# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is an automated Yarn.social feed running feeds v0.0.0@HEAD # Learn more about Yarn.social at https://yarn.social # # nick = blips-dcb # url = https://feeds.twtxt.net/blips-dcb/twtxt.txt # type = rss # source = https://blips.club/dcb/feed.rss # avatar = # description = Blips updates from dcb / dcb. # updated_at = 2023-08-04T15:31:07Z # 2023-07-25T19:47:39Z **dcb: Been having Albuquerque stuck on repeat in my head, but specifically the «If you want to make a call, hang up and try again» verse.**
Been having Albuquerque stuck on repeat in my head, but specifically the «If you want to make a call, hang up and try again» verse. ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/32454) 2023-07-25T19:22:02Z **dcb: https://github.com/sorenpeter/phpub2twtxt No yeah, I can see this working pretty well. This and then listing the posts on a PHP page. I dig?**
[https://github.com/sorenpet…](https://github.com/sorenpeter/phpub2twtxt) No yeah, I can see this working pretty well. This and then listing the posts on a PHP page. I dig? ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/32452) 2023-07-25T18:55:01Z **dcb: @Marcus What flavor? Big açai blueberry pomegranate guy over here.**
@ [Marcus](/Marcus) What flavor? Big açai blueberry pomegranate guy over here. ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/32451) 2023-07-25T18:51:36Z **dcb: Back here since I have a microblog itch to scratch. Is federated stuff still uncool? I kinda want to try twtxt out again on my site.**
Back here since I have a microblog itch to scratch. Is federated stuff still uncool? I kinda want to try twtxt out again on my site. ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/32450) 2023-07-25T17:52:51Z **dcb: The ellipticals at the rec center are really annoying in that they stop 30 seconds after you pause them. Not enough time to grab something.**
The ellipticals at the rec center are really annoying in that they stop 30 seconds after you pause them. Not enough time to grab something. ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/32447) 2023-07-25T17:29:33Z **dcb: Not usually jazzed about new Apple releases, but I am kinda bummed I won’t be getting iOS 17, if not just for the journal app. Looks nice.**
Not usually jazzed about new Apple releases, but I am kinda bummed I won’t be getting iOS 17, if not just for the journal app. Looks nice. ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/32445) 2023-07-25T17:09:51Z **dcb: @Eric8518 iOS 16 is quite good actually. I get a lot out of the lock screen customizations, widgets and focus modes.**
@ [Eric8518](/Eric8518) iOS 16 is quite good actually. I get a lot out of the lock screen customizations, widgets and focus modes. ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/32442) 2023-07-25T17:01:15Z **dcb: Have some physics stuff: https://physics.info/momentum/**
Have some physics stuff: [https://physics.info/momentum/](https://physics.info/momentum/) ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/32441) 2023-07-25T16:53:48Z **dcb: Double whammy today. Ordered a cinnamon sugar bagel and a coffee frappuccino so I’d get out of bed. University is so hard times.**
Double whammy today. Ordered a cinnamon sugar bagel and a coffee frappuccino so I’d get out of bed. University is so hard times. ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/32440) 2023-07-25T16:40:50Z **dcb: I’m here for my dopamine fix. Looks like I didn’t miss much..**
I’m here for my dopamine fix. Looks like I didn’t miss much.. ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/32438) 2023-07-25T20:21:19Z **dcb: I’m seeing it as a page on my site where the posts get rendered out but you can still comment as like a mini thread. With RSS, of course.**
I’m seeing it as a page on my site where the posts get rendered out but you can still comment as like a mini thread. With RSS, of course. ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/32459) 2023-07-25T20:35:25Z **dcb: @blips 123**
@ [blips](/blips) 123 ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/32462) 2023-07-25T23:33:24Z **dcb: Roast beef sandwich made up. It's go time. Oh also see the test (not final!): http://dotcomboom.somnolescent.net/microblog/**
Roast beef sandwich made up. It's go time. Oh also see the test (not final!): [http://dotcomboom.somnolesc…](http://dotcomboom.somnolescent.net/microblog/) ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/32476) 2023-07-25T23:46:35Z **dcb: Finished an Art Fight attack yesterday btw! http://somnol.net/dcbpics/979 It's Milo, from a PMD comic I've been reading.**
Finished an Art Fight attack yesterday btw! [http://somnol.net/dcbpics/979](http://somnol.net/dcbpics/979) It's Milo, from a PMD comic I've been reading. ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/32479) 2023-07-25T23:48:52Z **dcb: It might be the one attack for the year since calc2's wrapping up soon finally but that's alright, they take a while to line/finish for me.**
It might be the one attack for the year since calc2's wrapping up soon finally but that's alright, they take a while to line/finish for me. ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/32481) 2023-07-26T01:20:23Z **dcb: http://somnol.net/dcbpics/1019 New adds from my walk to the library! Caught some footage if you're curious. https://youtu.be/ocVY-j_bf4I**
[http://somnol.net/dcbpics/1019](http://somnol.net/dcbpics/1019) New adds from my walk to the library! Caught some footage if you're curious. [https://youtu.be/ocVY-j\_bf4I](https://youtu.be/ocVY-j_bf4I) ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/32486) 2023-07-26T04:07:08Z **dcb: http://dotcomboom.somnolescent.net/pics/?theme=basic Got some custom theming going on for the photo bucket. Will keep polishing it a little.**
[http://dotcomboom.somnolesc…](http://dotcomboom.somnolescent.net/pics/?theme=basic) Got some custom theming going on for the photo bucket. Will keep polishing it a little. ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/32499) 2023-07-26T07:08:08Z **dcb: This post is satirical.**
This post is satirical. ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/32505) 2023-07-26T07:32:51Z **dcb: We are searching for Blips owner candidates that A. demonstrate a working knowledge of PHP and B. carry a special education certification.**
We are searching for Blips owner candidates that A. demonstrate a working knowledge of PHP and B. carry a special education certification. ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/32512) 2023-07-26T07:54:15Z **dcb: Kinda wish Coppermine gave more detailed metrics. While it's a nice kick to see 4 guests online, I can't tell if they're people or bots.**
Kinda wish Coppermine gave more detailed metrics. While it's a nice kick to see 4 guests online, I can't tell if they're people or bots. ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/32521) 2023-07-26T21:01:55Z **dcb: Do not worry about Blips.**
Do not worry about Blips. ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/32612) 2023-07-27T03:41:00Z **dcb: @KangRoo ty! Yeah I'm sticking here for a while longer as I have things to drop. Think I'll just focus on doing my thing on this account.**
@ [KangRoo](/KangRoo) ty! Yeah I'm sticking here for a while longer as I have things to drop. Think I'll just focus on doing my thing on this account. ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/32665) 2023-07-27T03:44:10Z **dcb: I've got a lab report due tomorrow night and the last calc 2 midterm/exam on Friday. Then I'll have a bit more room to breathe. Almost there**
I've got a lab report due tomorrow night and the last calc 2 midterm/exam on Friday. Then I'll have a bit more room to breathe. Almost there ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/32666) 2023-07-29T21:38:07Z **dcb: I was able to whip up another attack last night! http://somnol.net/dcbpics/1041 Pilot fellow. Came out cool.**
I was able to whip up another attack last night! [http://somnol.net/dcbpics/1041](http://somnol.net/dcbpics/1041) Pilot fellow. Came out cool. ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33592) 2023-07-29T21:35:10Z **dcb: Now that calc’s finished, I’m taking it easy a while before heading back into the physics stuff (which i sorta need to catch up on).**
Now that calc’s finished, I’m taking it easy a while before heading back into the physics stuff (which i sorta need to catch up on). ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33591) 2023-07-30T04:08:33Z **dcb: this is the forever struggle of blips, folks don't really latch onto the idea of having substance in their posts**
this is the forever struggle of blips, folks don't really latch onto the idea of having substance in their posts ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33684) 2023-07-30T04:07:36Z **dcb: @efgerter because they'd never have anything meaningful to say? lol**
@ [efgerter](/efgerter) because they'd never have anything meaningful to say? lol ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33683) 2023-07-30T04:15:21Z **dcb: @efgerter the char limit for posts is a creative exercise as much as it is a limitation. it was treated like a chat box for a long time**
@ [efgerter](/efgerter) the char limit for posts is a creative exercise as much as it is a limitation. it was treated like a chat box for a long time ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33688) 2023-07-30T04:12:01Z **dcb: that said i think it has improved a little with more variety in users after the bitview takeover. some more reason to start following folks**
that said i think it has improved a little with more variety in users after the bitview takeover. some more reason to start following folks ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33686) 2023-07-30T04:28:48Z **dcb: six posts in a row that are like four words would get spammy quick, vixen80 was infamous of sorts for this but a lot of people did/do it too**
six posts in a row that are like four words would get spammy quick, vixen80 was infamous of sorts for this but a lot of people did/do it too ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33694) 2023-07-30T04:27:51Z **dcb: shoulda had counter on blips that's the sum of all your post lengths divided by the maximum limit to encourage people to use their chars :p**
shoulda had counter on blips that's the sum of all your post lengths divided by the maximum limit to encourage people to use their chars :p ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33693) 2023-07-30T04:34:57Z **dcb: and @efgerter, i am not getting into any of the drama on a discord server with a poor case of double standards, it's a poor environment**
and @ [efgerter](/efgerter), i am not getting into any of the drama on a discord server with a poor case of double standards, it's a poor environment ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33704) 2023-07-30T04:32:43Z **dcb: @KaroshiKazuya yes, this absolutely, very fine example**
@ [KaroshiKazuya](/KaroshiKazuya) yes, this absolutely, very fine example ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33701) 2023-07-30T04:30:18Z **dcb: not that you have to fill it, of course, little updates are fine, just details are what makes these really interesting for others to read**
not that you have to fill it, of course, little updates are fine, just details are what makes these really interesting for others to read ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33697) 2023-07-30T04:47:08Z **dcb: @KaroshiKazuya i don't remember for sure. but yeah anyway, leave it to folks with a grudge to try to slander your reputation like that**
@ [KaroshiKazuya](/KaroshiKazuya) i don't remember for sure. but yeah anyway, leave it to folks with a grudge to try to slander your reputation like that ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33725) 2023-07-30T04:44:36Z **dcb: not to mention the racist jokes passed around very casually among the mods there? i'm biased because i'm his friend but like, it was not him**
not to mention the racist jokes passed around very casually among the mods there? i'm biased because i'm his friend but like, it was not him ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33719) 2023-07-30T04:50:18Z **dcb: things aren't always super black and white is what i've found, especially in internet circles**
things aren't always super black and white is what i've found, especially in internet circles ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33730) 2023-07-30T04:49:49Z **dcb: @efgerter yeah you're still young, no worries. i don't blame you, just do be mindful of the places you go on the net sometimes**
@ [efgerter](/efgerter) yeah you're still young, no worries. i don't blame you, just do be mindful of the places you go on the net sometimes ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33729) 2023-07-30T04:59:37Z **dcb: @Ratts2474 not a 4:3 or 5:4 resolution. banned from blips dot club forever (good taste in desktop icons, though)**
@ [Ratts2474](/Ratts2474) not a 4:3 or 5:4 resolution. banned from blips dot club forever (good taste in desktop icons, though) ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33739) 2023-07-30T05:07:40Z **dcb: @efgerter i like that theme a lot, i used to mess a ton with the classic theme. itunes 9 and fl 11 too, nice**
@ [efgerter](/efgerter) i like that theme a lot, i used to mess a ton with the classic theme. itunes 9 and fl 11 too, nice ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33750) 2023-07-30T05:04:44Z **dcb: 16:10 and 5:4 are top tier aspect ratios in general for me. though i've heard very good things about 3:2 and i'm antsy to try one**
16:10 and 5:4 are top tier aspect ratios in general for me. though i've heard very good things about 3:2 and i'm antsy to try one ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33748) 2023-07-30T05:03:26Z **dcb: @KaroshiKazuya tbh 16:10 xp is a vibe of its own to be fair, like you're workin on a plane with a dell latitude d620 running a core 2 duo**
@ [KaroshiKazuya](/KaroshiKazuya) tbh 16:10 xp is a vibe of its own to be fair, like you're workin on a plane with a dell latitude d620 running a core 2 duo ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33744) 2023-07-30T05:01:49Z **dcb: and this one won't. this could be kinda weird for long messages though maybe i have not thought this out**
and this one won't. this could be kinda weird for long messages though maybe i have not thought this out ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33743) 2023-07-30T05:01:12Z **dcb: So I'm differentiating my 'status' posts and general onsite banter by the capitalization at the start. This one'll show on the micro page**
So I'm differentiating my 'status' posts and general onsite banter by the capitalization at the start. This one'll show on the micro page ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33742) 2023-07-30T05:15:18Z **dcb: @efgerter yeah itunes was always kinda heavy as a player on windows, only got worse over time. good memories with the early versions though**
@ [efgerter](/efgerter) yeah itunes was always kinda heavy as a player on windows, only got worse over time. good memories with the early versions though ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33754) 2023-07-30T05:16:19Z **dcb: winamp i like a lot, is very flexible, as is foobar2000. wmp's pretty tough to beat though, that's what i'm using with my music library rn**
winamp i like a lot, is very flexible, as is foobar2000. wmp's pretty tough to beat though, that's what i'm using with my music library rn ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33755) 2023-07-30T05:27:24Z **dcb: _underscore will trigger the blip being displayed too, now. This could be weird, I'll feel it out.**
\_underscore will trigger the blip being displayed too, now. This could be weird, I'll feel it out. ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33758) 2023-07-30T05:31:27Z **dcb: @Ratts2474 wouldn't actively seek it out often, but i'd have it if given the option, really just matters if it complements the other toppers**
@ [Ratts2474](/Ratts2474) wouldn't actively seek it out often, but i'd have it if given the option, really just matters if it complements the other toppers ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33760) 2023-07-30T23:34:38Z **dcb: ClassiCube is very good. Basically my retro machine benchmark.**
ClassiCube is very good. Basically my retro machine benchmark. ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/33933) 2023-08-01T17:48:33Z **dcb: @eli xd imgur picked that image up on its adult content filter**
@ [eli](/eli) xd imgur picked that image up on its adult content filter ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/34301) 2023-08-01T21:35:11Z **dcb: @swageroki yoo which ones**
@ [swageroki](/swageroki) yoo which ones ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/34334) 2023-08-01T21:34:38Z **dcb: @PwnageMachine i like guilded, tough getting to use it though bc there are still rough edges**
@ [PwnageMachine](/PwnageMachine) i like guilded, tough getting to use it though bc there are still rough edges ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/34333) 2023-08-01T21:40:26Z **dcb: I do have somewhat of an image how everything's gonna fit together web-wise. It's all in flux at the moment but I quite like it.**
I do have somewhat of an image how everything's gonna fit together web-wise. It's all in flux at the moment but I quite like it. ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/34336) 2023-08-01T21:38:58Z **dcb: I picked up Tumblr btw, mainly reblogs with a bit of seasoning. Seems to be scratching that itch I got. https://linceon.tumblr.com**
I picked up Tumblr btw, mainly reblogs with a bit of seasoning. Seems to be scratching that itch I got. [https://linceon.tumblr.com](https://linceon.tumblr.com) ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/34335) 2023-08-01T22:07:19Z **dcb: Got an idea, kinda silly, but a microblog site where your updates are posted a day at a time. Like as one collection at the end of the day.**
Got an idea, kinda silly, but a microblog site where your updates are posted a day at a time. Like as one collection at the end of the day. ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/34338) 2023-08-01T22:08:12Z **dcb: Thinking about how much I've been using tumblr's queue feature trying it. I dunno seems like something that could be interesting.**
Thinking about how much I've been using tumblr's queue feature trying it. I dunno seems like something that could be interesting. ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/34339) 2023-08-01T22:10:27Z **dcb: Like.. rolls. Rolls of updates throughout the day keeping the original timestamp. Then you can wait to submit the batch of course.**
Like.. rolls. Rolls of updates throughout the day keeping the original timestamp. Then you can wait to submit the batch of course. ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/34340) 2023-08-03T18:00:07Z **dcb: passed Calc 2 with a C-!!!!! Winning!!!!!**
passed Calc 2 with a C-!!!!! Winning!!!!! ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/34624) 2023-08-04T15:19:48Z **dcb: @zerofive the freedos yt is a very fun one**
@ [zerofive](/zerofive) the freedos yt is a very fun one ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/34751) 2023-08-04T15:28:43Z **dcb: @Cazzy i dont like you sorry**
@ [Cazzy](/Cazzy) i dont like you sorry ⌘ [Read more](https://blips.club/dcb/statuses/34754)