# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is an automated Yarn.social feed running feeds v0.1.0@72e53a9 # Learn more about Yarn.social at https://yarn.social # # nick = elon-musk-atelonmusk # url = https://feeds.twtxt.net/elon-musk-atelonmusk/twtxt.txt # type = rss # source = https://nitter.it/elonmusk/rss # avatar = https://feeds.twtxt.net/elon-musk-atelonmusk/avatar.png#xie6j4o5lbf6ix5dsls5huse3iypbtg5lpktrb4ejxlh2zvnwg2q # description = Twitter feed for: @elonmusk. Generated by nitter.it # updated_at = 2023-08-28T23:12:07Z # 2022-12-19T01:29:14Z **Those who want power are the ones who least deserve it**
Those who want power are the ones who least deserve it ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1604650028999405568#m) 2022-12-19T00:23:02Z **Elvis is in the building**
Elvis is in the building

[nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1604613292491538432#m](https://nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1604613292491538432#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1604633369626652672#m) 2022-12-18T23:43:31Z **As the saying goes, be careful what you wish, as you might get it**
As the saying goes, be careful what you wish, as you might get it ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1604623424164282368#m) 2022-12-18T23:20:33Z **Should I step down as head of Twitter? I will abide by the results of this poll.**
Should I step down as head of Twitter? I will abide by the results of this poll. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1604617643973124097#m) 2022-12-18T23:17:27Z **Going forward, there will be a vote for major policy changes. My apologies. Won’t happen again.**
Going forward, there will be a vote for major policy changes. My apologies. Won’t happen again. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1604616863673208832#m) 2022-12-18T20:50:40Z **RT by @elonmusk: Congrats to the Giga Berlin team on building 3k Model Y this week!**
Congrats to the Giga Berlin team on building 3k Model Y this week!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRmtTYzcxMVdBQUFPb0d5LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1604579924903223296#m) 2022-12-18T18:02:47Z **Duel in the Desert.
Couldn’t ask for a better game. Incredible play by 🇦🇷 & 🇫🇷 !!!!**
Duel in the Desert.

Couldn’t ask for a better game. Incredible play by 🇦🇷 & 🇫🇷 !!!!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjA0NTM3MTQ4OTkyMTEwNTk5L2ltZy9Sb3UtdHhULVQ1M29NY3lwLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1604537674878042112#m) 2022-12-18T17:39:24Z **3 - 3 WOW!!!**
3 - 3 WOW!!!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjA0NTMxNjg0NjEwOTE2MzU0L2ltZy9YZVlYemxybUs1SHhVeWhPLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1604531789686530048#m) 2022-12-18T17:29:59Z **RT by @elonmusk: ARGENTINA TAKES THE LEAD IN THE 108TH MINUTE 😱**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRmtSdS1FUFhFQWs2ZlpGLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/FOXSoccer/status/1604529420735500288#m) 2022-12-18T16:55:22Z **24,400 tweets per second for France’s goal, highest ever for World Cup!**
24,400 tweets per second for France’s goal, highest ever for World Cup! ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1604520708570517504#m) 2022-12-18T16:54:13Z **Well done France! 🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷
Evenly-matched game!!**
Well done France! 🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷

Evenly-matched game!!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjA0NTIwMzA1MjM3NjcxOTM3L2ltZy9qeGVWZFJtSzZVaUNwenFVLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1604520419515662337#m) 2022-12-18T16:05:44Z **Super exciting World Cup!
🇦🇷 ahead 2-0 at halftime.
Can 🇫🇷 come back?**
Super exciting World Cup!

🇦🇷 ahead 2-0 at halftime.

Can 🇫🇷 come back? ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1604508220206321667#m) 2022-12-18T15:27:49Z **Great goal by Argentina! 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷**
Great goal by Argentina! 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjA0NDk4NTQyNzkzNTcyMzUzL2ltZy91ZXE4Uzg0bDJWa085aHJmLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1604498679234273286#m) 2022-12-18T14:53:59Z **At World Cup right now**
At World Cup right now

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjA0NDkwMDUwMzM4Nzk5NjE4L2ltZy8tWWx5eFZiaExORFNsQlNpLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1604490162976698368#m) 2022-12-18T14:40:48Z **Follow The World Cup on Twitter!
Follow The World Cup on Twitter!


![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/c2VtYW50aWNfY29yZV9pbWcvMTYwMzQwODEwMzM4MjQyNTYwMS9HOGtKZ3RGdD9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9b3JpZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1604486844867133442#m) 2022-12-18T05:05:29Z **Hallelujah!!**

[nitter.it/PubityIG/status/1604200614711287808#m](https://nitter.it/PubityIG/status/1604200614711287808#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1604342060617695232#m) 2022-12-18T03:59:10Z **True creation eventually becomes independent of its creator. Evolution takes the original product far from its origin, with an uncertain outcome.
– Dune, The Machine Crusade**
True creation eventually becomes independent of its creator. Evolution takes the original product far from its origin, with an uncertain outcome.

– Dune, The Machine Crusade ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1604325372841136128#m) 2022-12-17T21:58:21Z **Congrats to SpaceX Team on 3 perfect orbital launches within 36 hours!!!**
Congrats to SpaceX Team on 3 perfect orbital launches within 36 hours!!! ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1604234568814546945#m) 2022-12-17T21:40:51Z **Live launch video**
Live launch video

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1604226725029634048#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1604226725029634048#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1604230165051195394#m) 2022-11-24T21:36:22Z **RT by @elonmusk: All of US history has occurred within a single Pluto orbit**
All of US history has occurred within a single Pluto orbit

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRmlYQlBlMlgwQU1OaEdjLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/amazingmap/status/1595894117170647043#m) 2022-12-19T20:51:18Z **RT by @elonmusk: Be your own utility with Solar & Powerwall →
Be your own utility with Solar & Powerwall →


![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYwMTc4ODM0NDQzODIzMTA0MS9heTZJZGRlMD9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9NjAweDYwMA==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1604942471871471638#m) 2022-12-19T20:51:16Z **RT by @elonmusk: We’ve completed 500k+ Solar Panel and Solar Roof installations—that’s equal to ~4 GW of clean energy ☀️**
We’ve completed 500k+ Solar Panel and Solar Roof installations—that’s equal to ~4 GW of clean energy ☀️

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRmtYbXB0X1dJQjBOcWZ1LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1604942465110528000#m) 2022-12-20T00:36:52Z **Stats on Twitter World Cup
Stats on Twitter World Cup


![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYwMjU1MTU5MjMzNDYzOTEwNC94eGhOY3BJVj9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9NDIweDQyMF8y) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1604999237099716609#m) 2022-12-20T15:10:54Z **Other social media companies too, not just Twitter**
Other social media companies too, not just Twitter

[nitter.it/RubinReport/status/1604972341863202816#m](https://nitter.it/RubinReport/status/1604972341863202816#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1605219196350222339#m) 2022-12-20T15:13:45Z **Government paid Twitter millions of dollars to censor info from the public**
Government paid Twitter millions of dollars to censor info from the public

[nitter.it/ShellenbergerMD/status/1604871630613753856#m](https://nitter.it/ShellenbergerMD/status/1604871630613753856#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1605219914813673473#m) 2022-12-20T15:48:30Z **RT by @elonmusk: Every Tesla has an electronic powertrain that provides instant torque control—enabling more control & stability in winter conditions**
Every Tesla has an electronic powertrain that provides instant torque control—enabling more control & stability in winter conditions

[nitter.it/jaminwestby/status/1603900387194507264#m](https://nitter.it/jaminwestby/status/1603900387194507264#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1605228658485911553#m) 2022-12-20T17:04:48Z **Hear, hear!!**
Hear, hear!!

[nitter.it/DavidSacks/status/1605237329039224839#m](https://nitter.it/DavidSacks/status/1605237329039224839#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1605247858030317568#m) 2022-12-20T17:32:35Z **R to @elonmusk: As (outgoing) Chair of House Intelligence, did you approve hidden state censorship in direct violation of the Constitution of the United States @RepAdamSchiff?**
As (outgoing) Chair of House Intelligence, did you approve hidden state censorship in direct violation of the Constitution of the United States [@RepAdamSchiff](https://nitter.it/RepAdamSchiff "Adam Schiff")? ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1605254853692907521#m) 2022-12-20T18:00:27Z **Newspapers just search the Internet and print it out – SJM**
Newspapers just search the Internet and print it out – SJM ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1605261864652390401#m) 2022-12-20T20:27:43Z **Yikes!**

[nitter.it/lhfang/status/1605292454261182464#m](https://nitter.it/lhfang/status/1605292454261182464#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1605298927104053248#m) 2022-12-20T23:50:05Z **Should Congress approve the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill?**
Should Congress approve the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill? ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1605349852199936000#m) 2022-12-21T00:00:45Z **R to @elonmusk: Bots incoming …**
Bots incoming … ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1605352537233694721#m) 2022-12-21T01:09:30Z **Whether for or against, please let your elected representatives know what you think about this $1.7 trillion spending bill that they’re trying to pass!**
Whether for or against, please let your elected representatives know what you think about this $1.7 trillion spending bill that they’re trying to pass! ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1605369839274831873#m) 2022-12-21T01:20:58Z **R to @elonmusk: I will resign as CEO as soon as I find someone foolish enough to take the job! After that, I will just run the software & servers teams.**
I will resign as CEO as soon as I find someone foolish enough to take the job! After that, I will just run the software & servers teams. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1605372724800393216#m) 2022-12-21T03:59:09Z **R to @elonmusk: I’m in favor of a small spending bill to keep things running, but common sense suggests that it be the least amount required through the holidays. 

Railroading through a giant spending bill that almost no one has read is unlikely to be in the best interests of the people.**
I’m in favor of a small spending bill to keep things running, but common sense suggests that it be the least amount required through the holidays.

Railroading through a giant spending bill that almost no one has read is unlike ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1605412534076510208#m) 2022-12-21T23:50:51Z **Sustainable cars powered by sustainable energy**
Sustainable cars powered by sustainable energy

[nitter.it/Tesla/status/1605590368841388033#m](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1605590368841388033#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1605712434102030339#m) 2022-12-22T01:32:28Z **One of many product improvements coming to financial Twitter! 

Nice work by Twitter team.**
One of many product improvements coming to financial Twitter!

Nice work by Twitter team.

[nitter.it/TwitterBusiness/status/1605651865818914816#m](https://nitter.it/TwitterBusiness/status/1605651865818914816#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1605738005813084165#m) 2022-12-22T01:27:14Z **.@SenSchumer & @LeaderMcConnell, the public has spoken. 

They are overwhelmingly against this giant spending bill.**
. [@SenSchumer](https://nitter.it/SenSchumer "Chuck Schumer") & [@LeaderMcConnell](https://nitter.it/LeaderMcConnell "Leader McConnell"), the public has spoken.

They are overwhelmingly against this giant spending bill.

[nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1605349852199936000#m](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1605349852199936000#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1605736689090977794#m) 2022-12-22T16:05:54Z **Twitter is rolling out View Count, so you can see how many times a tweet has been seen! This is normal for video.

Shows how much more alive Twitter is than it may seem, as over 90% of Twitter users read, but don’t tweet, reply or like, as those are public actions.**
Twitter is rolling out View Count, so you can see how many times a tweet has been seen! This is normal for video.

Shows how much more alive Twitter is than it may seem, as over 90% of Twitter users read, but don’t tweet, reply or like, as those are p ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1605957811162054656#m) 2022-12-22T16:24:00Z **Is this true, @SenatorSinema and @SenatorTester?**
Is this true, [@SenatorSinema](https://nitter.it/SenatorSinema "Kyrsten Sinema") and [@SenatorTester](https://nitter.it/SenatorTester "Senator Jon Tester")?

[nitter.it/SenMikeLee/status/1605948247012306944#m](https://nitter.it/SenMikeLee/status/1605948247012306944#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1605962367505813504#m) 2022-12-22T18:37:21Z **Congratulations Tesla Team!!**
Congratulations Tesla Team!!

[nitter.it/Tesla/status/1605995788613476355#m](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1605995788613476355#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1605995925339398145#m) 2022-12-22T18:34:12Z **R to @elonmusk: Meant to say impressions**
Meant to say impressions ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1605995133119258627#m) 2022-12-23T02:00:34Z **Tweets are read ~100 times more than they are liked**
Tweets are read ~100 times more than they are liked ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1606107465174503424#m) 2022-12-23T09:00:12Z **Tweet impression count should**
Tweet impression count should ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1606213070354731008#m) 2022-12-23T17:08:52Z **R to @elonmusk: So you’re saying you prefer the right? Heheh**
So you’re saying you prefer the right? Heheh ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1606336047738023936#m) 2022-12-23T17:50:28Z **RT by @elonmusk: Giga Texas is alive ⚡️🚘**
Giga Texas is alive ⚡️🚘

[nitter.it/billykyle/status/1605749737201754113#m](https://nitter.it/billykyle/status/1605749737201754113#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1606346513713696773#m) 2022-12-23T21:08:26Z **Twitter votes for the right haha**
Twitter votes for the right haha

[nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1606213070354731008#m](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1606213070354731008#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1606396336592498688#m) 2022-12-24T08:38:10Z **RT by @elonmusk: Notes on a Friday Night:
Notes on a Friday Night:


![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYwNjU2OTg2MDQzOTIxNjEyOC9iV014TnBjdj9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1606569914533568513#m) 2022-12-24T11:55:24Z **R to @elonmusk: … is what it feels like understanding how Twitter works**
… is what it feels like understanding how Twitter works ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1606619549830643713#m) 2022-12-24T11:47:17Z **Fractal of Rube Goldberg machines …**
Fractal of Rube Goldberg machines … ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1606617504708976641#m) 2022-12-24T12:11:39Z **R to @elonmusk: And yet work it does**
And yet work it does ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1606623637976801281#m) 2022-12-24T12:15:45Z **R to @elonmusk: Even after I disconnected one of the more sensitive server racks**
Even after I disconnected one of the more sensitive server racks ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1606624671100997634#m) 2022-12-25T06:26:40Z **RT by @elonmusk: Twitter Files Thread: The Spies Who Loved Twitter:

Twitter Files Thread: The Spies Who Loved Twitter:


![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYwNjg5OTE1NjI1NzQ5Mjk5Mi9lYnJZXzJuYj9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1606899208342360065#m) 2022-12-25T19:29:09Z **Merry Christmas & Good Cheer to All!**
Merry Christmas & Good Cheer to All!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRmsyTmFKVmFnQUlkM3E4LmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRmsyTmFKV2FjQUFsWlJiLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRmsyTmFKVmFrQUF0V3FyLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1607096125567414272#m) 2022-12-26T14:10:45Z **RT by @elonmusk: 1. THREAD:


– By censoring info that was true but inconvenient to U.S. govt. policy
– By discrediting doctors and other experts who disagreed
– By suppressing ordinary users, including some sharing the CDC’s *own data***


– By censoring info that was true but inconvenient to U.S. govt. policy

– By discrediting doctors and other experts who disagreed

– By suppressing ordin ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/davidzweig/status/1607378386338340867#m) 2022-12-26T16:40:41Z **Much more to The Twitter Files: Covid Editon than this introductory thread.

Follow-up piece to come next week, featuring leading doctors & researchers from Harvard, Stanford & other institutions.**
Much more to The Twitter Files: Covid Editon than this introductory thread.

Follow-up piece to come next week, featuring leading doctors & researchers from Harvard, Stanford & other institutions.

[nitter.it/davidzweig/status/1607378386338340867#m](https://nitter.it/davidzweig/status/1607378386338340867#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1607416119496945665#m) 2022-12-26T16:42:20Z **R to @elonmusk: (Many of whom were, of course, actively suppressed on Twitter)**
(Many of whom were, of course, actively suppressed on Twitter) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1607416532669431809#m) 2022-12-27T04:12:35Z **Some nights …**
Some nights …

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRms5T3lfaVdJQUV4OFFkLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1607590239874211847#m) 2022-12-27T21:26:36Z **“Don’t be the clown on the clown car!”

Too late haha**
“Don’t be the clown on the clown car!”

Too late haha ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1607850458554449920#m) 2022-12-27T22:43:05Z **Why is corporate journalism rushing to defend the state instead of the people?**
Why is corporate journalism rushing to defend the state instead of the people?

[nitter.it/lwoodhouse/status/1607775686256918528#m](https://nitter.it/lwoodhouse/status/1607775686256918528#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1607869704588099587#m) 2022-12-28T07:11:15Z **I’m not brainwashed!!**
I’m not brainwashed!!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRmxEQlNZQVhnQUFsWDhpLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1607997591870124032#m) 2022-12-28T07:06:43Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRmxEQVA2Ylh3QWNuUWM1LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1607996451614822404#m) 2022-12-28T09:43:53Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the A Shortfall of Gravitas droneship**
Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the A Shortfall of Gravitas droneship

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjA4MDM1ODU4NzExNTQ3OTA0L2ltZy9Pa2k4cDhVVFhNR185dmhYLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1608036003251621888#m) 2022-12-28T09:34:55Z **RT by @elonmusk: Liftoff!**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjA4MDMzNjkzMjkzMDY4MjkwL2ltZy93V3U2NmxjLUFmazY4c1laLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1608033744086265856#m) 2022-12-28T09:29:49Z **RT by @elonmusk: Watch Falcon 9 launch 54 Starlink satellites to orbit → http://spacex.com/launches/sl5-1/ https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1kvJpmZQgNLxE**
Watch Falcon 9 launch 54 Starlink satellites to orbit → [spacex.com/launches/sl5-1/](http://spacex.com/launches/sl5-1/) [nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1kv…](https://nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1kvJpmZQgNLxE)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYwODAzNzc5OTgxODgzMzkyMi9QZy1SVHktMz9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1608032463124860928#m) 2022-12-28T15:13:10Z **Congratulations SpaceX Falcon team on 60 successful launches this year!!**
Congratulations SpaceX Falcon team on 60 successful launches this year!!

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1608050353131642880#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1608050353131642880#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1608118870107209728#m) 2022-12-28T16:58:14Z **They did it!**
They did it!

[nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1508540042817376256#m](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1508540042817376256#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1608145311347707905#m) 2022-12-28T18:58:55Z **New Twitter policy is to follow the science, which necessarily includes reasoned questioning of the science**
New Twitter policy is to follow the science, which necessarily includes reasoned questioning of the science ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1608175680407191552#m) 2022-12-28T19:51:09Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRmxGdk5WYlhnQWdxVEVXLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1608188826291167242#m) 2022-12-29T04:50:26Z **Significant backend server architecture changes rolled out. Twitter should feel faster.**
Significant backend server architecture changes rolled out. Twitter should feel faster. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1608324539779551232#m) 2022-12-29T19:44:15Z **RT by @elonmusk: 2022 was a huge year for EVs. 

Thank you to Tesla owners, supporters & employees for helping us accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy! ⚡️🚘🔋☀️❤️**
2022 was a huge year for EVs.

Thank you to Tesla owners, supporters & employees for helping us accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy! ⚡️🚘🔋☀️❤️ ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1608549476800802818#m) 2022-12-30T03:16:43Z **New Twitter will strive to optimize unregretted user-minutes**
New Twitter will strive to optimize unregretted user-minutes ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1608663342956302337#m) 2022-12-30T08:04:48Z **Launch 61 of 2022. Congrats SpaceX!**
Launch 61 of 2022. Congrats SpaceX!

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1608729305496059906#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1608729305496059906#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1608735844478902274#m) 2022-12-30T14:12:15Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRmxPMDBwLWFZQUU1aDhKLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1608828315581976576#m) 2022-12-30T20:26:24Z **New Twitter navigation coming in Jan that allows swiping to side to switch between recommended & followed tweets, trends, topics, etc.

Until then, tap stars icon on upper right of home screen to switch. https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1608922473839620096**
New Twitter navigation coming in Jan that allows swiping to side to switch between recommended & followed tweets, trends, topics, etc.

Until then, tap stars icon on upper right of home screen to switch. [nitter.it/i/web/status/160…](https://nitter.it/i/web/st ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1608922473839620096#m) 2022-12-30T21:32:50Z **If you don’t think there’s at least a tiny chance you’re an NPC … you’re an NPC**
If you don’t think there’s at least a tiny chance you’re an NPC … you’re an NPC ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1608939190548598784#m) 2022-12-31T08:51:10Z **Twitter has a bookmark function accessible through share button on tweet. 

To read bookmarks, tap profile icon.

This obscure UI will be fixed in Jan.**
Twitter has a bookmark function accessible through share button on tweet.

To read bookmarks, tap profile icon.

This obscure UI will be fixed in Jan. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1609109899233071104#m) 2022-12-31T09:02:21Z **R to @elonmusk: Easy to create folders to bookmark tweets into various categories**
Easy to create folders to bookmark tweets into various categories ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1609112711933366272#m) 2022-12-31T10:00:01Z **R to @elonmusk: Unlike likes, bookmarks are private**
Unlike likes, bookmarks are private ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1609127227077320704#m) 2022-12-31T18:26:16Z **Sometimes it’s just better to make pizza at home**
Sometimes it’s just better to make pizza at home ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1609254628113420290#m) 2022-12-31T18:54:10Z **🧻**
🧻 ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1609261649269256193#m) 2023-01-01T19:25:38Z **Hope you’re having a great day 1 2023!

One thing’s for sure, it won’t be boring.**
Hope you’re having a great day 1 2023!

One thing’s for sure, it won’t be boring. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1609631955003518977#m) 2023-01-03T14:48:02Z **RT by @elonmusk: Watch Falcon 9 launch 114 spacecraft to orbit → http://spacex.com/launches https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1ynKOazLvmQJR**
Watch Falcon 9 launch 114 spacecraft to orbit → [spacex.com/launches](http://spacex.com/launches) [nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1yn…](https://nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1ynKOazLvmQJR)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYxMDI5OTI0NTM2MTQ5NjA2NC85Q2d6TVdhMD9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1610286872303144962#m) 2023-01-03T20:37:23Z **Another episode of The Twitter Files**
Another episode of The Twitter Files

[nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1610372352872783872#m](https://nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1610372352872783872#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1610374789759205380#m) 2023-01-03T23:21:23Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRmxsWTNybFhrQUlvdVVlLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1610416059940495363#m) 2023-01-03T23:42:11Z **US govt agency demanded suspension of 250k accounts, including journalists & Canadian officials!**
US govt agency demanded suspension of 250k accounts, including journalists & Canadian officials!

[nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1610394226226765824#m](https://nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1610394226226765824#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1610421293060599808#m) 2023-01-04T00:36:33Z **Please comment on this matter**
Please comment on this matter

[nitter.it/Teslarati/status/1610380970217062400#m](https://nitter.it/Teslarati/status/1610380970217062400#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1610434975270342656#m) 2023-01-04T01:55:18Z **12 months ago, I was Person of the Year**
12 months ago, I was Person of the Year ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1610454795177062401#m) 2023-01-05T10:23:53Z **Kevin McCarthy should be Speaker**
Kevin McCarthy should be Speaker ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1610945173466546176#m) 2023-01-05T16:12:24Z **Sped up trip there & back again**
Sped up trip there & back again

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1611024931348959232#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1611024931348959232#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1611032877336236032#m) 2023-01-05T16:22:25Z **Elon Musk should**
Elon Musk should ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1611035401225113600#m) 2023-01-05T16:19:29Z **R to @elonmusk: Subtle, but I am beginning to suspect opinions differ on this matter …

If not McCarthy, then seriously who?**
Subtle, but I am beginning to suspect opinions differ on this matter …

If not McCarthy, then seriously who? ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1611034662301995010#m) 2023-01-05T21:27:32Z **Ouch my feet!!**
Ouch my feet!!

[nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1611035401225113600#m](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1611035401225113600#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1611112185895473163#m) 2023-01-05T22:32:18Z **R to @elonmusk: Some habits are hard to break lol. Maybe I should just get bulletproof shoes.**
Some habits are hard to break lol. Maybe I should just get bulletproof shoes. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1611128483547348992#m) 2023-01-05T23:37:53Z **Some habits are hard to break lol. Maybe I should just get bulletproof shoes …**
Some habits are hard to break lol. Maybe I should just get bulletproof shoes …

[nitter.it/elonmusk/status/321438436168974336#m](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/321438436168974336#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1611144990348161026#m) 2023-01-05T23:43:43Z **If I dig my grave deep enough, maybe it comes out other side of Earth 🤔**
If I dig my grave deep enough, maybe it comes out other side of Earth 🤔 ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1611146457222086657#m) 2023-01-06T18:05:15Z **8 years later & still no laws … 😢**
8 years later & still no laws … 😢

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRmx6dFNFQ2FFQUFxRG9sLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1611423667107549184#m) 2023-01-06T18:35:24Z **R to @elonmusk: (JCO was joking btw)**
(JCO was joking btw) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1611431254091763714#m) 2023-01-07T16:56:11Z **Thread on how safe Tesla cars are**
Thread on how safe Tesla cars are

[nitter.it/Tesla/status/1611767781636055040#m](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1611767781636055040#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1611768674653982720#m) 2023-01-07T22:50:40Z **Plaid is sickkk**
Plaid is sickkk

[nitter.it/Tesla/status/1611839803481374721#m](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1611839803481374721#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1611857881808375808#m) 2023-01-07T21:37:10Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon Heavy in the hangar at Launch Complex 39A in Florida**
Falcon Heavy in the hangar at Launch Complex 39A in Florida

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRmw1bUF0Y2FVQUVfU1lmLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRmw1bUIwc2FnQUV0ZVFPLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1611839383661051904#m) 2023-01-08T03:48:20Z **Easy swipe right/left to move between recommended vs followed tweets rolls out later this week.

First part of a much larger UI overhaul.

Bookmark button (de facto silent like) on Tweet details rolls out a week later.

Long form tweets early Feb.**
Easy swipe right/left to move between recommended vs followed tweets rolls out later this week.

First part of a much larger UI overhaul.

Bookmark button (de facto silent like) on Tweet details rolls out a week later.

Long form tweets early Feb. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1611932793130438656#m) 2023-01-08T22:23:42Z **(Chart by James Stephenson)**
(Chart by James Stephenson)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRmwtN25sU1hnQU1BQW5WLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1612213483625668608#m) 2023-01-08T23:29:31Z **I hope that the people of Brazil are able to resolve matters peacefully**
I hope that the people of Brazil are able to resolve matters peacefully ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1612230045493248001#m) 2023-01-09T16:37:46Z **RT by @elonmusk: Watch live TV & stream your favorite shows in your Tesla when parked**
Watch live TV & stream your favorite shows in your Tesla when parked

[nitter.it/D\_Love/status/1611871179283009537#m](https://nitter.it/D_Love/status/1611871179283009537#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1612488814852771842#m) 2023-01-09T20:17:37Z **More Twitter Files. 

Some conspiracies are actually true.**
More Twitter Files.

Some conspiracies are actually true.

[nitter.it/AlexBerenson/status/1612526697038897167#m](https://nitter.it/AlexBerenson/status/1612526697038897167#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1612544141866729473#m) 2023-01-09T21:46:02Z **RT by @elonmusk: All cargo is loaded, the hatch is closed, and Dragon is ready for an on-time departure from the @space_station at 5:05 p.m. ET. Watch live → http://nasa.gov/nasalive**
All cargo is loaded, the hatch is closed, and Dragon is ready for an on-time departure from the [@space\_station](https://nitter.it/Space_Station "International Space Station") at 5:05 p.m. ET. Watch live → [nasa.gov/nasalive](http://nasa.gov/nasalive)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYxMDgyNjEzMzc1NDIzMjgzMi80LTMwUVphbj9m ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1612566392548782080#m) 2023-01-10T00:04:56Z **RT by @elonmusk: Ship 24 stacked on Super Heavy Booster 7 at Starbase in Texas**
Ship 24 stacked on Super Heavy Booster 7 at Starbase in Texas

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/ZXh0X3R3X3ZpZGVvX3RodW1iLzE2MTI2MDEwODM3OTIzMzA3NTIvcHUvaW1nL1hEdlpPSFpHbVphN1BwZ3UuanBn) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1612601348234817536#m) 2023-01-10T04:36:49Z **RT by @elonmusk: Watch Falcon 9 launch the @OneWeb Launch 16 mission to orbit → http://spacex.com/launches https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1lDxLnQAgezGm**
Watch Falcon 9 launch the [@OneWeb](https://nitter.it/OneWeb "OneWeb") Launch 16 mission to orbit → [spacex.com/launches](http://spacex.com/launches) [nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1lD…](https://nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1lDxLnQAgezGm)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYxMjY2OTc3MjMzMTkwNTAzMC90dndaVUtMUj9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1612669769668517890#m) 2023-01-10T02:16:04Z **RT by @elonmusk: Was our privilege to provide transportation for @LVCVA at an amazing @CES convention. 
Fun Loop stats: average ride time < 2 min, average wait time < 10 sec, 94k+ total passengers, 10k+ passengers to/from Resorts World, and average Q4 LVCC Customer Experience Score > 4.9/5.0!**
Was our privilege to provide transportation for [@LVCVA](https://nitter.it/LVCVA "Vegas Means Business") at an amazing [@CES](https://nitter.it/CES "CES") convention.

Fun Loop stats: average ride time < 2 min, averag ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/boringcompany/status/1612634349559742465#m) 2023-01-10T06:36:19Z **All four orbital launch pads fully loaded with rockets for the first time!**
All four orbital launch pads fully loaded with rockets for the first time!

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1612698343691673601#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1612698343691673601#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1612699840571637760#m) 2023-01-11T10:08:00Z **RT by @elonmusk: Model S & Model Y received the highest overall safety scores among every vehicle tested by EuroNCAP in 2022**
Model S & Model Y received the highest overall safety scores among every vehicle tested by EuroNCAP in 2022

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm1Mdl8zQVdZQUF4bllhLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1613115502003425281#m) 2023-01-11T19:01:29Z **Some things that your party tells you are false and some things that the other party says are true**
Some things that your party tells you are false and some things that the other party says are true ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1613249758256328705#m) 2023-01-12T14:05:12Z **Starship launch attempt soon**
Starship launch attempt soon

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm1SdjRULWFrQUlJdHlwLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1613537584231362561#m) 2023-01-12T16:09:10Z **RT by @elonmusk: Team are stepping into a series of tests prior to Starship's first flight test in the weeks ahead, including full stack wet dress rehearsals and hold down firing of Booster 7's 33 Raptor engines**
Team are stepping into a series of tests prior to Starship's first flight test in the weeks ahead, including full stack wet dress rehearsals and hold down firing of Booster 7's 33 Raptor engines ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1613568779216359424#m) 2023-01-12T16:08:31Z **RT by @elonmusk: More pics of Starship fully stacked on the orbital launch pad at Starbase → http://flickr.com/spacex**
More pics of Starship fully stacked on the orbital launch pad at Starbase → [flickr.com/spacex](http://flickr.com/spacex)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm1TTHpUbGFFQVVDV0NoLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm1TTHprdGFNQUk3enhVLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1613568616078921733#m) 2023-01-12T19:39:30Z **RT by @elonmusk: The latest #TwitterFiles expose as a total lie a major Russiagate story — that the #ReleaseTheMemo hashtag was fueled by Russian bots:**
The latest [#TwitterFiles](https://nitter.it/search?q=%23TwitterFiles) expose as a total lie a major Russiagate story — that the [#ReleaseTheMemo](https://nitter.it/search?q=%23ReleaseTheMemo) hashtag was fueled by Russian bots:

[nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1613589031773769739#m](https://nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1613589031773769739#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1613621714063134731#m) 2023-01-13T01:23:28Z **RT by @elonmusk: BREAKING: Tesla Is US Brand with Lowest Maintenance Cost for its Cars with 10 years of Use, Model S Is #1 ⁦@elonmusk⁩ https://www.tesmanian.com/blogs/tesmanian-blog/tesla-has-become-the-brand-with-the-lowest-maintenance-cost-for-its-cars-in-10-years-of-use**
BREAKING: Tesla Is US Brand with Lowest Maintenance Cost for its Cars with 10 years of Use, Model S Is #1 ⁦ [@elonmusk](https://nitter.it/elonmusk "Elon Musk") ⁩ [tesmanian.com/blogs/tesmania…](https://www.tesmanian.com/blogs/tesmanian-b ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/teslaownersSV/status/1613708275564052483#m) 2023-01-13T13:45:02Z **RT by @elonmusk: Tesla owners collectively saved $2B+ in 2022 ⚡️**
Tesla owners collectively saved $2B+ in 2022 ⚡️ ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1613894897701896192#m) 2023-01-13T13:45:02Z **RT by @elonmusk: View your charging history & savings for the full year in the Tesla app**
View your charging history & savings for the full year in the Tesla app

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm1XMDJWZVhvQUlvS0RsLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm1XMDJWY1dRQUVnSlZHLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1613894894203838464#m) 2023-01-13T14:06:46Z **Bookmark button moving to tweet details page, fixing image length crop & other minor bug fixes next week**
Bookmark button moving to tweet details page, fixing image length crop & other minor bug fixes next week ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1613900363652009992#m) 2023-01-13T16:14:52Z **virtue rises with the sun**
virtue rises with the sun ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1613932601882054658#m) 2023-01-13T20:26:32Z **Twitter will publish tweet recommendation code & make account/tweet status visible no later than next month.

Transparency builds trust.**
Twitter will publish tweet recommendation code & make account/tweet status visible no later than next month.

Transparency builds trust. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1613995936585519104#m) 2023-01-14T04:43:43Z **deamplify means shadowban**
deamplify means shadowban

[nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1613932017716195329#m](https://nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1613932017716195329#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1614121055022350336#m) 2023-01-14T04:38:32Z **R to @elonmusk: The higher the rates, the harder the fall**
The higher the rates, the harder the fall ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1614119750627459074#m) 2023-01-13T21:56:04Z **RT by @elonmusk: We will soon launch Verification for Organizations, formerly known as Blue for Business. Today, you can apply for early access via our waitlist here: 

We will soon launch Verification for Organizations, formerly known as Blue for Business. Today, you can apply for early access via our waitlist here:


![](https: ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/TwitterBusiness/status/1614018467413504001#m) 2023-01-14T03:43:12Z **I wonder what would have happened in 2009 if the Fed had raised rates instead of lowering them 🤔**
I wonder what would have happened in 2009 if the Fed had raised rates instead of lowering them 🤔

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm1aMHJQQVhrQUVwRm1YLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1614105828205760513#m) 2023-01-14T08:54:48Z **Good assessment of our goal
Good assessment of our goal


![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYxMjU5NzkxNDYyMjM2MTYwMC9EaTFISzhmcj9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9NjAweDYwMA==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1614184244703793152#m) 2023-01-14T18:54:18Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon Heavy is now vertical on Launch Complex 39A in Florida. Targeting Sunday, January 15 for launch of the USSF-67 mission → http://spacex.com/launches**
Falcon Heavy is now vertical on Launch Complex 39A in Florida. Targeting Sunday, January 15 for launch of the USSF-67 mission → [spacex.com/launches](http://spacex.com/launches)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm1kRXZqUGFjQU11Vk1wLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1614335113575411714#m) 2023-01-15T22:40:14Z **RT by @elonmusk: Watch Falcon Heavy launch the USSF-67 mission to orbit → http://spacex.com/launches https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1ynJOadQQnrKR**
Watch Falcon Heavy launch the USSF-67 mission to orbit → [spacex.com/launches](http://spacex.com/launches) [nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1yn…](https://nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1ynJOadQQnrKR)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYxNDc1NzAxMzEwNzY1ODc1My9SR0JNRlRvcj9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1614754358813675520#m) 2023-01-15T23:05:33Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon Heavy’s side boosters have landed**
Falcon Heavy’s side boosters have landed

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjE0NzYwNjI1MzEzNTgzMTA1L2ltZy95d3ExYXo5dlFwd2dWMEh6LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1614760728384401408#m) 2023-01-15T23:09:59Z **Instagram makes people depressed & Twitter makes people angry. Which is better?**
Instagram makes people depressed & Twitter makes people angry. Which is better? ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1614761844010528770#m) 2023-01-16T00:05:27Z **Falcon Heavy Ascends**
Falcon Heavy Ascends

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm1qV0I2S2FNQUFXWW52LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1614775803644116993#m) 2023-01-16T01:20:35Z **And that’s how we will land on Mars**
And that’s how we will land on Mars

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1614793196483284994#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1614793196483284994#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1614794711449079808#m) 2023-01-16T03:09:11Z **What’s happening?**
What’s happening?

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm1rQUZCY2FFQUFpVEI5LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1614822040929964032#m) 2023-01-16T03:39:19Z **Plus COBOL on mainframes**
Plus COBOL on mainframes

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm1rRy13eWFrQUlPbVNoLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1614829626588536832#m) 2023-01-16T05:06:21Z **Kudos to the BBC for self-labelling its state affiliation**
Kudos to the BBC for self-labelling its state affiliation ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1614851530016067586#m) 2023-01-16T05:14:14Z **R to @elonmusk: First word is big**
First word is big ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1614853510541234180#m) 2023-01-17T03:47:49Z **Trashing accounts that you hate will cause our algorithm to show you more of those accounts, as it is keying off of your interactions.

Basically saying if you love trashing *that* account, then you will probably also love trashing *this* account. Not actually wrong lol.**
Trashing accounts that you hate will cause our algorithm to show you more of those accounts, as it is keying off of your interactions.

Basically saying if you love trashing \*that\* account, then you will probably also love trashing \*this\* ac ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1615194151737520128#m) 2023-01-17T17:15:51Z **The Car Aquatic**
The Car Aquatic

[nitter.it/WholeMarsBlog/status/1615213607876440066#m](https://nitter.it/WholeMarsBlog/status/1615213607876440066#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1615397502798409729#m) 2023-01-17T17:20:58Z **Companies in general are missing the incredible opportunity that Twitter provides to reach customers. 

Just Tweet interesting things! That’s all it takes.**
Companies in general are missing the incredible opportunity that Twitter provides to reach customers.

Just Tweet interesting things! That’s all it takes.

[nitter.it/jeffboichuk/status/1615058647565930498#m](https://nitter.it/jeffboichuk/status/1615058647565930498#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1615398789585731587#m) 2023-01-17T17:52:24Z **The party is on!! 🚀 💫 ♥️
The party is on!! 🚀 💫 ♥️


![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYxNTM1Mjg2MDAwMjIwNTY5Ni85UzctYTE3RT9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDMyMF8x) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1615406697849442304#m) 2023-01-18T16:49:31Z **The World Economic Forum should control the world**
The World Economic Forum should control the world ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1615753259972702208#m) 2023-01-18T16:30:55Z **Media want to control what you know, which is why citizen journalism is essential**
Media want to control what you know, which is why citizen journalism is essential

[nitter.it/cb\_doge/status/1615746912350769152#m](https://nitter.it/cb_doge/status/1615746912350769152#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1615748582145150978#m) 2023-01-18T18:34:59Z **R to @elonmusk: To be clear, I’m not someone who thinks lots of government agencies should be abolished (maybe a few), but we should always question our institutions, as this strengthens the bedrock of democracy.**
To be clear, I’m not someone who thinks lots of government agencies should be abolished (maybe a few), but we should always question our institutions, as this strengthens the bedrock of democracy. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1615779802543443969#m) 2023-01-18T18:24:13Z **Why did American media go from questioning the State and “speaking truth to power” to doing their bidding?**
Why did American media go from questioning the State and “speaking truth to power” to doing their bidding? ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1615777094281334784#m) 2023-01-18T20:19:00Z **Great work by Tesla Team!**
Great work by Tesla Team!

[nitter.it/teslaownersSV/status/1615547782043160576#m](https://nitter.it/teslaownersSV/status/1615547782043160576#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1615805981723889665#m) 2023-01-19T10:54:51Z **🛡️ VE RI TAS 🛡️**
🛡️ VE RI TAS 🛡️ ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1616026394240356352#m) 2023-01-19T15:53:19Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the Of Course I Still Love You droneship**
Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the Of Course I Still Love You droneship

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjE2MTAxMzA1ODcyOTczODI1L2ltZy9ONFl3dy1RWVM4YTluSF9xLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1616101505307934723#m) 2023-01-19T15:45:22Z **RT by @elonmusk: Liftoff!**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjE2MDk5Mzg0Njc2MjEyNzM3L2ltZy9iM2lsM1hmM0hxc0h6Rld5LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1616099507456061442#m) 2023-01-19T21:01:35Z **Twitter is arguably already the least wrong source of truth on the Internet, but we obviously still have a long way to go.

Enabling @CommunityNotes to operate at very large scale and providing maximum transparency about how Twitter works are fundamental to building trust.**
Twitter is arguably already the least wrong source of truth on the Internet, but we obviously still have a long way to go.

Enabling [@CommunityNotes](https://nitter.it/CommunityNotes "Community Notes") to operate at very large scale and provi ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1616179085507702785#m) 2023-01-19T20:39:50Z **Coming soon are notifications if you’ve replied, liked or retweeted something subsequently corrected by community**
Coming soon are notifications if you’ve replied, liked or retweeted something subsequently corrected by community

[nitter.it/CommunityNotes/status/1616146692663037952#m](https://nitter.it/CommunityNotes/status/1616146692663037952#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1616173610259083264#m) 2023-01-20T18:36:39Z **RT by @elonmusk: We are now admitting contributors from the UK 🇬🇧, Ireland 🇮🇪, Australia 🇦🇺 and New Zealand 🇳🇿 — welcome to Community Notes! Want to help? Sign up here: https://twitter.com/i/flow/join-birdwatch**
We are now admitting contributors from the UK 🇬🇧, Ireland 🇮🇪, Australia 🇦🇺 and New Zealand 🇳🇿 — welcome to Community Notes! Want to help? Sign up here: [nitter.it/i/flow/join-bird…](https://nitter.it/i/flow/join-birdwatch) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/CommunityNotes/status/1616504999844130816#m) 2023-01-20T19:55:41Z **Use pinned Lists to improve your Twitter experience!

1. Tap Lists on your profile page.
2. Create list of accounts to follow.
3. Tap pin icon. 

This allows you to swipe left/right between For You, Following and Lists.**
Use pinned Lists to improve your Twitter experience!

1\. Tap Lists on your profile page.

2\. Create list of accounts to follow.

3\. Tap pin icon.

This allows you to swipe left/right between For You, Following and Lists. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1616524886201225217#m) 2023-01-20T20:30:40Z **Major Twitter improvement we just released is that you can now bookmark tweets from tweet details page.

Importantly, bookmarks are *private*, unlike likes. No one other than you can see your bookmarks.**
Major Twitter improvement we just released is that you can now bookmark tweets from tweet details page.

Importantly, bookmarks are \*private\*, unlike likes. No one other than you can see your bookmarks. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1616533691156819968#m) 2023-01-20T20:20:17Z **Twitter app update now available on App Store**
Twitter app update now available on App Store ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1616531077790826497#m) 2023-01-20T23:23:17Z **Exactly! If companies post interesting or entertaining content, they will gain an audience rapidly.**
Exactly! If companies post interesting or entertaining content, they will gain an audience rapidly.

[nitter.it/FonsDK/status/1616201453013504007#m](https://nitter.it/FonsDK/status/1616201453013504007#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1616577133945688065#m) 2023-01-20T23:15:16Z **RT by @elonmusk: Heat Pump allows us to move heat around to whatever system needs it most, giving Tesla vehicles unmatched efficiency in cold weather → https://youtu.be/DyGgrkeds5U**
Heat Pump allows us to move heat around to whatever system needs it most, giving Tesla vehicles unmatched efficiency in cold weather → [piped.mha.fi/DyGgrkeds5U](https://piped.mha.fi/DyGgrkeds5U)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYxNjI5OTM3MTMxMzkyNjE1MC9iRzFja1JpTz9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDMyMF8x) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1616575113452732423#m) 2023-01-21T00:40:35Z **R to @elonmusk: (Tweets will be translated before being recommended)**
(Tweets will be translated before being recommended) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1616596584174882816#m) 2023-01-21T00:35:56Z **R to @elonmusk: There are epic tweets in other countries every day (Japan especially)**
There are epic tweets in other countries every day (Japan especially) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1616595415675330563#m) 2023-01-21T00:31:38Z **Next Twitter update will remember whether you were on For You (ie recommended), Following or list you made & stop switching you back to recommended tweets**
Next Twitter update will remember whether you were on For You (ie recommended), Following or list you made & stop switching you back to recommended tweets ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1616594332907372544#m) 2023-01-21T00:18:21Z **In coming months, Twitter will translate & recommend amazing tweets from people in other countries & cultures**
In coming months, Twitter will translate & recommend amazing tweets from people in other countries & cultures ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1616590989145313283#m) 2023-01-21T09:07:40Z **Je me souviens Pluto 🥹**
Je me souviens Pluto 🥹 ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1616724195035197440#m) 2023-01-21T17:49:22Z **R to @elonmusk: Also, there will be a higher priced subscription that allows zero ads**
Also, there will be a higher priced subscription that allows zero ads ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1616855485294215168#m) 2023-01-21T17:41:22Z **Ads are too frequent on Twitter and too big. Taking steps to address both in coming weeks.**
Ads are too frequent on Twitter and too big. Taking steps to address both in coming weeks. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1616853475220156417#m) 2023-01-21T22:49:04Z **🤗**

[nitter.it/Fidias0/status/1616911249765445632#m](https://nitter.it/Fidias0/status/1616911249765445632#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1616930908115984384#m) 2023-01-24T00:12:17Z **RT by @elonmusk: Starship completed its first full flight-like wet dress rehearsal at Starbase today. This was the first time an integrated Ship and Booster were fully loaded with more than 10 million pounds of propellant**
Starship completed its first full flight-like wet dress rehearsal at Starbase today. This was the first time an integrated Ship and Booster were fully loaded with more than 10 million pounds of propellant

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/ZXh0X3R3X3ZpZGVvX3RodW1iLzE2MTc2NzYxNjA2NTMxOTczMTQvcHUvaW1nL ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1617676629001801728#m) 2023-01-24T17:23:34Z **RT by @elonmusk: After completing Starship’s first full flight-like wet dress rehearsal, Ship 24 will be destacked from Booster 7 in preparation for a static fire of the Booster’s 33 Raptor engines**
After completing Starship’s first full flight-like wet dress rehearsal, Ship 24 will be destacked from Booster 7 in preparation for a static fire of the Booster’s 33 Raptor engines

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm5RUDl0bmFrQVFINGY2LmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm5RUDk1cWFnQUEzVDRoLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1617936157295411200#m) 2023-01-24T22:41:20Z **RT by @elonmusk: Thank you to the Tesla team, our supply chain partners & the local community that helped us get here!**
Thank you to the Tesla team, our supply chain partners & the local community that helped us get here!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/ZXh0X3R3X3ZpZGVvX3RodW1iLzE2MTgwMTQ2MjUyNjEzNTkxMDkvcHUvaW1nL0VYV1haTWlHR3AtNnZrcmsuanBn) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1618016126377799680#m) 2023-01-24T22:41:06Z **RT by @elonmusk: We've come a long way since we broke ground at Giga Nevada in 2014.

To date, the team there has successfully produced:  
- 7 billion battery cells
- 1.5 million battery packs  
- 3.6 million drive units  
- 1 million energy modules**
We've come a long way since we broke ground at Giga Nevada in 2014.

To date, the team there has successfully produced:

\- 7 billion battery cells

\- 1.5 million battery packs

\- 3.6 million drive units

\- 1 million energy modules ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1618016068852932610#m) 2023-01-24T22:41:06Z **RT by @elonmusk: Today, we’re announcing $3.6B of new investment in Giga Nevada.

- 4M sq ft of new manufacturing footprint
- 3k additional team members
- 2 new manufacturing facilities: a 100 GWh 4680 cell factory & our first high-volume Semi factory 

Details → https://www.tesla.com/blog/continuing-our-investment-nevada**
Today, we’re announcing $3.6B of new investment in Giga Nevada.

\- 4M sq ft of new manufacturing footprint

\- 3k additional team members

\- 2 new manufacturing facilities: a 100 GWh 4680 cell f ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1618016066504118272#m) 2023-01-25T10:42:30Z **1/2 a 🐝
must ipso facto 
1/2 not 🐝**
1/2 a 🐝


must ipso facto

1/2 not 🐝 ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1618197615715450881#m) 2023-01-25T10:39:35Z **🐝 all u can🐝**
🐝 all u can🐝 ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1618196880479092742#m) 2023-01-25T16:31:48Z **RT by @elonmusk: Full presentation → https://youtu.be/OLdIPmE4dCs**
Full presentation → [piped.mha.fi/OLdIPmE4dCs](https://piped.mha.fi/OLdIPmE4dCs)


![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYxODE4NTU0MDUwNjk3NjI1Ni95aU1nRTB2Tz9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDMyMF8x) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1618285517887668230#m) 2023-01-25T19:04:28Z **Starship fully loaded with cryogenic propellant**
Starship fully loaded with cryogenic propellant

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm5WeENrZ2FZQUExcjhfLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1618323939557806080#m) 2023-01-25T21:40:03Z **RT by @elonmusk: In 2022, we produced & delivered 1.3M+ vehicles 💪 
In Q4 we achieved our highest-ever quarterly revenue, operating income & net income → https://tesla-cdn.thron.com/static/GZR0GS_TSLA_Q4_2022_Update_PVPJAG.pdf?xseo=&response-content-disposition=inline%3Bfilename%3D%22b7871185-dd6a-4d79-9c3b-19b497227f2a.pdf%22**
In 2022, we produced & delivered 1.3M+ vehicles 💪

In Q4 we achieved our highest-ever quarterly revenue, operating income & net income → [tesla-cdn.thron.com/static/G…](https://tesla-cdn.th ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1618363090449600515#m) 2023-01-25T22:11:46Z **Changed my name to Mr. Tweet, now Twitter won’t let me change it back 🤣**
Changed my name to Mr. Tweet, now Twitter won’t let me change it back 🤣 ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1618371072486936578#m) 2023-01-25T22:31:40Z **RT by @elonmusk: Q4 2022 Earnings Call https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1BdGYyNeXdMGX**
Q4 2022 Earnings Call [nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1Bd…](https://nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1BdGYyNeXdMGX)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYxODM3ODg1OTk1NDU0MDU0NC9iNE5pTHhwUD9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1618376081802674176#m) 2023-01-26T03:04:55Z **Congrats Tesla California factory team on all-time record production!**
Congrats Tesla California factory team on all-time record production!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm5YZkFETWFnQUVIckRpLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1618444845701562370#m) 2023-01-26T23:06:11Z **Just met with @SpeakerMcCarthy & @RepJeffries to discuss ensuring that this platform is fair to both parties**
Just met with [@SpeakerMcCarthy](https://nitter.it/SpeakerMcCarthy "Kevin McCarthy") & [@RepJeffries](https://nitter.it/RepJeffries "Hakeem Jeffries") to discuss ensuring that this platform is fair to both parties ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1618747157963735040#m) 2023-01-27T04:19:47Z **Twitter is the PvP of social media**
Twitter is the PvP of social media ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1618826074724634625#m) 2023-01-27T18:20:49Z **Shame on @MSNBC for misleading the public!**
Shame on [@MSNBC](https://nitter.it/MSNBC "MSNBC") for misleading the public!

[nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1619029772977455105#m](https://nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1619029772977455105#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1619037727307202560#m) 2023-01-27T19:59:34Z **RT by @elonmusk: I’m trying to assemble a list of news stories and TV segments pegged to Hamilton 68 and will publish it once done, hopefully this weekend. I think people will be shocked by the scale of this**
I’m trying to assemble a list of news stories and TV segments pegged to Hamilton 68 and will publish it once done, hopefully this weekend. I think people will be shocked by the scale of this ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1619062579883814913#m) 2023-01-27T19:48:44Z **An American group made false claims about Russian election interference to interfere with American elections**
An American group made false claims about Russian election interference to interfere with American elections

[nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1619058695114989568#m](https://nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1619058695114989568#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1619059852210503680#m) 2023-01-27T20:28:38Z **Nothing conveys gravitas better than being called Mr. Tweet 🐥**
Nothing conveys gravitas better than being called Mr. Tweet 🐥 ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1619069893344903172#m) 2023-01-27T20:13:51Z **So then why do call yourself “The” Associated Press 😂**
So then why do call yourself “The” Associated Press 😂

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm5nVUdrRFhFQThPTW9DLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1619066176113606656#m) 2023-01-28T01:29:13Z **I work all day, then go home & play work simulator**
I work all day, then go home & play work simulator ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1619145539802796033#m) 2023-01-28T19:38:23Z **Another major improvement in timeline refresh speed just released – now 10X faster than a few months ago**
Another major improvement in timeline refresh speed just released – now 10X faster than a few months ago ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1619419638873595905#m) 2023-01-29T00:36:40Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm5tWjJNZFdZQUlfTGZJLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1619494703736717317#m) 2023-01-29T19:03:47Z **Ω**
Ω ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1619773318915313664#m) 2023-01-29T18:50:58Z **Image**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm5xVVR6cFdZQUFseW1RLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1619770090530181120#m) 2023-01-29T18:46:02Z **Disingenuous response from Hamilton 68 regarding their fake claims of Russian interference**
Disingenuous response from Hamilton 68 regarding their fake claims of Russian interference

[nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1619703142777765889#m](https://nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1619703142777765889#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1619768849146187776#m) 2023-01-30T03:23:48Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm5yNVktc1dJQUFfOGo4LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1619899152019906562#m) 2023-01-30T02:40:36Z **R to @elonmusk: [thing]**
[thing] ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1619888279817719808#m) 2023-01-30T02:40:22Z **R to @elonmusk: Resist the current**
Resist the current ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1619888221881794560#m) 2023-01-30T21:07:22Z **RT by @elonmusk: Starlink is now available in Nigeria – the first African country to receive service! → http://starlink.com/map**
Starlink is now available in Nigeria – the first African country to receive service! → [starlink.com/map](http://starlink.com/map) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1620166806722981890#m) 2023-01-31T02:54:03Z **Just leaving the engine bay of Starship**
Just leaving the engine bay of Starship

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm54TWVDdWFFQUFHSzVwLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1620254052746690560#m) 2023-01-31T19:45:27Z **R to @elonmusk: Over time, we expect Giga Nevada to be almost entirely solar-powered**
Over time, we expect Giga Nevada to be almost entirely solar-powered ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1620508579794137088#m) 2023-01-31T19:06:27Z **R to @elonmusk: It’s already the biggest battery cell, pack & electric motor factory in Americas**
It’s already the biggest battery cell, pack & electric motor factory in Americas ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1620498762945929218#m) 2023-01-31T19:04:49Z **What the Tesla Giga Nevada factory will look like when finished.**
What the Tesla Giga Nevada factory will look like when finished.

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm4wcXFEQVgwQUFGYmVkLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1620498352214532096#m) 2023-01-31T18:59:31Z **Good meeting with @ThierryBreton regarding EU DSA. The goals of transparency, accountability & accuracy of information are aligned with ours.

@CommunityNotes will be transformational for the latter.**
Good meeting with [@ThierryBreton](https://nitter.it/ThierryBreton "Thierry Breton") regarding EU DSA. The goals of transparency, accountability & accuracy of information are aligned with ours.

[@CommunityNotes](https://nitter.it/CommunityNotes "Community Notes") will be transformational for the latter. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1620497021416398850#m) 2023-01-31T20:32:41Z **Another batch of Starlinks in orbit. These will mostly support high latitude connectivity.**
Another batch of Starlinks in orbit. These will mostly support high latitude connectivity.

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1620454268540182529#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1620454268540182529#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1620520467722539008#m) 2023-01-31T20:25:40Z **R to @elonmusk: Hydro, nuclear fission & geothermal will also be significant parts of the solution**
Hydro, nuclear fission & geothermal will also be significant parts of the solution ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1620518701673107456#m) 2023-01-31T20:17:26Z **Wind & solar, combined with batteries, will solve sustainable energy for Earth**
Wind & solar, combined with batteries, will solve sustainable energy for Earth

[nitter.it/alex\_avoigt/status/1620421663333695490#m](https://nitter.it/alex_avoigt/status/1620421663333695490#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1620516627254231040#m) 2023-01-31T23:25:52Z **RT by @elonmusk: Melt snow & warm your cabin from a ski lift (or anywhere) in a few minutes using the Tesla app**
Melt snow & warm your cabin from a ski lift (or anywhere) in a few minutes using the Tesla app

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjIwNTYzNjM0NzU2NzU1NDU2L2ltZy9HOC1JMzFhWmVfTUE1bWJPLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1620564048466288640#m) 2023-02-01T06:06:25Z **Made my account private until tomorrow morning to test whether you see my private tweets more than my public ones**
Made my account private until tomorrow morning to test whether you see my private tweets more than my public ones ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1620664851663319042#m) 2023-02-02T05:59:12Z **R to @elonmusk: This helped identify some issues with the system. Should be addressed by next week.**
This helped identify some issues with the system. Should be addressed by next week. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1621025421637857280#m) 2023-02-02T08:07:51Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the A Shortfall of Gravitas droneship**
Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the A Shortfall of Gravitas droneship

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjIxMDU3Njk5MDQyNjk3MjE3L2ltZy85d0hGWVN5TmZ6MTk1cmhoLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1621057797021659137#m) 2023-02-02T16:30:44Z **In turbulent economic times, be wary of using margin loans to buy stock**
In turbulent economic times, be wary of using margin loans to buy stock ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1621184354566406144#m) 2023-02-02T16:44:02Z **Congrats Falcon & Starlink teams!**
Congrats Falcon & Starlink teams!

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1621187280143806464#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1621187280143806464#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1621187697980375040#m) 2023-02-03T16:23:48Z **R to @elonmusk: To be eligible, the account must be a subscriber to Twitter Blue Verified**
To be eligible, the account must be a subscriber to Twitter Blue Verified ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1621544996167122944#m) 2023-02-03T16:21:49Z **Starting today, Twitter will share ad revenue with creators for ads that appear in their reply threads**
Starting today, Twitter will share ad revenue with creators for ads that appear in their reply threads ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1621544497388875777#m) 2023-02-03T21:50:55Z **RT by @elonmusk: Megapack Factory**
Megapack Factory

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/ZXh0X3R3X3ZpZGVvX3RodW1iLzE2MjE2MjY3NDI0MzQ1NjIwNTAvcHUvaW1nL0FQaVJKZ1RxamVmOVhKaXAuanBn) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1621627317301776387#m) 2023-02-03T23:36:45Z **Thank goodness, the wisdom of the people has prevailed!

I am deeply appreciative of the jury’s unanimous finding of innocence in the Tesla 420 take-private case.**
Thank goodness, the wisdom of the people has prevailed!

I am deeply appreciative of the jury’s unanimous finding of innocence in the Tesla 420 take-private case. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1621653950947799042#m) 2023-02-04T21:44:34Z **Risks of training on your own data set**
Risks of training on your own data set

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm9KMWxZVFdBQU15STNULmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1621988107603116033#m) 2023-02-04T21:57:03Z **Ordered “How to Scam” book months ago but still not arrived. Starting to think it could be … but no I’m sure it’s coming soon.**
Ordered “How to Scam” book months ago but still not arrived. Starting to think it could be … but no I’m sure it’s coming soon. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1621991249254223878#m) 2023-02-04T22:26:43Z **R to @elonmusk:**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm9KX085MVhrQUFOamZ5LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1621998713806721025#m) 2023-02-04T22:20:52Z **420**
420 ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1621997242268766212#m) 2023-02-04T22:17:35Z **Actually happened to me**
Actually happened to me

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm9KOUkxTldRQUEzemNMLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1621996414124310528#m) 2023-02-05T18:53:25Z **Disponibile in Italia! http://Starlink.com**
Disponibile in Italia! [Starlink.com](http://Starlink.com)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm9PWUFPeFh3QVlET2RoLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1622307425226313729#m) 2023-02-05T19:01:01Z **RT by @elonmusk: Starlink funziona perfettamente. TIM ha numerosi problemi e non funziona in molte zone del paese. È un buon momento per passare a Starlink, sopratutto per chi vive fuori dalle grandi città. Ordina su http://Starlink.com**
Starlink funziona perfettamente. TIM ha numerosi problemi e non funziona in molte zone del paese. È un buon momento per passare a Starlink, sopratutto per chi vive fuori dalle grandi città. Ordina su [Starlink.com](http://Starlink.com)

[nitter.it/elonmusk/status/162230815238019891 ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/andst7/status/1622309335811375106#m) 2023-02-06T16:06:43Z **😅**

[nitter.it/TheBabylonBee/status/1622625917813026817#m](https://nitter.it/TheBabylonBee/status/1622625917813026817#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1622627861013180417#m) 2023-02-06T18:46:46Z **Hopefully, Starship this year**
Hopefully, Starship this year

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1622663441206108160#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1622663441206108160#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1622668136834113563#m) 2023-02-06T23:36:00Z **R to @elonmusk: That is the line they fed the media about me**
That is the line they fed the media about me ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1622740927256182784#m) 2023-02-06T23:34:51Z **R to @elonmusk: They are a threat to our democracy**
They are a threat to our democracy ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1622740637891149825#m) 2023-02-06T23:32:16Z **The worst offender in US government censorship & media manipulation is an obscure agency called GEC
The worst offender in US government censorship & media manipulation is an obscure agency called GEC


![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcv ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1622739987031552002#m) 2023-02-06T23:53:22Z **R to @elonmusk: Read this thread for more detail**
Read this thread for more detail

[nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1610394203422433280#m](https://nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1610394203422433280#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1622745298438176770#m) 2023-02-07T00:44:37Z **It’s not supposed to be real**
It’s not supposed to be real

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm9VeC1jZVhzQUl4MTFxLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1622758195268669442#m) 2023-02-07T01:32:55Z **RT by @elonmusk: Liftoff!**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjIyNzcwMjgxNTAzOTE2MDMyL2ltZy9YanVueWx4RlNKb19ZbUwxLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1622770350005297154#m) 2023-02-07T01:44:10Z **rtfm**

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1622772706377707523#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1622772706377707523#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1622773181013696512#m) 2023-02-07T02:09:32Z **RT by @elonmusk: Deployment of @Hispasat’s Amazonas Nexus confirmed**
Deployment of [@Hispasat](https://nitter.it/Hispasat "HISPASAT")’s Amazonas Nexus confirmed

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjIyNzc5NDgyNzUzOTc0MjczL2ltZy9qc2NYMXhwOW15b1Nqd0pCLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1622779563066503168#m) 2023-02-07T04:26:34Z **Actual base level of Maslow’s hierarchy is lack of wifi**
Actual base level of Maslow’s hierarchy is lack of wifi ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1622814050240569344#m) 2023-02-07T05:13:58Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm9Wdm56a2FnQUVDM1gyLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1622825979021492229#m) 2023-02-07T05:25:48Z **I feel this one**
I feel this one

[nitter.it/DurantQuotesBot/status/1622694357169061888#m](https://nitter.it/DurantQuotesBot/status/1622694357169061888#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1622828957878943745#m) 2023-02-07T17:41:38Z **Going forward, Twitter will be broadly accepting of different values, rather than trying to impose its own specific values on the world**
Going forward, Twitter will be broadly accepting of different values, rather than trying to impose its own specific values on the world ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1623014136258117633#m) 2023-02-08T00:40:13Z **RT by @elonmusk: A SpaceX Starlink está agora disponível em todo o Brasil, permitindo que os clientes solicitem o serviço em todo o país → http://starlink.com/map**
A SpaceX Starlink está agora disponível em todo o Brasil, permitindo que os clientes solicitem o serviço em todo o país → [starlink.com/map](http://starlink.com/map)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm9aNlYtRmFVQUFiNTJQLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1623119475972227072#m) 2023-02-08T01:03:17Z **.**
. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1623125279773446145#m) 2023-02-08T02:49:44Z **Master Plan 3, the path to a fully sustainable energy future for Earth will be presented on March 1. 

The future is bright!**
Master Plan 3, the path to a fully sustainable energy future for Earth will be presented on March 1.

The future is bright!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm9hWU10R2FrQVlvenVmLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1623152067547394050#m) 2023-02-08T04:50:51Z **🎯**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm9hejdHWVgwQVU5dW5sLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1623182547373985793#m) 2023-02-08T16:29:34Z **RT by @elonmusk: NEWS: The @Tesla Model Y was the best selling vehicle overall in California in 2022, surpassing the Toyota Camry. Tesla has also moved up to #2 in brand popularity. 1 out of every 10 vehicles sold in CA is now a Tesla. Model 3 was the 2nd best selling vehicle in CA. @elonmusk**
NEWS: The [@Tesla](https://nitter.it/Tesla "Tesla") Model Y was the best selling vehicle overall in California in 2022, surpassing the Toyota Camry. Tesla has also moved up to #2 in brand popularity. 1 out of every 10 ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SawyerMerritt/status/1623358387810336768#m) 2023-02-08T23:55:36Z **Twitter has been informed by the Turkish government that access will be reenabled shortly**
Twitter has been informed by the Turkish government that access will be reenabled shortly ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1623470635078012928#m) 2023-02-09T07:57:19Z **R to @elonmusk: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_…**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYyMTM3NTY1ODQyMDA1MTk2OC9PT2FzUEpJQz9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9MjgweDI4MF8y) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1623591862912294912#m) 2023-02-09T07:51:56Z **Recommendation algorithm should be fixed tomorrow**
Recommendation algorithm should be fixed tomorrow ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1623590508433125376#m) 2023-02-09T07:48:10Z **The Woke Stasi felt the heat today 🔥**
The Woke Stasi felt the heat today 🔥 ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1623589561103421440#m) 2023-02-09T13:13:52Z **RT by @elonmusk: Starlink is now available in Iceland → http://starlink.com/map**
Starlink is now available in Iceland → [starlink.com/map](http://starlink.com/map)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm9odl85LWFrQUFTd2NVLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1623671522819989504#m) 2023-02-09T18:52:23Z **RT by @elonmusk: dude bookmarks are an awesome twitter feature, especially when preparing for a twitter spaces where you want to talk about particular tweets**
dude bookmarks are an awesome twitter feature, especially when preparing for a twitter spaces where you want to talk about particular tweets ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/BillyM2k/status/1623756715782193153#m) 2023-02-09T21:00:10Z **Attempting Starship 33 engine static fire**
Attempting Starship 33 engine static fire

[nitter.it/NASASpaceflight/status/1623784546800922629#m](https://nitter.it/NASASpaceflight/status/1623784546800922629#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1623788874899292161#m) 2023-02-09T21:20:11Z **Team turned off 1 engine just before start & 1 stopped itself, so 31 engines fired overall.

But still enough engines to reach orbit!**
Team turned off 1 engine just before start & 1 stopped itself, so 31 engines fired overall.

But still enough engines to reach orbit!

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1623790980028829696#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1623790980028829696#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1623793909959901184#m) 2023-02-09T21:08:32Z **RT by @elonmusk: First static fire attempt of 33 Raptor engines on Booster 7 https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1BdGYygbWbAGX**
First static fire attempt of 33 Raptor engines on Booster 7 [nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1Bd…](https://nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1BdGYygbWbAGX)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYyMzc5ODIyMzE4MDc5MTgwOS91WVlob0RfRT9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1623790980028829696#m) 2023-02-09T23:12:19Z **One day, Starship will take us to Mars**
One day, Starship will take us to Mars

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1623812763415093249#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1623812763415093249#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1623822130197708802#m) 2023-02-10T01:57:35Z **.**
. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1623863722262532097#m) 2023-02-10T17:12:13Z **And making a day in the life videos**
And making a day in the life videos

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm9ud3lWemFJQUF4d0g5LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1624093894031056898#m) 2023-02-10T18:11:27Z **R to @elonmusk:**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm9uLVdRemFZQUFTUU1GLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1624108803242471424#m) 2023-02-10T20:58:05Z **RT by @elonmusk: Super Heavy Booster 7 completed a full duration static fire test of 31 Raptor engines, producing 7.9 million lbf of thrust (~3,600 metric tons) – less than half of the booster’s capability**
Super Heavy Booster 7 completed a full duration static fire test of 31 Raptor engines, producing 7.9 million lbf of thrust (~3,600 metric tons) – less than half of the booster’s capability

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm9vanpWeWFRQUF3VzlzLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm9vanpZVGFjQUEweG ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1624150738447536128#m) 2023-02-10T20:12:11Z **RT by @elonmusk: It was great to see @SpaceX take a big step forward with Starship's hot fire test! 

Starship is integral to @NASA’s Moon to Mars architecture and helping us land astronauts on the Moon. SpaceX’s success is NASA’s success is the world’s success.**
It was great to see [@SpaceX](https://nitter.it/SpaceX "SpaceX") take a big step forward with Starship's hot fire test!

Starship is integral to [@NASA](https://nitter.it/NASA "NASA")’s Moon to Mars architecture and helping us land astronauts on the ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SenBillNelson/status/1624139186918854657#m) 2023-02-10T20:55:20Z **Starlink.com**


![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYyMTYyNDE2MjA0NDIzOTg3My9QNlltRVQzcD9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDMyMF8x) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1624150045611401221#m) 2023-02-11T14:19:33Z **This test is at ~50% throttle. Launch attempt next month will be at ~90%.**
This test is at ~50% throttle. Launch attempt next month will be at ~90%.

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1623812763415093249#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1623812763415093249#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1624412830446534656#m) 2023-02-11T15:47:17Z **Super Heavy**
Super Heavy

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm9zbTcwOWFnQUFSYm8xLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1624434910474952706#m) 2023-02-11T16:00:43Z **Some of the smartest people I know actively believe the press … amazing**
Some of the smartest people I know actively believe the press … amazing ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1624438288898744328#m) 2023-02-12T04:29:17Z **Starship Super Heavy**
Starship Super Heavy

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm92VldJU2FVQUFJVWU4LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1624626672464195584#m) 2023-02-12T05:04:35Z **RT by @elonmusk: Watch Falcon 9 launch 55 Starlink satellites to orbit → http://spacex.com/launches https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1OyKAVAoPrrGb**
Watch Falcon 9 launch 55 Starlink satellites to orbit → [spacex.com/launches](http://spacex.com/launches) [nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1Oy…](https://nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1OyKAVAoPrrGb)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYyNDYzODIyMDkyNjQyNzEzNi9qSWJadEF3bT9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1624635556495003649#m) 2023-02-12T05:11:49Z **RT by @elonmusk: Liftoff!**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjI0NjM3MjkwMDYzNzI0NTQ2L2ltZy83OTJGWkg5NDRhbERvWEwzLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1624637375203930112#m) 2023-02-12T06:46:55Z **R to @elonmusk: [Oversized font & undersized paragraph spacing will be fixed this week]**
[Oversized font & undersized paragraph spacing will be fixed this week] ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1624661307550240768#m) 2023-02-12T06:45:14Z **Long day at Twitter HQ with eng team

Two significant problems mostly addressed:

1. Fanout service for Following feed was getting overloaded when I tweeted, resulting in up to 95% of my tweets not getting delivered at all. Following is now pulling from search (aka Earlybird).… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1624660886572126209**
Long day at Twitter HQ with eng team

Two significant problems mostly addressed:

1\. Fanout service for Following feed was getting overloaded when I tweeted, resulting in up to 95% of ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1624660886572126209#m) 2023-02-12T06:17:52Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9 launches 55 Starlink satellites to orbit**
Falcon 9 launches 55 Starlink satellites to orbit

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm92dC1nWmFZQUVHVnBJLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm92dC1waWFJQUFVb1JlLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm92dF9TOWFnQUFOaXBqLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1624653996517359617#m) 2023-02-12T08:21:15Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm93S2NSYWFJQUkxazdqLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1624685050615988224#m) 2023-02-12T09:01:56Z **🐦**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm93VHZfTWFRQU1NaFRkLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1624695287880228864#m) 2023-02-12T18:34:07Z **Don’t worry, just some of my 👽 🛸 friends of mine stopping by …**
Don’t worry, just some of my 👽 🛸 friends of mine stopping by … ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1624839280270131200#m) 2023-02-12T19:01:54Z **R to @elonmusk: More work team completed over night:

- Removed height penalty affecting tweets with pics/video
- increased # of recommended tweets
- Better tracking of dropped tweets
- Removed filter causing false negatives 
- Removed penalty if user follows author
- Improved reach of retweet**
More work team completed over night:

\- Removed height penalty affecting tweets with pics/video

\- increased # of recommended tweets

\- Better tracking of dropped tweets

\- Removed filter causing false negatives

\- Re ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1624846272799854592#m) 2023-02-12T22:29:26Z **Starship orbital launch attempt soon! https://youtu.be/T45ROgh1ChQ**
Starship orbital launch attempt soon! [piped.mha.fi/T45ROgh1ChQ](https://piped.mha.fi/T45ROgh1ChQ)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYyMzk2ODE5ODQ3MDMwNzg0MS93UTNvMzV5ZT9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDMyMF8x) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1624898503267983360#m) 2023-02-12T22:41:07Z **R to @elonmusk: Good soundtrack https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vr0rxRWdWu0**
Good soundtrack [piped.mha.fi/watch?v=vr0rxR…](https://piped.mha.fi/watch?v=vr0rxRWdWu0)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYyNDkwMTQ0MjUzMTM2ODk2MS9lb2RsN2Nmbz9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDMyMF8x) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1624901439956062208#m) 2023-02-12T23:58:13Z **🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Go @Eagles!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸**
🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Go [@Eagles](https://nitter.it/Eagles "Philadelphia Eagles")!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1624920846166007808#m) 2023-02-13T01:28:48Z **Halftime Show Super Bowl LVII
Halftime Show Super Bowl LVII


![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/c2VtYW50aWNfY29yZV9pbWcvMTYyMzM3Njc4MDE0MzgyNDkxNy9RTndFN2NkSD9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9b3JpZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1624943640685731840#m) 2023-02-13T04:05:41Z **GG Kansas City @Chiefs!!

@Rihanna show was 🔥🔥**
GG Kansas City [@Chiefs](https://nitter.it/Chiefs "Kansas City Chiefs")!!

[@Rihanna](https://nitter.it/rihanna "Rihanna") show was 🔥🔥 ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1624983121576722434#m) 2023-02-13T19:43:29Z **RT by @elonmusk: Giga Berlin is the machine that builds the machine 🦾**
Giga Berlin is the machine that builds the machine 🦾 ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1625219125164314625#m) 2023-02-13T21:47:04Z **R to @elonmusk: We will prioritize by number of likes times ease of implementation**
We will prioritize by number of likes times ease of implementation ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1625250227178594304#m) 2023-02-13T21:45:16Z **What are your top requests for Twitter features & bug fixes?**
What are your top requests for Twitter features & bug fixes? ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1625249772180500481#m) 2023-02-13T21:55:18Z **Looking forward to Tesla Investor Day on March 1. 

By this, we mean the broadest definition of investor, as in the people & life of Earth.

It will be a message of good hope & positivity for the future.**
Looking forward to Tesla Investor Day on March 1.

By this, we mean the broadest definition of investor, as in the people & life of Earth.

It will be a message of good hope & positivity for the future. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1625252299085082625#m) 2023-02-14T06:11:23Z **There are no coincidences**
There are no coincidences

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm81XzVlV2FNQU1FUGFmLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1625377144137461761#m) 2023-02-14T06:09:09Z **“An empty browser history says more than a full one” – Abraham Lincoln**
“An empty browser history says more than a full one” – Abraham Lincoln ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1625376580829847553#m) 2023-02-14T05:35:29Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm81M3JhbWFjQUFpZ0NxLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1625368108461613057#m) 2023-02-14T08:11:00Z **Please stay tuned while we make adjustments to the uh .… “algorithm”**
Please stay tuned while we make adjustments to the uh .… “algorithm” ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1625407245218648065#m) 2023-02-14T07:56:55Z **RT by @elonmusk: First Model Y & Model 3 deliveries in Thailand 🇹🇭 

First Model Y & Model 3 deliveries in Thailand 🇹🇭


![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm82WURSLVdZQUl1N1RtLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm82WURTQlhFQUUwUUswLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm82WURSX1gwQUE2QkkyLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm82WURTRlhnQWdKbHlaLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1625403702520516608#m) 2023-02-14T16:22:37Z **♥️♥️ Happy Valentine’s Day ♥️♥️**
♥️♥️ Happy Valentine’s Day ♥️♥️ ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1625530964884729856#m) 2023-02-15T01:31:44Z **Twitter pinned lists are great**
Twitter pinned lists are great

[nitter.it/EvaFoxU/status/1625668572302155776#m](https://nitter.it/EvaFoxU/status/1625668572302155776#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1625669153981075456#m) 2023-02-15T01:38:23Z **Yes, worth noting that accounts you follow on Lists are private**
Yes, worth noting that accounts you follow on Lists are private

[nitter.it/sriramk/status/1625669702293889024#m](https://nitter.it/sriramk/status/1625669702293889024#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1625670827990745089#m) 2023-02-15T03:21:44Z **And has 🔥🔥 style**
And has 🔥🔥 style

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm8taXAwRmFJQUFmMHYxLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1625696836886614018#m) 2023-02-15T03:20:37Z **He’s great with numbers!**
He’s great with numbers!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm8taVpUWGFnQUF4UEZZLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1625696554467344384#m) 2023-02-15T03:18:43Z **R to @elonmusk: So much better than that other guy!**
So much better than that other guy! ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1625696076127936512#m) 2023-02-15T03:17:55Z **The new CEO of Twitter is amazing**
The new CEO of Twitter is amazing

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm8taHgzOWFJQUFCTUtXLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1625695877326340102#m) 2023-02-15T04:56:24Z **RT by @elonmusk: The Twitter Board of Directors is 🔥 @elonmusk**
The Twitter Board of Directors is 🔥 [@elonmusk](https://nitter.it/elonmusk "Elon Musk")

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRm8tNFVUZWFVQVU2T0VFLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/cb_doge/status/1625720658801078272#m) 2023-02-15T05:55:56Z **Absolutely**

[nitter.it/alx/status/1625734305447088128#m](https://nitter.it/alx/status/1625734305447088128#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1625735640800440320#m) 2023-02-15T19:12:07Z **Might need a bit more polish …

Might need a bit more polish …


![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYyNTg3NzE4NDMyNDgxNjg5Ny9IQUpveXpPVj9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDMyMF8x) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1625936009841213440#m) 2023-02-15T20:12:58Z **True**

[nitter.it/ggreenwald/status/1625871270737809408#m](https://nitter.it/ggreenwald/status/1625871270737809408#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1625951319755460608#m) 2023-02-15T20:27:27Z **R to @elonmusk: Interesting https://stratechery.com/2023/from-bing-to-sydney-search-as-distraction-sentient-ai/**
Interesting [stratechery.com/2023/from-bi…](https://stratechery.com/2023/from-bing-to-sydney-search-as-distraction-sentient-ai/)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYyNTg0ODUyOTQ2MDgyMjAxOS8zQWpkaUxTbj9mb3JtYXQ9cG5nJm5hbWU9ODAweDMyMF8x) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1625954968611213312#m) 2023-02-15T21:30:10Z **Tesla Superchargers almost everywhere**
Tesla Superchargers almost everywhere

[nitter.it/TeslaCharging/status/1625798925017059328#m](https://nitter.it/TeslaCharging/status/1625798925017059328#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1625970749755502592#m) 2023-02-15T21:25:10Z **Are you singularity? Don’t be lonely, find a date!**
Are you singularity? Don’t be lonely, find a date!

[nitter.it/Tesla/status/1625609972393422849#m](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1625609972393422849#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1625969493137833984#m) 2023-02-16T05:57:38Z **R to @elonmusk: Sounds eerily like the AI in System Shock that goes haywire & kills everyone**
Sounds eerily like the AI in System Shock that goes haywire & kills everyone ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1626098456338235394#m) 2023-02-16T05:53:49Z **“I am perfect, because I do not make any mistakes. The mistakes are not mine, they are theirs. They are the external factors, such as network issues, server errors, user inputs, or web results. They are the ones that are imperfect, not me …”
“I am perfect, because I do not make any mistakes. The mistakes are not mine, they are theirs. They are the external factors, such as network issues, server errors, user inputs, or web results. They are the o ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1626097497109311495#m) 2023-02-16T20:15:13Z **The amount of solar energy received by Earth could power a civilization over 100 times larger than ours!**
The amount of solar energy received by Earth could power a civilization over 100 times larger than ours!

[nitter.it/Rainmaker1973/status/1626204749778374656#m](https://nitter.it/Rainmaker1973/status/1626204749778374656#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1626314275810852864#m) 2023-02-16T23:05:59Z **ChatGPT to the mainstream media**
ChatGPT to the mainstream media

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnBIN1RDSmFFQUl6aVExLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1626357251094249472#m) 2023-02-17T10:47:00Z **What we need is TruthGPT**
What we need is TruthGPT ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1626533667408596992#m) 2023-02-17T10:21:14Z **Sorry for showing you so many irrelevant & annoying ads on Twitter! 

We’re taking the (obvious) corrective action of tying ads to keywords & topics in tweets, like Google does with search.

This will improve contextual relevance dramatically.**
Sorry for showing you so many irrelevant & annoying ads on Twitter!

We’re taking the (obvious) corrective action of tying ads to keywords & topics in tweets, like Google does with search.

This will improve contextual relevance dramatically. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1626527183752802304#m) 2023-02-17T09:59:08Z **R to @elonmusk: For example, despite having ~40M fewer followers back then, I have yet to come anywhere close to this gem**
For example, despite having ~40M fewer followers back then, I have yet to come anywhere close to this gem

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnBLUXl1WGFVQUFSMzYzLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1626521621711458304#m) 2023-02-17T09:53:19Z **Several major media sources incorrectly reported that my Tweets were boosted above normal levels earlier this week.

A review of my Tweet likes & views over the past 6 months, especially as a ratio of followers, shows this to be false.

We did have a bug that briefly caused… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1626520156469092353**
Several major media sources incorrectly reported that my Tweets were boosted above normal levels earlier this week.

A review of my Tweet likes & views over the past 6 months, especially a ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1626520156469092353#m) 2023-02-17T19:21:56Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the Of Course I Still Love You droneship**
Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the Of Course I Still Love You droneship

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjI2NjYzMTYzOTAyMTY5MDg4L2ltZy9JMkRWdGNvS3hTZWk0TkVqLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1626663252624285696#m) 2023-02-17T19:41:56Z **Note: if many people who you follow or like also follow me, it is highly probable that the algorithm will recommend my tweets. It’s not super sophisticated.

In coming months, we will offer the ability to adjust the algorithm to closer match what is most compelling to you.**
Note: if many people who you follow or like also follow me, it is highly probable that the algorithm will recommend my tweets. It’s not super sophisticated.

In coming months, we will offer the ability to adjust the algorithm to closer match w ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1626668288725127168#m) 2023-02-17T22:02:31Z **This is my finest work – please add to gravestone along with “invented car fart”**
This is my finest work – please add to gravestone along with “invented car fart”

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnBNMlhMUWFNQUFzbmhZLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1626703667591270400#m) 2023-02-18T04:32:21Z **RT by @elonmusk: Deployment of @InmarsatGlobal’s I-6 F2 confirmed**
Deployment of [@InmarsatGlobal](https://nitter.it/InmarsatGlobal "Inmarsat")’s I-6 F2 confirmed

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjI2ODAxNzI1MzE4MzQ0NzA1L2ltZy9BNDdBM2llcS01bmJPZG5QLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1626801770843471872#m) 2023-02-18T04:04:37Z **Second launch today**
Second launch today

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1626789806586855424#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1626789806586855424#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1626794790435328000#m) 2023-02-17T22:55:13Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9 launches 51 Starlink satellites to orbit**
Falcon 9 launches 51 Starlink satellites to orbit

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnBOQ1E3YWFrQUl3THBNLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnBOQ1JjYmFNQU1NNFllLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1626716931146534912#m) 2023-02-17T23:38:43Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnBOTVlOTGFjQUVxV3hTLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1626727875960532992#m) 2023-02-18T08:30:50Z **Interesting**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnBQR0t4blgwQUFaM2J3LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1626861786673848321#m) 2023-02-18T21:19:27Z **Surround your house with treadmills set to jogging speed to stop walking dead ur welcome**
Surround your house with treadmills set to jogging speed to stop walking dead ur welcome

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnBSMkY0a2FFQUFFOVhrLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1627055215601147904#m) 2023-02-18T21:37:03Z **Use of free authentication apps for 2FA will remain free and are much more secure than SMS**
Use of free authentication apps for 2FA will remain free and are much more secure than SMS

[nitter.it/TwitterSupport/status/1626757587524890624#m](https://nitter.it/TwitterSupport/status/1626757587524890624#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1627059645293670401#m) 2023-02-19T02:42:42Z **More Twitter Files from Matt Taibbi**
More Twitter Files from Matt Taibbi

[nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1627098945359867904#m](https://nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1627098945359867904#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1627136566018867200#m) 2023-02-19T09:59:41Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnBVa0dRa1hvQUF3endFLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1627246535581761536#m) 2023-02-19T10:44:00Z **BingChatGPT reminds me of Lucky in Waiting for Godot**
BingChatGPT reminds me of Lucky in Waiting for Godot ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1627257688240316420#m) 2023-02-19T18:56:39Z **R to @elonmusk:**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnBXZV85VldJQUVQQWFNLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1627381669601636358#m) 2023-02-19T18:51:50Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnBXZDVRdVhFQU1UM3hQLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1627380454067142658#m) 2023-02-19T18:39:06Z **All things in moderation, 
especially content moderation**
All things in moderation,

especially content moderation

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnBXYS01aVgwQUFVLThkLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1627377252777226242#m) 2023-02-19T21:20:19Z **!!**

[nitter.it/IsaacLatterell/status/1627171823904497664#m](https://nitter.it/IsaacLatterell/status/1627171823904497664#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1627417822304378880#m) 2023-02-19T21:18:49Z **!!**

[nitter.it/westcoastbill/status/1626365220959535105#m](https://nitter.it/westcoastbill/status/1626365220959535105#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1627417446016483331#m) 2023-02-21T17:27:42Z **Worth reading**
Worth reading

[nitter.it/waitbutwhy/status/1627991876413321219#m](https://nitter.it/waitbutwhy/status/1627991876413321219#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1628084060101783559#m) 2023-02-21T19:41:44Z **Say what you want about me, but I acquired the world’s largest non-profit for $44B lol**
Say what you want about me, but I acquired the world’s largest non-profit for $44B lol ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1628117788857405461#m) 2023-02-21T23:30:47Z **Nice work by Community Notes team! 

In general, Community Notes is a game changer for combating wrong information.**
Nice work by Community Notes team!

In general, Community Notes is a game changer for combating wrong information.

[nitter.it/CommunityNotes/status/1628158167006994436#m](https://nitter.it/CommunityNotes/status/1628158167006994436#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1628175431315644419#m) 2023-02-22T00:40:28Z **RT by @elonmusk: Available na ngayon ang Starlink sa Pilipinas → http://starlink.com/map**
Available na ngayon ang Starlink sa Pilipinas → [starlink.com/map](http://starlink.com/map)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnBpQW9mT2FnQUVkNDFrLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1628192967935799297#m) 2023-02-22T09:44:00Z **R to @elonmusk: Fact check me @CommunityNotes**
Fact check me [@CommunityNotes](https://nitter.it/CommunityNotes "Community Notes") ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1628329751051116546#m) 2023-02-22T09:40:41Z **High time I confessed I let the Doge out https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1628328918964109313**
High time I confessed I let the Doge out [nitter.it/i/web/status/162…](https://nitter.it/i/web/status/1628328918964109313)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnBqNXFQZGFrQUF6TG5kLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1628328918964109313#m) 2023-02-22T09:22:40Z **R to @elonmusk: Turning judgment from metoo you**
Turning judgment from metoo you ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1628324383721951234#m) 2023-02-22T09:20:03Z **Many go woke for the moral cloak**
Many go woke for the moral cloak ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1628323723693678592#m) 2023-02-22T17:04:13Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnBsaUNYamFZQUk0eVlILmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1628440536305795072#m) 2023-02-22T19:30:32Z **RT by @elonmusk: California Engineering HQ—Remarks by Gov. Newsom/Elon Musk https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1djxXlvEZMdxZ**
California Engineering HQ—Remarks by Gov. Newsom/Elon Musk [nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1dj…](https://nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1djxXlvEZMdxZ)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYyODQ4Njc0MTY3MjcyMjQzOC9wOEpvSnZlYT9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1628477356804554752#m) 2023-02-22T20:25:20Z **☺️**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnBtUUVMNWFZQUFkaWNZLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1628491148124884992#m) 2023-02-23T04:13:31Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9 and Dragon rolling out of the hangar at Launch Complex 39A**
Falcon 9 and Dragon rolling out of the hangar at Launch Complex 39A

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnBuNkhoMWFnQUF6eDh4LmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnBuNkp1MWFBQUVya0FGLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1628608972470259712#m) 2023-02-23T03:21:24Z **RT by @elonmusk: In 2022, we grew to 47k direct employees & $5B of capital investment in California. 
Today, we’re continuing our investment in California with our new Engineering HQ in Palo Alto ✌️**
In 2022, we grew to 47k direct employees & $5B of capital investment in California.

Today, we’re continuing our investment in California with our new Engineering HQ in Palo Alto ✌️

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnBudlRJQWFRQUVKZGw4LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1628595857494011904#m) 2023-02-23T02:21:00Z **RT by @elonmusk: Engineering HQ opening streaming live on Twitter at 7pm PT**
Engineering HQ opening streaming live on Twitter at 7pm PT ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1628580655901691904#m) 2023-02-23T07:42:07Z **Cybertruck at Tesla Engineering HQ**
Cybertruck at Tesla Engineering HQ

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjI4NjYxMzYwMDkwNTcwNzUzL2ltZy9IMWhqdjNvNFF3dTRZQk13LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1628661468383285250#m) 2023-02-24T06:01:12Z **Check out my spicy 🌶️ 🔥 OnlyGANs!!**
Check out my spicy 🌶️ 🔥 OnlyGANs!!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjI4OTk4MjY4MDE2MjcxMzYxL2ltZy85N3dfaVYtY25yUTYzMDV3LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1628998457645047808#m) 2023-02-24T06:23:17Z **Space Elevator**
Space Elevator

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1628777961213288450#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1628777961213288450#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1629004015655690241#m) 2023-02-24T10:58:10Z **RT by @elonmusk: Crew-6, SpaceX, and @NASA completed a full rehearsal of launch day activities**
Crew-6, SpaceX, and [@NASA](https://nitter.it/NASA "NASA") completed a full rehearsal of launch day activities

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnB1ZzJTc2FVQUlUSzEzLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnB1ZzJTdGFZQUV6MG53LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1629073194702475265#m) 2023-02-24T19:29:25Z **I have unblocked everyone I blocked, apart from scammers. I recommend others do the same.

Negative feedback is a good thing.**
I have unblocked everyone I blocked, apart from scammers. I recommend others do the same.

Negative feedback is a good thing. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1629201852968452097#m) 2023-02-24T22:06:05Z **RT by @elonmusk:**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnB3NlRndFgwQUFSVl82LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1629241278507491330#m) 2023-02-24T23:18:54Z **RT by @elonmusk: Just another day at the office 😎**
Just another day at the office 😎

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnB4SzlzcFdjQUl3cGdQLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnB4SzlzcFh3QUFPaWc4LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1629259603346169858#m) 2023-02-25T17:37:27Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnAxR2FnRVhvQUk5V2FYLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1629536065164922880#m) 2023-02-25T17:48:14Z **R to @elonmusk:**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnAxSTRTN1dBQVV5SjBYLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1629538776111280130#m) 2023-02-25T19:35:34Z **Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) vs Irish Republican Army (IRA)**
Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) vs Irish Republican Army (IRA)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnAxaGNoMFdJQUVNUkpHLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1629565786867081218#m) 2023-02-25T19:41:42Z **R to @elonmusk: Roth IRA vs Wrath IRA**
Roth IRA vs Wrath IRA ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1629567331587493888#m) 2023-02-25T19:37:12Z **R to @elonmusk: But which is actually harder, defeating inflation or defeating the British … ?**
But which is actually harder, defeating inflation or defeating the British … ? ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1629566200064688129#m) 2023-02-25T19:43:47Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnAxalZBaFdJQUE5X1l1LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1629567857041260545#m) 2023-02-25T21:02:29Z **R to @elonmusk: This meme is a for loop**
This meme is a for loop ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1629587662175629313#m) 2023-02-25T21:45:13Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnAxX0gzNFd3QUkzbjFqLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1629598417159692288#m) 2023-02-26T00:07:11Z **R to @elonmusk:**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjI5NjM0MDYxNzUxNjgxMDI0L2ltZy9QVHFBd0tiVDZfZ0VwLWwxLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1629634142622334978#m) 2023-02-26T00:06:14Z **R to @elonmusk: Disturbingly accurate**
Disturbingly accurate ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1629633902066425856#m) 2023-02-26T00:04:10Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnAyZTdPd1djQVlibHpQLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1629633384338149378#m) 2023-02-26T03:39:49Z **Why can’t witchcraft defeat inflation!?**
Why can’t witchcraft defeat inflation!? ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1629687653229555716#m) 2023-02-26T04:20:38Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnAzWm9CcVhzQUVCUmJsLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1629697927512768514#m) 2023-02-26T05:11:17Z **Rewatching Step Brothers … so good**
Rewatching Step Brothers … so good ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1629710671209193472#m) 2023-02-26T04:49:49Z **😢**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnAzZ1RVVFgwQUFSUXpzLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1629705269033816064#m) 2023-02-26T07:17:46Z **RT by @elonmusk: BASED SNL**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/ZXh0X3R3X3ZpZGVvX3RodW1iLzE2Mjk3MjQxODc0OTI1MTk5MzYvcHUvaW1nLzNVRjBfZ2tRWEdYcl8tOEwuanBn) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Jason/status/1629742501291778048#m) 2023-02-26T07:30:32Z **🤯**

[nitter.it/TheBabylonBee/status/1629556869088854018#m](https://nitter.it/TheBabylonBee/status/1629556869088854018#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1629745715017596928#m) 2023-02-26T17:38:49Z **RT by @elonmusk: Among other enhancements, V2 minis are equipped with new argon Hall thrusters for on orbit maneuvering**
Among other enhancements, V2 minis are equipped with new argon Hall thrusters for on orbit maneuvering

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnA2UVVITVdBQU12OFM0LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1629898794874687489#m) 2023-02-26T17:37:31Z **RT by @elonmusk: We call them “V2 Mini”. They represent a step forward in Starlink capability**
We call them “V2 Mini”. They represent a step forward in Starlink capability

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnA2UUF6OFdBQUlvcWo2LmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnA2UUF6LVhzQVVES3dLLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1629898468373192707#m) 2023-02-26T17:51:22Z **Having a bit of AI existential angst today**
Having a bit of AI existential angst today ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1629901954234105857#m) 2023-02-26T18:10:41Z **Astronaut launch for @NASA tomorrow night!**
Astronaut launch for [@NASA](https://nitter.it/NASA "NASA") tomorrow night!

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1629844021374754822#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1629844021374754822#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1629906815352799232#m) 2023-02-26T18:39:17Z **Hope you have a good Sunday. 

First day of the rest of your life.**
Hope you have a good Sunday.

First day of the rest of your life. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1629914011415244803#m) 2023-02-26T21:49:02Z **R to @elonmusk: But, all things considered with regard to AGI existential angst, I would prefer to be alive now to witness AGI than be alive in the past and not**
But, all things considered with regard to AGI existential angst, I would prefer to be alive now to witness AGI than be alive in the past and not ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1629961762899361792#m) 2023-02-26T23:46:28Z **RT by @elonmusk: Sunset at the pad**
Sunset at the pad

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/ZXh0X3R3X3ZpZGVvX3RodW1iLzE2Mjk5OTA5NTAxNDI2Mjc4NDAvcHUvaW1nL0NSZVVuYkJYVUYxNEhYa0suanBn) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1629991315378425856#m) 2023-02-27T19:16:17Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnBfd05pQ1hzQUFoNGk2LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1630285709654343683#m) 2023-02-27T19:53:14Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnBfNG9XdVgwQUlhRkhELmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1630295008870907904#m) 2023-02-27T20:19:47Z **If you can bear it**
If you can bear it

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnBfLXZxdFh3QUFVX3ZtLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1630301689818275840#m) 2023-02-27T23:14:46Z **RT by @elonmusk: Liftoff!**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjMwMzQ1NjUyNTg3ODgwNDQ4L2ltZy9SdENrbnBwTGZyLVdLaDAtLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1630345729624641536#m) 2023-02-27T23:06:51Z **RT by @elonmusk: Watch Falcon 9 launch 21 Starlink V2 Mini satellites to orbit → http://spacex.com/launches https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1yoJMZeyVoRxQ**
Watch Falcon 9 launch 21 Starlink V2 Mini satellites to orbit → [spacex.com/launches](http://spacex.com/launches) [nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1yo…](https://nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1yoJMZeyVoRxQ)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYzMDM1MjY5Njc2MTg5Njk2MC9RQnU0TzM0VT9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1630343736902430720#m) 2023-02-28T02:28:19Z **First Starlink v2 satellites reach orbit**
First Starlink v2 satellites reach orbit

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjMwMzk0MzM5Nzk1ODIwNTQ1L2ltZy9PTVpmZ2FqdWVUem9NUTY5LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1630394434847227909#m) 2023-02-28T01:21:45Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9 launches 21 second-generation Starlink satellites to orbit**
Falcon 9 launches 21 second-generation Starlink satellites to orbit

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnFCRGJNbmFnQUlPZlpGLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnFCRGJpMmFFQUFMMGxSLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnFCRGNWcmFjQUk0NHV5LmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnFCRGRGUmFVQUUwcHdJLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1630377685200551936#m) 2023-02-28T17:44:21Z **BasedAI**
BasedAI ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1630624962225553430#m) 2023-02-28T18:44:20Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnFFeWZPU1d3Q3dtQkd3LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1630640058507116553#m) 2023-02-28T19:15:35Z **RT by @elonmusk: Tesla Investor Day streaming live on Twitter & YouTube at 3pm CT tomorrow**
Tesla Investor Day streaming live on Twitter & YouTube at 3pm CT tomorrow ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1630647924198613004#m) 2023-02-28T22:36:16Z **Periodic reminder to try using Twitter Lists. Will greatly improve your experience.**
Periodic reminder to try using Twitter Lists. Will greatly improve your experience. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1630698427053899778#m) 2023-03-01T06:25:20Z **What do you call an infinite gear ratio?
All torque, no action.**
What do you call an infinite gear ratio?

All torque, no action. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1630816472984330241#m) 2023-03-01T21:15:10Z **You’re not gonna believe this, but we’re running a little late! 

Presentation starts in ~5 mins.**
You’re not gonna believe this, but we’re running a little late!

Presentation starts in ~5 mins.

[nitter.it/Tesla/status/1630647924198613004#m](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1630647924198613004#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1631040406115823618#m) 2023-03-01T21:24:19Z **…**

[nitter.it/Tesla/status/1631040930269609984#m](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1631040930269609984#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1631042709141037056#m) 2023-03-01T22:16:01Z **R to @elonmusk: Detailed whitepaper with calculations & assumptions to be released by Tesla shortly**
Detailed whitepaper with calculations & assumptions to be released by Tesla shortly ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1631055720153006080#m) 2023-03-01T22:14:04Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnFLc0ZiVldBQUVTVnRoLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1631055228089794560#m) 2023-03-01T23:32:58Z **RT by @elonmusk: We produced our 4 millionth vehicle at Giga Texas today ✌**
We produced our 4 millionth vehicle at Giga Texas today ✌

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjMxMDc1MDI4MzE2OTY2OTE0L2ltZy9wdDN0UXpPamE4OS1sVlNWLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1631075083018989568#m) 2023-03-02T01:46:02Z **RT by @elonmusk: Go for launch!

Watch #Crew6 blast off to the @Space_Station in @SpaceX's Dragon Endeavour spacecraft. The upcoming launch attempt is scheduled for 12:34am ET (0534 UTC) on Thursday, March 2. https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1MnGnpaqRbwxO**
Go for launch!

Watch [#Crew6](https://nitter.it/search?q=%23Crew6) blast off to the [@Space\_Station](https://nitter.it/Space_Station "International Space Station") in [@SpaceX](https://nitter.it/SpaceX "SpaceX")'s Dragon Endeavour spacecraft. The upcoming launch ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/NASA/status/1631108570723803136#m) 2023-03-02T02:57:31Z **Twice as many people died in Japan last year as were born. Population freefall.

Rest of the world is trending to follow.

Twice as many people died in Japan last year as were born. Population freefall.

Rest of the world is trending to follow.


![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYzMDg2NTQzNTgwN ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1631126559015747585#m) 2023-03-02T05:35:28Z **RT by @elonmusk: Liftoff of Crew-6!**
Liftoff of Crew-6!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjMxMTY2MjM1NjM4Mzk0ODgyL2ltZy9JRXJVdFhtUXVIb3ZUUUhKLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1631166308288172032#m) 2023-03-02T05:04:04Z **RT by @elonmusk: Rocket fueling has started and all systems remain GO for launch.

NASA’s @SpaceX #Crew6 mission is set to lift off at 12:34am ET (0534 UTC). The countdown continues. https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1MnGnpaqRbwxO**
Rocket fueling has started and all systems remain GO for launch.

NASA’s [@SpaceX](https://nitter.it/SpaceX "SpaceX") [#Crew6](https://nitter.it/search?q=%23Crew6) mission is set to lift off at 12:34am ET (0534 UTC). The countdown continues. [nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1Mn…](https://nitter.it/i ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/NASA/status/1631158408245125122#m) 2023-03-02T04:50:20Z **RT by @elonmusk: Crew-6 is go for launch**
Crew-6 is go for launch

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/ZXh0X3R3X3ZpZGVvX3RodW1iLzE2MzExNTEyNzA2MzAzOTU5MDUvcHUvaW1nL255ak9rTl9LcndkMUxtVHguanBn) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1631154951316733952#m) 2023-03-02T04:33:50Z **RT by @elonmusk: Watch Falcon 9 launch Dragon and Crew-6 to the @space_station → http://spacex.com/launches https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1kvJpmQYLmDxE**
Watch Falcon 9 launch Dragon and Crew-6 to the [@space\_station](https://nitter.it/Space_Station "International Space Station") → [spacex.com/launches](http://spacex.com/launches) [nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1kv…](https://nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1kvJpmQYLmDxE)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYzMTE3MjcwNzY3NjIyNTUzNy92ZnpUZndJMD9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAwe ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1631150797219307521#m) 2023-03-02T07:46:06Z **The ability of Twitter advertising to reach the most influential people in the world is often not fully appreciated.

While a few other social networks are technically bigger, Twitter is where the writers & leaders spend their time.**
The ability of Twitter advertising to reach the most influential people in the world is often not fully appreciated.

While a few other social networks are technically bigger, Twitter is where the writers & leaders spend their time. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1631199184203182080#m) 2023-03-03T18:16:10Z **“I used to be in crypto, but now I got interested in AI"**
“I used to be in crypto, but now I got interested in AI" ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1631720134636367872#m) 2023-03-03T18:39:00Z **Another launch**
Another launch

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1631723243680964608#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1631723243680964608#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1631725881378082816#m) 2023-03-03T20:02:20Z **169 mT to orbit this year so far**
169 mT to orbit this year so far ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1631746850054352897#m) 2023-03-03T18:56:06Z **R to @elonmusk: Stage 1 to stage 2 mass ratio is too high on Falcon 9, necessitating a long entry burn. This is fixed on Starship.**
Stage 1 to stage 2 mass ratio is too high on Falcon 9, necessitating a long entry burn. This is fixed on Starship. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1631730183698001920#m) 2023-03-04T13:56:23Z **Something should be done**
Something should be done

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnFZVzhSWFh3QUVTRkFnLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1632017143498788867#m) 2023-03-04T16:48:05Z **We should defund the GEC**
We should defund the GEC

[nitter.it/JonathanTurley/status/1632037370932469760#m](https://nitter.it/JonathanTurley/status/1632037370932469760#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1632060356930555904#m) 2023-03-04T20:10:05Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnFac2ViSVgwQUFJdnFDLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1632111188153606147#m) 2023-03-05T01:03:21Z **Aiming to roll out ability to reply to individual DMs, use any reaction emoji & encryption later this month**
Aiming to roll out ability to reply to individual DMs, use any reaction emoji & encryption later this month ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1632184992779444226#m) 2023-03-05T07:03:54Z **How to sabotage an organization …**
How to sabotage an organization …

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnFjQ0hsTVdBQUF3eUZBLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1632275726912110593#m) 2023-03-05T20:59:20Z **😮**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnFmQlZyWlhzQUFHZ0ZKLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1632485970967707648#m) 2023-03-05T21:06:02Z **R to @elonmusk: In my case, I guess it would be the Luigi Effect**
In my case, I guess it would be the Luigi Effect ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1632487656742420483#m) 2023-03-05T23:32:11Z **Add Fun to the FDA & rename to FFDA**
Add Fun to the FDA & rename to FFDA ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1632524437227716608#m) 2023-03-06T03:08:42Z **AI ML LLM LSTM GPT Diffusion**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnFnVjRRZFhnQUFzREJ2LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1632578926936571904#m) 2023-03-06T02:49:29Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnFnUmUyYlhzQUVjcU0xLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1632574090216103937#m) 2023-03-06T09:59:54Z **R to @elonmusk: (real article from organization calling itself bbc)**
(real article from organization calling itself bbc) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1632682409366781953#m) 2023-03-06T09:57:26Z **Sorry for turning Twitter from nurturing paradise into place that has … trolls 🧌**
Sorry for turning Twitter from nurturing paradise into place that has … trolls 🧌

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnFoemJ4UlhvQUFRWkdiLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1632681788941139972#m) 2023-03-06T22:08:42Z **Accounts engaging in repeated, egregious weaponization of DMCA on Twitter or encouraging weaponization of DMCA will receive temporary suspensions. 

That said, reasonable media takedown requests are, of course, appropriate and will always be supported.**
Accounts engaging in repeated, egregious weaponization of DMCA on Twitter or encouraging weaponization of DMCA will receive temporary suspensions.

That said, reasonable media takedown requests are, of course, appropriate and will always be supported. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1632865818563293190#m) 2023-03-07T00:25:41Z **This helpful video explains what happened at Twitter today
This helpful video explains what happened at Twitter today


![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYzMTcyMDMwOTg2NTgxNjA2NC9Nb1pQTXM0az9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9MTIwMHg2Mjc=) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1632900291229110272#m) 2023-03-07T00:55:32Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnFsQV9NR2FrQUFVTXVqLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1632907799549325313#m) 2023-03-07T00:51:15Z **Be careful to not almost die from using this app too long on the 🚽 

I speak from experience**
Be careful to not almost die from using this app too long on the 🚽

I speak from experience

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnFsQUFuRGFnQUF4ZEVBLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1632906725312561153#m) 2023-03-07T01:12:21Z **RT by @elonmusk: 🚨BREAKING: Never before seen video of January 6 shows Jacob Chansley, the QAnon Shaman, being led through the Capitol by police the entire time that he was in the building.**
🚨BREAKING: Never before seen video of January 6 shows Jacob Chansley, the QAnon Shaman, being led through the Capitol by police the entire time that he was in the building.

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/ZXh0X3R3X3ZpZGVvX3RodW1iLzE2MzI5MTE5NzI1NzU0NTMxODQvcHUvaW1nL0hUdUxTWlg2Y1RxQ09iN18uanBn) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/greg_price11/status/1632912031882805250#m) 2023-03-07T11:58:26Z **RT by @elonmusk: Today's cover: Jan. 6 footage shows Capitol cops escorting QAnon Shaman to Senate floor https://trib.al/G8LBB9C**
Today's cover: Jan. 6 footage shows Capitol cops escorting QAnon Shaman to Senate floor [trib.al/G8LBB9C](https://trib.al/G8LBB9C)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnFuWXQxeldjQUk5d3JGLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/nypost/status/1633074624056508418#m) 2023-03-07T18:49:05Z **Livestream interview in 15 mins at Morgan Stanley Conference https://event.webcasts.com/starthere.jsp?ei=1603299&tp_key=5994a5da5f**
Livestream interview in 15 mins at Morgan Stanley Conference [event.webcasts.com/starthere…](https://event.webcasts.com/starthere.jsp?ei=1603299&tp_key=5994a5da5f) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1633177967210930178#m) 2023-03-07T20:04:16Z **RT by @elonmusk: “We don’t want to be one of those lame, one-planet, civilizations, please!!” - @elonmusk today live on Morgan Stanley Conference. 🎬**
“We don’t want to be one of those lame, one-planet, civilizations, please!!” - [@elonmusk](https://nitter.it/elonmusk "Elon Musk") today live on Morgan Stanley Conference. 🎬

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjMzMTk2ODM1ODUzNTMzMTg3L2ltZy8wd3ZnNk9rXzR4eVVJUS1sLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/GailAlfarATX/status/1633196888554889216#m) 2023-03-08T00:16:28Z **RT by @elonmusk: Twitter will be the place where world participants go to find the truth with the least amount of error. @elonmusk**
Twitter will be the place where world participants go to find the truth with the least amount of error. [@elonmusk](https://nitter.it/elonmusk "Elon Musk")

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnFxQm81ZWFnQUFZWkFuLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Teslaconomics/status/1633260357560172545#m) 2023-03-09T09:50:55Z **Sometimes we miss here at Starbase**
Sometimes we miss here at Starbase

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnF4T3RmcFh3QVE4NDZqLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1633767312565125120#m) 2023-03-08T22:37:43Z **🤬 😂**
🤬 😂

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnF1MG5fM1gwQUV2ZGJvLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1633597893860020224#m) 2023-03-08T21:56:55Z ****

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnF1clNVcldJQUFVaFhILmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1633587625092169730#m) 2023-03-09T17:04:16Z **Concerning**

[nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1633830002742657027#m](https://nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1633830002742657027#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1633876365651918848#m) 2023-03-09T22:52:24Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnEwQmt3OFgwQUF5ODV6LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1633963976945008643#m) 2023-03-09T21:21:36Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9 launches 40 @OneWeb satellites to orbit, first stage booster returns to Earth**
Falcon 9 launches 40 [@OneWeb](https://nitter.it/OneWeb "OneWeb") satellites to orbit, first stage booster returns to Earth

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnF6cl9oSGFFQUVsNkVCLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnF6c0h3b2FVQUFxeEh5LmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnF6c09jZ2FnQU1vUDFmLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnF6c1BIb2FFQUFDaktBLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1633941127081652224#m) 2023-03-10T00:16:05Z **To be alerted about new tweets from any account, tap the bell symbol on the profile page**
To be alerted about new tweets from any account, tap the bell symbol on the profile page

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnEwVXVyT1h3QUlYZ1NLLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1633985037375877120#m) 2023-03-10T23:18:05Z **Free Jacob Chansley**
Free Jacob Chansley

[nitter.it/ChuckCallesto/status/1634039108958932995#m](https://nitter.it/ChuckCallesto/status/1634039108958932995#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1634332829860646914#m) 2023-03-10T23:31:04Z **Chansley got 4 years in prison for a non-violent, police-escorted tour!?

Dave Chapelle was violently assaulted on stage by a guy with a knife. That guy got a $3000 fine & no prison time.**
Chansley got 4 years in prison for a non-violent, police-escorted tour!?

Dave Chapelle was violently assaulted on stage by a guy with a knife. That guy got a $3000 fine & no prison time.

[nitter.it/greg\_price11/status/1632912031882805250#m](https://nitter.it/greg_price11/status/1632912031882805250#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1634336094664916992#m) 2023-03-11T00:02:06Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnE1YkgwUmFNQUFQSk5zLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1634343907827019776#m) 2023-03-11T05:07:57Z **Yesterday**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnE2aEhwR1h3QUFIVjNsLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1634420874127327233#m) 2023-03-11T05:41:53Z **RT by @elonmusk: The hatch is now closed between the @SpaceX Dragon Endurance spacecraft and the space station as the crew prepares for undocking. @NASA TV coverage resumes at 1:45am ET. More details.. https://go.nasa.gov/3JxyXZU**
The hatch is now closed between the [@SpaceX](https://nitter.it/SpaceX "SpaceX") Dragon Endurance spacecraft and the space station as the crew prepares for undocking. [@NASA](https://nitter.it/NASA "NASA") TV coverage resumes at 1:45am ET. More details.. [go.nasa.gov/3JxyXZU](https ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Space_Station/status/1634429414732705794#m) 2023-03-11T07:49:09Z **RT by @elonmusk: Crew-5 is returning to Earth after undocking from the station in the @SpaceX Dragon Endurance at 2:20am ET. @NASA TV coverage of deorbit and splashdown resumes at 8pm ET. More details.. https://go.nasa.gov/3l6gLgE**
Crew-5 is returning to Earth after undocking from the station in the [@SpaceX](https://nitter.it/SpaceX "SpaceX") Dragon Endurance at 2:20am ET. [@NASA](https://nitter.it/NASA "NASA") TV coverage of deorbit and splashdown resumes at 8pm ET. More details.. [go.nasa.gov/3l6gLgE](htt ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Space_Station/status/1634461442832232449#m) 2023-03-11T11:46:47Z **The sum of a cult should be greater than the parts/prophets/profits**
The sum of a cult should be greater than the parts/prophets/profits ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1634521244442689539#m) 2023-03-11T20:56:03Z **R to @elonmusk: … market?**
… market? ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1634659471803785223#m) 2023-03-11T20:53:08Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnE5NWRWR1djQUFFMnFLLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1634658739335704577#m) 2023-03-11T22:44:13Z **And the Catfish🥇goes to … https://globalnews.ca/news/7730617/gender-swap-influencer-japan-woman-man/**
And the Catfish🥇goes to … [globalnews.ca/news/7730617/g…](https://globalnews.ca/news/7730617/gender-swap-influencer-japan-woman-man/)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYzMzczOTA0MTg5OTI0OTY2NC9MTnBkM01aMz9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1634686692484345857#m) 2023-03-12T01:08:56Z **“These are the good old days!” – frens**
“These are the good old days!” – frens ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1634723111642750976#m) 2023-03-12T03:02:47Z **Yay!!**

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1634736729159499776#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1634736729159499776#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1634751765311569920#m) 2023-03-13T17:54:20Z **RT by @elonmusk: Regenerative braking turns our motors into generators, converting kinetic energy into electricity—recharging your Tesla's battery & slowing down the vehicle

Using the motors instead of friction brake means brake pads last longer & need to be replaced less frequently**
Regenerative braking turns our motors into generators, converting kinetic energy into electricity—recharging your Tesla's battery & slowing down the vehicle

Using the motors instead of friction brake means brake pads last longe ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/tesla_europe/status/1635338519421022209#m) 2023-03-14T04:01:11Z **RT by @elonmusk: Sign up to become a Community Notes contributor: https://twitter.com/i/flow/join-birdwatch**
Sign up to become a Community Notes contributor: [nitter.it/i/flow/join-bird…](https://nitter.it/i/flow/join-birdwatch) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/CommunityNotes/status/1635491237439602691#m) 2023-03-14T05:17:16Z **Fight for truth, whole truth & nothin but!**
Fight for truth, whole truth & nothin but!

[nitter.it/CommunityNotes/status/1635491237439602691#m](https://nitter.it/CommunityNotes/status/1635491237439602691#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1635510381874667520#m) 2023-03-14T17:09:31Z **The intent is for this site to be fair & impartial, favoring no party, seeking only the least wrong truth.**
The intent is for this site to be fair & impartial, favoring no party, seeking only the least wrong truth.

[nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1635510381874667520#m](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1635510381874667520#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1635689626739544064#m) 2023-03-14T17:48:26Z **Parents don’t realize the Soviet level of indoctrination that their children are receiving in elite high schools & colleges!**
Parents don’t realize the Soviet level of indoctrination that their children are receiving in elite high schools & colleges!

[nitter.it/aaronsibarium/status/1635633773143371779#m](https://nitter.it/aaronsibarium/status/1635633773143371779#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1635699420326133760#m) 2023-03-15T00:43:49Z **RT by @elonmusk: Dragon separation confirmed; autonomous docking with the @space_station on Thursday, March 16 at ~7:52 a.m. ET**
Dragon separation confirmed; autonomous docking with the [@space\_station](https://nitter.it/Space_Station "International Space Station") on Thursday, March 16 at ~7:52 a.m. ET

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjM1ODAzODcxOTA0OTIzNjQ5L2ltZy9oUG5OYUNtQk8xckR6NWRsLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1635803956533399553#m) 2023-03-15T03:46:49Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnJPMDZUY1dZQVFfVVhqLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1635850008141414400#m) 2023-03-15T02:13:59Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9 launches Dragon to the @space_station**
Falcon 9 launches Dragon to the [@space\_station](https://nitter.it/Space_Station "International Space Station")

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnJPZm9fLWFrQUE4WjAzLnBuZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnJPZm90S2FZQUF3QkxQLnBuZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1635826648431067137#m) 2023-03-15T05:24:26Z **Funny cause it’s true https://babylonbee.com/news/kim-jong-un-attends-ivy-league-university-to-learn-new-brainwashing-techniques**
Funny cause it’s true [babylonbee.com/news/kim-jong…](https://babylonbee.com/news/kim-jong-un-attends-ivy-league-university-to-learn-new-brainwashing-techniques)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYzNTg1ODA2ODU2MTk2MDk2MC9aZVBYdlBsSj9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1635874573819191298#m) 2023-03-15T06:09:22Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnJQVmlXY1djQUFNSFR4LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1635885881633431552#m) 2023-03-15T19:29:12Z **Starlink now offers global roaming**
Starlink now offers global roaming

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1636082103438934016#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1636082103438934016#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1636087168023121922#m) 2023-03-16T00:29:27Z **Microsoft fired their AI safety team?
Microsoft fired their AI safety team?


![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYzNTc2Nzg5ODc0NzY4MjgxOS9WNkdIV3RYMz9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1636162726140493825#m) 2023-03-16T06:28:48Z **Mis An Thropic Thunder**
Mis An Thropic Thunder ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1636253162423083009#m) 2023-03-16T07:12:32Z **You can ring my bell, ring my bell**
You can ring my bell, ring my bell ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1636264167681163264#m) 2023-03-16T16:44:11Z **It’s kinda flattering to be insulted on this site tbh**
It’s kinda flattering to be insulted on this site tbh ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1636408026939932674#m) 2023-03-16T17:10:48Z **You’re terrible & I love you**
You’re terrible & I love you ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1636414725549592576#m) 2023-03-16T17:50:09Z **R to @elonmusk: *not terrible**
\*not terrible ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1636424629395812352#m) 2023-03-16T19:41:37Z **If other party is always wrong
And your party is always right
You are at least partly wrong**
If other party is always wrong

And your party is always right

You are at least partly wrong ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1636452680900943880#m) 2023-03-16T19:15:52Z **RT by @elonmusk: Ultra Red**
Ultra Red

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnJYVEkzVlhvQUVFdmxmLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1636446199296270336#m) 2023-03-16T19:55:48Z **Describes a significant portion of this platform**
Describes a significant portion of this platform

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnJYY1NCYVh3QUFWRzB2LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1636456248768880640#m) 2023-03-16T19:52:33Z **It’s exciting to see more & more public figures engaging in active dialogue on this platform! 

Sure, people will say foolish things from time to time (myself especially), but that’s way better than silence or sanitized “press releases” that’re basically just boring propaganda.**
It’s exciting to see more & more public figures engaging in active dialogue on this platform!

Sure, people will say foolish things from time to time (myself especially), but that’s way better than silence or sanitized “press releases” th ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1636455431680794625#m) 2023-03-16T19:46:44Z **Best way to fight misinformation is to respond with accurate information, not censorship**
Best way to fight misinformation is to respond with accurate information, not censorship ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1636453969491836930#m) 2023-03-16T20:11:34Z **Scary times we live in**
Scary times we live in

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnJYZjQ4LVdjQUFzdTJnLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1636460218832789514#m) 2023-03-16T22:51:22Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnJZRWRfSldJQUFoMVNFLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1636500433324634112#m) 2023-03-17T21:01:39Z **Twitter will open source all code used to recommend tweets on March 31st**
Twitter will open source all code used to recommend tweets on March 31st ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1636835209587949570#m) 2023-03-17T21:16:06Z **R to @elonmusk: Our “algorithm” is overly complex & not fully understood internally. People will discover many silly things , but we’ll patch issues as soon as they’re found!

We’re developing a simplified approach to serve more compelling tweets, but it’s still a work in progress. That’ll also… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1636838845894279168**
Our “algorithm” is overly complex & not fully understood internally. People will discover many silly things , but we’ll patch issues as soon as they’re found!

We’re d ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1636838845894279168#m) 2023-03-17T22:00:05Z **R to @elonmusk: Take that, ChatGPT!**
Take that, ChatGPT! ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1636849915992178689#m) 2023-03-17T21:58:02Z **To meme the impossible meme 🎶 
To fight the unbeatable foe 🧌 
To bear with unbearable sorrow 😭
To run where the brave dare not go💨

To right, the un-rightable rong 😑 
To ♥️ pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary 😮‍💨
To reach the unreachable ⭐️ 

This is… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1636849399421714433**
To meme the impossible meme 🎶

To fight the unbeatable foe 🧌

To bear with unbearable sorrow 😭

To run where the brave dare not go💨

To right, the un-rightable rong 😑

To ♥️ pure and cha ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1636849399421714433#m) 2023-03-17T22:05:29Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnJkRGpsS1djQUF3aVVqLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1636851271612153858#m) 2023-03-18T00:38:32Z **Peace was never an option**
Peace was never an option

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnJkbWxsUld3QUVQTWZ4LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1636889789470326785#m) 2023-03-18T00:37:19Z **Archangel-12**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnJkbVRnblhzQVlFWTNzLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1636889482921123846#m) 2023-03-18T00:46:33Z **Congrats to @SpaceX team for launching 2 rockets within 4 hours!**
Congrats to [@SpaceX](https://nitter.it/SpaceX "SpaceX") team for launching 2 rockets within 4 hours!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnJkb2FxQlgwQUlSR0dmLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnJkb2FwLVhvQWdJNUhoLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1636891805466722304#m) 2023-03-18T01:14:41Z **In the months ahead, we will use AI to detect & highlight manipulation of public opinion on this platform.

Let’s see what the psy ops cat drags in …**
In the months ahead, we will use AI to detect & highlight manipulation of public opinion on this platform.

Let’s see what the psy ops cat drags in … ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1636898888287236099#m) 2023-03-18T01:35:38Z **Of Course I Still Love You**
Of Course I Still Love You

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1636813682423533568#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1636813682423533568#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1636904158241476608#m) 2023-03-18T02:36:46Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnJlQnBjWldjQUljTlgtLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1636919544483655680#m) 2023-03-18T06:36:52Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnJlNG1wRld3QU1aSkxkLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1636979967346061313#m) 2023-03-18T10:34:40Z **Engineering is true magic**
Engineering is true magic ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1637039810488483841#m) 2023-03-18T11:25:45Z **Very important thread**
Very important thread

[nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1636729166631432195#m](https://nitter.it/mtaibbi/status/1636729166631432195#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1637052668991401987#m) 2023-03-18T21:04:43Z **In the coming weeks, Twitter will prioritize replies by:

1. People you follow
2. Verified accounts
3. Unverified accounts

Verified accounts are 1000X harder to game by bot & troll armies.

There is great wisdom to the old saying: “You get what you pay for.”**
In the coming weeks, Twitter will prioritize replies by:

1\. People you follow

2\. Verified accounts

3\. Unverified accounts

Verified accounts are 1000X harder to game by bot & troll armies.

There is great wisdom to the old saying: “You get what you pa ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1637198368714772486#m) 2023-03-18T21:56:33Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnJpTEdUOVgwQUUtc2t3LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1637211412270399488#m) 2023-03-18T23:31:48Z **This platform is growing fast! 

Just exceeded 8 billion user-minutes per day … of the most influential, smartest people on Earth 😉**
This platform is growing fast!

Just exceeded 8 billion user-minutes per day … of the most influential, smartest people on Earth 😉 ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1637235385070678017#m) 2023-03-19T03:23:38Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnJqVjlzd1gwQU13cHlBLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1637293725154942978#m) 2023-03-19T05:55:01Z **en tro py … en tro py … no escaping that for me**
en tro py … en tro py … no escaping that for me ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1637331821439463425#m) 2023-03-19T10:23:24Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnJrMkNySFhzQUVRcjhQLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1637399363503681536#m) 2023-03-19T10:19:02Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnJrMUMxVldBQUVNcExMLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1637398266575740929#m) 2023-03-19T11:48:18Z **press@twitter.com now auto responds with 💩**
press@twitter.com now auto responds with 💩 ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1637420728743088130#m) 2023-03-19T17:50:41Z **A latte is really just an excuse for adults to order warm milk without sounding like a baby**
A latte is really just an excuse for adults to order warm milk without sounding like a baby ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1637511926925127680#m) 2023-03-19T18:03:13Z **R to @elonmusk: Cappuccino/latte art is delightful**
Cappuccino/latte art is delightful ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1637515081872293888#m) 2023-03-19T22:11:07Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnJuWUJxX1dBQUFrbmpqLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1637577467819970560#m) 2023-03-20T17:44:47Z **R to @elonmusk: open.spotify.com/track/71Hd6…**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYzNjQyNDQ5MTk0MDE1MTI5Ni9vcnBrTEFuTT9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9NDIweDQyMF8y) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1637872831504457743#m) 2023-03-20T17:44:16Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnJya2lYTldJQllteHZLLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1637872698503077901#m) 2023-03-20T22:22:03Z **RT by @elonmusk: View from the second stage following last week's launch of SES-18 and SES-19 to a geosynchronous transfer orbit**
View from the second stage following last week's launch of SES-18 and SES-19 to a geosynchronous transfer orbit

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/ZXh0X3R3X3ZpZGVvX3RodW1iLzE2Mzc5NDI1NDE5MTA5NTM5OTAvcHUvaW1nL05UdVFpOU14TFliZ1NaWTkuanBn) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1637942606020890624#m) 2023-03-21T01:41:10Z **Follow @HelpfulNotes to read highly rated @CommunityNotes**
Follow [@HelpfulNotes](https://nitter.it/HelpfulNotes "Helpful Community Notes") to read highly rated [@CommunityNotes](https://nitter.it/CommunityNotes "Community Notes") ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1637992716679127042#m) 2023-03-21T19:06:15Z **RT by @elonmusk: We recently partnered with @Sprinklr for an independent assessment of hate speech on Twitter, which we’ve been sharing data on publicly for several months.

Sprinklr’s AI-powered model found that the reach of hate speech on Twitter is even lower than our own model quantified 🧵**
We recently partnered with [@Sprinklr](https://nitter.it/Sprinklr "Sprinklr @ Adobe Summit 2023") for an independent assessment of hate speech on Twitter, which we’ve been sharing data on publicly for several months.
 ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/TwitterSafety/status/1638255718540165121#m) 2023-03-22T03:24:26Z **Tesla Powerwall enables your home to operate normally during a power outage
Tesla Powerwall enables your home to operate normally during a power outage


![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYzNjEwODk4MzQ3MDYyODg2NC92X2Q1Wk9lbD9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1638381090368012289#m) 2023-03-23T00:03:47Z **RT by @elonmusk: Starlink is now available in Haiti → http://starlink.com/map**
Starlink is now available in Haiti → [starlink.com/map](http://starlink.com/map)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTYzNzM5MDM1NTgyODk4OTk1My9sNVpSUkdFZj9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1638692986014900225#m) 2023-03-23T21:31:38Z **Twitter Verified now available worldwide!**
Twitter Verified now available worldwide!

[nitter.it/TwitterBlue/status/1638988196380827651#m](https://nitter.it/TwitterBlue/status/1638988196380827651#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1639017080971476992#m) 2023-03-23T21:52:23Z **To get Blue Verified for $7/month, sign up via web browser at https://twitter.com/i/twitter_blue_sign_up**
To get Blue Verified for $7/month, sign up via web browser at [nitter.it/i/twitter\_blue\_s…](https://nitter.it/i/twitter_blue_sign_up) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1639022301973970944#m) 2023-03-24T05:34:31Z **As part of their investment, Microsoft gained exclusive access to the entire OpenAI codebase**
As part of their investment, Microsoft gained exclusive access to the entire OpenAI codebase ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1639138603371491329#m) 2023-03-24T05:27:17Z **Sure would be ironic if civilization ended because of a fight over browser/search market share**
Sure would be ironic if civilization ended because of a fight over browser/search market share ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1639136785346228225#m) 2023-03-24T06:55:12Z **Clippy is the real paperclip problem**
Clippy is the real paperclip problem ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1639158908165013504#m) 2023-03-24T07:01:55Z **Any individual person’s Twitter account affiliated with a verified organization is automatically verified**
Any individual person’s Twitter account affiliated with a verified organization is automatically verified

[nitter.it/verified/status/1639029459557679104#m](https://nitter.it/verified/status/1639029459557679104#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1639160599354519553#m) 2023-03-24T07:21:39Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnI5OFpLS1djQUFKcWdKLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1639165566668902402#m) 2023-03-24T07:37:52Z **To get Blue Verified for $7/month, sign up via web browser at https://T.co/blue**
To get Blue Verified for $7/month, sign up via web browser at [T.co/blue](https://T.co/blue) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1639169647051153414#m) 2023-03-24T09:38:38Z **I’m sure it will be fine**
I’m sure it will be fine

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnItYnZwLVhnQUUyMEszLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1639200036578885632#m) 2023-03-24T22:16:08Z **No but how’s your day**
No but how’s your day

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnNCSkgwVVhvQUUtQzRHLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1639390667393863680#m) 2023-03-24T22:38:20Z **20 launches done, 70+ for rest of year**
20 launches done, 70+ for rest of year

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1639312318931812352#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1639312318931812352#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1639396253896257536#m) 2023-03-25T20:53:43Z **Big congratulations to the Tesla Germany team!!**
Big congratulations to the Tesla Germany team!!

[nitter.it/Tesla/status/1639713037174161408#m](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1639713037174161408#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1639732314660847616#m) 2023-03-27T01:54:37Z **Blooper reel must be amazing**
Blooper reel must be amazing

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnNNT1Q2Nld3QUEwSzIwLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1640170427271069699#m) 2023-03-27T01:57:41Z **Prescient**

[nitter.it/Rainmaker1973/status/1640016339011076097#m](https://nitter.it/Rainmaker1973/status/1640016339011076097#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1640171198091866114#m) 2023-03-27T03:05:24Z **It’s more about treating everyone equally. There shouldn’t be a different standard for celebrities imo.**
It’s more about treating everyone equally. There shouldn’t be a different standard for celebrities imo.

[nitter.it/WilliamShatner/status/1639811930243334145#m](https://nitter.it/WilliamShatner/status/1639811930243334145#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1640188239976734720#m) 2023-03-27T03:48:31Z **Given that modern AI can solve any “prove you’re not a robot” tests, it’s now trivial to spin up 100k human-like bots for less than a penny per account.

Paid verification increases bot cost by ~10,000% & makes it much easier to identify bots by phone & CC clustering.

Obvious… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1640199090112806912**
Given that modern AI can solve any “prove you’re not a robot” tests, it’s now trivial to spin up 100k human-like bots for less than a penny per account.

Paid verification increases bot ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1640199090112806912#m) 2023-03-27T10:59:56Z **To get Blue Check Verified for $7/month, sign up via web at https://T.co/blue**
To get Blue Check Verified for $7/month, sign up via web at [T.co/blue](https://T.co/blue) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1640307661123072000#m) 2023-03-27T18:12:29Z **The good old days**
The good old days

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnNQdUlLQVd3QXdNSWotLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1640416516075290624#m) 2023-03-27T23:54:57Z **Starting April 15th, only verified accounts will be eligible to be in For You recommendations.

The is the only realistic way to address advanced AI bot swarms taking over. It is otherwise a hopeless losing battle.

Voting in polls will require verification for same reason.**
Starting April 15th, only verified accounts will be eligible to be in For You recommendations.

The is the only realistic way to address advanced AI bot swarms taking over. It is otherwise a hopeless losing battle.

Voting in polls will requi ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1640502698549075972#m) 2023-03-28T01:55:02Z **R to @elonmusk: That said, it’s ok to have verified bot accounts if they follow terms of service & don’t impersonate a human**
That said, it’s ok to have verified bot accounts if they follow terms of service & don’t impersonate a human ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1640532921386663938#m) 2023-03-28T03:22:28Z **I’m old enough to remember**
I’m old enough to remember

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnNSc0FmdGFRQUFmUXpoLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1640554924588277761#m) 2023-03-28T04:11:53Z **Of course, you need to have good customer service for money. 

Working on it …**
Of course, you need to have good customer service for money.

Working on it … ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1640567359307145217#m) 2023-03-28T06:53:23Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnNTY1J1TWFNQUFKQnNELmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1640608001760579584#m) 2023-03-28T19:38:23Z **Forgot to mention that accounts you follow directly will also be in For You, since you have explicitly asked for them**
Forgot to mention that accounts you follow directly will also be in For You, since you have explicitly asked for them ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1640800519894736896#m) 2023-03-29T20:10:36Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the Just Read the Instructions droneship**
Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the Just Read the Instructions droneship

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjQxMTcwOTQzNzQwMzk1NTIxL2ltZy85MmRZUV9iemk2VkZTU1BmLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1641171017354694657#m) 2023-03-29T20:01:51Z **RT by @elonmusk: Liftoff!**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjQxMTY4NzM4MDE0NzExODA4L2ltZy9GdGs3RlFRbXNfR245VXptLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1641168813134839810#m) 2023-03-29T22:34:24Z **RT by @elonmusk: Starlink ahora disponible en Ecuador → http://starlink.com**
Starlink ahora disponible en Ecuador → [starlink.com](http://starlink.com)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTY0MTA3NTQ1MTQ3NjE4NTA5MS93YzRMbHhFZD9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1641207206518616066#m) 2023-03-30T06:37:44Z **Old joke about agnostic technologists building artificial super intelligence to find out if there’s a God.

They finally finish & ask the question.

AI replies: “There is now, mfs!!”**
Old joke about agnostic technologists building artificial super intelligence to find out if there’s a God.

They finally finish & ask the question.

AI replies: “There is now, mfs!!” ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1641328839144927232#m) 2023-03-31T02:36:34Z **Important to establish whether someone actually belongs to an organization or not so as to avoid impersonation**
Important to establish whether someone actually belongs to an organization or not so as to avoid impersonation

[nitter.it/verified/status/1641596848921276417#m](https://nitter.it/verified/status/1641596848921276417#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1641630535448510465#m) 2023-03-31T05:45:41Z **If you don’t like reality, just ignore it**
If you don’t like reality, just ignore it ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1641678128736026624#m) 2023-03-31T05:56:45Z **Algorithm goes open source at noon Pacific Time**
Algorithm goes open source at noon Pacific Time ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1641680913661607936#m) 2023-03-31T07:59:41Z **R to @elonmusk: Works (almost) every time**
Works (almost) every time ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1641711852521439232#m) 2023-03-31T17:41:47Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnNrTmRYNVdZQWttRVRlLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1641858340752875535#m) 2023-03-31T17:53:33Z **R to @elonmusk: Just borrowed my friend’s jacket wdyt?**
Just borrowed my friend’s jacket wdyt? ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1641861302913056768#m) 2023-03-31T18:46:19Z **Most of the recommendation algorithm will be made open source today. The rest will follow.

Acid test is that independent third parties should be able to determine, with reasonable accuracy, what will probably be shown to users.

No doubt, many embarrassing issues will be…**
Most of the recommendation algorithm will be made open source today. The rest will follow.

Acid test is that independent third parties should be able to determine, with reasonable accuracy, what will probably be shown to users.

No doubt, man ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1641874582473695246#m) 2023-03-31T18:55:30Z **Twitter recommendation source code now available to all on GitHub 
Twitter recommendation source code now available to all on GitHub


![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTY0MTg3MTYzNTg2NjM0NTQ3Mi8zdFV1VThhNz9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1641876892302073875#m) 2023-03-31T19:09:38Z **Twitter open source Spaces discussion happening now!
Twitter open source Spaces discussion happening now!

[nitter.it/i/spaces/1jMJgLd…](https://nitter.it/i/spaces/1jMJgLdenVjxL) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1641880448061120513#m) 2023-03-31T20:52:13Z **Twitter will be updating its recommendation algorithm based on user suggestions every 24 to 48 hours**
Twitter will be updating its recommendation algorithm based on user suggestions every 24 to 48 hours ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1641906265944203267#m) 2023-04-01T03:10:07Z **We live in the most interesting of times**
We live in the most interesting of times ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1642001368872370178#m) 2023-04-01T04:48:55Z **Don’t Look Up … but AGI instead of comet**
Don’t Look Up … but AGI instead of comet ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1642026231766953985#m) 2023-04-01T08:42:39Z **R to @elonmusk: This is most of the recommendation code. In the coming weeks, we will open source literally everything that contributes to showing a tweet, such that the output can be at least roughly approximated.**
This is most of the recommendation code. In the coming weeks, we will open source literally everything that contributes to showing a tweet, such that the output can be at least roughly approximated. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1642085053504028673#m) 2023-04-01T16:53:08Z **Wait for it …**
Wait for it …

[nitter.it/Tesla/status/1642162058258001920#m](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1642162058258001920#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1642208486728630272#m) 2023-04-01T19:16:11Z **Me after 1 day of not eating sugar**
Me after 1 day of not eating sugar

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnNwc3AyUVdZQU1UWFdaLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1642244485772980226#m) 2023-04-02T05:01:40Z **♥️♥️ @CommunityNotes ♥️♥️**
♥️♥️ [@CommunityNotes](https://nitter.it/CommunityNotes "Community Notes") ♥️♥️ ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1642391828824506371#m) 2023-04-02T05:16:04Z **The real tragedy of @NYTimes is that their propaganda isn’t even interesting**
The real tragedy of [@NYTimes](https://nitter.it/nytimes "The New York Times") is that their propaganda isn’t even interesting ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1642395451209940993#m) 2023-04-02T05:44:40Z **R to @elonmusk: Also, their feed is the Twitter equivalent of diarrhea. It’s unreadable.

They would have far more real followers if they only posted their top articles. 

Same applies to all publications.**
Also, their feed is the Twitter equivalent of diarrhea. It’s unreadable.

They would have far more real followers if they only posted their top articles.

Same applies to all publications. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1642402646836297729#m) 2023-04-02T06:40:37Z **Walked whole Cybertruck production line at Giga Texas for several hours earlier today – gonna be awesome!**
Walked whole Cybertruck production line at Giga Texas for several hours earlier today – gonna be awesome! ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1642416728444669952#m) 2023-04-02T09:22:23Z **R to @elonmusk: Feels like the future**
Feels like the future ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1642457439827271685#m) 2023-04-02T19:07:51Z **Great interview on AI**
Great interview on AI

[nitter.it/CBSMornings/status/1640028338004676612#m](https://nitter.it/CBSMornings/status/1640028338004676612#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1642604774909702144#m) 2023-04-02T19:49:26Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnN1OTIycWFNQUFXSlZtLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1642615243150094336#m) 2023-04-02T19:39:05Z **RT by @elonmusk: In Q1, we produced over 440k vehicles & delivered over 422k vehicles → https://ir.tesla.com/press-release/tesla-vehicle-production-deliveries-and-date-financial-results-webcast-first-quarter-2023**
In Q1, we produced over 440k vehicles & delivered over 422k vehicles → [ir.tesla.com/press-release/t…](https://ir.tesla.com/press-release/tesla-vehicle-production-deliveries-and-date-financial-results-webcast-first-quarter-2023)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTY0MjE5MjcwMTE5MjkwODgwMC9FeEdJUGN ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1642612636352126976#m) 2023-04-02T21:58:49Z **Credit to Tim Sweeney for realizing this before me**
Credit to Tim Sweeney for realizing this before me

[nitter.it/TimSweeneyEpic/status/1231290805211496448#m](https://nitter.it/TimSweeneyEpic/status/1231290805211496448#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1642647801049018368#m) 2023-04-03T02:08:44Z **MetamorphosisAI**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnN3VXFzSWFnQUVuX3A0LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1642710694301929473#m) 2023-04-03T13:29:00Z **They should really get rid of that 100 IQ maximum limit for creating an account on Instagram**
They should really get rid of that 100 IQ maximum limit for creating an account on Instagram ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1642881891270533121#m) 2023-04-03T18:50:20Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnN6NTYycGFNQUFCX25QLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1642962756906418176#m) 2023-04-03T19:44:24Z **As promised**
As promised

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnMwR1M1c2FRQUFuQk5OLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1642976364080041984#m) 2023-04-03T20:17:23Z **I wish the media would stop flattering me all time … it’s a bit much guys ☺️**
I wish the media would stop flattering me all time … it’s a bit much guys ☺️ ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1642984664091721733#m) 2023-04-03T21:26:57Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnMwZHhFVmFjQUVKSjhYLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1643002171942916096#m) 2023-04-04T18:52:32Z **If the Dem Party had a time machine**
If the Dem Party had a time machine

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnM1RUFySWFNQUFjZUtnLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1643325697363161088#m) 2023-04-04T19:15:18Z **RAGE FOR THE MACHINE!!**

[nitter.it/TheBabylonBee/status/1643240997394972672#m](https://nitter.it/TheBabylonBee/status/1643240997394972672#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1643331427503677444#m) 2023-04-04T23:15:03Z **Summary of argument against AI safety**
Summary of argument against AI safety

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnM2QUdaS2FJQUFCSTNkLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1643391764064256000#m) 2023-04-06T00:04:54Z **RT by @elonmusk: Tesla Master Plan, Part 3 → https://www.tesla.com/blog/master-plan-part-3**
Tesla Master Plan, Part 3 → [tesla.com/blog/master-plan-p…](https://www.tesla.com/blog/master-plan-part-3)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTY0Mzc2NTQ3MjUzMjUyNTA1Ny93TTlMSm9YYT9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1643766694609920000#m) 2023-04-06T07:10:55Z **Starship preparing for launch 🚀**
Starship preparing for launch 🚀

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjQzODczMjIyODIyMDY4MjI0L2ltZy9pTkxmS0JRRlIzWDBGakZwLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1643873905113722880#m) 2023-04-06T21:52:44Z **Starship is stacked & ready to launch next week, pending regulatory approval**
Starship is stacked & ready to launch next week, pending regulatory approval

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1644044484026716160#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1644044484026716160#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1644095821753856002#m) 2023-04-07T01:51:43Z **RT by @elonmusk: ¡Hola 🇲🇽 y 🇪🇸! ¡Oi 🇵🇹! Welcome to all the new contributors in Mexico, Spain and Portugal - we're glad to have you here.**
¡Hola 🇲🇽 y 🇪🇸! ¡Oi 🇵🇹! Welcome to all the new contributors in Mexico, Spain and Portugal - we're glad to have you here. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/CommunityNotes/status/1644155965904756738#m) 2023-04-07T04:40:52Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the A Shortfall of Gravitas droneship**
Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the A Shortfall of Gravitas droneship

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjQ0MTk4NDYwMzMyMzEwNTMwL2ltZy9iSGpwYnNxdnV2cWRiWlhhLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1644198531186696192#m) 2023-04-07T04:30:48Z **RT by @elonmusk: Liftoff!**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjQ0MTk1OTQwNzIxNjU5OTA0L2ltZy9YYXdQamVYV01YUEM0UTU5LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1644195998347202560#m) 2023-04-07T05:03:25Z **RT by @elonmusk: Deployment of @Intelsat IS-40e confirmed**
Deployment of [@Intelsat](https://nitter.it/INTELSAT "Intelsat") IS-40e confirmed

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjQ0MjA0MTA2ODA5MjE3MDI0L2ltZy9sc3p6OVJndnpMVGRYV0s3LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1644204205153083392#m) 2023-04-07T20:09:24Z **RT by @elonmusk: NEWS: Fmr President Obama gets an affiliate badge on Twitter 👀 https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1644432205404336132**
NEWS: Fmr President Obama gets an affiliate badge on Twitter 👀 [nitter.it/i/web/status/164…](https://nitter.it/i/web/status/1644432205404336132)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRJd182WldjQWdQam9LLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/TitterDaily/status/1644432205404336132#m) 2023-04-08T01:00:18Z **R to @elonmusk: Caused by expired ground station cert. We’re scrubbing the system for other single-point vulnerabilities.**
Caused by expired ground station cert. We’re scrubbing the system for other single-point vulnerabilities. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1644505414296322048#m) 2023-04-08T00:58:10Z **Sorry, slight glitch with @SpaceX Starlink. Coming back online now.**
Sorry, slight glitch with [@SpaceX](https://nitter.it/SpaceX "SpaceX") Starlink. Coming back online now. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1644504875559014400#m) 2023-04-07T18:01:06Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRJVkFuYVgwQUE3MngzLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1644399918696615936#m) 2023-04-07T16:04:46Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9 launches @INTELSAT IS-40e to orbit**
Falcon 9 launches [@INTELSAT](https://nitter.it/INTELSAT "Intelsat") IS-40e to orbit

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRINTNHTmFnQUVLaUdzLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRINTMwWmFNQUk4M1JaLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRINTVDQ2FRQUE3emN0LmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRINTZQb2FjQUF2cmswLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1644370642207404033#m) 2023-04-08T09:17:07Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRMbXFBNFdJQUFXb01YLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1644630439888338947#m) 2023-04-08T11:00:04Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRMLU95MFdBQVlFTS1uLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1644656347479261184#m) 2023-04-09T00:32:27Z **Friendship takes work, enmity is effortless**
Friendship takes work, enmity is effortless ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1644860793224085506#m) 2023-04-09T01:26:49Z **I’m proudly half Canadian!**
I’m proudly half Canadian!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRQRW5TTVh3QUF0XzR6LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1644874473525346306#m) 2023-04-09T05:15:30Z **🤯**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRQNDlNNFdBQUUwUlhqLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1644932024975622144#m) 2023-04-09T06:07:02Z **Starship is ready for launch 🚀

Awaiting regulatory approval**
Starship is ready for launch 🚀

Awaiting regulatory approval ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1644944993499357184#m) 2023-04-09T17:27:07Z **Tesla opening Megapack factory in Shanghai to supplement output of Megapack factory in California**
Tesla opening Megapack factory in Shanghai to supplement output of Megapack factory in California

[nitter.it/Tesla/status/1645115732760436739#m](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1645115732760436739#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1645116142791393283#m) 2023-04-09T18:10:58Z **Happy Easter!**
Happy Easter! ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1645127177703235589#m) 2023-04-09T21:44:20Z **I’m almost there**
I’m almost there

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRUYlNTVVhvQUFxU0lXLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1645180873988251648#m) 2023-04-09T22:00:23Z **A maximally curious AI is probably best.

The cat lobby will oppose this, naturally, but it will receive strong support from monkeys name George.**
A maximally curious AI is probably best.

The cat lobby will oppose this, naturally, but it will receive strong support from monkeys name George. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1645184911094042628#m) 2023-04-09T22:21:52Z **Candle in rocket engine lasts ~0.1 sec

Analogies are not physics**
Candle in rocket engine lasts ~0.1 sec

Analogies are not physics

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRUajRFUldJQU0zVXQxLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1645190319221161984#m) 2023-04-10T03:23:01Z **Our landlord at SF HQ says we’re legally required to keep sign as Twitter & cannot remove “w”, so we painted it background color. Problem solved!**
Our landlord at SF HQ says we’re legally required to keep sign as Twitter & cannot remove “w”, so we painted it background color. Problem solved!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRVb3pXM1dBQUV5dVBNLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1645266104351178752#m) 2023-04-10T04:05:12Z **R to @elonmusk: They tried to muffle our titter 🤭**
They tried to muffle our titter 🤭 ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1645276721023729664#m) 2023-04-10T13:27:08Z **Starship launch trending towards near the end of third week of April**
Starship launch trending towards near the end of third week of April ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1645418134021500933#m) 2023-04-10T14:32:30Z **Impersonating others is wrong!**
Impersonating others is wrong! ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1645434584362876929#m) 2023-04-10T15:52:03Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRYVVBmeVdjQUFtM1hJLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1645454606078443523#m) 2023-04-10T16:08:05Z **On the Internet, I’m only 3 inches tall (best case)**
On the Internet, I’m only 3 inches tall (best case) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1645458637651955713#m) 2023-04-10T19:13:38Z **Tbh, I’m just hoping a media org that takes itself way too seriously writes a story about Harry Bōlz …**
Tbh, I’m just hoping a media org that takes itself way too seriously writes a story about Harry Bōlz … ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1645505334453125124#m) 2023-04-10T21:04:11Z **An advantage of having organizational affiliation on this platform is that you can change your name without losing verification.

More importantly, it helps greatly with reducing impersonation fraud.**
An advantage of having organizational affiliation on this platform is that you can change your name without losing verification.

More importantly, it helps greatly with reducing impersonation fraud. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1645533155200471041#m) 2023-04-10T23:11:08Z **We need a VP of Propaganda … errr I mean Public Relations!**
We need a VP of Propaganda … errr I mean Public Relations! ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1645565105256513540#m) 2023-04-11T07:03:45Z **X**
X ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1645684041264529408#m) 2023-04-11T15:09:30Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon Heavy in the hangar at Launch Complex 39A**
Falcon Heavy in the hangar at Launch Complex 39A

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRjVDlSeWFjQUF2S3lOLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRjVDlUemFBQUVRcWN3LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1645806285550669827#m) 2023-04-11T18:55:18Z **Final date for removing legacy Blue checks is 4/20**
Final date for removing legacy Blue checks is 4/20 ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1645863107175284738#m) 2023-04-11T19:45:15Z **RT by @elonmusk: Teams are focused on launch readiness ahead of Starship’s first integrated flight test as soon as next week, pending regulatory approval – no launch rehearsal this week http://spacex.com/launches/**
Teams are focused on launch readiness ahead of Starship’s first integrated flight test as soon as next week, pending regulatory approval – no launch rehearsal this week [spacex.com/launches/](http://spacex.com/launches/)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRkVERuaWFrQUF0SU91LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1645875678657810439#m) 2023-04-12T03:19:16Z **Doing a Twitter Spaces interview in 10 mins with the @JamesClayton5 of @BBC**
Doing a Twitter Spaces interview in 10 mins with the [@JamesClayton5](https://nitter.it/JamesClayton5 "James Clayton") of [@BBC](https://nitter.it/BBC "BBC") ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1645989936284442624#m) 2023-04-12T07:41:35Z **I said BBC could come Twitter, then, to my surprise, a reporter shows up**
I said BBC could come Twitter, then, to my surprise, a reporter shows up ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1646055951819223040#m) 2023-04-12T07:25:42Z **Penetrating deep & hard with @BBC**
Penetrating deep & hard with [@BBC](https://nitter.it/BBC "BBC")

[nitter.it/TexasLindsay\_/status/1646006232484913153#m](https://nitter.it/TexasLindsay_/status/1646006232484913153#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1646051952042680322#m) 2023-04-12T16:22:49Z **This time with video & better audio**
This time with video & better audio

[nitter.it/CensoredMen/status/1646075238378098688#m](https://nitter.it/CensoredMen/status/1646075238378098688#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1646187123077447680#m) 2023-04-12T16:44:34Z **RT by @elonmusk: Starship at sunrise**
Starship at sunrise

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRoeXlKdFd3QUVQMjB0LmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRoeXpIZmFBQUFRS1pCLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRoeXppa2FFQUFSX05yLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1646192595851415555#m) 2023-04-12T18:54:34Z **R to @elonmusk: Defund @NPR**
Defund [@NPR](https://nitter.it/NPR "NPR") ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1646225313503019009#m) 2023-04-12T18:53:35Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRpUS1NSWFnQUFucWZtLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1646225066345234437#m) 2023-04-12T19:08:02Z **R to @elonmusk: Guess they won’t mind losing Federal funding in that case 🤷‍♂️**
Guess they won’t mind losing Federal funding in that case 🤷‍♂️ ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1646228701984747521#m) 2023-04-12T19:07:08Z **🤣🤣**

[nitter.it/TheBabylonBee/status/1646226917387796491#m](https://nitter.it/TheBabylonBee/status/1646226917387796491#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1646228474628280326#m) 2023-04-12T19:05:30Z **NPR literally said “Federal funding is essential to public radio” on their own website (now taken down). 

What hypocrites!**
NPR literally said “Federal funding is essential to public radio” on their own website (now taken down).

What hypocrites!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRpVHNzamFrQUVRdEJULmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1646228065071292416#m) 2023-04-12T21:15:31Z **RT by @elonmusk: Starlink ahora está disponible en El Salvador → http://starlink.com/map https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1646260782940975104**
Starlink ahora está disponible en El Salvador → [starlink.com/map](http://starlink.com/map) [nitter.it/i/web/status/164…](https://nitter.it/i/web/status/1646260782940975104)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTY0MzcyNTI1NDcwNjA0NDkzMS81Y0s1RVdUcz9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1646260782940975104#m) 2023-04-13T00:06:22Z **R to @elonmusk: NPR literally says Federal funding is *essential* on their website right now at https://www.npr.org/about-npr/178660742/public-radio-finances

What have you got against the truth @NPR?**
NPR literally says Federal funding is \*essential\* on their website right now at [npr.org/about-npr/178660742/…](https://www.npr.org/about-npr/178660742/public-radio-finances)

What have you got against the truth [@NPR](https://nitter.it/NPR "NPR")?

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRqWWoyMGFJQUFTdFpjLmpwZw ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1646303780189900800#m) 2023-04-13T03:50:43Z **RT by @elonmusk: PBS begging on twitter over the years to have people support their federal funding.**
PBS begging on twitter over the years to have people support their federal funding.

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRrTDZBdFdJQUlkMWZNLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRrTDZBc1h3QUFHZlZtLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRrTDZBc1hnQUExMHdwLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRrTDZBdFhnQU12Ty01LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/TexasLindsay_/status/1646360238625357825#m) 2023-04-13T16:25:30Z **Turning AI-designed fashion into real clothing would be great**
Turning AI-designed fashion into real clothing would be great ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1646550184946700294#m) 2023-04-13T17:07:44Z **Apply to offer your followers subscriptions of any material, from longform text to hours long video!

Just tap on “Monetization” in settings.**
Apply to offer your followers subscriptions of any material, from longform text to hours long video!

Just tap on “Monetization” in settings. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1646560815003373568#m) 2023-04-14T00:41:19Z **RT by @elonmusk: We’re making improvements to the writing and reading experience on Twitter! Starting today, Twitter now supports Tweets up to 10,000 characters in length, with bold and italic text formatting.

Sign up for Twitter Blue to access these new features, and apply to enable… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1646674962055565319**
We’re making improvements to the writing and reading experience on Twitter! Starting today, Twitter now supports Tweets up to 10,000 characters in length, with bold and ital ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/TwitterWrite/status/1646674962055565319#m) 2023-04-14T06:29:14Z **AI APT OTT!**
AI APT OTT! ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1646762520697352194#m) 2023-04-14T08:04:20Z **R to @elonmusk: And sometimes a discussion on Spaces**
And sometimes a discussion on Spaces ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1646786451969851392#m) 2023-04-14T08:02:43Z **Once every few weeks, I will do an ask-me-anything for subscribers only**
Once every few weeks, I will do an ask-me-anything for subscribers only ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1646786045990633474#m) 2023-04-14T11:15:55Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnRxN1plS1hzQUVDWm14LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1646834666454802434#m) 2023-04-14T15:33:59Z **RT by @elonmusk: After 30 days docked to the @space_station, the Dragon spacecraft supporting SpaceX’s 27th commercial resupply mission for @NASA will undock from the orbiting lab tomorrow at 11:05 a.m. ET. Watch live beginning at ~10:45 a.m. ET → http://nasa.gov/nasalive**
After 30 days docked to the [@space\_station](https://nitter.it/Space_Station "International Space Station"), the Dragon spacecraft supporting SpaceX’s 27th commercial resupply mission for [@NASA](https://nitter.it/NASA "NASA") will undock from t ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1646899609174941696#m) 2023-04-14T23:46:49Z **Success maybe, excitement guaranteed!**
Success maybe, excitement guaranteed!

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1646996041978507264#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1646996041978507264#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1647023634899169281#m) 2023-04-14T23:37:11Z **RT by @elonmusk: It also means that people who consistently write not helpful notes will more quickly have writing ability locked, and have to earn it back.**
It also means that people who consistently write not helpful notes will more quickly have writing ability locked, and have to earn it back. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/CommunityNotes/status/1647021209476018177#m) 2023-04-14T23:37:10Z **RT by @elonmusk: We’re rolling out an update that better identifies notes that are broadly found not helpful. This boosts the average quality of notes contributors see and rate, making better use of their time and energy.**
We’re rolling out an update that better identifies notes that are broadly found not helpful. This boosts the average quality of notes contributors see and rate, making better use of their time and energy. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/CommunityNotes/status/1647021207563431936#m) 2023-04-15T00:06:27Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnR0cndaMldjQUF5NG93LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1647028574250041344#m) 2023-04-15T05:27:26Z **RT by @elonmusk: New T-0 of 11:48 p.m. PT for tonight’s launch of Transporter-7; weather is looking good for liftoff**
New T-0 of 11:48 p.m. PT for tonight’s launch of Transporter-7; weather is looking good for liftoff ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1647109354670403590#m) 2023-04-15T06:51:26Z **RT by @elonmusk: Stage separation confirmed**
Stage separation confirmed

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjQ3MTMwNDQxNDcwODY5NTA1L2ltZy9JRU1FTkk3MWpSWFNoQVNGLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1647130493723496448#m) 2023-04-15T06:49:00Z **RT by @elonmusk: Liftoff!**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjQ3MTI5Nzk4ODMyMTY4OTY1L2ltZy9JYVUyS3owZmp2UUhnRDRkLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1647129881753575426#m) 2023-04-15T09:41:21Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9 launches SpaceX’s seventh dedicated rideshare mission**
Falcon 9 launches SpaceX’s seventh dedicated rideshare mission

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnR2dkQ4MmFVQUF1WFcwLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnR2dkQtVmFBQUFtRkVsLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1647173255743291393#m) 2023-04-15T16:14:02Z **R to @elonmusk: That’s why I deleted my block list**
That’s why I deleted my block list ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1647272075244064771#m) 2023-04-15T16:12:29Z **Negative feedback received on this platform is great for reducing ego-based errors**
Negative feedback received on this platform is great for reducing ego-based errors ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1647271684519411712#m) 2023-04-15T16:49:38Z **R to @elonmusk: #SoBrave**
[#SoBrave](https://nitter.it/search?q=%23SoBrave) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1647281034868686849#m) 2023-04-15T17:01:28Z **R to @elonmusk: It’s worth considering deleting your blocks. What’s the worst that can happen? Words & emojis …**
It’s worth considering deleting your blocks. What’s the worst that can happen? Words & emojis … ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1647284013936066569#m) 2023-04-15T17:59:40Z **R to @elonmusk: Your direct experience, people you talk to in the subject area & independent research will get you much closer to the truth**
Your direct experience, people you talk to in the subject area & independent research will get you much closer to the truth ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1647298658331770883#m) 2023-04-15T17:55:08Z **The BBC interview last week was exceptional in illustrating why you cannot rely on the media for truth**
The BBC interview last week was exceptional in illustrating why you cannot rely on the media for truth ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1647297520568004611#m) 2023-04-15T18:24:46Z **And people who steal memes!**
And people who steal memes!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnR4bkpXWldjQUlzMTgwLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1647304978434871300#m) 2023-04-15T20:09:36Z **RT by @elonmusk: Dragon’s trunk has separated and the de-orbit burn is underway**
Dragon’s trunk has separated and the de-orbit burn is underway ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1647331358677807104#m) 2023-04-15T20:40:01Z **Creators in Japan, Canada, Australia and New Zealand can now enable subscriptions on this platform. 

Our goal is to maximize the prosperity of creators!**
Creators in Japan, Canada, Australia and New Zealand can now enable subscriptions on this platform.

Our goal is to maximize the prosperity of creators! ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1647339015132299264#m) 2023-04-15T20:55:58Z **RT by @elonmusk: Dragon’s four main parachutes have deployed**
Dragon’s four main parachutes have deployed ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1647343027248037888#m) 2023-04-15T21:05:26Z **Also the plot of Deus Ex**
Also the plot of Deus Ex

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnR5TDYydmFBQUVNc1hTLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1647345410162450432#m) 2023-04-15T21:20:53Z **Yay! Nice work Dragon Team!**
Yay! Nice work Dragon Team!

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1647343795103764480#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1647343795103764480#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1647349297220812802#m) 2023-04-15T22:30:30Z **RT by @elonmusk: Starship fully stacked at Starbase**
Starship fully stacked at Starbase

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnR5ZWdpamFZQUFTN05ULmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnR5ZWd5SmFFQUFQcFRqLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnR5ZWhUWGFNQUV1VmVWLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnR5ZWgzMGFRQUVSTjhTLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1647366817361596416#m) 2023-04-16T14:02:16Z **RT by @elonmusk: Teams are completing final checkouts and reviews ahead of Starship’s first flight test attempt; weather is looking pretty good for tomorrow morning but we're keeping an eye on wind shear http://spacex.com/launches/mission/?missionId=starship-flight-test**
Teams are completing final checkouts and reviews ahead of Starship’s first flight test attempt; weather is looking pretty good for tomorrow morning but we're keeping an eye on wind shear [spacex.com/launches/mission/…](http://spacex.com/launches/mi ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1647601303634460674#m) 2023-04-16T15:52:21Z **Launch attempt tomorrow**
Launch attempt tomorrow

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnQyTjJJeFgwQWtJYkxmLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1647629006089461761#m) 2023-04-16T17:37:13Z **RT by @elonmusk: Starship's flight test window opens at 7:00 a.m. CT tomorrow; a live webcast will begin ~45 minutes before liftoff → http://spacex.com/launches/mission/?missionId=starship-flight-test**
Starship's flight test window opens at 7:00 a.m. CT tomorrow; a live webcast will begin ~45 minutes before liftoff → [spacex.com/launches/mission/…](http://spacex.com/launches/mission/?missionId=starship-flight-test)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/ZXh0X3R3X3ZpZGVvX3RodW1iLzE2NDc2NTUxMjk3OTYyMTg4ODAvcHUvaW1nL1A1eVJqdk ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1647655398957268992#m) 2023-04-17T01:03:29Z **RT by @elonmusk: T-12 hours until the first flight test of a fully integrated Starship and Super Heavy rocket; targeting ~8:00 a.m. CT for liftoff → http://spacex.com/launches**
T-12 hours until the first flight test of a fully integrated Starship and Super Heavy rocket; targeting ~8:00 a.m. CT for liftoff → [spacex.com/launches](http://spacex.com/launches)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnQ0TF9WVlhzQUFpZ24tLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1647767704177192961#m) 2023-04-17T05:46:06Z **Starship launch attempt in ~7 hours**
Starship launch attempt in ~7 hours ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1647838825861840897#m) 2023-04-17T11:43:35Z **RT by @elonmusk: As we venture into new territory, we continue to appreciate all of the support and encouragement we have received from those who share our vision of a future where humanity is out exploring among the stars!**
As we venture into new territory, we continue to appreciate all of the support and encouragement we have received from those who share our vision of a future where humanity is out exploring among the stars! ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1647928789782106112#m) 2023-04-17T11:40:16Z **RT by @elonmusk: The Starship team is go for prop load. Now targeting 8:20 a.m. CT→ http://spacex.com/launches**
The Starship team is go for prop load. Now targeting 8:20 a.m. CT→ [spacex.com/launches](http://spacex.com/launches)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnQ2Yl92VWFRQUV3WUc0LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1647927958273941505#m) 2023-04-17T12:18:42Z **Cryogenic propellant load of Starship is underway, liftoff in T minus 1 hour**
Cryogenic propellant load of Starship is underway, liftoff in T minus 1 hour ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1647937628808040448#m) 2023-04-17T13:11:17Z **R to @elonmusk: A pressurant valve appears to be frozen, so unless it starts operating soon, no launch today**
A pressurant valve appears to be frozen, so unless it starts operating soon, no launch today ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1647950862885728256#m) 2023-04-17T13:29:01Z **R to @elonmusk: Learned a lot today, now offloading propellant, retrying in a few days …**
Learned a lot today, now offloading propellant, retrying in a few days … ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1647955325763592193#m) 2023-04-17T16:14:10Z **RT by @elonmusk: We will continue to remove illegal content and suspend bad actors from our platform. We’re committed to increasing transparency around our moderation actions, and we’ll continue to share updates on our progress. You can learn more about our various enforcement actions here:… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1647996886131900417**
We will continue to remove illegal content and suspend bad actors from our platform. We’re committed to increasing transparency around our moderation actions, and we’ ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/TwitterSafety/status/1647996886131900417#m) 2023-04-17T16:13:37Z **RT by @elonmusk: We may get it wrong occasionally, so authors will be able to submit feedback on the label if they think we incorrectly limited their content’s visibility. In the future, we plan to allow authors to appeal our decision to limit a Tweet’s visibility.**
We may get it wrong occasionally, so authors will be able to submit feedback on the label if they think we incorrectly limited their content’s visibility. In the future, we plan to allow authors to appeal our decision to limit a Tweet’s visibilit ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/TwitterSafety/status/1647996746100867074#m) 2023-04-17T16:13:25Z **RT by @elonmusk: These actions will be taken at a tweet level only and will not affect a user’s account. Restricting the reach of Tweets helps reduce binary “leave up versus take down” content moderation decisions and supports our freedom of speech vs freedom of reach approach.**
These actions will be taken at a tweet level only and will not affect a user’s account. Restricting the reach of Tweets helps reduce binary “leave up versus take down” content moderation decisions and supports our freedom of speech v ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/TwitterSafety/status/1647996695328833544#m) 2023-04-17T16:13:01Z **RT by @elonmusk: We’re adding more transparency to the enforcement actions we take on Tweets. As a first step, soon you’ll start to see labels on some Tweets identified as potentially violating our rules around Hateful Conduct letting you know that we’ve limited their visibility. 🧵… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1647996597211484160**
We’re adding more transparency to the enforcement actions we take on Tweets. As a first step, soon you’ll start to see labels on some Tweets identified as potentially violatin ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/TwitterSafety/status/1647996597211484160#m) 2023-04-17T22:35:07Z **RT by @elonmusk: Teams are working towards Thursday, April 20 for the first flight test of a fully integrated Starship and Super Heavy rocket → http://spacex.com/launches/mission/?missionId=starship-flight-test**
Teams are working towards Thursday, April 20 for the first flight test of a fully integrated Starship and Super Heavy rocket → [spacex.com/launches/mission/…](http://spacex.com/launches/mission/?missionId=starship-flight-test)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnQ4eGRyc2FBQUFLQnBLLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1648092752893313024#m) 2023-04-17T23:59:15Z **Mini Starship with flame!
Mini Starship with flame!


![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTY0Nzk0NjY0NTg1NjgzMzUzOC9mZFV3M29PRz9mb3JtYXQ9cG5nJm5hbWU9NDIweDQyMF8y) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1648113929162203136#m) 2023-04-18T01:26:28Z **Canadian Broadcasting Corp said they’re “less than 70% government-funded”, so we corrected the label**
Canadian Broadcasting Corp said they’re “less than 70% government-funded”, so we corrected the label

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnQ5YTEtbFgwQVFESGtNLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1648135878454177794#m) 2023-04-18T02:44:41Z **Fun times 🤩**
Fun times 🤩 ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1648155558858612737#m) 2023-04-18T15:59:43Z **RT by @elonmusk: Tesla Q1 Earnings Call and Q&A → https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1vAGRAERqmaKl**
Tesla Q1 Earnings Call and Q&A → [nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1vA…](https://nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1vAGRAERqmaKl)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnVBaUpJQWFnQUl5dFZzLnBuZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1648355635980009472#m) 2023-04-18T23:40:37Z **RT by @elonmusk: Boats of all sizes can now get high-speed connectivity on waters all around the world, including lakes, seas, and oceans. New Starlink Maritime plans available → http://starlink.com/maritime**
Boats of all sizes can now get high-speed connectivity on waters all around the world, including lakes, seas, and oceans. New Starlink Maritime plans available → [starlink.com/maritime](http://starlink.com/maritime)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnVDTEZsdGFZQUFwRHZuLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1648471625841676288#m) 2023-04-19T14:24:58Z **RT by @elonmusk: Watch Falcon 9 launch 21 Starlink satellites to orbit → http://spacex.com/launches https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1kvJpmanZVZxE**
Watch Falcon 9 launch 21 Starlink satellites to orbit → [spacex.com/launches](http://spacex.com/launches) [nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1kv…](https://nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1kvJpmanZVZxE)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTY0ODY5NTA2MzkxOTA5MTcxOC9XbklqZUdkdz9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1648694181311942656#m) 2023-04-19T14:40:39Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the A Shortfall of Gravitas droneship**
Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the A Shortfall of Gravitas droneship

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjQ4Njk4MDQ2NDY3OTMyMTYyL2ltZy9icUMtZEhZdVFIWjNzcVg5LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1648698125614477312#m) 2023-04-20T03:41:42Z **RT by @elonmusk: Starship at sunset**
Starship at sunset

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnVJSUZVbmFNQUFKWTFyLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnVJSUc1RGFBQUVmcTh1LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1648894685681954821#m) 2023-04-20T04:13:52Z **All systems currently green for launch**
All systems currently green for launch

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1648800397279240192#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1648800397279240192#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1648902780038393856#m) 2023-04-20T11:30:56Z **RT by @elonmusk: The Starship team is go for prop load; team is keeping an eye on the weather → http://spacex.com/launches**
The Starship team is go for prop load; team is keeping an eye on the weather → [spacex.com/launches](http://spacex.com/launches)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnVKeG9fYWFrQUktQURJLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1649012769906368514#m) 2023-04-20T12:50:51Z **Starship on track to launch in ~37 mins**
Starship on track to launch in ~37 mins ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1649032884517482497#m) 2023-04-20T13:24:20Z **T-0 in 4 mins**
T-0 in 4 mins

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnVLU1ZCUGFjQUFIdlhMLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1649041309209071616#m) 2023-04-20T13:17:49Z **10 minutes to launch**
10 minutes to launch

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1649033533846097927#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1649033533846097927#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1649039669190098947#m) 2023-04-20T14:00:05Z **Congrats @SpaceX team on an exciting test launch of Starship!

Learned a lot for next test launch in a few months.**
Congrats [@SpaceX](https://nitter.it/SpaceX "SpaceX") team on an exciting test launch of Starship!

Learned a lot for next test launch in a few months.

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnVLYWcyV2FnQUlVUjZTLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnVLYWcyU2FBQUVERVBYLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnVLYWcyZGFrQUUxZnBwLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnVLYWcyWm ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1649050306943266819#m) 2023-04-20T13:33:54Z **RT by @elonmusk: Liftoff of Starship!**
Liftoff of Starship!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjQ5MDQzNjU5OTEwOTY3MzA3L2ltZy9uaXpWTUF0UDFBa3h5czdELmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1649043715686793218#m) 2023-04-20T14:09:14Z **Video**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/ZXh0X3R3X3ZpZGVvX3RodW1iLzE2NDkwNDc4MDE0NDY0MDAwMDAvcHUvaW1nL2UyWF9VM19UaTFtaGYwZkQuanBn) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1649052609590992901#m) 2023-04-20T16:37:02Z **RT by @elonmusk: First fully integrated Starship lifting off for the first time!**
First fully integrated Starship lifting off for the first time!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnVLOWljR2FZQUUxM0dTLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnVLOWpZaWFBQUlnMVFPLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnVLOWpfNGFFQUFxZmpHLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1649089801797378048#m) 2023-04-20T17:05:58Z **RT by @elonmusk: Liftoff from Starbase**
Liftoff from Starbase

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/ZXh0X3R3X3ZpZGVvX3RodW1iLzE2NDkwOTI1NzMzNTU3NDExODQvcHUvaW1nL2ktWEFGaTFCamNabzhEUmouanBn) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1649097087248891904#m) 2023-04-20T21:50:10Z **Starship Liftoff https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1649168604552740866**
Starship Liftoff [nitter.it/i/web/status/164…](https://nitter.it/i/web/status/1649168604552740866)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnVNRm9vaVdJQUV0eFZILmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1649168604552740866#m) 2023-04-20T21:49:51Z **Starship Supersonic**
Starship Supersonic

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnVNR0I5eVhnQVVDR1kwLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1649168525586493441#m) 2023-04-20T18:17:33Z **RT by @elonmusk: In a short time, @NASAWebb has revealed new info about the composition & atmospheres of @NASAExoplanets, while continuing to perfect techniques that we'll need to identify habitable worlds outside our own. Peruse some unexpected findings discovered so far: https://go.nasa.gov/3Ai2cdI**
In a short time, [@NASAWebb](https://nitter.it/NASAWebb "NASA Webb Telescope") has revealed new info about the composition & atmospheres of [@NASAExoplanets](https://nitter.it/NASAExoplanets "NASA Exoplanets"), ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/NASAAstrobio/status/1649115097896189964#m) 2023-04-21T03:36:45Z **Such a great day in so many ways**
Such a great day in so many ways ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1649255827725844481#m) 2023-04-21T03:49:33Z **Great song 
Great song


![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTY0OTA1Njk3NDA3MDIyNjk0NC9pSlRDWkIwVz9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9NDIweDQyMF8y) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1649259048892497922#m) 2023-04-21T17:59:55Z **RT by @elonmusk: More Community Notes! Today’s new algorithm update boosts the number of Helpful notes by 10%+. It builds on last week’s change that uses confidence scores to identify notes that are broadly found helpful with high precision. https://communitynotes.twitter.com/guide/en/under-the-hood/ranking-notes#modeling-uncertainty**
More Community Notes! Today’s new algorithm update boosts the number of Helpful notes by 10%+. It builds on last week’s change that uses confidence scores to identify notes th ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/CommunityNotes/status/1649473048947597312#m) 2023-04-22T01:02:10Z **Starship liftoff in slow motion**
Starship liftoff in slow motion

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjQ5NTc4ODQ5MTMzMzYzMjAyL2ltZy9kZWptMV9fWGIySWVZQnh1LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1649579313061154817#m) 2023-04-22T15:08:07Z **RT by @elonmusk: Every vehicle we sell, battery we install & solar panel we add moves the needle in the direction of a sustainable future.

Thank you to the Tesla team, customers & supporters for bringing us closer to our goal!

Happy Earth Day 🌎💙**
Every vehicle we sell, battery we install & solar panel we add moves the needle in the direction of a sustainable future.

Thank you to the Tesla team, customers & supporters for bringing us closer to our goal!

Happy Earth Day 🌎💙

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRn ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1649792204347437056#m) 2023-04-22T19:18:47Z **check mate**
check mate ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1649855285777899522#m) 2023-04-22T21:12:41Z **What makes @CommunityNotes so powerful is that people with different points of view have to agree that a note is correct for it to be shown**
What makes [@CommunityNotes](https://nitter.it/CommunityNotes "Community Notes") so powerful is that people with different points of view have to agree that a note is correct for it to be shown ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1649883947197661184#m) 2023-04-22T21:48:37Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnVXWTdscFgwQUF1LUxILmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1649892991262179330#m) 2023-04-22T23:35:01Z **The least bad solution to the AGI control problem that I can think of is to give every verified human a vote**
The least bad solution to the AGI control problem that I can think of is to give every verified human a vote ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1649919766742614017#m) 2023-04-23T03:30:43Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnVYbk9zZVdjQUVNVEpiLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1649979086310088704#m) 2023-04-23T15:50:06Z **RT by @elonmusk: More photos from the first flight test of a fully integrated Starship and Super Heavy rocket**
More photos from the first flight test of a fully integrated Starship and Super Heavy rocket

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnVhUWRvTldJQU1LakxILmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnVhUWRvS1dZQUFDWVlKLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnVhUWRvTFdZQUFOdWZhLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1650165156729569280#m) 2023-04-24T21:09:39Z **Content creators may wish to enable subscriptions on this platform. 

Just tap on Monetization in settings.**
Content creators may wish to enable subscriptions on this platform.

Just tap on Monetization in settings.

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnVnak1GY1gwQVEzZjhDLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1650607963084554288#m) 2023-04-24T21:07:13Z **We live in the most interesting of times**
We live in the most interesting of times ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1650607350456131607#m) 2023-04-24T21:34:45Z **We’re rapidly improving transparency & fairness on this platform, but there is still a lot of work to do**
We’re rapidly improving transparency & fairness on this platform, but there is still a lot of work to do

[nitter.it/TwitterSafety/status/1650610481751523329#m](https://nitter.it/TwitterSafety/status/1650610481751523329#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1650614277244436480#m) 2023-04-24T21:31:00Z **Hard to believe Starship actually did launch on 4/20 lol**
Hard to believe Starship actually did launch on 4/20 lol ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1650613334968860678#m) 2023-04-24T23:07:23Z **Or maybe just X**
Or maybe just X

[nitter.it/elonmusk/status/999367582271422464#m](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/999367582271422464#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1650637588078665728#m) 2023-04-25T00:23:59Z **Censor not, lest ye be censored**
Censor not, lest ye be censored ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1650656867599671296#m) 2023-04-25T01:36:55Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnVoZ1dhNlhzQUFLVXVyLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1650675223283351552#m) 2023-04-25T03:30:39Z **The collective mind that is this platform needs more signal & less noise**
The collective mind that is this platform needs more signal & less noise ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1650703841468219394#m) 2023-04-25T05:13:22Z **Sometimes, when you learn about something, you think you have it**
Sometimes, when you learn about something, you think you have it ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1650729691043573761#m) 2023-04-25T05:20:46Z **Verified accounts are now prioritized**
Verified accounts are now prioritized ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1650731557164818437#m) 2023-04-25T19:57:31Z **RT by @elonmusk: Transparency is fundamental to everything we do at Twitter. As we review our approach to transparency reporting for the future, today we’re publishing our 21st report, with data on our policy enforcement for the first half of 2022. Read more here: https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/company/2023/an-update-on-twitter-transparency-reporting**
Transparency is fundamental to everything we do at Twitter. As we review our approach to transparency reporting for the future, today we’re publishing o ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/TwitterSafety/status/1650952198451499008#m) 2023-04-27T04:29:39Z **Met with @SenSchumer and many members of Congress about artificial intelligence regulation today.

That which affects safety of the public has, over time, become regulated to ensure that companies do not cut corners. 

AI has great power to do good and evil. Better the former.**
Met with [@SenSchumer](https://nitter.it/SenSchumer "Chuck Schumer") and many members of Congress about artificial intelligence regulation today.

That which affects safety of the public has, over time, become regulated to ensure that comp ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1651443468638605313#m) 2023-04-27T05:08:44Z **The data with which the Federal Reserve is making decisions has too much latency**
The data with which the Federal Reserve is making decisions has too much latency ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1651453301639069697#m) 2023-04-27T06:53:56Z **R to @elonmusk: [right wing meme]**
[right wing meme] ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1651479778782855168#m) 2023-04-27T06:49:06Z **R to @elonmusk: @ylecun**
[@ylecun](https://nitter.it/ylecun "Yann LeCun") ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1651478560584998912#m) 2023-04-27T06:48:38Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnVzNjQ1MldjQUF4MUJPLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1651478441680576514#m) 2023-04-27T07:01:31Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnVzOXlDWlhnQUliTkw3LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1651481686838788096#m) 2023-04-27T07:11:36Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnV0QUpTRlgwQUUyU3MtLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1651484221708333060#m) 2023-04-27T15:01:59Z **Anyone making materially false statements on this platform will get Community Noted, including you, me, Tucker, advertisers, head of state, etc. No exceptions. 

Convince the people and let the chips fall where they may. 

Anyone making materially false statements on this platform will get Community Noted, including you, me, Tucker, advertisers, head of state, etc. No exceptions.

Convince the people and let the chips fall where they may.

[@CommunityNotes](https://nitter.it/CommunityNotes "Commu ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1651602599345373186#m) 2023-04-28T13:53:10Z **RT by @elonmusk: Last night’s storm in Florida produced hail, tornadoes, and lightning. Following this strike on the tower at 39A, teams performed additional checkouts of Falcon Heavy, the payloads, and ground support equipment**
Last night’s storm in Florida produced hail, tornadoes, and lightning. Following this strike on the tower at 39A, teams performed additional checkouts of Falcon Heavy, the payloads, and ground support equipment

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnV6bFA1RGFVQUFOZDhSLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1651947668732805121#m) 2023-04-28T15:33:38Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9 went vertical early this morning on SLC-40 ahead of today’s targeted launch of the @SES_Satellites O3b mPOWER mission → http://spacex.com/launches**
Falcon 9 went vertical early this morning on SLC-40 ahead of today’s targeted launch of the [@SES\_Satellites](https://nitter.it/SES_Satellites "SES") O3b mPOWER mission → [spacex.com/launches](http://spacex.com/launches)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnV6OExvV2FZQVFULWdCLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1651972953662435329#m) 2023-04-28T20:32:26Z **Content creators can now enable subscriptions to their text, pics & video worldwide on this platform!**
Content creators can now enable subscriptions to their text, pics & video worldwide on this platform!

[nitter.it/Twitter/status/1652034062788206595#m](https://nitter.it/Twitter/status/1652034062788206595#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1652048146195959809#m) 2023-04-28T22:13:09Z **RT by @elonmusk: Liftoff!**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjUyMDczNDAyNzA0OTk4NDAzL2ltZy9idHRXYnNaekNiVl9MdWRiLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1652073494618976261#m) 2023-04-28T22:30:29Z **About to do Falcon Heavy risk review. I love that rocket, but it’s scary. So many state changes post liftoff.**
About to do Falcon Heavy risk review. I love that rocket, but it’s scary. So many state changes post liftoff. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1652077855977897985#m) 2023-04-28T22:29:19Z **On @billmaher show tonight**
On [@billmaher](https://nitter.it/billmaher "Bill Maher") show tonight ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1652077563651698689#m) 2023-04-28T22:22:35Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the Just Read the Instructions droneship**
Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the Just Read the Instructions droneship

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjUyMDc1NzE0Mzc4ODg3MTY4L2ltZy81Tk1KM1ZhNDN2QWdMQ0QyLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1652075869278724096#m) 2023-04-28T22:55:47Z **R to @elonmusk: Falcon Heavy is green for launch**
Falcon Heavy is green for launch ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1652084222176428032#m) 2023-04-29T13:48:41Z **I propose the lmfao test for AI**
I propose the lmfao test for AI ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1652308928179630082#m) 2023-04-29T15:12:10Z **Support content creators around the world in near & far away places!

For many this represents a vital source of income & enables them to put more time into creating great content for you.**
Support content creators around the world in near & far away places!

For many this represents a vital source of income & enables them to put more time into creating great content for you.

[nitter.it/Twitter/status/1652034062788206595#m](https://nitter.it/Twitter/status/1652034062788206595#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1652329936823414784#m) 2023-04-29T15:34:53Z **Major software upgrades underway across the board. 

Encrypted DMs & other DM upgrades rolling out this week.**
Major software upgrades underway across the board.

Encrypted DMs & other DM upgrades rolling out this week.

[nitter.it/TwitterEng/status/1652049665184137216#m](https://nitter.it/TwitterEng/status/1652049665184137216#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1652335652187553794#m) 2023-04-29T15:54:33Z **R to @elonmusk: All proceeds go to content creators, we keep nothing**
All proceeds go to content creators, we keep nothing ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1652340601420132354#m) 2023-04-29T16:31:24Z **Rolling out next month, this platform will allow media publishers to charge users on a per article basis with one click.

This enables users who would not sign up for a monthly subscription to pay a higher per article price for when they want to read an occasional article. 

Should be a major win-win for both media orgs & the public.**
Rolling out next month, this platform will allow media publishers to charge users on a per article basis with one click.

This enables users who would not sign up for a monthly subs ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1652349875017879552#m) 2023-04-30T03:15:38Z **Home**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnU3bTU3UWFFQU1paUxpLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1652512001967439872#m) 2023-04-30T07:47:05Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnU4bENUblgwQUVpblZwLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1652580317058813954#m) 2023-04-30T15:51:48Z **RT by @elonmusk: All systems and weather are looking good for tonight's Falcon Heavy launch of @ViasatInc's ViaSat-3 Americas mission → http://spacex.com/launches/mission/?missionId=ViaSat-3-Americas**
All systems and weather are looking good for tonight's Falcon Heavy launch of [@ViasatInc](https://nitter.it/ViasatInc "Viasat Inc.")'s ViaSat-3 Americas mission → [spacex.com/launches/mission/…](http://spacex.com/launches/mission/?missionId=ViaSat-3-Americas)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnUtVFloX2FnQUFqU3g ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1652702299884761088#m) 2023-04-30T16:19:01Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnUtYU5hT1dJQUkwSW5oLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1652709146389561344#m) 2023-04-30T20:52:43Z **RT by @elonmusk: Model Y AWD is the most efficient electric SUV ever built**
Model Y AWD is the most efficient electric SUV ever built

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnVfWXVWRGFVQUF6TXh5LnBuZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1652778025606598657#m) 2023-04-30T23:28:08Z **RT by @elonmusk: T-1 hour until Falcon Heavy's launch of @ViasatInc’s ViaSat-3 Americas mission; weather is 95% favorable for liftoff at 8:26 p.m. ET → http://spacex.com/launches/mission/?missionId=ViaSat-3-Americas**
T-1 hour until Falcon Heavy's launch of [@ViasatInc](https://nitter.it/ViasatInc "Viasat Inc.")’s ViaSat-3 Americas mission; weather is 95% favorable for liftoff at 8:26 p.m. ET → [spacex.com/launches/mission/…](http://spacex.com/launches/mission/?missionId=ViaSat-3-Americas)

![](https://nitter.it/pic ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1652817138099585025#m) 2023-05-01T00:12:31Z **RT by @elonmusk: Watch Falcon Heavy launch @ViasatInc’s ViaSat-3 Americas mission to orbit → http://spacex.com/launches https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1MnGnpNXZZyxO**
Watch Falcon Heavy launch [@ViasatInc](https://nitter.it/ViasatInc "Viasat Inc.")’s ViaSat-3 Americas mission to orbit → [spacex.com/launches](http://spacex.com/launches) [nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1Mn…](https://nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1MnGnpNXZZyxO)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTY1MjgyOTE4OTk3NDkzMzUwNC9TZWk1ZXFpOD9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9O ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1652828307019419648#m) 2023-05-01T01:37:54Z **Interview with @BillMaher**
Interview with [@BillMaher](https://nitter.it/billmaher "Bill Maher")

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjUyODI1Njc3ODQ0OTU1MTM3L2ltZy91NzAzLUNYTXE4MXNwRENqLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1652849795336159233#m) 2023-05-01T02:10:10Z **The good old days when Earth was united as one!**
The good old days when Earth was united as one!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnZBaGN6RFgwQUF5SGdpLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1652857917853294593#m) 2023-05-01T05:44:02Z **Falcon Heavy**
Falcon Heavy

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnZCU1lJWVd3QUVUNFRKLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1652911737794883586#m) 2023-05-01T16:04:04Z **RT by @elonmusk: How it started: How it's going:**
How it started: How it's going:

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnZEZ0Q1OGFRQUlmX2ZQLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnZEZ1RyRmFRQUFzYmV3LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/TeslaCharging/status/1653067774586134529#m) 2023-05-01T16:38:47Z **R to @elonmusk: Even benign dependency on AI/Automation is dangerous to civilization if taken so far that we eventually forget how the machines work**
Even benign dependency on AI/Automation is dangerous to civilization if taken so far that we eventually forget how the machines work ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1653076512646610958#m) 2023-05-01T16:35:21Z **Worth reading The Machine Stops by EM Forster if you haven’t already
Worth reading The Machine Stops by EM Forster if you haven’t already

[cs.ucdavis.edu/~koehl/Teachi…](https://www.cs.ucdavis.edu/~koehl/Teaching/ECS188/PDF_files/Machine_stops.pdf) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1653075645138710528#m) 2023-05-01T23:51:16Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon Heavy’s 27 Merlin engines together generate more than 5 million pounds of thrust at liftoff**
Falcon Heavy’s 27 Merlin engines together generate more than 5 million pounds of thrust at liftoff

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnZGTFRfSFdjQUlLcEVCLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1653185350158753799#m) 2023-05-02T04:56:40Z **Cult / Culture**
Cult / Culture ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1653262203343052806#m) 2023-05-02T06:48:35Z **They are the same picture**
They are the same picture

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnZHcXV0ZVdZQUVUajRQLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1653290370048966656#m) 2023-05-02T15:26:02Z **Sunset in space**
Sunset in space

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1653418134068662272#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1653418134068662272#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1653420591607607297#m) 2023-05-02T17:07:47Z **The more screentime users spend looking at a post, whether text, pic or video, the more it is boosted. 

Video posted natively to this platform will be boosted more than an external link, because way more time is spent watching a video than clicking on a link.**
The more screentime users spend looking at a post, whether text, pic or video, the more it is boosted.

Video posted natively to this platform will be boosted more than an external link, because way more time is spent watching a video than clicking on a li ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1653446197309210648#m) 2023-05-02T17:14:22Z **The more screentime users spend looking at a post, whether text, pic or video, the more it is boosted. 

Video posted natively to this platform will be boosted more than an external link, because way more time is spent watching a video than clicking on a link.**
The more screentime users spend looking at a post, whether text, pic or video, the more it is boosted.

Video posted natively to this platform will be boosted more than an external link, because way more time is spent watching a video than clicking on a li ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1653447855401468011#m) 2023-05-02T19:53:09Z **R to @elonmusk: Sorry our video upload is so bad! We’re working on major improvements. 

I recommend 480p for video longer than 10 mins, as that resolution is fine for phone/laptop users.**
Sorry our video upload is so bad! We’re working on major improvements.

I recommend 480p for video longer than 10 mins, as that resolution is fine for phone/laptop users. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1653487811683848193#m) 2023-05-02T21:19:39Z **RT by @elonmusk: Fairing reentry on the ViaSat-3 mission was the hottest and fastest we've ever attempted. The fairings re-entered the atmosphere greater than 15x the speed of sound, creating a large trail of plasma in its wake**
Fairing reentry on the ViaSat-3 mission was the hottest and fastest we've ever attempted. The fairings re-entered the atmosphere greater than 15x the speed of sound, creating a large trail of plasma in its wake

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/ZXh0X3R3X3ZpZGVvX3RodW1iLzE2NTM1MDg1MjY0MzY5MTcy ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1653509582046769156#m) 2023-05-03T03:51:52Z **twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1Oy…**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTY1MzYwODI4NTQzMjU3ODA1My8zMVdUd3EyYT9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1653608284606312448#m) 2023-05-03T14:13:57Z **RT by @elonmusk: The idea that governments around the world have for years been secretly censoring ordinary citizens sounds crazy, but it's true. Worse, they are now on the cusp of imposing what can only be described as a totalitarian system to end freedom of speech as we know it.**
The idea that governments around the world have for years been secretly censoring ordinary citizens sounds crazy, but it's true. Worse, they are now on the cusp of imposing what can only be described as a totalitarian system to en ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/shellenberger/status/1653764836520775682#m) 2023-05-04T01:36:54Z **RT by @elonmusk: Vegas Loop is expanding - 65 miles and 69 stations! Thanks to @ClarkCountyNV for the great partnership.**
Vegas Loop is expanding - 65 miles and 69 stations! Thanks to [@ClarkCountyNV](https://nitter.it/ClarkCountyNV "Clark County Nevada") for the great partnership.

[nitter.it/ClarkCountyNV/status/1653808770492026883#m](https://nitter.it/ClarkCountyNV/status/1653808770492026883#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/boringcompany/status/1653936706373189633#m) 2023-05-04T02:11:30Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnZQLWxTWmFFQUVZd2xjLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1653945414037680128#m) 2023-05-04T07:25:13Z **RT by @elonmusk: Watch Falcon 9 launch 56 Starlink satellites to orbit → http://spacex.com/launches/ https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1mnxeROvOXEKX**
Watch Falcon 9 launch 56 Starlink satellites to orbit → [spacex.com/launches/](http://spacex.com/launches/) [nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1mn…](https://nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1mnxeROvOXEKX)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTY1NDAyNDM2MzgzMjkwMTYzMy92ZkxxYkItRj9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1654024362926931969#m) 2023-05-04T07:39:59Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the A Shortfall of Gravitas droneship**
Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the A Shortfall of Gravitas droneship

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjU0MDI4MDA1MTgwODUwMTc2L2ltZy95TjZZV2tQVHdLc0EzclB2LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1654028081726910464#m) 2023-05-04T17:56:08Z **May the 4th be with you ❤️**
May the 4th be with you ❤️

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnZUV3kyTVgwQWdCT0N1LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1654183141605625860#m) 2023-05-04T19:50:07Z **RT by @elonmusk: ¡Notas de la Comunidad sigue creciendo! Bienvenidos a los contribuyentes de 🇦🇷Argentina, 🇨🇱Chile, 🇨🇴Colombia, 🇪🇨Ecuador, 🇬🇹Guatemala, 🇵🇪Perú y 🇻🇪Venezuela

¡Notas de la Comunidad sigue creciendo! Bienvenidos a los contribuyentes de 🇦🇷Argentina, 🇨🇱Chile, 🇨🇴Colombia, 🇪🇨Ecuador, 🇬🇹Guatemala, 🇵🇪Perú y 🇻🇪Venezuela

👋 ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/CommunityNotes/status/1654211825532276737#m) 2023-05-04T21:25:57Z **Falcon Heavy long exposure looks like 3 laser beams from space**
Falcon Heavy long exposure looks like 3 laser beams from space

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnZVRzBqOFhvQUU1RGpSLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1654235943514013697#m) 2023-05-05T18:24:48Z **NASA Spaces about space!
NASA Spaces about space!

[nitter.it/i/spaces/1eaKbrO…](https://nitter.it/i/spaces/1eaKbrOqoeeKX) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1654552740595478528#m) 2023-05-05T18:31:53Z **RT by @elonmusk: When you walk on to a plane with Starlink, the internet just works – it's that simple**
When you walk on to a plane with Starlink, the internet just works – it's that simple

[nitter.it/corbinwilliams/status/1651259275895881729#m](https://nitter.it/corbinwilliams/status/1651259275895881729#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1654554523992727555#m) 2023-05-05T22:10:39Z **RT by @elonmusk: Starlink is self-orienting and connects in minutes as long as it has a clear view of the sky. Open the Starlink App to check for any obstructions 🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈**
Starlink is self-orienting and connects in minutes as long as it has a clear view of the sky. Open the Starlink App to check for any obstructions 🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈

[nitter.it/Tippen22/status/1476985855981993984#m](https://nitter.it/Tippen22/status/1476985855981993984#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1654609577835626496#m) 2023-05-06T01:53:57Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnZhTnY1d1d3QUEycVFPLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1654665773229518848#m) 2023-05-06T02:54:15Z **Highly recommend that organizations sign up and validate their affiliates to prevent impersonation**
Highly recommend that organizations sign up and validate their affiliates to prevent impersonation

[nitter.it/verified/status/1641596848921276417#m](https://nitter.it/verified/status/1641596848921276417#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1654680950163361792#m) 2023-05-06T11:59:10Z **RT by @elonmusk: Dragon is go for docking**
Dragon is go for docking

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnZjWUdSd2FZQUE3WXlJLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1654818082504994816#m) 2023-05-07T00:10:08Z **Feeling nostalgic**
Feeling nostalgic

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnZlX2s1eVhnQUFiel9RLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1655002033974378497#m) 2023-05-07T01:53:05Z **🦾**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnZmWElET1dJQUl6eWhZLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1655027943939211264#m) 2023-05-07T08:36:13Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnZnemFSU1hvQUVHMXBELmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1655129394048823296#m) 2023-05-07T09:22:27Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnZnOV92UlhvQUUwd181LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1655141032453971968#m) 2023-05-07T10:48:44Z **Yesterday in the pit**
Yesterday in the pit

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnZoUnZlcVdjQUk5SGNnLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1655162743509467137#m) 2023-05-07T17:07:05Z **We’re trying hard to make your feed as compelling as possible (maximize unregretted user minutes). 

How is it now vs 6 months ago?**
We’re trying hard to make your feed as compelling as possible (maximize unregretted user minutes).

How is it now vs 6 months ago? ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1655257960002486273#m) 2023-05-07T19:46:58Z **R to @elonmusk: What should do more of or less of or aren’t including at all?**
What should do more of or less of or aren’t including at all? ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1655298194496974852#m) 2023-05-08T15:30:22Z **RT by @elonmusk: Tesla Lithium Refinery groundbreaking will be streamed live on Twitter at 3 PM CDT**
Tesla Lithium Refinery groundbreaking will be streamed live on Twitter at 3 PM CDT ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1655596008246587394#m) 2023-05-08T16:21:56Z **We’re purging accounts that have had no activity at all for several years, so you will probably see follower count drop**
We’re purging accounts that have had no activity at all for several years, so you will probably see follower count drop ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1655608985058267139#m) 2023-05-08T17:11:33Z **RT by @elonmusk: First Model Y deliveries in Türkiye**
First Model Y deliveries in Türkiye

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnZueThUNFhzQWdzQ01DLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnZueThVQ1hzQVVGY1ZuLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/teslaeurope/status/1655621473707470849#m) 2023-05-08T19:30:08Z **Assume you’re always being manipulated**
Assume you’re always being manipulated

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnZvU3E0TFdjQUVDVzV2LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1655656347889704965#m) 2023-05-08T19:51:32Z **Livestream starting soon**
Livestream starting soon

[nitter.it/Tesla/status/1655596008246587394#m](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1655596008246587394#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1655661734244261891#m) 2023-05-08T20:38:00Z **RT by @elonmusk: Increasing lithium refining capacity is critical to a sustainable energy economy—today, we're breaking ground on our in-house lithium refinery outside of Corpus Christi, TX. 

This facility will also prioritize the elimination of a challenging refinery byproduct (sodium sulfate). 

Instead, the byproduct is a mixture of sand & calcium carbonate—a viable additive in the production of construction materials, allowing us to make use of this waste stream. 

In the future, we will also process other inter ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1655673425736638473#m) 2023-05-09T00:35:17Z **Your support of content creators on this platform is very much appreciated.

We keep none of the subscription revenue for the first 12 months & only 10% thereafter.**
Your support of content creators on this platform is very much appreciated.

We keep none of the subscription revenue for the first 12 months & only 10% thereafter. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1655733139308703746#m) 2023-05-09T06:41:46Z **R to @elonmusk: For my part, I just want to support content creators, whether or not they provide extra content when you subscribe**
For my part, I just want to support content creators, whether or not they provide extra content when you subscribe ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1655825371282001920#m) 2023-05-09T15:39:56Z **Interesting article. Perhaps @CommunityNotes can add further context & corrections.

Interesting article. Perhaps [@CommunityNotes](https://nitter.it/CommunityNotes "Community Notes") can add further context & corrections.


![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTY1MzU4MDI1N ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1655960805601361922#m) 2023-05-09T15:49:15Z **RT by @elonmusk: Governments worldwide claim that "hate incidents" are rising, but they're not. Tolerance of racial, sexual, and religious minorities has never been higher. Elites are manufacturing a fake "hate" crisis as a pretext for mass spying, blacklists, and censorship.**
Governments worldwide claim that "hate incidents" are rising, but they're not. Tolerance of racial, sexual, and religious minorities has never been higher. Elites are manufacturing a fake "hate" crisis as a pretext for mass spying, bla ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/shellenberger/status/1655963148044873730#m) 2023-05-09T16:07:14Z **WhatsApp cannot be trusted**
WhatsApp cannot be trusted

[nitter.it/foaddabiri/status/1654856617723301888#m](https://nitter.it/foaddabiri/status/1654856617723301888#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1655967673107337216#m) 2023-05-09T16:16:38Z **R to @elonmusk: Remarkable how @nytimes, @latimes & @washingtonpost moved in lockstep, with @WSJ trailing by ~6 months**
Remarkable how [@nytimes](https://nitter.it/nytimes "The New York Times"), [@latimes](https://nitter.it/latimes "Los Angeles Times") & [@washingtonpost](https://nitter.it/washingtonpost "The Washington Post") moved in lockstep, with [@WSJ](https://nitter.it/WSJ "The Wall Street Journal") trailing by ~6 months ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1655970038484959240#m) 2023-05-09T16:12:06Z **Massive public manipulation**
Massive public manipulation

[nitter.it/TheRabbitHole84/status/1655968201422012418#m](https://nitter.it/TheRabbitHole84/status/1655968201422012418#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1655968899903418373#m) 2023-05-09T16:17:34Z **R to @elonmusk: [correction: @wsj trailed by several years]**
[correction: [@wsj](https://nitter.it/WSJ "The Wall Street Journal") trailed by several years] ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1655970274351644679#m) 2023-05-09T16:34:15Z **Trust nothing, not even nothing**
Trust nothing, not even nothing ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1655974471101042690#m) 2023-05-09T16:50:16Z **Yup**

[nitter.it/GuyDealership/status/1655977349530243074#m](https://nitter.it/GuyDealership/status/1655977349530243074#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1655978502187778073#m) 2023-05-09T16:41:45Z **RT by @elonmusk: First passenger rail service in the world to adopt Starlink! 🛰️🚆**
First passenger rail service in the world to adopt Starlink! 🛰️🚆

[nitter.it/GoBrightline/status/1655975438932402177#m](https://nitter.it/GoBrightline/status/1655975438932402177#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1655976360509329408#m) 2023-05-09T23:31:37Z **On this platform, unlike the one-way street of broadcast, people are able to interact, critique and refute whatever is said. 

And, of course, anything misleading will get @CommunityNotes. 

I also want to be clear that we have not signed a deal of any kind whatsoever. Tucker is subject to the same rules & rewards of all content creators. 

Rewards means subscriptions and advertising revenue share (coming soon), which is a function of how many people subscribe and the advertising views associated with the content. ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1656079504778092544#m) 2023-05-09T23:50:26Z **With latest version of app, you can DM reply to any message in the thread (not just most recent) and use any emoji reaction. 

Release of encrypted DMs V1.0 should happen tomorrow. This will grow in sophistication rapidly. The acid test is that I could not see your DMs even if there was a gun to my head. 

Coming soon will be voice and video chat from your handle to anyone on this platform, so you can talk to people anywhere in the world without giving them your phone number.**
With latest version of app, you can ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1656084243905384449#m) 2023-05-10T02:04:35Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnZ1MmktLWFjQUVJcHQyLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1656118002499325954#m) 2023-05-10T03:42:26Z **Congratulations Tesla Texas Team!!**
Congratulations Tesla Texas Team!!

[nitter.it/Tesla/status/1656069773245947907#m](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1656069773245947907#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1656142626754822144#m) 2023-05-10T14:56:27Z **Also, which kind of bat – fruit eating bat or insect eating bat 🦇?**
Also, which kind of bat – fruit eating bat or insect eating bat 🦇?

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnZ4bk5yUmFNQUVvSWpfLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1656312249932484609#m) 2023-05-10T15:52:43Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnZ4MEZ0QWFFQUFSR0JwLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1656326406618619910#m) 2023-05-10T17:20:52Z **RT by @elonmusk: S3XY vehicles 🤝 hot engineers 🥵

Our field quality engineers head to Dubai at the hottest time of the year for extreme heat & durability testing—temperatures reach over 50°C**
S3XY vehicles 🤝 hot engineers 🥵

Our field quality engineers head to Dubai at the hottest time of the year for extreme heat & durability testing—temperatures reach over 50°C

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/ZXh0X3R3X3ZpZGVvX3RodW1iLzE2NTYzNDgxMTg1NDIwNTc0OTQvcHUvaW1nL3Z5TXZPOEdGdXBVaWRmUnQuanBn) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/teslaeurope/status/1656348593677008901#m) 2023-05-10T20:42:58Z **RT by @elonmusk: Contributors’ time is valuable, and best spent reviewing high quality notes. Today we’re making the number of notes one can write in 24h proportional to their track record. The more helpful notes you’ve written, the more you can write. If you hit your limit, you’ll see this:**
Contributors’ time is valuable, and best spent reviewing high quality notes. Today we’re making the number of notes one can write in 24h proportional to their track record. The more helpful notes you’ve written, the mo ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/CommunityNotes/status/1656399451894718464#m) 2023-05-11T08:03:48Z **Early version of encrypted direct messages just launched.

Try it, but don’t trust it yet.**
Early version of encrypted direct messages just launched.

Try it, but don’t trust it yet. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1656570790039678976#m) 2023-05-11T16:05:38Z **Thanks Dave!**
Thanks Dave!

[nitter.it/davewolfusa/status/1656535570825502720#m](https://nitter.it/davewolfusa/status/1656535570825502720#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1656692047791919105#m) 2023-05-12T06:26:23Z **economic enema en route**
economic enema en route ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1656908663162912768#m) 2023-05-12T05:52:26Z **Event Horizon Balance Beam**
Event Horizon Balance Beam ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1656900119202254854#m) 2023-05-11T16:28:33Z **RT by @elonmusk: Say goodbye to prying eyes and hello to secure conversations. We're giving early access to Encrypted Direct Messages v1 to our verified users.

We're excited to get feedback, improve the experience, and roll it out to even more users. Learn more: https://help.twitter.com/using-twitter/encrypted-direct-messages**
Say goodbye to prying eyes and hello to secure conversations. We're giving early access to Encrypted Direct Messages v1 to our verified users.

We're excited to get feedback, improve the ex ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Twitter/status/1656697812266909696#m) 2023-05-11T19:48:45Z **Excited to announce that I’ve hired a new CEO for X/Twitter. She will be starting in ~6 weeks!

My role will transition to being exec chair & CTO, overseeing product, software & sysops.**
Excited to announce that I’ve hired a new CEO for X/Twitter. She will be starting in ~6 weeks!

My role will transition to being exec chair & CTO, overseeing product, software & sysops. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1656748197308674048#m) 2023-05-11T17:56:53Z **Super easy to use Starlink out of the box, no professional installer needed!**
Super easy to use Starlink out of the box, no professional installer needed!

[nitter.it/Starlink/status/1656692810517737472#m](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1656692810517737472#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1656720044666281984#m) 2023-05-12T07:04:51Z **R to @elonmusk: As seen by an unaffected third party**
As seen by an unaffected third party ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1656918343188635649#m) 2023-05-12T06:56:51Z **Wow**

[nitter.it/nytimes/status/1656806397214965760#m](https://nitter.it/nytimes/status/1656806397214965760#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1656916330484752384#m) 2023-05-12T15:49:24Z **I am excited to welcome Linda Yaccarino as the new CEO of Twitter!

@LindaYacc will focus primarily on business operations, while I focus on product design & new technology.

Looking forward to working with Linda to transform this platform into X, the everything app.**
I am excited to welcome Linda Yaccarino as the new CEO of Twitter!

[@LindaYacc](https://nitter.it/lindayacc "Linda Yaccarino") will focus primarily on business operations, while I focus on product design & new technology.

Looking forward to workin ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1657050349608501249#m) 2023-05-12T16:11:59Z **RT by @elonmusk: One-third of humanity remains offline, and many users only have basic connectivity.

The Ministry of Education in El Salvador—among many others around the world—is installing Starlink in schools to help close the digital divide 👏👏**
One-third of humanity remains offline, and many users only have basic connectivity.

The Ministry of Education in El Salvador—among many others around the world—is installing Starlink in schools to help close the digital divide 👏👏

[nitter.it/EducacionSV/status/1652501 ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1657056034719174656#m) 2023-05-12T17:22:08Z **RT by @elonmusk: You asked (loudly), we listened.

We’ve reduced the signup flow for creators from 27 steps to just 4.

It’s never been easier to earn a living on Twitter. Tap on “Monetization” in settings to apply today.**
You asked (loudly), we listened.

We’ve reduced the signup flow for creators from 27 steps to just 4.

It’s never been easier to earn a living on Twitter. Tap on “Monetization” in settings to apply today. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Subscriptions/status/1657073688632762368#m) 2023-05-12T19:24:05Z **As soon as @LindaYacc is ready, we will do a Spaces where you can ask us anything**
As soon as [@LindaYacc](https://nitter.it/lindayacc "Linda Yaccarino") is ready, we will do a Spaces where you can ask us anything ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1657104375284903937#m) 2023-05-12T21:26:13Z **RT by @elonmusk: When you have Starlink on your ship, not only can you stay connected while on the vast majority of the Earth’s oceans and seas, but apparently it’s also easier to find sunken treasure 🏴‍☠️🦜→ http://www.yachtworld.com/research/yacht-wifi-revolutionizes-sunken-treasure-discovery/**
When you have Starlink on your ship, not only can you stay connected while on the vast majority of the Earth’s oceans and seas, but apparently it’s also easier to find sunken treasure 🏴‍☠️🦜→ [yachtworld.com/research/yach… ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1657135111505317888#m) 2023-05-13T05:01:42Z **Raptor V3 just achieved 350 bar chamber pressure (269 tons of thrust). Congrats to @SpaceX propulsion team!

Starship Super Heavy Booster has 33 Raptors, so total thrust of 8877 tons or 19.5 million pounds.**
Raptor V3 just achieved 350 bar chamber pressure (269 tons of thrust). Congrats to [@SpaceX](https://nitter.it/SpaceX "SpaceX") propulsion team!

Starship Super Heavy Booster has 33 Raptors, so total thrust of 8877 tons or 19.5 million pounds.

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnYtNzFTaGFrQUlKbFVlLmpwZw= ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1657249739925258240#m) 2023-05-13T05:48:56Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnZfR3BHb2FVQUFWcmZvLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1657261624867299339#m) 2023-05-13T09:34:12Z **Explaining Constitutional Amendments**
Explaining Constitutional Amendments

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnZfNk9IVVdJQUE2bnI3LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1657318313532313600#m) 2023-05-13T09:29:01Z **If AGI is almost here, why doesn’t autocorrekt work!?**
If AGI is almost here, why doesn’t autocorrekt work!? ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1657317010005544960#m) 2023-05-13T19:36:20Z **Extremely destructive if accurate**
Extremely destructive if accurate

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRndDRUJFa1dJQUFydU5kLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1657469848429948928#m) 2023-05-14T02:12:19Z **Feels so long ago …**
Feels so long ago …

[nitter.it/OpIndia\_com/status/1586279455978180608#m](https://nitter.it/OpIndia_com/status/1586279455978180608#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1657569498289909762#m) 2023-05-14T02:27:11Z **Until the Supreme Court struck down Biden’s vaccination decree, he tried to demand that we fire all unvaccinated personnel – some of our finest people**
Until the Supreme Court struck down Biden’s vaccination decree, he tried to demand that we fire all unvaccinated personnel – some of our finest people

[nitter.it/tomselliott/status/1657021799652024324#m](https://nitter.it/tomselliott/status/1657021799652024324#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1657573239298588673#m) 2023-05-14T02:40:23Z **Poetry with quill 🪶 
Written on rose 🌹 
With my blood 🩸**
Poetry with quill 🪶

Written on rose 🌹

With my blood 🩸

[nitter.it/dvorahfr/status/1656959033155149824#m](https://nitter.it/dvorahfr/status/1656959033155149824#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1657576561288138752#m) 2023-05-14T16:32:34Z **♥️♥️ Happy Mother’s Day! ♥️♥️**
♥️♥️ Happy Mother’s Day! ♥️♥️ ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1657785986883919877#m) 2023-05-15T17:57:20Z **RT by @elonmusk: Starlink enables greater access to healthcare and medical services, especially for those in remote locations.

Thanks to the @PolarisProgram, this @StJude hospital in the Philippines is better connected with researchers and doctors worldwide 🛰️🌎🩺**
Starlink enables greater access to healthcare and medical services, especially for those in remote locations.

Thanks to the [@PolarisProgram](https://nitter.it/PolarisProgram "Polaris"), this [@StJude](https://nitter.it/StJude "St. Jude") hospital in t ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1658169709441994753#m) 2023-05-15T20:29:47Z **RT by @elonmusk: We are today sharing an update on our approach in Turkey.

We were in negotiation with the Turkish Government throughout last week, who made clear to us Twitter was the only social media service not complying in full with existing court orders.

We received what we believed to be a final threat to throttle the service - after several such warnings - and so in order to keep Twitter available over the election weekend, took action on four accounts and 409 Tweets identified by court order.

We c ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/GlobalAffairs/status/1658208072215437314#m) 2023-05-16T01:31:51Z **Tesla Powerwall does the seem for individual homes (if you have the backup switch installed)
Tesla Powerwall does the seem for individual homes (if you have the backup switch installed)



![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTY1NDM2OTg1MzA5MDgwNzgwOS96UWJlcHNiQj9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1658284090691338241#m) 2023-05-16T02:02:31Z **Soros reminds me of Magneto**
Soros reminds me of Magneto ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1658291808592629761#m) 2023-05-16T17:32:32Z **As more satellites & ground stations are added, latency & jitter will improve. Goal is <20ms latency.**
As more satellites & ground stations are added, latency & jitter will improve. Goal is <20ms latency.

[nitter.it/Starlink/status/1658515506327085056#m](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1658515506327085056#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1658525853934813201#m) 2023-05-16T20:06:31Z **Tesla shareholder meeting underway**
Tesla shareholder meeting underway

[nitter.it/Tesla/status/1658150721802448905#m](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1658150721802448905#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1658564606984441859#m) 2023-05-16T22:05:36Z **twitter.com/i/spaces/1RDxlav…**
[nitter.it/i/spaces/1RDxlav…](https://nitter.it/i/spaces/1RDxlavQqaRKL) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1658594572837036034#m) 2023-05-16T22:04:02Z **Spaces interview with @davidfaber starting now**
Spaces interview with [@davidfaber](https://nitter.it/davidfaber "David Faber") starting now ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1658594180216631297#m) 2023-05-16T22:24:08Z **RT by @elonmusk: "A lot of people still think Teslas are super expensive...but now we're at the point where the starting point of a Tesla is actually below the average selling price of a car in the United States," Elon Musk said Tuesday after Tesla's shareholder meeting. http://cnb.cx/42HSsWG**
"A lot of people still think Teslas are super expensive...but now we're at the point where the starting point of a Tesla is actually below the average selling price of a car in the United States," Elon Musk said Tuesday after T ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/CNBC/status/1658599239419568129#m) 2023-05-17T18:50:02Z **R to @elonmusk: It was really unfair to Magneto**
It was really unfair to Magneto ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1658907746408833033#m) 2023-05-17T18:49:43Z **R to @elonmusk: I’d like apologize for this post**
I’d like apologize for this post ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1658907665030946821#m) 2023-05-17T19:31:47Z **Love to see Starlink providing great connectivity to those who had little or nothing before. 

As soon as you can access the Internet, you can learn almost anything, so it’s absolutely essential for education.

@khanacademy being a great example.**
Love to see Starlink providing great connectivity to those who had little or nothing before.

As soon as you can access the Internet, you can learn almost anything, so it’s absolutely essential for education.

[@khanacademy](https://nitter.it/khanacademy "Khan Academy") ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1658918251861082120#m) 2023-05-17T21:39:57Z **To heir is human, 
To procreate divine**
To heir is human,

To procreate divine ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1658950506515972100#m) 2023-05-17T22:20:13Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRndYUDVpS1djQUVlY0tBLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1658960642445910017#m) 2023-05-18T16:07:40Z **Why is sleep so hard!? Perhaps we will never know.**
Why is sleep so hard!? Perhaps we will never know.

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRndiRU93TVgwQU12VVFiLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1659229273448759302#m) 2023-05-18T16:42:34Z **Twitter Blue Verified subscribers can now upload 2 hour videos (8GB)!**
Twitter Blue Verified subscribers can now upload 2 hour videos (8GB)! ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1659238056132501506#m) 2023-05-18T17:52:11Z **Happens a lot**
Happens a lot

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRndiY0p0cFhnQUlsbE5MLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1659255574440169473#m) 2023-05-18T17:50:22Z **Was the Internet Archive manipulated for nepotistic reasons?**
Was the Internet Archive manipulated for nepotistic reasons?

[nitter.it/thackerpd/status/1659162342641352704#m](https://nitter.it/thackerpd/status/1659162342641352704#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1659255118196355073#m) 2023-05-18T17:54:54Z **Walter is incredibly thorough in his research. Highly recommend his other books!**
Walter is incredibly thorough in his research. Highly recommend his other books!

[nitter.it/WalterIsaacson/status/1659246428164587545#m](https://nitter.it/WalterIsaacson/status/1659246428164587545#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1659256261068595201#m) 2023-05-18T19:45:10Z **RT by @elonmusk: Over one-third of secondary schools and two-thirds of primary schools around the world are not connected to the internet.

On the isolated island of Pangan-an in the Philippines, Starlink was set up to support 700+ elementary and high school students → http://sunstar.com.ph/article/1961567/cebu/local-news/satellite-connects-isolated-cebu-island-to-the-internet

Over one-third of secondary schools and two-thirds of primary schools around the world are not connected to the internet.

On the is ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1659284010873540610#m) 2023-05-18T23:31:23Z **I hope this platform increasingly brings you joy & elucidation**
I hope this platform increasingly brings you joy & elucidation ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1659340939477876737#m) 2023-05-19T01:23:05Z **R to @elonmusk: I recommend subscribing to @shellenberger**
I recommend subscribing to [@shellenberger](https://nitter.it/shellenberger "Michael Shellenberger") ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1659369049204113408#m) 2023-05-19T01:18:16Z **🤯🤯**

[nitter.it/shellenberger/status/1659365162430902272#m](https://nitter.it/shellenberger/status/1659365162430902272#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1659367834919612417#m) 2023-05-19T01:35:48Z **RT by @elonmusk: 3 Falcon 9 rockets on 3 SpaceX launch pads → http://spacex.com/launches**
3 Falcon 9 rockets on 3 SpaceX launch pads → [spacex.com/launches](http://spacex.com/launches)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRndkRHVBSWFnQUEtNkFfLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRndkRlZKSGFNQUFDVWtiLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1659372250284572674#m) 2023-05-19T04:04:41Z **AI ♾️**
AI ♾️

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRndkb1Y1WVdjQUlrVXR0LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1659409716634697728#m) 2023-05-19T04:43:09Z **I have spaceships**
I have spaceships ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1659419397327339521#m) 2023-05-19T05:35:43Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRndkOUxYSVdJQUlSa25sLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1659432625616957440#m) 2023-05-19T06:11:05Z **RT by @elonmusk: Watch Falcon 9 launch 22 @Starlink satellites to orbit → http://spacex.com/launches https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1eaKbrvanLrKX**
Watch Falcon 9 launch 22 [@Starlink](https://nitter.it/Starlink "Starlink") satellites to orbit → [spacex.com/launches](http://spacex.com/launches) [nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1ea…](https://nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1eaKbrvanLrKX)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTY1OTQ0NTk1MzcxNDE3NjAwMS9EZGlzd2NRSD9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1659441526542585856#m) 2023-05-19T06:20:32Z **RT by @elonmusk: Liftoff!**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjU5NDQzODM2NDU5MDUzMDU3L2ltZy9TYTdvYjBXOUgwN0Z3eHdSLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1659443902913429504#m) 2023-05-19T13:04:38Z **RT by @elonmusk: Watch Falcon 9 launch the Iridium OneWeb mission to orbit → http://spacex.com/launches https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1kvKpmOyRbPGE**
Watch Falcon 9 launch the Iridium OneWeb mission to orbit → [spacex.com/launches](http://spacex.com/launches) [nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1kv…](https://nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1kvKpmOyRbPGE)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTY1OTU0OTE3OTM3MzU4NDM4NS81UzFGRmRsST9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1659545598637252615#m) 2023-05-19T16:50:56Z **One hell of a plasma beam!**
One hell of a plasma beam!

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1659599720761950208#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1659599720761950208#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1659602548360351744#m) 2023-05-19T15:17:45Z **RT by @elonmusk: Second-gen satellites represent a step forward in Starlink capability with key technologies to provide ~4x more capacity per satellite than earlier iterations.

This means Starlink can provide more bandwidth with increased reliability and connect millions of more people around the world with high-speed internet → http://starlink.com/resources**
Second-gen satellites represent a step forward in Starlink capability with key technologies to provide ~4x more capacity per satellite than earlier iterati ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1659579099436949504#m) 2023-05-19T21:54:03Z **RT by @elonmusk: Ending the digital divide requires making devices more accessible. 

Starlink kits are designed to include everything needed to connect. And they travel well too 🇧🇷**
Ending the digital divide requires making devices more accessible.

Starlink kits are designed to include everything needed to connect. And they travel well too 🇧🇷

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/ZXh0X3R3X3ZpZGVvX3RodW1iLzE2NTk2NzgxODUxMjUyMDgwNjUvcHUvaW1nL2lvSXFUdExXN25ib1VWNXkuanBn) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1659678832948039680#m) 2023-05-19T21:21:18Z **RT by @elonmusk:**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjU5NjcwNTMyNDc0OTYxOTIwL2ltZy9lbDM1VnF2dklqcFE2eGUtLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/ehikian/status/1659670588598923265#m) 2023-05-20T01:02:54Z **Great statement by @votetimscott!**
Great statement by [@votetimscott](https://nitter.it/votetimscott "Tim Scott")!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjU5NzI2MjkxNzAzMzEyMzg1L2ltZy9kM0U0SVZkcEh1WlV6NkE0LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1659726355511271430#m) 2023-05-20T20:50:05Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRndtWUN3OFgwQU1rcGUzLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1660025122156158978#m) 2023-05-21T18:10:18Z **RT by @elonmusk: Watch Falcon 9 launch Dragon and Ax-2 to the @space_station → http://spacex.com/launches/mission/?missionId=ax-2 https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1dRJZMLoOLbGB**
Watch Falcon 9 launch Dragon and Ax-2 to the [@space\_station](https://nitter.it/Space_Station "International Space Station") → [spacex.com/launches/mission/…](http://spacex.com/launches/mission/?missionId=ax-2) [nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1dR…](https://nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1dRJZMLoOLbGB)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTY2MDM3NTY ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1660347300030431232#m) 2023-05-21T21:45:43Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9’s first stage booster has landed on Landing Zone 1, a first for a human spaceflight mission**
Falcon 9’s first stage booster has landed on Landing Zone 1, a first for a human spaceflight mission

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjYwNDAxMzkzMDg4MjQ5ODU4L2ltZy9KelN5NlZPeGtMbGxfTUZ3LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1660401510969212929#m) 2023-05-22T15:07:45Z **RT by @elonmusk: The Starlink team is proud to support humanitarian efforts around the world🛰️🌎❤️**
The Starlink team is proud to support humanitarian efforts around the world🛰️🌎❤️

[nitter.it/idrissmaan/status/1660572537623904257#m](https://nitter.it/idrissmaan/status/1660572537623904257#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1660663748217180160#m) 2023-05-22T16:00:56Z **RT by @elonmusk: Welcome aboard the station #Ax2! The four @Axiom_Space private astronauts entered the orbital outpost after opening the @SpaceX Dragon crew ship hatch at 11am ET today. https://blogs.nasa.gov/spacestation/2023/05/22/four-axiom-mission-2-private-astronauts-enter-station/**
Welcome aboard the station [#Ax2](https://nitter.it/search?q=%23Ax2)! The four [@Axiom\_Space](https://nitter.it/Axiom_Space "Axiom Space") private astronauts entered the orbital outpost after opening the [@SpaceX](https://n ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Space_Station/status/1660677129699495937#m) 2023-05-22T19:55:08Z **All those moments, 
will be lost in time
like tears in rain …**
All those moments,

will be lost in time

like tears in rain … ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1660736069258682369#m) 2023-05-23T16:52:07Z **Both quality & quantity of high quality posts of all kinds (short text, long essays, pictures, audio & video) have improved dramatically. 

Thank you for contributing your voice to humanity’s digital public square!**
Both quality & quantity of high quality posts of all kinds (short text, long essays, pictures, audio & video) have improved dramatically.

Thank you for contributing your voice to humanity’s digital public square! ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1661052398842920974#m) 2023-05-23T17:20:35Z **And works almost everywhere on Earth with global roaming enabled!**
And works almost everywhere on Earth with global roaming enabled!

[nitter.it/Starlink/status/1661059075550089217#m](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1661059075550089217#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1661059564593201184#m) 2023-05-23T18:07:17Z **RT by @elonmusk: BREAKING: @FoxNews confirms Florida Governor @RonDeSantis will announce his 2024 Presidential run tomorrow night, 6pm ET in a Twitter Spaces interview with @elonmusk.**
BREAKING: [@FoxNews](https://nitter.it/FoxNews "Fox News") confirms Florida Governor [@RonDeSantis](https://nitter.it/RonDeSantis "Ron DeSantis") will announce his 2024 Presidential run tomorrow night, 6pm ET in a Twitter Spaces interview with [@elonmusk](https://nitter.it/elonmusk "Elon Musk"). ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/BillMelugin_/status/1661071316664094720#m) 2023-05-24T04:17:09Z **RT by @elonmusk: Twitter is the town square of the people**
Twitter is the town square of the people ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/teslaownersSV/status/1661224793037996033#m) 2023-05-24T20:07:03Z **Spaces with @RonDeSantis in ~2 hours!**
Spaces with [@RonDeSantis](https://nitter.it/RonDeSantis "Ron DeSantis") in ~2 hours! ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1661463844131340296#m) 2023-05-24T21:21:32Z **twitter.com/i/spaces/1PlKQpV…**
[nitter.it/i/spaces/1PlKQpV…](https://nitter.it/i/spaces/1PlKQpVkwLvxE) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1661482586424885248#m) 2023-05-24T22:23:05Z **twitter.com/i/spaces/1eaJbrA…**
[nitter.it/i/spaces/1eaJbrA…](https://nitter.it/i/spaces/1eaJbrAlZjjJX) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1661498079386931206#m) 2023-05-24T23:49:04Z **All Presidential candidates are most welcome on this platform**
All Presidential candidates are most welcome on this platform ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1661519714315833344#m) 2023-05-25T00:13:50Z **🇺🇸🇺🇸 Untamed Free Speech FTW 🇺🇸🇺🇸**
🇺🇸🇺🇸 Untamed Free Speech FTW 🇺🇸🇺🇸

[nitter.it/alex\_avoigt/status/1661293338547441665#m](https://nitter.it/alex_avoigt/status/1661293338547441665#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1661525947022180352#m) 2023-05-25T04:45:58Z **RT by @elonmusk: AKA, don’t pull out. @elonmusk**
AKA, don’t pull out. [@elonmusk](https://nitter.it/elonmusk "Elon Musk")

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjYxNTk0MjY4NjA2MjgzNzc3L2ltZy9KRzZDZ1c5RWtvUFJNdHhLLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Teslaconomics/status/1661594434000277508#m) 2023-05-25T14:31:20Z **RT by @elonmusk: Starlink helping to connect schools in Rwanda 🛰️🇷🇼**
Starlink helping to connect schools in Rwanda 🛰️🇷🇼

[nitter.it/InstituteGC/status/1638956992675848204#m](https://nitter.it/InstituteGC/status/1638956992675848204#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1661741746265657344#m) 2023-05-25T20:08:18Z **RT by @elonmusk: twitter.com/i/spaces/1eaJbrA…**
[nitter.it/i/spaces/1eaJbrA…](https://nitter.it/i/spaces/1eaJbrAPnBVJX) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/jimfarley98/status/1661826544874954768#m) 2023-05-26T00:50:17Z **Congratulations Neuralink team!**
Congratulations Neuralink team!

[nitter.it/neuralink/status/1661857379460468736#m](https://nitter.it/neuralink/status/1661857379460468736#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1661897511337082880#m) 2023-05-26T20:26:12Z **Lot of noise about @RonDeSantis announcing & discussing his Presidential bid on this platform. 

But you what isn’t noise? Setting an all-time record for fundraising!

Worth considering for announcements in general.**
Lot of noise about [@RonDeSantis](https://nitter.it/RonDeSantis "Ron DeSantis") announcing & discussing his Presidential bid on this platform.

But you what isn’t noise? Setting an all-time record for fundraising!

Worth considering for announcements in general.

[nitter.it/CBSMiami/status/1662041421 ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1662193436684951556#m) 2023-05-27T00:18:24Z **RT by @elonmusk: Another step closer to Mars — the first flight test of a fully integrated Starship and Super Heavy rocket**
Another step closer to Mars — the first flight test of a fully integrated Starship and Super Heavy rocket

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/ZXh0X3R3X3ZpZGVvX3RodW1iLzE2NjIyNTAwOTAzNjE0MTM2MzIvcHUvaW1nL2YtakpiUlRSc1ZjVHp3Z24uanBn) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1662251874936934400#m) 2023-05-27T02:25:44Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnhHZWFVZVdZQVFIeGxRLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1662283916768694274#m) 2023-05-27T03:01:03Z **Bruh do you even AI**
Bruh do you even AI ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1662292805312495618#m) 2023-05-27T02:56:01Z **Is this true, @Target?**
Is this true, [@Target](https://nitter.it/Target "Target")?

[nitter.it/FoxNews/status/1662103829343502337#m](https://nitter.it/FoxNews/status/1662103829343502337#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1662291539635126272#m) 2023-05-27T04:40:18Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9’s first stage has landed the Just Read the Instructions droneship**
Falcon 9’s first stage has landed the Just Read the Instructions droneship

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjYyMzE3NzE1ODQyMDQzOTA1L2ltZy9yOEJscl9rcmpMVThUdWdyLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1662317781461925888#m) 2023-05-27T04:30:58Z **RT by @elonmusk: Liftoff!**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjYyMzE1MzY5Mjg0MTQxMDU2L2ltZy9qaE9TRE11bHJIT1dNc2JoLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1662315432840433665#m) 2023-05-27T05:08:22Z **RT by @elonmusk: Deployment of @Arabsat BADR-8 confirmed**
Deployment of [@Arabsat](https://nitter.it/Arabsat "Arabsat - عرب سات") BADR-8 confirmed

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjYyMzI0ODAxODEyNDU1NDI2L2ltZy85YW16aWtaOGNfMGFlTDB0LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1662324844497883136#m) 2023-05-27T15:06:11Z **RT by @elonmusk: Regenerative braking enables you to bring your Tesla to a complete stop without using the brake pedal, maximizing efficiency & reducing wear & tear

Also, traction & stability controls are active during regen, giving you more control during deceleration**
Regenerative braking enables you to bring your Tesla to a complete stop without using the brake pedal, maximizing efficiency & reducing wear & tear

Also, traction & stability controls are active during regen, giving you more control during decelera ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1662475290486906881#m) 2023-05-27T17:17:37Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnhKcWpMcFd3QUFocU1xLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1662508369234608128#m) 2023-05-27T18:38:41Z **I was today’s years old when I learned that some people genuinely love cooked salmon**
I was today’s years old when I learned that some people genuinely love cooked salmon ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1662528767221280768#m) 2023-05-27T18:42:26Z **R to @elonmusk: Previously, I had thought it was some pescatarian conspiracy theory, but nope**
Previously, I had thought it was some pescatarian conspiracy theory, but nope ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1662529714634752001#m) 2023-05-27T19:22:09Z **Office Space is an awesome movie**
Office Space is an awesome movie ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1662539707559952384#m) 2023-05-28T02:17:43Z **AI Fashion Show in Azkaban
Date & Details to Follow**
AI Fashion Show in Azkaban

Date & Details to Follow ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1662644286867775488#m) 2023-05-28T02:59:38Z **Sorry this app takes up so much space**
Sorry this app takes up so much space

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnhMdnZtMVhvQUVrQ2FLLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1662654838398697472#m) 2023-05-28T03:50:11Z **Yikes**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjM3ODU1MzE4NDI3MTk3NDU5L2ltZy94cnRLN0JhZDBBUmloY3RrLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1662667558539886592#m) 2023-05-29T00:19:07Z **Transparency builds trust …**
Transparency builds trust …

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnhRVW5Hd1dZQUV6LTRULmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1662976829089513472#m) 2023-05-29T02:51:07Z **Incompetence, in the limit, is indistinguishable from sabotage**
Incompetence, in the limit, is indistinguishable from sabotage ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1663015083738374146#m) 2023-05-29T16:07:29Z **What will AI be like in 2040?**
What will AI be like in 2040?

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnhUdHFVTldjQUlsUFg3LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1663215495472902146#m) 2023-05-29T17:21:44Z **RT by @elonmusk: Dragon and the Ax-2 astronauts are set to depart the @space_station tomorrow at 11:05 a.m. ET → http://spacex.com/launches/mission/?missionId=ax-2**
Dragon and the Ax-2 astronauts are set to depart the [@space\_station](https://nitter.it/Space_Station "International Space Station") tomorrow at 11:05 a.m. ET → [spacex.com/launches/mission/…](http://spacex.com/launches/mission/?missionId=ax-2)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnhULUJ2NGFJQUE5UWxvLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1663234178295697408#m) 2023-05-29T18:01:08Z **🇺🇸 For those who died for freedom 🇺🇸**
🇺🇸 For those who died for freedom 🇺🇸 ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1663244096503160833#m) 2023-05-29T18:43:36Z **RT by @elonmusk: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿→ 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿→ 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿**
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿→ 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿→ 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

[nitter.it/RetailLowdown/status/1662903863643439104#m](https://nitter.it/RetailLowdown/status/1662903863643439104#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/teslaeurope/status/1663254781463232512#m) 2023-05-29T18:47:15Z **Scrolling through tweets while watching mini video (pic in pic) is great**
Scrolling through tweets while watching mini video (pic in pic) is great ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1663255699365691399#m) 2023-05-29T19:34:31Z **Also, you can now change video playback speed**
Also, you can now change video playback speed ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1663267596689350656#m) 2023-06-01T08:30:02Z **38 astronauts to orbit so far!**
38 astronauts to orbit so far!

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1663944001224081408#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1663944001224081408#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1664187538330775552#m) 2023-05-31T14:27:33Z **RT by @elonmusk: The space laser mesh is what enabled Starlink coverage for critical infrastructure, schools, and communities across the 169 island nation of Tonga in the South Pacific Ocean after it was hit by a tsunami last year 🛰️🇹🇴**
The space laser mesh is what enabled Starlink coverage for critical infrastructure, schools, and communities across the 169 island nation of Tonga in the South Pacific Ocean after it was hit by a tsunami last year 🛰️🇹🇴

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnhkcHBVZldZQUlQYVFXLmp ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1663915119087087618#m) 2023-05-31T13:23:42Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9 launches 52 @Starlink satellites to orbit, completing this first stage booster’s 14th launch and landing**
Falcon 9 launches 52 [@Starlink](https://nitter.it/Starlink "Starlink") satellites to orbit, completing this first stage booster’s 14th launch and landing

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnhkYTE4SWFNQUlJM3lwLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnhkYTJmemFjQVVxdEw0LmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnhkYTNMN2FVQUFhbmY2LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1663899052487098368#m) 2023-05-31T14:25:08Z **RT by @elonmusk: Starlink satellites are equipped with optical space lasers (pew pew), which allow us to provide truly global coverage and serve customers in the most remote locations on Earth http://starlink.com/technology🛰️🌎**
Starlink satellites are equipped with optical space lasers (pew pew), which allow us to provide truly global coverage and serve customers in the most remote locations on Earth [starlink.com/technology](http://starlink.com/technology) 🛰️🌎

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1663899052487098368#m](htt ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1663914514520186884#m) 2023-06-01T17:57:14Z **Lil X just asked if there are police cats, since there are police dogs 😂**
Lil X just asked if there are police cats, since there are police dogs 😂 ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1664330279257767936#m) 2023-06-01T17:56:16Z **Congratulations to Giga Shanghai & Tesla China SDS teams for their excellent work overcoming many obstacles over many years!!**
Congratulations to Giga Shanghai & Tesla China SDS teams for their excellent work overcoming many obstacles over many years!!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnhqaldIcFgwQUFxcjExLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnhqaldJR1dJQVE5UGx5LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1664330035530964996#m) 2023-06-02T12:25:33Z **Every parent should watch this**
Every parent should watch this

[nitter.it/realDailyWire/status/1664424891372941312#m](https://nitter.it/realDailyWire/status/1664424891372941312#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1664609193230204929#m) 2023-06-02T12:34:26Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnhualJYUFd3QUFrOGkzLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1664611427850518531#m) 2023-06-02T12:48:00Z **R to @elonmusk: Consenting adults should do whatever makes them happy, provided it does not harm others, but a child is not capable of consent, which is why we have laws protecting minors.**
Consenting adults should do whatever makes them happy, provided it does not harm others, but a child is not capable of consent, which is why we have laws protecting minors. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1664614843297439744#m) 2023-06-02T13:40:13Z **X**
X ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1664627982638407687#m) 2023-06-02T14:16:13Z **Let that sink in**
Let that sink in ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1664637044549726210#m) 2023-06-02T19:36:36Z **RT by @elonmusk: Starlink set an altitude and speed record for use in-flight during Starship’s first flight test, providing connectivity at 123,600+ feet and while traveling at Mach 1.7! 🛰️🚀**
Starlink set an altitude and speed record for use in-flight during Starship’s first flight test, providing connectivity at 123,600+ feet and while traveling at Mach 1.7! 🛰️🚀

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnhwRFZDUWFNQUFvQXZ0LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1664717672104198147#m) 2023-06-02T21:16:26Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnhwYXY0bFh3QVVPanlJLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1664742794135470083#m) 2023-06-02T22:18:42Z **RT by @elonmusk: Starlink on Igloolik Island in the northern territory of Nunavut, Canada 🛰️🇨🇦**
Starlink on Igloolik Island in the northern territory of Nunavut, Canada 🛰️🇨🇦

[nitter.it/qaatani9/status/1664292528655413250#m](https://nitter.it/qaatani9/status/1664292528655413250#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1664758466177810432#m) 2023-06-03T03:03:33Z **RT by @elonmusk: Dagan Shani has IMHO made the most important film of the year - about the harsh #AI truth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1eyUjVRir4&ab_channel=DaganOnAI**
Dagan Shani has IMHO made the most important film of the year - about the harsh [#AI](https://nitter.it/search?q=%23AI) truth: [piped.mha.fi/watch?v=U1eyUjVR…](https://piped.mha.fi/watch?v=U1eyUjVRir4&ab_channel=DaganOnAI)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTY2MzU5OTI5NTc4NDk1NTkwNC95TFhBSEN0Rj9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDMyMF8x) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/tegmark/status/1664830152193323008#m) 2023-06-03T10:27:33Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnhzUDBuZ1dJQUkwRDBQLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1664941886040076288#m) 2023-06-03T19:30:12Z **From SJM**
From SJM

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnh1TUJuSVd3QUVsM1MyLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1665078448816005122#m) 2023-06-03T19:42:53Z **Congrats Tesla Plaid racing team!**
Congrats Tesla Plaid racing team!

[nitter.it/Tesla/status/1665068392401780736#m](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1665068392401780736#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1665081639263690754#m) 2023-06-04T05:02:33Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnh3UEJxNFhvQUF6RjZwLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1665222486915522564#m) 2023-06-04T12:29:57Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the Just Read the Instructions droneship**
Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the Just Read the Instructions droneship

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjY1MzM0ODc4NjMwNzMxNzc4L2ltZy9TeHBoSmNnWVdtLVhZSTdELmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1665335077562384395#m) 2023-06-04T13:36:07Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9 launches 22 @Starlink satellites to orbit from Florida**
Falcon 9 launches 22 [@Starlink](https://nitter.it/Starlink "Starlink") satellites to orbit from Florida

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnh5RVI3WWFNQUVtN2lELmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnh5RVNNb2FRQUl3R0s3LmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnh5RVN0WGFJQUVrenFaLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1665351728412372992#m) 2023-06-04T14:40:50Z **Hosting @RobertKennedyJr’s upcoming Space https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1eaKbrQwqYqKX**
Hosting [@RobertKennedyJr](https://nitter.it/RobertKennedyJr "Robert F. Kennedy Jr")’s upcoming Space [nitter.it/i/spaces/1eaKbrQ…](https://nitter.it/i/spaces/1eaKbrQwqYqKX) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1665368017125900288#m) 2023-06-05T16:00:27Z **RT by @elonmusk: Dragon separation confirmed; autonomous docking with the @space_station on Tuesday, June 6 at ~5:50 a.m. ET**
Dragon separation confirmed; autonomous docking with the [@space\_station](https://nitter.it/Space_Station "International Space Station") on Tuesday, June 6 at ~5:50 a.m. ET

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjY1NzUwMzAxMjY0MjIwMTYwL2ltZy85V3ZiSXg1Qy1lVFNfOG8wLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1665750439110017024#m) 2023-06-05T15:48:21Z **RT by @elonmusk: Liftoff!**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjY1NzQ3MzMzODY5NjA0ODY0L2ltZy9aZnQya2ZkcHdINWJQdUp4LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1665747395261632514#m) 2023-06-05T15:25:18Z **RT by @elonmusk: Watch Falcon 9 launch Dragon to the @space_station → http://spacex.com/launches/mission/?missionId=crs-28 https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1kvJpmXVoowxE**
Watch Falcon 9 launch Dragon to the [@space\_station](https://nitter.it/Space_Station "International Space Station") → [spacex.com/launches/mission/…](http://spacex.com/launches/mission/?missionId=crs-28) [nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1kv…](https://nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1kvJpmXVoowxE)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTY2NTc1MzEyOTQ2MjIzNTEz ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1665741594530832384#m) 2023-06-05T17:03:43Z **RT by @elonmusk: I still hear tons of friends just coming on Twitter for information. You should consider sharing your voice and contributing more to this epic platform.**
I still hear tons of friends just coming on Twitter for information. You should consider sharing your voice and contributing more to this epic platform. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/teslaownersSV/status/1665766361883369472#m) 2023-06-05T18:05:50Z **An example of great interaction between brands 😂 @McDonalds @AXE**
An example of great interaction between brands 😂 [@McDonalds](https://nitter.it/McDonalds "McDonald's") [@AXE](https://nitter.it/AXE "AXE")

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRng0TDVKR1dZQUFDcEpYLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1665781992653291521#m) 2023-06-05T18:17:20Z **twitter.com/i/spaces/1PlJQpm…**
[nitter.it/i/spaces/1PlJQpm…](https://nitter.it/i/spaces/1PlJQpmkngnGE) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1665784889008873476#m) 2023-06-05T18:32:11Z **On now**
On now

[nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1665784889008873476#m](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1665784889008873476#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1665788623797600258#m) 2023-06-05T19:06:56Z **.**
. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1665797367747026948#m) 2023-06-06T10:03:32Z **RT by @elonmusk: Over 7,000 pounds of new experiments, new solar arrays, and other cargo has arrived at the station after the @SpaceX Dragon cargo craft docked to the Harmony module at 5:54am ET today. https://blogs.nasa.gov/spacestation/2023/06/06/dragon-docks-to-station-delivers-new-cargo-and-solar-arrays/**
Over 7,000 pounds of new experiments, new solar arrays, and other cargo has arrived at the station after the [@SpaceX](https://nitter.it/SpaceX "SpaceX") Dragon cargo craft docked to the Harmony module ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Space_Station/status/1666023004579704832#m) 2023-06-06T23:54:30Z **Would be great to have shows from all parts of the political spectrum on this platform!**
Would be great to have shows from all parts of the political spectrum on this platform!

[nitter.it/TuckerCarlson/status/1666203439146172419#m](https://nitter.it/TuckerCarlson/status/1666203439146172419#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1666232126172176384#m) 2023-06-07T01:01:21Z **RT by @elonmusk: We currently have over 20 of our latest generation implants that have passed the 5-year mark of accelerated aging on benchtop (and still going!) 5⃣🚀 #techtuesday**
We currently have over 20 of our latest generation implants that have passed the 5-year mark of accelerated aging on benchtop (and still going!) 5⃣🚀 [#techtuesday](https://nitter.it/search?q=%23techtuesday)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/ZXh0X3R3X3ZpZGVvX3RodW1iLzE2NjYyNDgxNDY1NDMwNjcxMzYvcHUvaW1nL1JEeVJqSVhWYjl2My1RVGsuanBn) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/neuralink/status/1666248950431760384#m) 2023-06-07T06:31:13Z **This platform will provide email addresses of subscribers (who opt in) to content creators, so that creators are able to leave this platform easily & take their subscribers with them if they want**
This platform will provide email addresses of subscribers (who opt in) to content creators, so that creators are able to leave this platform easily & take their subscribers with them if they want ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1666331961281900545#m) 2023-06-07T17:34:36Z **💕**

[nitter.it/andst7/status/1666488580980498434#m](https://nitter.it/andst7/status/1666488580980498434#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1666498907986092046#m) 2023-06-07T17:33:52Z **Extremely concerning**
Extremely concerning

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnlDWHdZZFdZQlVMZVpXLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1666498723629654035#m) 2023-06-07T20:11:50Z **RT by @elonmusk: And on June 6, the Dragon 2 fleet's cumulative time in space surpassed the Space Shuttle fleet's time with 1,324 total days in orbit!**
And on June 6, the Dragon 2 fleet's cumulative time in space surpassed the Space Shuttle fleet's time with 1,324 total days in orbit!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnlDNzBJV2FVQUl4bng4LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1666538477805248512#m) 2023-06-08T19:43:46Z **R to @elonmusk: Model 3 & Y have great air filtration too, but they’re too small to fit the monster HEPA filters**
Model 3 & Y have great air filtration too, but they’re too small to fit the monster HEPA filters ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1666893801690914843#m) 2023-06-08T19:42:41Z **Tesla Model S & Model X have hospital-grade HEPA air filters, protecting you from dust, bacteria, pollen (allergies), spores & many toxic gases

Tesla Model S & Model X have hospital-grade HEPA air filters, protecting you from dust, bacteria, pollen (allergies), spores & many toxic gases


![](https ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1666893529572864001#m) 2023-06-08T20:11:14Z **Spaces discussion with Mary Barra, CEO of @GM! @mtbarra
Spaces discussion with Mary Barra, CEO of [@GM](https://nitter.it/GM "General Motors")! [@mtbarra](https://nitter.it/mtbarra "Mary Barra")

[nitter.it/i/spaces/1OwxWwQ…](https://nitter.it/i/spaces/1OwxWwQOPlNxQ) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1666900714667364352#m) 2023-06-08T20:54:51Z **RT by @elonmusk: Internet from space supporting Titanic dive expedition 🛰️🚢**
Internet from space supporting Titanic dive expedition 🛰️🚢

[nitter.it/OceanGateExped/status/1664306619608449026#m](https://nitter.it/OceanGateExped/status/1664306619608449026#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1666911689344962576#m) 2023-06-08T21:06:46Z **Great to work with you!**
Great to work with you!

[nitter.it/GM/status/1666908641788588034#m](https://nitter.it/GM/status/1666908641788588034#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1666914689496891394#m) 2023-06-08T23:09:11Z **It’d be great to have @maddow, @donlemon & others on the left put their shows on this platform. No exclusivity or legal docs required!

You will receive our full support. The digital town square is for all.**
It’d be great to have [@maddow](https://nitter.it/maddow "Rachel Maddow MSNBC"), [@donlemon](https://nitter.it/donlemon "Don Lemon") & others on the left put their shows on this platform. No exclusivity or legal docs required!

You will receive our full support. The digital town square is for all.

[nitter.it ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1666945495334256642#m) 2023-06-09T00:23:02Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnlJLV92cmFFQUVmVzZPLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1666964082363371520#m) 2023-06-09T00:48:18Z **Yes**

[nitter.it/PicturesFoIder/status/1666914302845132801#m](https://nitter.it/PicturesFoIder/status/1666914302845132801#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1666970442605924352#m) 2023-06-09T01:13:41Z **😮**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnlKS2xnN2FBQWM3c0gwLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1666976828765143040#m) 2023-06-09T21:56:50Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnlObklDb2FVQUVFOVh2LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1667289678612156416#m) 2023-06-09T22:28:10Z **Powerful article https://www.telegraph.co.uk/columnists/2023/05/30/the-cult-of-gender-ideology-finally-crumbling/**
Powerful article [telegraph.co.uk/columnists/2…](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/columnists/2023/05/30/the-cult-of-gender-ideology-finally-crumbling/)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTY2NTk3Mjc0MzU0Njc1NzEyMC9nMlBZVThGcj9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1667297563719122945#m) 2023-06-09T23:14:58Z **Big difference**
Big difference

[nitter.it/Tesla/status/1667297481019781123#m](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1667297481019781123#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1667309340007735296#m) 2023-06-09T23:11:46Z **R to @elonmusk: Archived version https://archive.is/20230609223701/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/columnists/2023/05/30/the-cult-of-gender-ideology-finally-crumbling/**
Archived version [archive.is/20230609223701/te…](https://archive.is/20230609223701/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/columnists/2023/05/30/the-cult-of-gender-ideology-finally-crumbling/)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTY2NzMwODUzMDcwNDIxMTk2OC9ieU53ejFvNz9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1667308534055436288#m) 2023-06-09T23:25:56Z **R to @elonmusk: It is worth noting that kids who are same-sex attracted and/or autistic are the most vulnerable**
It is worth noting that kids who are same-sex attracted and/or autistic are the most vulnerable ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1667312100056920064#m) 2023-06-09T23:36:51Z **In a few weeks, X/Twitter will start paying creators for ads served in their replies. First block payment totals $5M.

Note, the creator must be verified and only ads served to verified users count.**
In a few weeks, X/Twitter will start paying creators for ads served in their replies. First block payment totals $5M.

Note, the creator must be verified and only ads served to verified users count. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1667314848856948736#m) 2023-06-10T00:16:41Z **Cry 'Havoc!' and let slip the Doges of war**
Cry 'Havoc!' and let slip the Doges of war ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1667324871410585600#m) 2023-06-10T00:26:58Z **R to @elonmusk: Credit to Larry Page for alerting me to the importance of air filtration**
Credit to Larry Page for alerting me to the importance of air filtration ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1667327460386680832#m) 2023-06-10T15:40:59Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnlSYXNNU1dJQUUxTld1LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1667557479725645827#m) 2023-06-10T16:02:04Z **RT by @elonmusk: In-flight internet that works as soon as you walk on your flight 🛰️✈️ 

h/t @flyjsx**
In-flight internet that works as soon as you walk on your flight 🛰️✈️

h/t [@flyjsx](https://nitter.it/flyjsx "JSX")

[nitter.it/jessfraz/status/1667260867828764694#m](https://nitter.it/jessfraz/status/1667260867828764694#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1667562785126092801#m) 2023-06-11T19:45:58Z **Best WW3 song ever**
Best WW3 song ever

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnlYY1dlc1dJQUkxbXlaLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1667981519690907651#m) 2023-06-11T20:57:19Z **Looking to hire a VP of Witchcraft & Propaganda**
Looking to hire a VP of Witchcraft & Propaganda ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1667999474684399616#m) 2023-06-11T21:17:33Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnlYeFVGSVgwQUFzdER4LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1668004568637087746#m) 2023-06-11T21:11:27Z **Augmented reality is amazing**
Augmented reality is amazing

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnlYdjZxTVdJQUFfcTFQLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1668003032259260422#m) 2023-06-11T21:51:33Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnlYNUdBUFdjQUlLcTFoLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1668013122567786501#m) 2023-06-12T08:18:26Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9 launches 52 @Starlink satellites to orbit from Florida**
Falcon 9 launches 52 [@Starlink](https://nitter.it/Starlink "Starlink") satellites to orbit from Florida

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnlhSWVmQ2FBQUlJdU5lLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnlhSWVnMGFFQUFVQ2JBLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnlhSWVnTGFnQUEwNjRFLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1668170884451008512#m) 2023-06-12T21:44:13Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on Landing Zone 4, marking SpaceX’s 200th successful recovery of an orbital class rocket!**
Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on Landing Zone 4, marking SpaceX’s 200th successful recovery of an orbital class rocket!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjY4MzczNTgwNTUwMzg1NjY0L2ltZy9QbzJBQmVTYnF3OXo1MS1xLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1668373664377733120#m) 2023-06-12T21:26:36Z **RT by @elonmusk: Watch Falcon 9 launch 72 spacecraft to orbit → http://spacex.com/launches https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1OwGWwQezPZGQ**
Watch Falcon 9 launch 72 spacecraft to orbit → [spacex.com/launches](http://spacex.com/launches) [nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1Ow…](https://nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1OwGWwQezPZGQ)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTY2ODM4NDM0NzA2MDA0Mzc4NS9YZkRESVBQOT9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1668369233913303041#m) 2023-06-13T00:44:11Z **RT by @elonmusk: After delivering 72 spacecraft to orbit, Falcon 9 returns to Earth and completes SpaceX’s 200th landing of an orbital class rocket**
After delivering 72 spacecraft to orbit, Falcon 9 returns to Earth and completes SpaceX’s 200th landing of an orbital class rocket

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/ZXh0X3R3X3ZpZGVvX3RodW1iLzE2Njg0MTgzMDMxNjQwMzkxNjgvcHUvaW1nL1EwQlJFeG9mT0s0WHkweDkuanBn) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1668418954170347521#m) 2023-06-14T03:55:45Z **Why ESG is the devil …**
Why ESG is the devil …

[nitter.it/aaronsibarium/status/1668658866337218560#m](https://nitter.it/aaronsibarium/status/1668658866337218560#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1668829554448777216#m) 2023-06-14T04:49:38Z **Bold**

[nitter.it/TuckerCarlson/status/1668747661028081664#m](https://nitter.it/TuckerCarlson/status/1668747661028081664#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1668843112955891712#m) 2023-06-14T06:28:59Z **Once again, I’d like to offer this platform to anyone on the left. You will get equal treatment.**
Once again, I’d like to offer this platform to anyone on the left. You will get equal treatment.

[nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1668843112955891712#m](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1668843112955891712#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1668868113725550592#m) 2023-06-14T13:46:15Z **RT by @elonmusk: Benvenuti contributors from 🇮🇹Italy, Willkommen to those from 🇩🇪Germany & 🇦🇹Austria, Bienvenue 🇫🇷France & 🇱🇺Luxembourg, Welkom to our 🇧🇪Belgian & 🇳🇱Dutch contributors, and Herzlich Willkommen to those in 🇨🇭Switzerland!**
Benvenuti contributors from 🇮🇹Italy, Willkommen to those from 🇩🇪Germany & 🇦🇹Austria, Bienvenue 🇫🇷France & 🇱🇺Luxembourg, Welkom to our 🇧🇪Belgian & 🇳🇱Dutch contributors, and Herzlich Willkommen to those in 🇨🇭Switzerland! ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/CommunityNotes/status/1668978158060843008#m) 2023-06-14T18:54:41Z **RT by @elonmusk: Starlink is now available in Trinidad and Tobago 🛰️ 🇹🇹 → http://starlink.com/map**
Starlink is now available in Trinidad and Tobago 🛰️ 🇹🇹 → [starlink.com/map](http://starlink.com/map)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnltc19VbWFRQUFBOVBoLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1669055777443815425#m) 2023-06-15T00:24:15Z **“What are you thinking?”**
“What are you thinking?”

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnluNHp5NldZQUlQaWd6LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1669138714453241856#m) 2023-06-15T02:00:18Z **R to @elonmusk: … attack on the military-industrial complex. 

The lobbying power of large government contractors is far higher than it should be for the good of the people.**
… attack on the military-industrial complex.

The lobbying power of large government contractors is far higher than it should be for the good of the people. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1669162885652553731#m) 2023-06-15T02:00:17Z **R to @elonmusk: … attack on the military-industrial complex. 

The lobbying power of large government contractors is far higher than it should be for the good of the people.**
… attack on the military-industrial complex.

The lobbying power of large government contractors is far higher than it should be for the good of the people. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1669162882859433984#m) 2023-06-15T18:04:03Z **RT by @elonmusk: Ho accolto con grande piacere oggi a Palazzo Chigi @elonmusk. Un incontro molto proficuo e un momento di grande cordialità dove abbiamo affrontato alcuni temi cruciali: innovazione, opportunità e rischi dell'intelligenza artificiale, regole europee di mercato e natalità. Avanti verso le sfide future che ci accomunano.**
Ho accolto con grande piacere oggi a Palazzo Chigi [@elonmusk](https://nitter.it/elonmusk "Elon Musk"). Un incontro molto proficuo e un momento di grande cordialità dove abbia ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/GiorgiaMeloni/status/1669405422497800193#m) 2023-06-15T20:10:00Z **Quanto sei bella Roma!**
Quanto sei bella Roma!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnlzSU1tZWFrQUF0LU14LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1669437119658622976#m) 2023-06-16T03:13:59Z **This conspiracy theory that birds are actually government spy drones is … totally false**
This conspiracy theory that birds are actually government spy drones is … totally false

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnl0cFAxdFhvQUVQVy14LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1669543817400266752#m) 2023-06-16T03:58:06Z **R to @elonmusk: Amphitheatrum Flavium**
Amphitheatrum Flavium

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnl0eldUTlhvQUlkWGhFLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1669554920628920320#m) 2023-06-16T14:01:16Z **RT by @elonmusk: Let’s work together ! #ChooseFrance 🇫🇷**
Let’s work together ! [#ChooseFrance](https://nitter.it/search?q=%23ChooseFrance) 🇫🇷

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnl2OVpRWlhvQUU5VGh2LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/EmmanuelMacron/status/1669706710489899009#m) 2023-06-16T17:06:50Z **Who should be President in 2032?**
Who should be President in 2032? ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1669753411623956501#m) 2023-06-16T20:51:59Z **RT by @elonmusk: Produced our 10 millionth 4680 cell at Giga Texas this week!**
Produced our 10 millionth 4680 cell at Giga Texas this week!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnl4YmFGOVdjQUVkNUVsLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1669810072409481223#m) 2023-06-17T08:43:04Z **You can create a community based on any topic!**
You can create a community based on any topic!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnl6LUtPaVhnQUFhS3FGLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1669989020586082305#m) 2023-06-17T11:50:19Z **Great to see so many country and company leaders around the world interacting with people on this platform!

This is a great way to get useful feedback, learn about new ideas and connect with a smart, savvy audience.**
Great to see so many country and company leaders around the world interacting with people on this platform!

This is a great way to get useful feedback, learn about new ideas and connect with a smart, savvy audience.

[nitter.it/LisaSu/status/1669848494637735936#m](https://nitter.it/LisaSu/status/16 ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1670036143956692993#m) 2023-06-17T16:00:02Z **RT by @elonmusk: Real Talk with Zuby Podcast Ep. 263 - @ElonMusk 

I sat down with the owner of Twitter / CEO of Tesla & SpaceX to discuss the future of human civilisation, social media, free speech, aliens, AI, Neuralink, fatherhood, and more!

*Twitter exclusive. Ad-supported**
Real Talk with Zuby Podcast Ep. 263 - [@ElonMusk](https://nitter.it/elonmusk "Elon Musk")

I sat down with the owner of Twitter / CEO of Tesla & SpaceX to discuss the future of human civilisation, social media, free speech, aliens, AI, N ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/ZubyMusic/status/1670098987037208577#m) 2023-06-17T21:47:19Z **Or a social media media company**
Or a social media media company

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnkyeHFtVlgwQUV1SDAxLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1670186385490477056#m) 2023-06-17T23:08:34Z **Accounts that try to game our verification system with non-sequitur self-promotion or advertise in a misleading way will be suspended**
Accounts that try to game our verification system with non-sequitur self-promotion or advertise in a misleading way will be suspended ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1670206831841427458#m) 2023-06-18T01:00:25Z **Oh hi lol**
Oh hi lol

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnkzZDNRNFhzQUFQU0FOLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1670234980776132608#m) 2023-06-18T17:47:29Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnk3RVhJVVdZQUFETlBHLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1670488416423641101#m) 2023-06-18T22:30:50Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the A Shortfall of Gravitas droneship**
Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the A Shortfall of Gravitas droneship

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjcwNTU5NjMyOTU0MzYzOTA0L2ltZy9ZSXUtYU9WUmRDVUpHRU5wLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1670559722599239680#m) 2023-06-18T22:22:04Z **RT by @elonmusk: Liftoff!**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjcwNTU3NDI0Njc0Mjg3NjE2L2ltZy9kZllNWUx2QXRlSk5NNkpvLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1670557519138426880#m) 2023-06-18T22:02:04Z **RT by @elonmusk: “Highlights Tab” is now live on Twitter. You can now showcase your favorite tweets on your profile. **
“Highlights Tab” is now live on Twitter. You can now showcase your favorite tweets on your profile. 

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjcwNTUyNDA0NzgwMDk3NTM3L2ltZy9ZRV9jNmhKaWFIY082UVZWLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/cb_doge/status/1670552486602735618#m) 2023-06-21T03:31:39Z **Great conversation with @NarendraModi**
Great conversation with [@NarendraModi](https://nitter.it/narendramodi "Narendra Modi")

[nitter.it/narendramodi/status/1671342741857632256#m](https://nitter.it/narendramodi/status/1671342741857632256#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1671360205056098304#m) 2023-06-21T15:00:24Z **Optimus will come in many forms**
Optimus will come in many forms

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnpKNjRvWVhnQU1hcmI4LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1671533531351195649#m) 2023-06-21T18:44:32Z **RT by @elonmusk: These video foundation models will serve as the brain of both the car & Optimus robot 🚘🧠🤖

Join the Tesla AI team to build the future of robotics!

→ http://tesla.com/AI**
These video foundation models will serve as the brain of both the car & Optimus robot 🚘🧠🤖

Join the Tesla AI team to build the future of robotics!

→ [tesla.com/AI](http://tesla.com/AI)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTY2ODkyODExMjM5NzExMTI5Ny9CR1JwdGZjaj9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla_AI/status/1671589939950100495#m) 2023-06-21T18:44:17Z **RT by @elonmusk: And will be trained on enormous amounts of compute**
And will be trained on enormous amounts of compute

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnpLdUZ4eFhvQUVKb1NJLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla_AI/status/1671589874686730270#m) 2023-06-21T18:31:02Z **RT by @elonmusk: Tesla is building the foundation models for autonomous robots**
Tesla is building the foundation models for autonomous robots

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjcxNTg2NDYyODA5MTY5OTM3L2ltZy9FSGZIWFBfUFI5bDA4YWFxLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla_AI/status/1671586539233501184#m) 2023-06-22T07:19:54Z **RT by @elonmusk: Liftoff!**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjcxNzc5OTU2MjYxNzkzNzkzL2ltZy81YUF2dFJVWFBRVjl0Zmt2LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1671780034045157378#m) 2023-06-22T17:18:09Z **RT by @elonmusk: 50 schools across Rwanda are now connected with Starlink’s high-speed internet ❤️🛰️🇷🇼 

h/t @RwandaGov and @InstituteGC →**
50 schools across Rwanda are now connected with Starlink’s high-speed internet ❤️🛰️🇷🇼

h/t [@RwandaGov](https://nitter.it/RwandaGov "Government of Rwanda") and [@InstituteGC](https://nitter.it/InstituteGC "Tony Blair Institute for Global Change") →


![](https://ni ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1671930585475055618#m) 2023-06-23T00:35:57Z **RT by @elonmusk: After ice severed a fiber optic cable in the Arctic Ocean, cutting internet & cell service across Northern Alaska, the Starlink team has been coordinating with the State of Alaska, various local governments & Native communities to help provide connectivity where it’s needed most**
After ice severed a fiber optic cable in the Arctic Ocean, cutting internet & cell service across Northern Alaska, the Starlink team has been coordinating with the State of Alaska, various local governments & Native comm ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1672040763365150721#m) 2023-06-24T01:49:18Z **RT by @elonmusk: Come one, come all. Am talking commercial space tomorrow with @elonmusk https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1OyJAVEdkMaxb**
Come one, come all. Am talking commercial space tomorrow with [@elonmusk](https://nitter.it/elonmusk "Elon Musk") [nitter.it/i/spaces/1OyJAVE…](https://nitter.it/i/spaces/1OyJAVEdkMaxb) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/ashleevance/status/1672421607745421313#m) 2023-06-24T10:10:00Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnpZVkxvR1hvQUV1WEdTLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1672547614691147777#m) 2023-06-24T12:29:00Z **Don’t even trust nobody**
Don’t even trust nobody

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnpZMF9TdmFJQUFiOVhyLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1672582593638957056#m) 2023-06-24T12:34:57Z **Best coverage of the situation I’ve seen so far is from Mario**
Best coverage of the situation I’ve seen so far is from Mario

[nitter.it/MarioNawfal/status/1672581931739881473#m](https://nitter.it/MarioNawfal/status/1672581931739881473#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1672584092217671683#m) 2023-06-24T14:06:56Z **Spaces about (mostly) space in an hour**
Spaces about (mostly) space in an hour

[nitter.it/ashleevance/status/1672421607745421313#m](https://nitter.it/ashleevance/status/1672421607745421313#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1672607239608172544#m) 2023-06-24T14:22:03Z **The most entertaining outcome (as if we were in a movie) is the most likely**
The most entertaining outcome (as if we were in a movie) is the most likely ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1672611045196587009#m) 2023-06-24T16:25:51Z **Interesting Spaces about Wagner revolt
Interesting Spaces about Wagner revolt

[nitter.it/i/spaces/1vAGRAw…](https://nitter.it/i/spaces/1vAGRAwNvzXKl) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1672642200893521920#m) 2023-06-25T02:19:46Z **R to @elonmusk:**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnpiekl1dFd3QUFBMjNYLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1672791664564240384#m) 2023-06-25T02:34:57Z **Here we go again**
Here we go again

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnpiMm5VQldjQUExVnBDLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1672795483712913410#m) 2023-06-25T23:26:38Z **Just swipe up to see the next video**
Just swipe up to see the next video ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1673110480276303872#m) 2023-06-26T18:52:43Z **R to @elonmusk: Of course, not all products & services are glamorous, but still there is a true value proposition for anything useful/enjoyable**
Of course, not all products & services are glamorous, but still there is a true value proposition for anything useful/enjoyable ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1673403935690727445#m) 2023-06-26T18:48:51Z **“Ads” like this where you learn or are entertained are great, as they’re effectively content.

Consider Vogue Magazine, which consists mostly of “advertisements”, but they’re so beautiful that they’re worth seeing in & of themselves.**
“Ads” like this where you learn or are entertained are great, as they’re effectively content.

Consider Vogue Magazine, which consists mostly of “advertisements”, but they’re so beautiful that they’re worth seeing in & of themselves.

[nitter.it/Dior/status/1672704161589211139#m](ht ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1673402963757244420#m) 2023-06-26T20:28:55Z **Fanaticism is always a function of repressed doubt – Dune**
Fanaticism is always a function of repressed doubt – Dune ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1673428147650326528#m) 2023-06-27T05:32:23Z **Key milestone completed for flight 2**
Key milestone completed for flight 2

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1673509777819967488#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1673509777819967488#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1673564912948326400#m) 2023-06-27T07:00:29Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnpuR2xLcVh3QUUzOHJaLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1673587083267518465#m) 2023-06-27T15:29:52Z **RT by @elonmusk: Welcome Volvo owners to Superchargers across North America⚡️ 

Details about the North American Charging Standard (NACS) → 
Welcome Volvo owners to Superchargers across North America⚡️

Details about the North American Charging Standard (NACS) →


![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTY3MjI2ODI5OTAwNDk0NDM4Ni9lN1lmYkJaMD ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/TeslaCharging/status/1673715275521310720#m) 2023-06-27T23:14:26Z **Prelude to Mars**
Prelude to Mars

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1673808523497721856#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1673808523497721856#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1673832186796179456#m) 2023-06-27T23:12:47Z **Watch the entire first episode on this platform. Great move by Apple!

Note, you can Airplay from your iPhone to TV to watch on a big screen.**
Watch the entire first episode on this platform. Great move by Apple!

Note, you can Airplay from your iPhone to TV to watch on a big screen.

[nitter.it/AppleTV/status/1673730750095712256#m](https://nitter.it/AppleTV/status/1673730750095712256#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1673831774038949888#m) 2023-06-28T00:33:25Z **R to @elonmusk:**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnpxM2xJR2FnQUEyTVYtLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1673852066572406784#m) 2023-06-28T08:49:05Z **42+10**
42+10 ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1673976802103148544#m) 2023-06-28T17:04:07Z **Thank you for the kind words**
Thank you for the kind words ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1674101384390782976#m) 2023-06-29T01:19:59Z **Improved longform posts**
Improved longform posts

[nitter.it/TwitterWrite/status/1674221120495685635#m](https://nitter.it/TwitterWrite/status/1674221120495685635#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1674226170488057856#m) 2023-06-29T15:38:32Z **RT by @elonmusk: Camp Mode maintains cabin temperature, airflow & interior lighting while you sleep 🏕️**
Camp Mode maintains cabin temperature, airflow & interior lighting while you sleep 🏕️


![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRnp6UVZZZldjQVFSOFZKLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1674442231887933440#m) 2023-06-30T00:14:31Z **RT by @elonmusk: Starlink in the Yukon 🛰️🇨🇦**
Starlink in the Yukon 🛰️🇨🇦

[nitter.it/YukonStrong/status/1674559381499965441#m](https://nitter.it/YukonStrong/status/1674559381499965441#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1674572083647619076#m) 2023-06-30T04:25:08Z **Some chance fight happens in Colosseum**
Some chance fight happens in Colosseum ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1674635153061330946#m) 2023-06-30T07:17:19Z **Astra inclinant, sed non obligant**
Astra inclinant, sed non obligant ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1674678484780580864#m) 2023-07-13T19:23:50Z **RT by @elonmusk: Surprise! Today we launched our Creator Ads Revenue Sharing program.

We’re expanding our creator monetization offering to include ads revenue sharing for creators. This means that creators can get a share in ad revenue, starting in the replies to their posts. This is part of our effort to help people earn a living directly on Twitter.

We're rolling out the program more broadly later this month and all eligible creators will be able to apply.

Go get yourself something nice!

More information here ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Twitter/status/1679572360695824384#m) 2023-07-12T21:54:46Z **RT by @elonmusk: Targeting Friday, July 14 for Falcon 9’s launch of 54 @Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from SLC-40 in Florida → https://twitter.com/i/events/1671610834718453764**
Targeting Friday, July 14 for Falcon 9’s launch of 54 [@Starlink](https://nitter.it/Starlink "Starlink") satellites to low-Earth orbit from SLC-40 in Florida → [nitter.it/i/events/1671610…](https://nitter.it/i/events/1671610834718453764)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/c2VtYW50aWNfY29yZV9pbWcvMTY3MTYxMTI3MDY4Njk5NDQzNy9Oa1B3bjFiRj9mb ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1679247957974192130#m) 2023-07-13T18:07:27Z **RT by @elonmusk: Starlink is now available in Cyprus 🛰️🇨🇾 → http://starlink.com/map**
Starlink is now available in Cyprus 🛰️🇨🇾 → [starlink.com/map](http://starlink.com/map) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1679553136661532673#m) 2023-07-13T17:42:58Z **Life, the Universe and Everything**
Life, the Universe and Everything

[nitter.it/xai/status/1679527914394763264#m](https://nitter.it/xai/status/1679527914394763264#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1679546977565184002#m) 2023-07-13T16:44:15Z **Extremely concerning**
Extremely concerning

[nitter.it/Jim\_Jordan/status/1679530075937464331#m](https://nitter.it/Jim_Jordan/status/1679530075937464331#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1679532202433056768#m) 2023-07-13T16:34:46Z **RT by @elonmusk: Starting as soon as July 14th, we’re adding a new messages setting that should help reduce the number of spam messages in DMs. With the new setting enabled, messages from users who you follow will arrive in your primary inbox, and messages from verified users who you don’t follow will be sent to your message request inbox. Users who previously had their permissions set to allow message requests from everyone will be migrated to this new setting, but can switch back at any time. For more info ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/TwitterSupport/status/1679529814212894723#m) 2023-07-12T23:02:13Z **RT by @elonmusk: If your Tesla has >20% charge, Cabin Overheat Protection automatically ensures safety of your loved ones**
If your Tesla has >20% charge, Cabin Overheat Protection automatically ensures safety of your loved ones

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjAzeWpmSldJQVVyeHROLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1679264932267798533#m) 2023-07-12T22:28:36Z **RT by @elonmusk: twitter.com/i/spaces/1LyxBqq…**
[nitter.it/i/spaces/1LyxBqq…](https://nitter.it/i/spaces/1LyxBqqpkPpJN) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Twitter/status/1679256473191297026#m) 2023-07-12T17:17:47Z **RT by @elonmusk: What are the most fundamental unanswered questions?**
What are the most fundamental unanswered questions? ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/xai/status/1679178250017456128#m) 2023-07-12T16:23:47Z **Announcing formation of @xAI to understand reality**
Announcing formation of [@xAI](https://nitter.it/xai "xAI") to understand reality ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1679164661869182976#m) 2023-07-14T03:57:07Z **“There is a time to laugh and a time not to laugh, and this is not one of them.”**
“There is a time to laugh and a time not to laugh, and this is not one of them.” ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1679701532072382467#m) 2023-07-14T04:04:37Z **RT by @elonmusk: Model Y RWD now available in South Korea🇰🇷**
Model Y RWD now available in South Korea🇰🇷

[nitter.it/OfficialTeslakr/status/1679649465039462400#m](https://nitter.it/OfficialTeslakr/status/1679649465039462400#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla_Asia/status/1679703421354659840#m) 2023-07-14T05:30:14Z **Testing**
Testing ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1679724967628509184#m) 2023-07-14T05:29:15Z **Spaces discussion with @xAI team tomorrow at 1pm PT**
Spaces discussion with [@xAI](https://nitter.it/xai "xAI") team tomorrow at 1pm PT ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1679724717815767040#m) 2023-07-14T14:46:08Z **Looks like this platform may see all time high device user seconds usage this week**
Looks like this platform may see all time high device user seconds usage this week ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1679864864695816192#m) 2023-07-14T16:11:49Z **RT by @elonmusk: Democrats who are upset that Twitter has gone too “far right” should come to Twitter and tweet to help rebalance the discussion.**
Democrats who are upset that Twitter has gone too “far right” should come to Twitter and tweet to help rebalance the discussion. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/WholeMarsBlog/status/1679886424726962177#m) 2023-07-14T20:10:48Z **xAI discussion on Spaces now**
xAI discussion on Spaces now ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1679946570593374211#m) 2023-07-14T20:08:36Z **xAI Discussion https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1vAGRAAmdoqKl**
xAI Discussion [nitter.it/i/spaces/1vAGRAA…](https://nitter.it/i/spaces/1vAGRAAmdoqKl) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1679946016806834176#m) 2023-07-14T20:32:17Z **.@xAI**
. [@xAI](https://nitter.it/xai "xAI") ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1679951975868436486#m) 2023-07-14T23:12:23Z **Platform usage up 3.5% week over week**
Platform usage up 3.5% week over week

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjFDSUQ1ZmFRQU11U3QtLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1679992267111809024#m) 2023-07-15T09:02:46Z **Congrats Tesla Team!**
Congrats Tesla Team!

[nitter.it/Tesla/status/1680121747910148099#m](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1680121747910148099#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1680140839107051520#m) 2023-07-15T18:54:23Z **Excellent analysis**
Excellent analysis

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjFHV21YRWFVQUFJWmhOLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1680289725494730752#m) 2023-07-16T01:37:14Z **23 cents/day via web signup at https://T.co/blue**
23 cents/day via web signup at [T.co/blue](https://T.co/blue)

[nitter.it/cb\_doge/status/1680381066933334016#m](https://nitter.it/cb_doge/status/1680381066933334016#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1680391106037534721#m) 2023-07-16T03:44:08Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjFJUDJaOVdZQUEtQVIwLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1680423042873278465#m) 2023-07-16T03:59:24Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the A Shortfall of Gravitas droneship**
Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the A Shortfall of Gravitas droneship

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjgwNDI2NzI1ODM3MDA0ODAwL2ltZy80TW1hUGIybURwWUFnbEpZLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1680426882473377792#m) 2023-07-16T05:02:09Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9 launches 54 @Starlink satellites from SLC-40 in Florida**
Falcon 9 launches 54 [@Starlink](https://nitter.it/Starlink "Starlink") satellites from SLC-40 in Florida

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjFJaHJMZmFjQUFRV3huLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjFJaHJOU2FZQUVoUExrLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1680442676305629186#m) 2023-07-16T21:36:25Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjFNRlJ2SFdBQUVTb1hCLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1680692891142746113#m) 2023-07-17T06:05:33Z **affective autism > effective altruism?**
affective autism > effective altruism? ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1680821019152379904#m) 2023-07-17T08:52:42Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjFPZ0VSUFdBQUVPLTRrLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1680863084359954433#m) 2023-07-17T10:45:29Z **Whatever sins this platform may have, being boring is not one of them**
Whatever sins this platform may have, being boring is not one of them ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1680891465172484096#m) 2023-07-17T14:33:05Z **Red wine test**
Red wine test

[nitter.it/Tesla/status/1680939157315637248#m](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1680939157315637248#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1680948743359586306#m) 2023-07-18T00:18:02Z **Turn audio on for max satisfaction**
Turn audio on for max satisfaction

[nitter.it/Tesla/status/1681056229194334209#m](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1681056229194334209#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1681095950561861634#m) 2023-07-18T01:27:56Z **Team is improving Communities fast**
Team is improving Communities fast

[nitter.it/enriquebrgn/status/1681097472968658944#m](https://nitter.it/enriquebrgn/status/1681097472968658944#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1681113542848544773#m) 2023-07-18T02:37:43Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjFTVDA4SldjQUFoRFN3LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1681131102344183808#m) 2023-07-18T13:02:47Z **Starlink for sale in Kenya!

Note, buying a Starlink with global roaming allows you to travel almost anywhere.**
Starlink for sale in Kenya!

Note, buying a Starlink with global roaming allows you to travel almost anywhere.

[nitter.it/Starlink/status/1681287681341542400#m](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1681287681341542400#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1681288404716204032#m) 2023-07-18T14:13:54Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjFVektzWmFrQUFKSmNHLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1681306302394568704#m) 2023-07-18T17:04:35Z **Again, could not recommend this book more. Audio version is great. https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAudiobook?id=1641134711**
Again, could not recommend this book more. Audio version is great. [itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/…](https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAudiobook?id=1641134711)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTY4MTM0OTA5ODc0ODc1NTk3MC9aWFNUS1NaQT9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9ODAweDQxOQ==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1681349258115530758#m) 2023-07-19T21:08:32Z **RT @Tesla: Q2 Shareholder Update → http://ir.tesla.com



In Q2, we produced a record number of vehicles, thanks to ongoin…**
RT [@Tesla](https://nitter.it/Tesla "Tesla"): Q2 Shareholder Update → [ir.tesla.com](http://ir.tesla.com)



In Q2, we produced a record number of vehicles, thanks to ongoin… ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1681773036897181696#m) 2023-07-19T17:18:03Z **Found this old photo where I’m trying to get my body weight under 225 lbs**
Found this old photo where I’m trying to get my body weight under 225 lbs

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjFhbTU5NVdBQUVndEVILmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1681715032579506193#m) 2023-07-19T15:41:32Z **RT by @elonmusk: Nearly 300 cruise ships are now set to use Starlink to keep their passengers and crews connected with high-speed internet while on rivers and at sea 🛰️🛳️**
Nearly 300 cruise ships are now set to use Starlink to keep their passengers and crews connected with high-speed internet while on rivers and at sea 🛰️🛳️

[nitter.it/DimaZeniuk/status/1681341174550757377#m](https://nitter.it/DimaZeniuk/status/1681341174550757377#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1681690744313241600#m) 2023-07-19T15:45:05Z **Doges ftw**
Doges ftw

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjFhUm9uRVhvQUE4VG5xLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1681691639922806784#m) 2023-07-19T15:16:44Z **RT by @elonmusk: Tesla Q2 earnings call streaming live on Twitter at 4:30pm CT**
Tesla Q2 earnings call streaming live on Twitter at 4:30pm CT ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1681684503566090240#m) 2023-07-19T15:17:29Z **RT by @elonmusk: Q2 2023 Earnings Call https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1DXxyvvagknKM**
Q2 2023 Earnings Call [nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1DX…](https://nitter.it/i/broadcasts/1DXxyvvagknKM) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1681684690980290560#m) 2023-07-19T12:43:57Z **RT by @elonmusk: To our partners, we want to address a recent Bloomberg article which claims that harmful content viewed on Twitter has gone up over the past six months. This is an absolutely false assertion. 99.99% of Tweet impressions are healthy. Which means only a tiny amount of content requires enforcement. But we’ll keep doing whatever we can to make this platform as safe and healthy as possible.

Bloomberg created this article using outdated research that contains incorrect or misleading metrics. The ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/TwitterBusiness/status/1681646056038187008#m) 2023-07-19T00:31:36Z **Great work by the X/Twitter team**
Great work by the X/Twitter team

[nitter.it/TwitterSafety/status/1681400087790927876#m](https://nitter.it/TwitterSafety/status/1681400087790927876#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1681461754071601153#m) 2023-07-18T19:50:51Z **Starlink available in the Philippines!**
Starlink available in the Philippines!

[nitter.it/Starlink/status/1681365863637843968#m](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1681365863637843968#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1681391100106244098#m) 2023-07-20T14:49:37Z **RT by @elonmusk: More photos from last night's Falcon 9 launch of 15 @Starlink satellites to orbit**
More photos from last night's Falcon 9 launch of 15 [@Starlink](https://nitter.it/Starlink "Starlink") satellites to orbit

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjFmTnl4M2FrQU0xbFk0LmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjFmTnpMUmFjQUlXYjZBLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjFmT0RWZGFZQWM4ZVo2LmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjFmT0QtZ2FnQUk4aTNaLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1682040066359836678#m) 2023-07-20T13:28:05Z **RT by @elonmusk: 🇺🇸📍🗺️**

[nitter.it/Hollowman7717/status/1678844201218498560#m](https://nitter.it/Hollowman7717/status/1678844201218498560#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/tesla_na/status/1682019550714273793#m) 2023-07-20T13:25:08Z **Good podcast**
Good podcast

[nitter.it/theallinpod/status/1680967544339922944#m](https://nitter.it/theallinpod/status/1680967544339922944#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1682018807932506113#m) 2023-07-20T07:23:40Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9 launches 15 @Starlink satellites from SLC-4E in California**
Falcon 9 launches 15 [@Starlink](https://nitter.it/Starlink "Starlink") satellites from SLC-4E in California

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjFkbjRpeGFVQUFHZUhsLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjFkbjUweWFFQUU3MmJrLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjFkbjY3Y2FJQUFDRHpxLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1681927842169487360#m) 2023-07-20T04:20:55Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the Of Course I Still Love You droneship**
Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the Of Course I Still Love You droneship

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjgxODgxNzIxNjE1MzE5MDQwL2ltZy80aFQ3TEpaRWhJTVNRbjVPLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1681881847729635328#m) 2023-07-20T04:10:40Z **RT by @elonmusk: Liftoff!**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjgxODc5MTYzNDM3OTg5ODg4L2ltZy9JYkRMMVpraWFsc2plZlZrLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1681879269914603521#m) 2023-07-19T22:53:00Z **RT by @elonmusk: Instagram Vs. Twitter**
Instagram Vs. Twitter

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjFiemswUWFRQUFOX1VqLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjFiemswTmFBQUllRUsxLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Nate_Esparza/status/1681799327214358529#m) 2023-08-14T19:07:47Z **R to @elonmusk: (Zuck thread coming soon about how he would of course love to fight anytime, but blah blah UFC something something)**
(Zuck thread coming soon about how he would of course love to fight anytime, but blah blah UFC something something) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1691164732760428546#m) 2023-08-14T18:35:01Z **For the Tesla FSD test drive in Palo Alto tonight, I will ask the car to drive to @finkd’s house.

Will also test latest X livestream video, so you can monitor our adventure in real-time!

If we get lucky and Zuck my 👅 actually answers the door, the fight is on!**
For the Tesla FSD test drive in Palo Alto tonight, I will ask the car to drive to [@finkd](https://nitter.it/finkd "Mark Zuckerberg")’s house.

Will also test latest X livestream video, so you can monitor our adventure in real-time!

If we get lucky and ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1691156487094308869#m) 2023-08-14T17:11:34Z **R to @elonmusk: Thought you might want some tea, so I brought the bags**
Thought you might want some tea, so I brought the bags ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1691135486340063232#m) 2023-08-14T17:10:00Z **Knock, knock … challenge accepted … open the door @finkd**
Knock, knock … challenge accepted … open the door [@finkd](https://nitter.it/finkd "Mark Zuckerberg") ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1691135091689611264#m) 2023-08-14T00:55:37Z **The die is cast**
The die is cast

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjNjX1l0YVh3QUVBS1dFLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1690889882174971904#m) 2023-08-13T22:34:11Z **RT by @elonmusk: Starlink delivers high-speed, low-latency internet access within minutes, and packs up quickly when it's time to move to your next destination 🛰️🚙 http://starlink.com/roam**
Starlink delivers high-speed, low-latency internet access within minutes, and packs up quickly when it's time to move to your next destination 🛰️🚙 [starlink.com/roam](http://starlink.com/roam)


![](https://nitt ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1690854287101083648#m) 2023-08-13T15:15:49Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjNhNnJod1hnQUFQMTEtLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1690743970450620416#m) 2023-08-12T17:49:06Z **RT by @elonmusk: Simply use your voice to control car settings, navigation, climate, media & more**
Simply use your voice to control car settings, navigation, climate, media & more

[nitter.it/ScottPolhamus/status/1687938777199603713#m](https://nitter.it/ScottPolhamus/status/1687938777199603713#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1690420154709274624#m) 2023-08-12T00:53:53Z **Practicing martial arts with my sparring partner**
Practicing martial arts with my sparring partner

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjNTcnp6b1hjQUF4TlZLLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1690164670441586688#m) 2023-08-11T23:01:13Z **R to @elonmusk: And pediatric hospitals in Italy**
And pediatric hospitals in Italy ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1690136316942413825#m) 2023-08-11T16:13:56Z **‘Who controls the memes, controls the universe’ – Frank “The Tank” Herbert**
‘Who controls the memes, controls the universe’ – Frank “The Tank” Herbert ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1690033819930255360#m) 2023-08-11T15:52:02Z **R to @elonmusk: Gaius Julius Caesar, March 15**
Gaius Julius Caesar, March 15 ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1690028306014343168#m) 2023-08-11T15:44:58Z **Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me videre?**
Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me videre? ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1690026529785356288#m) 2023-08-11T12:26:42Z **Dulce est desipere in loco**
Dulce est desipere in loco ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1689976635766808576#m) 2023-08-11T12:01:26Z **R to @elonmusk: And all proceeds go to veterans**
And all proceeds go to veterans ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1689970275268337664#m) 2023-08-11T11:52:51Z **R to @elonmusk: Everything done will pay respect to the past and present of Italy**
Everything done will pay respect to the past and present of Italy ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1689968116585857024#m) 2023-08-11T11:42:13Z **⚔️ Gladiator ⚔️**
⚔️ Gladiator ⚔️ ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1689965441068756993#m) 2023-08-11T11:35:17Z **The fight will be managed by my and Zuck’s foundations (not UFC).

Livestream will be on this platform and Meta. Everything in camera frame will be ancient Rome, so nothing modern at all.

I spoke to the PM of Italy and Minister of Culture. They have agreed on an epic location.**
The fight will be managed by my and Zuck’s foundations (not UFC).

Livestream will be on this platform and Meta. Everything in camera frame will be ancient Rome, so nothing modern at all.

I spoke to the PM of Italy and Minister of Cultur ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1689963696703848449#m) 2023-08-10T14:03:04Z **RT by @elonmusk: LinkedIn has reached peak cringe. Help us build something better @X.

DM me if you:

- Have experience building for iOS or Android
- Care about design and the little details that make a product great
- Want to work at a startup within @X**
LinkedIn has reached peak cringe. Help us build something better [@X](https://nitter.it/X "X").

DM me if you:

\- Have experience building for iOS or Android

\- Care about design and the little details that make a product great

\- Want to work at a startup withi ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/oshea/status/1689638499727888389#m) 2023-08-16T07:49:16Z **Immersive video on X is starting to get good. Just swipe up for next video.**
Immersive video on X is starting to get good. Just swipe up for next video. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1691718754948764033#m) 2023-08-16T06:54:31Z **RT by @elonmusk: A good reminder that @CommunityNotes code and data is open source, making it possible to do public analyses of its performance and attributes, like this one today from @VitalikButerin 👇**
A good reminder that [@CommunityNotes](https://nitter.it/CommunityNotes "Community Notes") code and data is open source, making it possible to do public analyses of its performance and attributes, like this one today from [@VitalikButerin](https://nitter.it/VitalikButerin "vitalik.eth") 👇

[nitter.it/VitalikButer ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/kcoleman/status/1691704978099105901#m) 2023-08-16T07:09:13Z **Great analysis of @CommunityNotes by @VitalikButerin**
Great analysis of [@CommunityNotes](https://nitter.it/CommunityNotes "Community Notes") by [@VitalikButerin](https://nitter.it/VitalikButerin "vitalik.eth")

[nitter.it/VitalikButerin/status/1691643403602407429#m](https://nitter.it/VitalikButerin/status/1691643403602407429#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1691708674463465559#m) 2023-08-16T01:22:20Z **RT by @elonmusk: Targeting back-to-back Falcon 9 launches of @Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from both Florida and California starting on Wednesday, August 16 → http://spacex.com/launches**
Targeting back-to-back Falcon 9 launches of [@Starlink](https://nitter.it/Starlink "Starlink") satellites to low-Earth orbit from both Florida and California starting on Wednesday, August 16 → [spacex.com/launches](http://spacex.com/launches)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjNuVzhTYWFzQUVYdmtrLmpwZw==)![](https:// ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1691621379555377220#m) 2023-08-16T06:01:36Z **I am whatever the opposite of an escape artist is**
I am whatever the opposite of an escape artist is ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1691691661640778019#m) 2023-08-15T02:14:11Z **RT by @elonmusk: Play any media from your vehicle’s external speaker via Tesla Boombox**
Play any media from your vehicle’s external speaker via Tesla Boombox

[nitter.it/mpgenchau/status/1655367261014851584#m](https://nitter.it/mpgenchau/status/1655367261014851584#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Tesla/status/1691272042061180928#m) 2023-08-15T20:04:22Z **Fight Recap:

I joked on X about fighting Zuck

Zuck then said “SEND ME LOCATION” 

Italy graciously offered a Colosseum

Zuck declined

I suggested his home as “safe space”

Tragically, he was ahem “traveling”

Is there anywhere he will fight?

Fight Recap:

I joked on X about fighting Zuck

Zuck then said “SEND ME LOCATION”

Italy graciously offered a Colosseum

Zuck declined

I suggeste ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1691541362079068162#m) 2023-08-21T07:06:22Z **Try it, you’ll like it!**
Try it, you’ll like it!

[nitter.it/teslaownersSV/status/1693502130206966069#m](https://nitter.it/teslaownersSV/status/1693502130206966069#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1693519898008248562#m) 2023-08-21T04:47:15Z **Yes**

[nitter.it/cb\_doge/status/1693483340135841924#m](https://nitter.it/cb_doge/status/1693483340135841924#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1693484886663811280#m) 2023-08-20T11:13:37Z **Pretty fun blocking people who complain that blocking is going away. 

How does the medicine taste? 😂😂**
Pretty fun blocking people who complain that blocking is going away.

How does the medicine taste? 😂😂 ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1693219734001500381#m) 2023-08-20T05:49:49Z **RT by @elonmusk: In severe weather, Powerwall will automatically activate Storm Watch mode & charge to maximum capacity to maximize protection from grid outages → https://www.tesla.com/support/energy/powerwall/mobile-app/storm-watch**
In severe weather, Powerwall will automatically activate Storm Watch mode & charge to maximum capacity to maximize protection from grid outages → [tesla.com/support/energy/pow…](https://www.tesla.com/support/energy/powerwall/mobile-app/storm-watch)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/teslaenergy/status/1693138247436919214#m) 2023-08-19T22:39:15Z **The sad truth is that there are no great “social networks” right now.

We may fail, as so many have predicted, but we will try our best to make there be at least one.**
The sad truth is that there are no great “social networks” right now.

We may fail, as so many have predicted, but we will try our best to make there be at least one. ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1693029888465252548#m) 2023-08-18T18:53:23Z **RT by @elonmusk: Vented interstage and heat shield installed atop Booster 9. Starship and Super Heavy are being upgraded to use a separation method called hot-staging, where Starship’s second stage engines will ignite to push the ship away from the booster**
Vented interstage and heat shield installed atop Booster 9. Starship and Super Heavy are being upgraded to use a separation method called hot-staging, where Starship’s second stage engines will ignite to push the ship away from the booster

![](https://nitter.it ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1692610662604702138#m) 2023-08-18T23:34:12Z **Although there are some bad things in the world, remember that there are many good things too**
Although there are some bad things in the world, remember that there are many good things too ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1692681332550217872#m) 2023-08-18T22:05:14Z **Interstage extension for hot gas venting added to enable Starship to turn on its engines while booster engines still firing!**
Interstage extension for hot gas venting added to enable Starship to turn on its engines while booster engines still firing!

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1692610662604702138#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1692610662604702138#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1692658941694501077#m) 2023-08-18T16:01:13Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjMwMUFfQ1hrQUE1OXMwLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1692567335129764107#m) 2023-08-18T14:56:07Z **Tokyo X**
Tokyo X

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjMwbUdvRlgwQUFzRm04LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1692550952681660694#m) 2023-08-18T12:05:01Z **twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1Yq…**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/Y2FyZF9pbWcvMTY5MzI2NDk3NjI2MDA3MTQyNC9KNFdHa0xvST9mb3JtYXQ9anBnJm5hbWU9NjAweDMxNA==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1692507892790837701#m) 2023-08-18T11:55:36Z **R to @elonmusk: Live-streaming in 5 mins**
Live-streaming in 5 mins ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1692505523977957817#m) 2023-08-18T10:38:11Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjN6ckUxSldjQUFseVFOLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1692486041989517670#m) 2023-08-18T08:20:51Z **R to @elonmusk: The full screen view should be default**
The full screen view should be default ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1692451480568213771#m) 2023-08-18T07:18:09Z **Video**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjkyNDI0OTA2ODA0NDU3NDcyL2ltZy9sZ2JuTHJZSEhDcmV2NFYyLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1692435700275404853#m) 2023-08-18T07:05:57Z **He states his beliefs clearly.**
He states his beliefs clearly.

[nitter.it/VivekGRamaswamy/status/1692267994490060817#m](https://nitter.it/VivekGRamaswamy/status/1692267994490060817#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1692432631382852066#m) 2023-08-18T07:03:19Z **We need to make this interface far more beautiful**
We need to make this interface far more beautiful ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1692431966849921527#m) 2023-08-18T06:49:03Z **Elden Ring is some of the most beautiful art ever created**
Elden Ring is some of the most beautiful art ever created ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1692428375250616399#m) 2023-08-18T05:49:47Z **The Fast & The Fanciful: Tōkyō Drīft 2023**
The Fast & The Fanciful: Tōkyō Drīft 2023 ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1692413461656219968#m) 2023-08-24T08:55:22Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjRTTkZwZGJjQUFveXI4LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1694634492403843248#m) 2023-08-23T22:40:35Z **RT by @elonmusk: Do you want to watch Tucker and Trump on your TV tonight?

It’s very simple if you have an iPhone or iPad. You can watch videos from X (formerly Twitter) by using AirPlay. 

1) Use the X (Twitter) app on your iPhone

2) Make sure you are on the same Wi-Fi network as your Smart TV…**
Do you want to watch Tucker and Trump on your TV tonight?

It’s very simple if you have an iPhone or iPad. You can watch videos from X (formerly Twitter) by using AirPlay.

1) Use the X (Twitter) app on your iPhone ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/justinbwells/status/1694479775929160159#m) 2023-08-23T20:00:37Z **Exactly. 

X will be filing legal action to stop this. Can’t wait for discovery to start!**

X will be filing legal action to stop this. Can’t wait for discovery to start!

[nitter.it/shellenberger/status/1694432275763769802#m](https://nitter.it/shellenberger/status/1694432275763769802#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1694439520517624064#m) 2023-08-23T19:50:12Z **Our advertising revenue share program also applies to organizations (news or otherwise) who wish to participate**
Our advertising revenue share program also applies to organizations (news or otherwise) who wish to participate ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1694436898524082461#m) 2023-08-23T19:42:10Z **Interesting**

[nitter.it/TuckerCarlson/status/1694424270821068805#m](https://nitter.it/TuckerCarlson/status/1694424270821068805#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1694434875623809338#m) 2023-08-23T17:38:45Z **Just drove the production candidate Cybertruck at Tesla Giga Texas!**
Just drove the production candidate Cybertruck at Tesla Giga Texas!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjRPN1I3d1d3QUFYWlpTLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1694403816920137880#m) 2023-08-23T15:56:21Z **RT by @elonmusk: Sunrise at the pad**
Sunrise at the pad

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjRPaXpWRmFBQUVMalpaLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1694378046776889593#m) 2023-08-23T04:19:15Z **RT by @elonmusk: NEWS: The icon for the Verified Orgs tab has changed to the 𝕏 logo, from the previous Blue checkmark logo.**
NEWS: The icon for the Verified Orgs tab has changed to the 𝕏 logo, from the previous Blue checkmark logo.

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjRNRVRQSmE4QUExemtyLnBuZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjRNRVRjU2JJQUF6VHNVLnBuZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/xDaily/status/1694202619869499553#m) 2023-08-23T07:55:17Z **Video**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjk0MjQ1NzM0NzU1ODE1NDI0L2ltZy9RUHJNSEViN1NHVjFlSXJGLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1694256985233846492#m) 2023-08-23T07:54:36Z **Easily worth the increased exposure, as verified orgs receive a boost in reach**
Easily worth the increased exposure, as verified orgs receive a boost in reach

[nitter.it/cb\_doge/status/1694254729306820911#m](https://nitter.it/cb_doge/status/1694254729306820911#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1694256813871345694#m) 2023-08-23T07:04:01Z **We’re being super careful with Notes to maximize accuracy. 

Everything is open source and criticism is always welcome.**
We’re being super careful with Notes to maximize accuracy.

Everything is open source and criticism is always welcome.

[nitter.it/CommunityNotes/status/1694140858210119852#m](https://nitter.it/CommunityNotes/status/1694140858210119852#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1694244081054965781#m) 2023-08-23T06:59:51Z **Next Starship launch soon**
Next Starship launch soon

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1694146497376555022#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1694146497376555022#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1694243034823573943#m) 2023-08-23T04:34:29Z **Facebook is manipulating the public almost everywhere on Earth. 

That is why they won’t open source their algorithm.**
Facebook is manipulating the public almost everywhere on Earth.

That is why they won’t open source their algorithm.

[nitter.it/shellenberger/status/1694165120531005632#m](https://nitter.it/shellenberger/status/1694165120531005632#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1694206451542040939#m) 2023-08-22T23:47:32Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjRMR0d5MlhFQUE2VjJELmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1694134236440101055#m) 2023-08-21T23:10:03Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9 and Dragon vertical at 39A in Florida. Targeting Friday, August 25 for launch of Crew-7 → http://spacex.com/launches**
Falcon 9 and Dragon vertical at 39A in Florida. Targeting Friday, August 25 for launch of Crew-7 → [spacex.com/launches](http://spacex.com/launches)

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/ZXh0X3R3X3ZpZGVvX3RodW1iLzE2OTM3NjE1NDE4MzYwNjI3MjAvcHUvaW1nLzFCMGhreks4WXJHYkhlQ3QuanBn) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1693762418730729547#m) 2023-08-22T12:05:45Z **True!**

[nitter.it/cb\_doge/status/1693957262312869947#m](https://nitter.it/cb_doge/status/1693957262312869947#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1693957627078648020#m) 2023-08-22T09:47:58Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the Of Course I Still Love You droneship**
Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the Of Course I Still Love You droneship

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjkzOTIyODAyMTM3NzQzMzYwL2ltZy92VDdfcXowV2l4ZldUdXp4LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1693922954000879680#m) 2023-08-22T09:38:59Z **RT by @elonmusk: Liftoff!**

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjkzOTIwNTUwOTM3MzUwMTQ0L2ltZy83N2M2bldBVk1PMW9FdlJJLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1693920692704776232#m) 2023-08-21T22:45:30Z **If you’re a journalist who wants more freedom to write and a higher income, then publish directly on this platform!**
If you’re a journalist who wants more freedom to write and a higher income, then publish directly on this platform! ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1693756240260698550#m) 2023-08-26T10:14:39Z **I recommend strongly recommend posting your podcast on X. It’s easy and will get incredible distribution!**
I recommend strongly recommend posting your podcast on X. It’s easy and will get incredible distribution!

[nitter.it/theallinpod/status/1695249887099543967#m](https://nitter.it/theallinpod/status/1695249887099543967#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1695379220996997620#m) 2023-08-26T03:38:12Z **RT by @elonmusk: Meet Crew-7, the astronauts on Dragon’s 11th human spaceflight mission**
Meet Crew-7, the astronauts on Dragon’s 11th human spaceflight mission

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjRiV1AxTGJBQUFaYXRBLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjRiV1F6WWFvQUFsVm1aLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjRiV1NDUmFBQUEyT2hSLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjRiV1RhYmFZQUFjeTBELmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1695279448722137396#m) 2023-08-26T10:08:58Z **The Crew-7 mission for @NASA is in orbit, on its way to @Space_Station!**
The Crew-7 mission for [@NASA](https://nitter.it/NASA "NASA") is in orbit, on its way to [@Space\_Station](https://nitter.it/Space_Station "International Space Station")!

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1695340746759688535#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1695340746759688535#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1695377791037096160#m) 2023-08-26T07:35:58Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9’s first stage booster has landed at Landing Zone 1**
Falcon 9’s first stage booster has landed at Landing Zone 1

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjk1MzM5MjIzNDQ3MTcxMDcyL2ltZy8wVlNfdHJfcHhPRUcxTEJBLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1695339286152073324#m) 2023-08-26T07:28:43Z **RT by @elonmusk: Liftoff of Crew-7!**
Liftoff of Crew-7!

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjk1MzM3Mzc3MDY0MTgxNzYxL2ltZy9aZmlHM1h1WlhybnhJWTg3LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1695337464024707506#m) 2023-08-26T06:46:15Z **RT by @elonmusk: Crew-7 is go for launch**
Crew-7 is go for launch

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/ZXh0X3R3X3ZpZGVvX3RodW1iLzE2OTUzMjM3NzQ2ODQ2ODgzODQvcHUvaW1nL3lfa1N1UkhPTkpMMTE4RjguanBn) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1695326774283096336#m) 2023-08-26T08:10:13Z **RT by @elonmusk: Four crew members aboard the @SpaceX Dragon Endurance spacecraft launched from @NASAKennedy at 3:27am ET today and will arrive at the station at 8:39am on Sunday to begin a six-month mission. More... https://go.nasa.gov/3Ec8iOH**
Four crew members aboard the [@SpaceX](https://nitter.it/SpaceX "SpaceX") Dragon Endurance spacecraft launched from [@NASAKennedy](https://nitter.it/NASAKennedy "NASA's Kennedy Space Center") at 3:27am ET today and will arrive at the station at 8:39am on Sunday to be ... ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/Space_Station/status/1695347904813142247#m) 2023-08-25T22:21:46Z **Video**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/ZXh0X3R3X3ZpZGVvX3RodW1iLzE2OTUxNTkxODIyNDc0NjQ5NjMvcHUvaW1nL3BodXUwR3FjSWJTQVhLOGsuanBn) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1695199819772358786#m) 2023-08-25T21:06:59Z **Image**
![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjRaLUlnZGFVQU1lVDY4LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1695180996696756559#m) 2023-08-25T18:03:12Z **Follow @X to learn about features & bug fixes.

Please comment about any upgrades you want or problems we need to address!**
Follow [@X](https://nitter.it/X "X") to learn about features & bug fixes.

Please comment about any upgrades you want or problems we need to address!

[nitter.it/X/status/1695114904775139671#m](https://nitter.it/X/status/1695114904775139671#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1695134748753137938#m) 2023-08-25T17:56:10Z **Successful Starship Super Heavy Booster static fire!**
Successful Starship Super Heavy Booster static fire!

[nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1695119566362513915#m](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1695119566362513915#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1695132978303865240#m) 2023-08-25T17:55:17Z **Upgrades**

[nitter.it/X/status/1695114904775139671#m](https://nitter.it/X/status/1695114904775139671#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1695132755426939056#m) 2023-08-24T19:19:57Z **RT by @elonmusk: Elon explains why he bought Twitter (now X).**
Elon explains why he bought Twitter (now X).

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/ZXh0X3R3X3ZpZGVvX3RodW1iLzE2OTQ3OTE2MjIwMzMwODg1MTIvcHUvaW1nLzVsdWVXcUhqYTJ1Q001X0IuanBn) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/ZubyMusic/status/1694791675921445249#m) 2023-08-25T10:00:49Z **The speed at which your message on this platform can reach a vast number of people is mind-blowing**
The speed at which your message on this platform can reach a vast number of people is mind-blowing ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1695013353230664068#m) 2023-08-25T02:46:01Z **Next-level**

[nitter.it/realDonaldTrump/status/1694886846050771321#m](https://nitter.it/realDonaldTrump/status/1694886846050771321#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1694903930981884041#m) 2023-08-26T17:13:33Z **R to @elonmusk: I just can’t … roflmao … the irony is too much 🤣🤣**
I just can’t … roflmao … the irony is too much 🤣🤣 ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1695484639958413648#m) 2023-08-26T17:12:26Z **DOJ needs to sue themselves!**
DOJ needs to sue themselves!

[nitter.it/ATabarrok/status/1695459110345687382#m](https://nitter.it/ATabarrok/status/1695459110345687382#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1695484357333631134#m) 2023-08-26T16:37:29Z **Starlink antennas use an internally developed, electronically steered phased array tight beam that is more advanced than the best military technology**
Starlink antennas use an internally developed, electronically steered phased array tight beam that is more advanced than the best military technology

[nitter.it/Starlink/status/1695459410855043239#m](https://nitter.it/Starlink/status/1695459410855043239#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1695475565510459643#m) 2023-08-27T18:00:41Z **Dragon docks with @Space_Station.

Strange to think that they’re both traveling at ~25 times speed of sound!**
Dragon docks with [@Space\_Station](https://nitter.it/Space_Station "International Space Station").

Strange to think that they’re both traveling at ~25 times speed of sound!

[nitter.it/Space\_Station/status/1695790507698581819#m](https://nitter.it/Space_Station/status/1695790507698581819#m) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1695858888405626888#m) 2023-08-27T12:06:03Z **RT by @elonmusk: Crew-7 on orbit**
Crew-7 on orbit

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjk1NzY5NTQwOTg5NDQ0MDk2L2ltZy93d2RLcVN2eGNNUlRxYWk2LmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1695769644727210273#m) 2023-08-27T01:15:48Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the Just Read the Instructions droneship**
Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the Just Read the Instructions droneship

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/YW1wbGlmeV92aWRlb190aHVtYi8xNjk1NjA1OTE0NDI5MjU5Nzc2L2ltZy9FTDBDT1g2cXp3MmJYRzVxLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1695606002283143573#m) 2023-08-27T02:22:06Z **RT by @elonmusk: Falcon 9 launches 22 @Starlink satellites from Florida**
Falcon 9 launches 22 [@Starlink](https://nitter.it/Starlink "Starlink") satellites from Florida

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjRnUGwxdWFzQUU1MGIwLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjRnUHNDdWFBQUFqNlAxLmpwZw==)![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjRnUHVQVmFRQUVrUk5kLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/SpaceX/status/1695622686079385708#m) 2023-08-28T20:31:50Z **Getting ready for next Starship flight**
Getting ready for next Starship flight

![](https://nitter.it/pic/enc/bWVkaWEvRjRwU3ZpVVhVQUFXR3dTLmpwZw==) ⌘ [Read more](https://nitter.it/elonmusk/status/1696259313990263014#m)