon onder mijn ruitenwisser terwijl ik betaald had. Bezwaar gemaakt.... Grrrmmbll, stom.

Kwam net van de fysio, geen energie voor.

[#LongCovid](https://strangeobject.space/tags/LongCovid) [#DeLeven](https://strangeobject.space/tags/DeLeven) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112263531781612580) 2024-04-13T17:09:51Z ****
Obligatory [#Caturday](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Caturday) post. Kitty has gone floof! on blue couch. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112265015577681149) 2024-04-13T22:16:03Z ****
Ok, time for a smoke and pretend I can sleep. Dealing with the world's events tomorrow...

[https://piped.video/watch?v=l\_TlzkOyqHw&t=106](https://piped.video/watch?v=l_TlzkOyqHw&t=106) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112266219576363039) 2024-04-14T07:27:54Z ****
Why am I awake? I'm still sleeping. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112268389574877946) 2024-04-14T09:09:40Z ****
Grinding beans, making coffee... Getting back in bed. Plotting ways to have my youngest make breakfast for me instead of the other way around.

[#Parenting](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Parenting) is hard. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112268789710000229) 2024-04-14T10:38:28Z ****
I got breakfast in bed. The magic words were "Today, you do it.". Hmmm... yesterday's pasta reheated ![:Blobhaj_Ani_Hearts:](https://files.strangeobject.space/custom_emojis/images/000/009/500/original/Blobhaj_Ani_Hearts.png) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112269138910512608) 2024-04-14T10:39:44Z ****
p.s. I thanked him. Off course. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112269143868504804) 2024-04-16T17:07:24Z ****
I'm going to take a nap. Might have some questions about [#PHP](https://strangeobject.space/tags/PHP) and [#phpBB](https://strangeobject.space/tags/phpBB) later. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112281992832300966) 2024-04-17T17:24:23Z ****
The new Idles song Pop Pop Pop is scratching my English post punk indy itch very nicely.

I need to lay back and bask in it's glory for a while, maybe have a smoke...

It's on Bandcamp and all the other platforms but find it yourselves. YT links are frowned upon by some folks but all those links are monitized someway or another... So, meh

And their new album is called TANGK

[#Music](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Music) [#NewMusic](https://strangeobject.space/tags/NewMusic) [#Idles](https://strangeobject.space ... ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112287721919034732) 2024-04-18T11:24:06Z ****
I'm doing something... I'm losing followers. I don't really care. Suddenly I had a few more over the last two weeks.

And now a few less. Just wondering if those are the same... and I'm to chaotic for their taste. 🤷‍♀️ ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112291967578379610) 2024-04-19T16:45:28Z ****
I bought myself a raygun today. Really, look! That sleek design, the transparent casing, that oddly phallic shape.

What else can it be? ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112298893551952309) 2024-04-20T08:59:27Z ****

But my bed is so comfy. I want to though... Going to swap carburators today. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112302723386100944) 2024-04-20T13:22:36Z ****
Ok, it's not a raygun. It's a Scholtes vacuum pump. Perfectly working with two bowls to preserve food in. But I can't find any documentation, model number or anything.

[#Repair](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Repair) [#ReCycle](https://strangeobject.space/tags/ReCycle) [#ThriftShop](https://strangeobject.space/tags/ThriftShop) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112303758123556447) 2024-04-21T14:56:30Z ****
Hey plant people, the weather has been so weird this winter/spring. I'm actually going to try to get seeds from my balcony nappa cabbage that I harvested last fall. The roots kept growing and bloomed two months ago and formed pods. So...

[#Plants](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Plants) [#Vegetables](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Vegetables) [#Garden](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Garden) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112309789671345873) 2024-04-22T14:48:04Z ****
What's happening in Gaza is wrong and should have stopped al ready somewhere in Oct' 2023

Opposed to the treatment of Palestinians by the Israeli government since 1985

This is a subtoot.

I also support Jews being safe. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112315418857086634) 2024-04-23T06:12:01Z ****
Waking up thinking that nobody predicted the sudden popularity of Audiognome after their 90's hit "Beards of War" was used in an add.

Only to find out there is an actual band called Audiognome that makes even weirder music then dwarfish grunge...

Oh, the reality !!! ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112319051971843251) 2024-04-24T14:16:33Z ****
Two thoughts:

\- awkward at puppy class

\- Don't go for walkies with your flame throwing dog in the woods, tech bro

ps. Ars Technica, alttext your images 🤷‍♀️ ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112326619547195494) 2024-04-24T14:26:59Z ****
TIL The Dutch General Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD) has an official mastodon account on the Dutch government instance.

So.... whatever happens. Don't believe them. I did not miss step entering the cable car. This is the netherlands; All the cable cars recreational. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112326660524923309) 2024-04-24T23:46:36Z ****
I'm only coming out of the closet, if that closet leads to the Fedishire. Not Narnia.

I want federated hobbits.

Not mr.Tumnus, turkish delights and and that so called furry god Aslan.

Goodnight ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112328861081358649) 2024-04-27T18:09:34Z ****

I saw this on the free market and thought of you

[#Audrey](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Audrey) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112344522744060727) 2024-04-29T21:05:55Z ****
Nothing, just gonna sip a beer and eat brittle peanut cookies.

I'll cleanup tomorrow.

[#DownTime](https://strangeobject.space/tags/DownTime) [#SelfCare](https://strangeobject.space/tags/SelfCare) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112356540770307577) 2024-05-01T13:20:46Z ****
Question for the [#linux](https://strangeobject.space/tags/linux) distro afionados; Why is my new install of MX-Linux draining the batteries of my old Elitebook laptop? In contrast to my old install of Manjaro KDE Plasma.

I thought it would do better, not worse.

[#Linux](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Linux) [#MXLinux](https://strangeobject.space/tags/MXLinux) [#Manjaro](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Manjaro) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112366036372512739) 2024-05-04T17:07:47Z ****
Throwback [#CaturDay](https://strangeobject.space/tags/CaturDay)

My old cat, called "Poes" travelling with me through France on a reverse trike moped. Would fight a fox later that night and win.

End of autumn 1994 ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112383915974189130) 2024-05-04T17:58:45Z ****
Feeling very conflicted about the upcoming remembrance ceremony for the fallen.

Where a fascist is going to do the honours 'cause that is how it is now.

[#PunchNazis](https://strangeobject.space/tags/PunchNazis) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112384116341583135) 2024-05-05T13:23:56Z ****
Look what they are selling at the Lidl now!

Hermoine Gender dolls, just like JKR intended them!

[#TransRights](https://strangeobject.space/tags/TransRights) [#JKRowlingTerf](https://strangeobject.space/tags/JKRowlingTerf) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112388698073468889) 2024-05-06T21:12:36Z ****
I might have miss read, but there is a helldiverse? ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112396203237477513) 2024-05-07T19:41:21Z ****
[@Melissabeartrix](https://hugz.online/@Melissabeartrix) Good morning Melissa. Have a nice day! ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112401506703665771) 2024-05-08T07:00:07Z ****
Going to do my volunteer work early a.k.a. taking mss.B shopping, like I do every other week and then straight on to this last minute get together to say goodbye to an old friend of mine, who died last week and we just found out that the ceremony will be closed.

He was one of the first people that showed me that gender norms where stupid and that defying those norms could give you room to breath and live your live.

He was also one of the grumpiest, sarcastic and sweet people I ever met and I will miss him dearly ... ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112404175721411068) 2024-05-09T06:01:23Z ****




Ok, I'll stay awake then zzzZZzzZZZzzzZZ ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112409607130873126) 2024-05-10T13:16:45Z ****
It seems I have to clarify my head worm joke;

Robert F. Kennedy jr. is a man with a worm in his head.

God Emperor Leto II is worm with a man in it's head.

Both are not sane. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112416981375898791) 2024-05-12T23:00:45Z ****
Sleep well or brave the day whichever applies to you. Tomorrow ends this school holiday and begins the last bit of school for my youngest; Exams! ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112430602345118668) 2024-05-14T08:08:05Z ****
Watching my left rear view mirror slowly giving in to gravity's demands

[#Year2](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Year2) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112438416858245137) 2024-05-14T14:56:40Z ****
Not going to lie... I'm distracted.

Hot wire my brains already, why don't ya! ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112440023476391265) 2024-05-14T15:10:16Z ****
I'm making rice with stir fried veggies and fried tempeh in satay sauce.

First I'm going to marinate the tempeh in soysauce, with garlic, red pepers, sugar and boiling water. It's a little trick I learned.

Don't pretend to care. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112440076927173906) 2024-05-14T16:30:33Z ****
Food in a bowl

* * *

There it is. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112440392633385623) 2024-05-15T22:10:17Z ****
En dan merk ik dat ik van alles nog het meest over de zeik ga van Annabrulboei Nanninga met haar ge-ouwehoer over de 'moral high ground' van links.

De vlees geworden internet trol dat ze is.

Wie de neuk is Roderick Velo eigenlijk? De democratie spatte er vanaf.

[#Op1](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Op1) [#NietMijnRegering](https://strangeobject.space/tags/NietMijnRegering) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112447390819550052) 2024-05-15T23:31:34Z ****
Ignoring the "societal collapse" sign that has been flashing on my mental dashboard for the last few days. Trying to fall asleep a little calmed down;

[https://youtu.be/1k5zTrTRu3s?si=Ts5EXm40Svc3HLp3](https://youtu.be/1k5zTrTRu3s?si=Ts5EXm40Svc3HLp3) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112447710430759615) 2024-05-16T05:02:44Z ****
Dear diary,

Woke up to the sound of an hairball being brought into the world.

It arrived with a wet sounding splat.

Having found out the general area of it's birthplace through sonic location, my bare feet are safe-etst by returning to sleep.

Laying down my head once again.

Amro ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112449012655949398) 2024-05-16T17:26:32Z ****
Updated my 3d printers firmware etc., updated to the latest cura slicer because the printers profile was finally available.

Now it works like I thought it would work when I bought it

And repaired the dryer ;)

[#3dPrinter](https://strangeobject.space/tags/3dPrinter) [#Elegoo](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Elegoo) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112451937387122141) 2024-05-17T15:28:57Z ****
This afternoon I feel exhausted; But happy. Around lunch time I was to pick up miss. S. and take her to a doctors appointment. (It's volunteer work I do).

I got there and the paid help arrived at the same time to administer her medicines.

Slight delay.

I'd never met miss.S. before and I just waited politely. Luckily the help was finished quickly. But miss.S. needed to change her clothes.

Slight delay.

We spend another 5 minutes searching for her keys.

Slight delay.

And arrived 15 minutes to late at the wron ... ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112457137326490273) 2024-05-17T15:42:08Z ****
20 minutes to late we arrive at the modern shared office space of the doctors practice and we were told to sit and wait till the doctor comes for miss.S.

After another 10 minutes I manage to convince the receptionist to actively contact the doctor because we were late and she might think miss.S. has missed her appointment.

Finally the doctor comes down and everything is sorted out. Miss.S. goes with her and I wait till she returns.

Miss.S. is 97 and was very anxious to have this appointment today because she is ... ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112457189210765419) 2024-05-18T10:53:45Z ****
Where is the gutter? I seem to have lost my mind ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112461717525080561) 2024-05-18T19:14:32Z ****
Geen weekend grotere FOMO dan pinksterweekend [#BakBrommerKampioenschappen](https://strangeobject.space/tags/BakBrommerKampioenschappen) [#PinksterLandDagen](https://strangeobject.space/tags/PinksterLandDagen) Allebei in volle gang en ik zit thuis ... 🤷‍♀️ Dikke vette meh! ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112463686693929943) 2024-05-18T19:20:30Z ****
This is really the worst translation ever: Not a weekend bigger FOMO than peanut week. [#BakBrommer](https://strangeobject.space/tags/BakBrommer) Championship. [#PinksterLand](https://strangeobject.space/tags/PinksterLand) Days. Both in full hallway and I'm at home... [Chuckles] ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112463710175213784) 2024-05-21T13:02:14Z ****
The cutest warning: uWuGa!!! ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112479209677744271) 2024-05-22T20:53:54Z ****
And then the algorithm brought me this message from 2014 ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112486726632099444) 2024-05-23T15:33:34Z ****
Before I do an update on my left rear view mirror situation, I need to know: Is it a

Left side rear view mirror

Left side view mirror

Left rear view mirror

Left wing mirror ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112491129382457145) 2024-05-23T16:02:57Z ****
Just send those Christian Nationalists back to where they came from!

Vatican City! ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112491244927235823) 2024-05-23T21:27:47Z ****
What I thought the Fediverse was going to be like... Sleek future goths feeding with their cleavage pouches

[#Blakes7](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Blakes7) [#FediVerse](https://strangeobject.space/tags/FediVerse) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112492522187119774) 2024-05-23T23:40:46Z ****
I'm more the outside alligator kind off type ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112493045103387134) 2024-05-24T10:00:22Z ****
Stop offering me your stick, Commander. I know it is bigger but I like my own. - Keera

[#Federation](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Federation) [#Blakes7](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Blakes7) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112495481492977867) 2024-05-24T13:35:00Z ****
Free cuppa because the cafe where I'm waiting is run by the same volunteer organisation I do stuff for. Much nicer then waiting in the car. ;) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112496325489439938) 2024-05-26T09:10:31Z ****
Er wordt alweer aardig stemming gemaakt door de gevestigde media. Doe dus voorzichtig als je naar de tegen demo van "Let women speak" gaat.

[https://www.ad.nl/utrecht/let-women-speak-en-antifa-dit-weekend-lijnrecht-tegenover-elkaar-in-utrecht-politie-voorbereid~a21fda9c/](https://www.ad.nl/utrecht/let-women-speak-en-antifa-dit-weekend-lijnrecht-tegenover-elkaar-in-utrecht-politie-voorbereid~a21fda9c/) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112506610088397586) 2024-05-27T18:43:54Z ****
You need the toilet? Uhhhmmm... Better give it a few minutes. Sorry ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112514527005680500) 2024-05-28T22:14:58Z ****
We have a new prime-demonister;

It's a Dick.

Dick Schoof.

I should not call him a dick online. He used to run the dutch secret service. He will find out.

I call him Dick. That's ok. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112521019272769032) 2024-06-01T19:26:19Z ****
I've to clean up under my followers, I will have a hot take on pride month;

I just read that "Ally" is a verb and I can't abide by this.

Ally McBeal? I didn't like her that much. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112543005347638960) 2024-06-01T19:36:20Z ****
Houd Joep van t Hek nou nooit op? Langggg....

[#NL](https://strangeobject.space/tags/NL) [#TV](https://strangeobject.space/tags/TV) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112543044782021019) 2024-06-02T19:41:12Z ****
I did a thing. It made me happy.

I finished the new case for a 3inch speaker. It was part of a really crappy 2.1 system and I wanted to try improve it.

But I couldn't find the right audio cable. So I had to give up. But looking for the cable I found the 3d printed vase, remembered that I had those really small drivers that I want to use to make my own headphones with. Plonked one in to the vase, solderd it to this bluetooth board from a headphone and it sounds really nice!

And this is just one chanel.

[#3DPrin ... ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112548726192237093) 2024-06-09T17:12:50Z ****
My next toot was going to be funny, insightful and emphatic...

I don't want to anymore. I'm suffering from an after dinner dip ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112587778997184756) 2024-06-09T19:26:59Z ****
I'm watching my cat being fully immersed in a nature documentary about wolves...

No pics, it would disturb the kitty

[#EverydayCaturday](https://strangeobject.space/tags/EverydayCaturday) [#NPO1](https://strangeobject.space/tags/NPO1) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112588306508175191) 2024-06-10T09:36:40Z ****
When you are not happy hanging over a garbage bin all day, but ...

Ehhh, at least you have one there if the stench gets to much for you ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112591647563432166) 2024-06-12T15:17:38Z ****
I'm very pleased and relieved that my son passed his exams and has finished school. With way better grades then we would've hoped for two years ago.

Getting the right kind of help made such a difference. Shifting the focus from [#ADHD](https://strangeobject.space/tags/ADHD) to [#AutisticSpectrum](https://strangeobject.space/tags/AutisticSpectrum) made a real change possible and gave him the tools to grow confident and happy.

Wh000t! ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112604312951244335) 2024-06-13T12:39:45Z ****
"NOS Nieuws•

vandaag, 13:48

Gidi Markuszower: uitgesproken PVV'er op Asiel"

In weer lult de "media" om de feiten heen; Racistische PVV-er op Asiel.

Was ie maar uitgesproken, dan hoefden we zijn fascistoïde praatjes niet aan te horen.

[#NietMijnRegering](https://strangeobject.space/tags/NietMijnRegering) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112609354435496226) 2024-06-13T18:13:01Z ****
Yes, het gaat niet door! Ben benieuwd hoe openlijk het racisme van zijn vervanger is, Marjolein Faber.

[opent wikipedia] lacht schamper [sluit wikipedia]

Ze had een VVD-er kunnen zijn. Met een extra toefje vreemdelingenhaat.

Wat dacht Wilders? "Het is een vrouw met minder controverses en geen banden met de Israelische veiligheidsdienst. Dit is mijn beste kandi-haat. Ja."

[#NietMijnRegering](https://strangeobject.space/tags/NietMijnRegering) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112610664841343778) 2024-06-13T18:21:14Z ****
I know what those tech-bro's are muttering in the mirror, trying to hype themselves up;

Don't try those fedi mind tricks on me!

But I'm telling you, these are not the bites and bytes you are looking for... ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112610697165630480) 2024-06-16T21:02:12Z ****
I did a thing yesterday! 3Dprinted a speaker box for two tiny drivers.

And at the same time learning to work with OpenSCAD and a parametric back horn speaker design

[#3dPrinting](https://strangeobject.space/tags/3dPrinting) [#OpenScad](https://strangeobject.space/tags/OpenScad) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112628317043702061) 2024-06-19T21:14:51Z ****
I just received a message from power management;

Battery Low (6% remai ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112645353753673029) 2024-06-28T13:49:04Z ****
Can't we all just get along?

No! ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112694561614171416) 2024-06-29T16:57:52Z ****
Well, I went to the thrift shop and... found two pair of Technics SB-F1's

Then I had to buy a Sony CMT-CP11 micro system for € 13,50 because the people at the shop were convinced that it was al one set.

I don't make the rules 🤷🏻‍♀️

[#thriftstore](https://strangeobject.space/tags/thriftstore) [#vintage](https://strangeobject.space/tags/vintage) [#retro](https://strangeobject.space/tags/retro) [#retroelectronics](https://strangeobject.space/tags/retroelectronics) [#retroaudio](https://strangeobject.space/tags/ret ... ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112700966355218254) 2024-07-01T14:37:46Z ****
I don't want to go to the shops!

I've compromised... I will go to one shop ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112711740068251038) 2024-07-01T16:31:29Z ****
You don't have to agree... But I peel potato's standing up

[#Spuds](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Spuds) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112712187227623919) 2024-07-02T18:32:28Z ****
Hurrrghh... Our new prime-minister and former head of the secret service is getting his tv debut. What a friendly looking guy for someone who collaborates with fascists.

Time to turn it off and play some Cloudpunk.

[#NotMyGoverment](https://strangeobject.space/tags/NotMyGoverment) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112718325227069690) 2024-07-03T19:01:10Z ****
Ok, this is enough internet for me...

This just now on FB about if the Culture was communist in the Iain M. Banks group ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112724100432077862) 2024-07-05T12:21:03Z ****
I discovered something that prevents bruising; I'm calling it "Bruise Banner". ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112733851711026746) 2024-07-05T12:46:21Z ****
I need a nap but first one more side quest; Pickup a bronze statue for grandma.

I hope it is small and not creepy. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112733951199878584) 2024-07-05T22:23:57Z ****
I was reminded of the sheer brilliance of the KLF and wil share this lesser know video with you. To remind the english.

[https://youtu.be/20XLWEjN9eI?si=3ZN5Vhy1wj1bqEhG](https://youtu.be/20XLWEjN9eI?si=3ZN5Vhy1wj1bqEhG) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112736222428394222) 2024-07-08T09:44:59Z ****
There really should be a Godwins Law for Stalin ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112750224961670512) 2024-07-08T09:59:30Z ****
New stuff learned about [#OpenSCAD](https://strangeobject.space/tags/OpenSCAD) but also realizing I haven't got a clue ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112750282034151720) 2024-07-08T19:18:35Z ****
The struggle is real!

Chocolate digestives or a dropshot?

I choose and ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112752480437290892) 2024-07-11T19:02:34Z ****
Is [#kbin](https://strangeobject.space/tags/kbin) really dead? ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112769404372774616) 2024-07-12T17:44:48Z ****
A two door revolution is called a coupe. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112774760952938552) 2024-07-13T12:31:48Z ****
[@yassie\_j](https://labyrinth.zone/users/yassie_j) Congrats with your solar rotation! And so very synchronous with the earth's path around the sun as well. Marvelous! ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112779192490802524) 2024-07-13T23:42:09Z ****
Well this gives a whole new meaning to "I missed Trump" and I didn't now I could empathize with that. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112781828402699997) 2024-07-14T07:41:14Z ****
Noooo... I wanted coffee! I don't have time for this. Judgement Grandma is coming. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112783712202799809) 2024-07-14T16:56:20Z ****
I've got like two luke-warm takes on the uspol botchjob today

* * *

1\. With all the media hand wringing and whinging, it's a pity they failed. Now we have to suffer the orange dictator hypocrisy even more.

2\. This is why I am against guns. Guillotines are much more precise. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112785894960179740) 2024-07-16T15:53:16Z ****
My thoughts and prayers go out to Kyle Gass, who is grounded for saying what lots of us thought: "Don't miss Trump next time".

And now has to grovel before the eyes of the media otherwise Jack Black won't play with him anymore. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112796971618919362) 2024-07-17T13:03:59Z ****
"Pika Pika Chu, where are you?

We got some work to do now

Pika Pika Chu, where are you?

We need some help from you now"

Working on the title track for the new Scooby Doo / Pikachu crossover ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112801968255682179) 2024-07-19T23:26:53Z ****
[@Melissabeartrix](https://hugz.online/@Melissabeartrix) Before I fall asleep, good morning Melissa ![:Blobhaj_Ani_Hearts:](https://files.strangeobject.space/custom_emojis/images/000/009/500/original/Blobhaj_Ani_Hearts.png)

Here's a little soundtrack for your crush

[https://youtu.be/SiAuAJBZuGs?si=BN5neiAugE3xchpm](https://youtu.be/SiAuAJBZuGs?si=BN5neiAugE3xchpm) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112815742236203733) 2024-07-20T20:43:52Z ****
Oh, no! I will never move again!

[#CaturdayEveryday](https://strangeobject.space/tags/CaturdayEveryday) [#CatsOfMastodon](https://strangeobject.space/tags/CatsOfMastodon) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112820763547280150) 2024-07-21T18:39:14Z ****
What does it say about al those people arguing that u.s. citizens should vote democrat no matter what in the next presidential elections to stop Trump, suddenly think they've already lost because now the candidate is a middle aged black women instead of an old white guy.

Well? Anything changed? ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112825935734383746) 2024-07-21T22:19:19Z ****
De hemeltergende arrogantie Jort "ik geil op alles wat hip rechts is" Kelder.

Hij is echt de vleesgeworden "als we het maar netjes houden, dan mag winstbejag hoor".

Hij zou een koala beertje aanranden voor de kijkcijfers.

De perfide mooi weer kapitalist!

[#JortKelder](https://strangeobject.space/tags/JortKelder) [#NPO](https://strangeobject.space/tags/NPO) [#Rant](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Rant) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112826801169483165) 2024-07-25T19:25:23Z ****
OMG - I feel like the Icarus of adulting; I opened a deposit account for my kid. Getting him the highest intrest till he is 18.

I feel like such a class traitor. The banking system made me do this. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112848766445277803) 2024-07-27T12:07:56Z ****
Thought of the day: "Any loner can get a gun. Building a guillotine is a community effort!" ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112858370976644879) 2024-07-29T12:50:24Z ****
TIL that one of the childrens books that influenced me allot, has never been translated to english. "Torenhoog en mijlen breed" (Towering high and miles wide) written in 1969 by Tonke Dragt is set on a Venus that never will be, but wasn't impossible to imagine at that time.

I'll try to translate a few bits from the beginning of the book;

"When Edu was eleven, he bought an old robot at the flea market, which he called Bob. Bob wasn't just old, but also peculiar; For instance, he could recite poetry...[...]

'Wher ... ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112869862542873424) 2024-07-29T18:03:36Z ****
I'm off to the shops. Anybody want anything?

I'll be back for dark.

[#Apocalypse](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Apocalypse) [#FabulousApocalypse](https://strangeobject.space/tags/FabulousApocalypse) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112871094127412539) 2024-07-30T09:02:31Z ****
What do they call narcissistic elves?


[#DadJokes](https://strangeobject.space/tags/DadJokes) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112874628826336892) 2024-08-02T10:23:03Z ****
Teken ook de petitie:

Mikael en Gohar blijven hier!

[https://actie.degoedezaak.org/petitions/mikael-en-gohar-blijven-hier?source=rawlink&utm\_source=rawlink&share=0820d6ca-c207-42f5-9084-575b2d516f9d](https://actie.degoedezaak.org/petitions/mikael-en-gohar-blijven-hier?source=rawlink&utm_source=rawlink&share=0820d6ca-c207-42f5-9084-575b2d516f9d) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112891932405125350) 2024-08-08T09:35:59Z ****
\- What am I wearing today?


My asshat ! ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112925721192837228) 2024-08-11T18:56:42Z ****
Okay, no more politics! I got a cleaning question. I'm trying to clean my windows and I have never encountered this.

A sort of hard residue on the glass, that feels abrasive. It's just one patch and I tried soap and degreaser. Rubbing vigorously. It's not coming of!

[#Aaaargh](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Aaaargh) [#CleaningStrugles](https://strangeobject.space/tags/CleaningStrugles) [#Cleaning](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Cleaning) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112944912983824159) 2024-08-12T18:48:20Z ****
Cheap way to keep the heat out. Emergency blankets on the outside of my double glazed windows. Used water and soap to get it to stick. Like you tint car windows.

Dropped the temp by 4° Celsius inside.

The blankets were €1,50

[#HeatWave](https://strangeobject.space/tags/HeatWave) [#HeatProtection](https://strangeobject.space/tags/HeatProtection) [#Recycle](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Recycle) [#Repurpose](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Repurpose) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112950542345167460) 2024-08-14T15:27:47Z ****
I don't think I'm getting out of the closet anytime soon - Mr.Tumnus just made me a hot cup of tea and is playing "Baby, it's cold outside" on his flute ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112961078416909209) 2024-08-20T19:30:40Z ****
Hang on; I know everyone is getting sick of all the news coverage about this biljonairs yacht sinking and all these rich people dying while refugees drowning in the mediterranean sea hardly gets reported.

It's hypocritical.

But the one guy from that company reported to not be on that yacht gets run over in the same weekend?

That's highly improbable ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/112996007304537358) 2024-08-22T20:00:41Z ****
It's about 25 years ago that I happened to wander into the taping of this polish hip hop video. I am not visible in it. Just drinking shots of wodka and pickle juice in the background. The song is called "American dream".


[#HipHop](https://strangeobject.space/tags/HipHop) [#Polish](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Polish) [#Music](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Music) [#Memoir](https://strangeobject.space/ta ... ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/113007449956207832) 2024-08-27T06:43:01Z ****
I was dreaming; "Chase Fleet, three bends commander and detective, was not trying to solve a case but on his day off, but keeping one of the dogs from going floaty ... Was difficult for a hoop with no hands"

There images attached to these words. Commander Fleet was quite handsome for a hoop.

[#Dreams](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Dreams) [#WTF](https://strangeobject.space/tags/WTF) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/113032624986889547) 2024-08-27T08:56:38Z ****
Almost 35 years ago this album was released by one of my roommates and the rest of her band. It's one of the first HC/Metal/Punk crossover albums in Holland and it's still awesome.

Maybe because I've know most songs from inception to the final form ;)


[#Music](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Music) [#HardCorePunk](https://strangeobject.space/tags/HardCorePunk) [#Anarchy](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Anarchy ... ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/113033150353225439) 2024-08-29T14:22:53Z ****
Waiting in a nice airy waiting room of a newish hospital. It's community work. Just helping someone to make a doctors visit. Listening to her stories of what it was like to live in West-Berlin just after the wall went up. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/113045757857437686) 2024-08-29T20:01:17Z ****
Ik dacht dat het satire was... "Iedereen AAN, tegen kanker"


[#NPO](https://strangeobject.space/tags/NPO) [#NL](https://strangeobject.space/tags/NL) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/113047088504519433) 2024-08-31T10:08:13Z ****
Surrounded by his support animals

[#Caturday](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Caturday) [#CatsOfMast](https://strangeobject.space/tags/CatsOfMast) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/113056081056453050) 2024-09-04T08:42:53Z ****
Word for today;

Amnesthesia, medicine to .... Wait, it'll come to me ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/113078394806410867) 2024-09-04T15:48:58Z ****
My youngest has suffered through his first day of college. And is safely home to yell at his computer and online friends.

I've filled in last minute forms for stuff he has to attend.

I'm not cooking tonight. I'll open up a can of soup. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/113080070190378623) 2024-09-04T18:32:17Z ****
In order to get myself of this timeline, I decided to clean the litterbox of the cats after the next shit is finished.

Which is in 3,2,1... Catflap! ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/113080712391105891) 2024-09-04T20:09:37Z ****
I love my instance and it's admins, but this response makes me hope that the mastodon community as a whole will grow beyond the limitations of it's founders.

[https://mastodon.social/@Gargron/113080979375593074](https://mastodon.social/@Gargron/113080979375593074) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/113081095108680450) 2024-09-06T14:36:16Z ****
De ohra-wacht muzak rockt hard. Overstuurde trip hop waar "een ogenblik nog alstublieft" strak op de maat door heen gemixt zit. ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/113091108963724126) 2024-09-07T10:21:53Z ****
So, our local Lidl has started this scheme where you get a bag of random fruit and vedgies for 3,- that will be thrown out otherwise.

And I love it. Because I don't have think about what I'm going to cook when I'm shopping.

[#auADHD](https://strangeobject.space/tags/auADHD) [#ADHD](https://strangeobject.space/tags/ADHD) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/113095771005990763) 2024-09-08T16:35:39Z ****
"It’s not about whether you win or lose. Sometimes it’s about how many pages you add to the rulebook."

source: [https://www.tumblr.com/seat-safety-switch](https://www.tumblr.com/seat-safety-switch) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/113102903010049467) 2024-09-10T19:04:08Z ****
The strangest thing happend; a civil servant wrote a letter to the court that after reading my original objections to their original decision they were wrong to dismiss them at all.

And they would pay me back.

[#Feelings](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Feelings) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/113114811508809895) 2024-09-10T21:11:24Z ****
I just learned that the Polaris Dawn commercial astronaut mission will use a PS3 controller for their Space Walk.

[#Space](https://strangeobject.space/tags/Space) [#NearOrbitBillionairs](https://strangeobject.space/tags/NearOrbitBillionairs) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/113115311904570438) 2024-09-12T17:21:58Z ****
Time for musical intermezzo;

Minutemen - It's Expected I'm Gone

[https://youtu.be/SpGVPWnX8Ic?si=nmc9FL23Tdri70xT](https://youtu.be/SpGVPWnX8Ic?si=nmc9FL23Tdri70xT) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/113125734392928870) 2024-09-12T22:15:34Z ****
Good night everybody... A song in my mother tongue about the day you get buried by Andre Manuel - Kraaien [https://youtu.be/NL3eR6LWnNU?si=fZo\_8gqPaPsvXHxu](https://youtu.be/NL3eR6LWnNU?si=fZo_8gqPaPsvXHxu) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/113126888881023226) 2024-09-13T05:15:35Z ****
I just woke up...

Nope, not today Satan! ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/113128540420736285) 2024-09-13T06:54:38Z ****
I've been really struggling with my Long Covid symptoms lately. Have to cut back on my volunteer work.

I'm going for my last ride on a friday. But now I got to hustle.


[#LongCovid](https://strangeobject.space/tags/LongCovid) ⌘ [Read more](https://strangeobject.space/@amro/113128929930891081)