# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is an automated Yarn.social feed running feeds v0.1.0@72e53a9 # Learn more about Yarn.social at https://yarn.social # # nick = joelchrono12-xyz # url = https://feeds.twtxt.net/joelchrono12-xyz/twtxt.txt # type = rss # source = https://joelchrono12.xyz/feed.xml # avatar = # description = # updated_at = 2024-10-03T04:03:37Z # 2022-06-24T16:37:52Z **New logo and other changes**
I was really bored, so I made a new logo for my website, inspired, as always, by other people's blogs. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/new-logo-and-other-changes/) 2022-06-23T21:13:35Z **Change URLs without breaking old links in Jekyll**
Using Jekyll and static site generators comes with its own set of problems, one of them is changing URL formats without breaking the previously used links. Thankfully, the solution is fairly simple. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/change-urls-without-breaking-old-links/) 2022-06-20T16:00:51Z **A troublesome Raspberry Pi install**
I offered to help a friend who wanted to use a Raspberry Pi as a file server. But I got into a lot more trouble than I expected. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/troublesome-raspberrypi-setup/) 2022-06-17T01:53:51Z **Storing GPG keys on KWallet**
For some reason, KDE Plasma on Fedora does not store my GPG keys into KWallet, but it turns out that the fix is not as difficult as I thought ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/store-gpg-keys-kwallet/) 2022-06-15T13:17:42Z **New laptop, new distro, Windows again**
I got a laptop as a gift. So I had to get Linux installed on it once again. However, Windows had to make a return into my life, but at least its not just on a device of mine... ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/new-laptop-new-distro/) 2022-06-11T14:17:45Z **My browser history finally learned**
It took until a couple days ago for my browser suggestions to finally prefer my .xyz domain over my previous one. Finally! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/my-browser-history-finally-learned/) 2022-06-11T01:00:34Z **Sharing my blogs to the Fediverse automatically**
I always share my blogposts on Mastodon when I am done writing them, but it has always been a little annoying to do so. Not anymore. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/sharing-my-blogs-to-the-fediverse-automatically/) 2022-06-10T13:49:21Z **Graphical settings that break things**
Linux still has some work to do with the Desktop experience for the average user, trying to change some Region settings in my KDE desktop broke my whole workflow. But it really isn't hard to fix ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/graphical-settings-that-break-things/) 2022-06-07T23:29:25Z **Leaving Google Photos (part 1)**
Photo management and search is one of Google Photos' best features, but I don't like to have all my stuff in one basket. So I decided to look for a different way to backup my memories and protect them from outsiders. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/leaving-google-photos-1/) 2022-06-04T14:36:00Z **The smartphones I’ve owned so far**
I have been meaning to write about this for a while, talk about my history of using phones and messing around with them ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/the-smartphones-i've-owned-so-far/) 2022-06-04T02:22:00Z **On feeling like an Impostor**
This is a post that is way overdue, my personal experience with feeling like I am not good enough, self-doubt and the so-called Impostor Syndrome. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/on-feeling-like-an-impostor/) 2022-06-02T00:10:01Z **May 2022 Summary**
What I've done for the last month of May, year 2022, stuff happened ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/may-2022-summary/) 2022-05-30T00:50:12Z **Using Jekyll’s collections to share origami**
I created a new section on my website to share my origami posts, which have taken over my Mastodon account lately. I decided to have a section where I share pictures of them and tutorials (if available). ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/using-jekyll-collections-to-share-origami) 2022-05-08T23:35:26Z **Hide web elements with UBlock Origin**
Some websites have too much going on. And you might want to use extensions to simplify them, but you might just be able to do it using current ad-blocker ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/ublock-origin-cosmetic-filtering/) 2022-05-06T16:50:36Z **New Mastodon account, semester ends sooner**
I decided to help manage a new mastodon instance, and I also realized that school will end sooner than I expected. Its not as good as it sounds. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/new-masto-account-and-semester-ending/) 2022-05-05T14:58:51Z **FreshRSS Android Apps**
There are a few great RSS apps for Android, and there are even less RSS apps that support FreshRSS, but I still have hope. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/freshrss-android-apps/) 2022-05-01T22:30:39Z **April 2022 Summary**
Some good things happened this month, here are some of them. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/april-2022-summary/) 2022-04-21T21:40:00Z **Rethinking Self-hosting needs**
Having a Raspberry Pi has allowed me to host a lot of alternatives to popular cloud services myself, but I have been thinking about how much do I actually need to host the stuff I do. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/rethinking-self-hosting-needs/) 2022-04-20T07:30:08Z **Metroid Samus Returns**
A quick review on a pretty cool game, which reminded me of how much I like this franchise ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/metroid-samus-returns/) 2022-04-01T13:07:39Z **March 2022 Summary**
Another month has passed, and I only did one blogpost after my previous summary post, so, am I justified or did I waste a lot of time? Find out today! I guess... ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/march-2022-summary/) 2022-06-29T21:49:25Z **WebP conversion and code highlighting**
I had been careless about image formats on my website, but I decided to put some work and convert them all to WebP. Also, I got the Nord color scheme to work on my code! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/webp-conversion-and-code-highlighting/) 2022-06-30T15:53:30Z **Vim macros and Jekyll includes**
I've not talked about Vim in a while, but today it was quite handy while setting up WebP fallbacks to support old browsers using Jekyll's includes feature ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/vim-macros-and-jekyll-includes/) 2022-07-01T13:15:53Z **June 2022 Summary**
Media consumption and what I've been up to this month of June ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/june-2022-summary/) 2022-07-02T13:28:33Z **Back on Fosstodon**
I decided to return to my previous instance after a while. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/back-on-fosstodon/) 2022-07-05T20:59:50Z **FOSS Android apps I like**
We all know Newpipe and AntennaPod and Bromite, but sometimes, some apps don't get to shine as much, so I wanted to share a couple that I think deserve some love too ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/foss-android-apps-i-like/) 2022-07-06T23:39:28Z **Settling on a Custom Rom**
I think that I found the ideal custom ROM for me, at least until Android 13 comes out, and the process begins all over again ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/settling-on-a-custom-rom/) 2022-07-08T21:48:17Z **Putting a price to my work**
Graphic design quickly became a great hobby for me since I started contributing to Arcticons, and I have been able to contribute to other projects too, but it still feels wrong when I make money out of it ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/putting-a-price-to-my-work/) 2022-07-11T18:40:05Z **A normal day of social service**
What do I normally do when working for my school? Not much, to be honest ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/a-normal-day-of-social-service/) 2022-08-02T22:14:20Z **July 2022 Summary**
A little late this time, but still managed to write this up. A ton of media has been consumed this time around, Its vacations period after all! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/july-2022-summary/) 2022-08-03T19:50:23Z **Getting new earbuds (Sony WF-C500)**
I bought new earbuds. It was a purchase made out of pressure and excitement. I am actually quite happy with them after a few days of use. So here are my impressions. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/getting-new-earbuds/) 2022-08-10T17:23:50Z **Selfhosting failed me**
This was pretty much my fault, but let it be a tale about how not being cautious about backups could be terrible if you are careless like me ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/selfhosting-failed-me/) 2022-08-13T19:31:22Z **Yunohost to the rescue**
Reviving my Raspberry Pi led me to Yunohost, which was quite tedious, but it might end up easier than what I used before in the long run. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/yunohost-x-tailscale/) 2022-08-25T01:07:42Z **One semester to go**
I've been back to school for the last couple weeks, we had in-person classes from the start, and I feel old. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/one-semester-to-go/) 2022-08-26T14:25:58Z **Local music is what I need**
So, I was running Jellyfin, I tried Navidrome, but honestly, I probably don't need all of that at all, do you? ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/local-music-is-what-i-need/) 2022-08-28T13:26:07Z **My psp is back in shape**
My psp has been with me since 2012, and using it to this day has always been fun. Now its back in shape, a fixed analog stick, more storage and more cool things ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/my-psp-is-back-in-shape/) 2022-09-01T11:49:01Z **August 2022 Summary**
After going back to school, I did reduce my media consumption just a little bit. Here's how August went. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/august-2022-summary/) 2022-09-09T20:15:00Z **The Hobby Cycle**
There is a bit of a thing with me that has evolved as times goes on. I love learning new hobbies, but I also can't avoid rediscovering my love for old ones, but lately its been a little crazy and it looks like each day I am doing something different. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/the-hobby-cycle/) 2022-09-27T16:43:08Z **Starting a trend by accident**
I just shared a picture of my watch I had, from there Casio showed up, and now a small trend started on Fosstodon for some reason. It now out of my control but I am here for it... ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/starting-a-trend-by-accident/) 2022-10-01T12:30:55Z **September 2022 Summary**
Las mont was quite quiet, school has been quite rough, but here's an overview of what I did this month. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/september-2022-summary/) 2022-10-04T16:24:26Z **I am fine without a smartwatch**
Around a month ago I bought a Xiaomi Mi Band 7, but recently, I have used my older analog and digital watches more and more, and I've even bought some more, maybe they are enough for me?. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/i-am-fine-without-a-smartwatch/) 2022-10-18T18:37:42Z **My Every Day Carry because why not**
As a student I get quite interested in EDC videos and similar content quite often, but they often tend to have pretty expensive stuff. So I wanted to share what I carry with me in a more realistic and pragmatic manner. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/every-day-carry-because-why-not/) 2022-11-04T13:06:46Z **October 2022 Summary**
What I did this month, sorry for the delay! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/october-2022-summary/) 2022-11-14T20:49:44Z **The Fediverse and school stuff**
These last few weeks a lot of things have happened. The Fediverse is growing, I did a Science Fair project, the last days of school are ending and I have some free time to mess up my phone. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/fediverse-and-school/) 2022-11-25T00:36:43Z **Not doing a thing**
A poem after a long day of failing to do anything useful. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/not-doing-a-thing/) 2022-12-01T17:00:40Z **November 2022 Summary**
What I've done this month of November, as usual ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/november-2022-summary/) 2022-12-04T02:17:06Z **Using AI to do my homework**
So, OpenAI ChatGPT is a beast, it really is. This is the process I used to make my homework with it! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/using-ai-to-do-my-homework/) 2022-12-10T14:56:20Z **Getting good grades**
I tend to go with the flow and not worry much about things, and the same is true for university, however, this semester I set a goal to actually get high grades in every one of my subjects, and here is how it went for me. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/getting-good-grades/) 2022-12-21T02:49:17Z **When Windows is Enough**
No, I did not switch to Windows or anything, but I just went on a whole journey trying Linux on an old netbook and these are my thoughts ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/when-windows-is-enough/) 2022-12-22T22:17:49Z **Using my own domain for Mastodon without hosting a server (kinda)**
So I saw this way of making myself easier to look up and its quite cool I think ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/using-my-own-domain-for-mastodon-without-hosting-a-server-(kinda)/) 2023-01-02T00:58:26Z **December 2022 Summary**
I will also do an overview of the whole year, but for now this will have to suffice, I got some time, so it will be done tomorrow probably ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/december-2022-summary/) 2023-01-02T21:43:19Z **Looking back at 2022**
This year has, once again, been incredible. So just like last year, I share a bit of the highlights of 2022 for me. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/looking-back-at-2022/) 2023-01-03T22:31:39Z **Sorting tags in Jekyll**
Jekyll allows you to make tags, which are quite useful. I've been working on reducing the amount of tags and changing the way I display them in my blog. So here's what's up ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/tag-organization-in-jekyll/) 2023-01-04T23:49:52Z **My favorite color scheme**
For the longest time, Nord has been my favorite, but a few months ago I switched to something else. Tokyo Night is my new favorite! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/my-favorite-color-scheme/) 2023-01-05T14:08:43Z **A quick tag editor for my website**
Yeah, I keep adding new scripts to make my blogging life easier. In this case, to help me edit tags with less hassle. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/a-quick-tag-editor-for-my-website/) 2023-01-07T03:06:36Z **Trying out Vercel**
I switched my blog from Netlify to Vercel, at least for a while to try it out. I also added a reply via email for my RSS feed ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/trying-out-vercel/) 2023-01-07T13:45:36Z **The Circus**
The circus was in town, and I didn't have plans to go at all. Specially when I just woke up... ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/the-circus/) 2023-01-09T04:39:53Z **I somehow broke my blog (but I fixed it)**
I didn't do much today and I kinda had no ideas, so another post about tags yeeey ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/i-somehow-broke-my-blog-(but-i-fixed-it)/) 2023-01-10T01:09:06Z **Organizing my Email, reliving memories**
I've been doing a bit of cleanup with my email, and I also setup some tools to help in the future! But I also relived the past... such a deep summary am I right? ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/organizing-my-email-and-memories/) 2023-01-10T18:00:21Z **Packaging an update for Void Linux**
This is not a tutorial, I only share my experience and side quests that led me to commiting a package for Void Linux, the distro I use, with relative success ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/packaging-an-update-for-void-linux/) 2023-01-12T02:21:17Z **Cleaning my room, cleaning my phone**
Today was quite a tiring day, we are having friends visiting and I had to clean up my room for them to stay. Still, I also did some cleaning up of my phone's storage ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/cleaning-my-room-cleaning-my-phone/) 2023-01-12T13:45:45Z **The first blog I had**
This is not my first blog, but its not the only one I've had. Here I'll tell you a couple things about my secret past writing for web, as a kid... ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/the-first-blog-i-had/) 2023-01-13T14:48:38Z **Back to dwm**
After a while of being too lazy to try and configure dwm again. I finally decided to journey into setting up this window manager again. And its better than ever for me ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/back-to-dwm/) 2023-01-15T00:35:27Z **Dealing with going outside**
Friends came to visit, and we've spent all day together, and I just want a break ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/dealing-with-going-outside/) 2023-01-16T05:00:00Z **Backing up my smartphone data**
These are the things I usually do when I am about to switch my rom on Android ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/to-do-list-for-rom-backup/) 2023-01-16T19:15:00Z **Rofi is my favorite app launcher**
You probably already know by now, because I've mentioned almost as many times as to have a tag just for it. You should use Rofi! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/rofi-is-my-favorite-launcher/) 2023-01-18T03:22:21Z **Last semester to go**
Tomorrow I'll do the last semester of my career. There is only a couple courses left, and I need to get into an internship somewhere. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/last-semester-to-go/) 2023-01-19T05:45:54Z **Almost didn’t blog!**
I spent the day ricing my desktop and I also went to school, its all right! And my ricing rocks! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/almost-didn't-blog-/) 2023-01-20T03:47:04Z **Degoogled, again, on Android 13**
Unlike my previous rom, I decided to once again degoogle my device and its going a lot better than ever in my life. There's only a few bugs, but its all right! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/degoogled-again-android-13/) 2023-01-21T04:57:00Z **Teaming up with strangers**
The class I had today got really interesting after we were told to work in teams of three... ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/teaming-up-with-strangers/) 2023-01-22T04:06:37Z **My Favorite Podcasts of 2022**
I've listened to quite a lot of podcasts last year, so I decided to do some recommendations of my 5 favorite podcasts I listened in 2022 ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/my-favorite-podcasts-of-2022/) 2023-01-23T03:16:55Z **Struggling to consume content in Spanish**
I have not really listened to content in my native language for a while, other than movies and series I watch with my family or friends. I wonder why that is? ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/struggling-to-consume-content-in-spanish/) 2023-01-24T04:19:03Z **The reason I stopped reading**
Very clickbaity title, I am still going to read, I just took a weirdly long pause for no real reason other than procrastinating ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/the-reason-i-stopped-reading/) 2023-01-25T05:19:03Z **Writing from mobile**
I almost didn't post today and I had already turned off my computer, but there was a solution. Using my phone! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/writing-from-mobile/) 2023-01-26T05:39:44Z **Power user of the simple features**
I always like to know the tiniest details of apps I am using, and since time's almost up. A short blogpost about it will do ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/power-user-of-the-simple-features/) 2023-01-26T23:42:56Z **Testing new Mastodon clients**
There have been a ton of new clients for Mastodon popping up left and right. But I may have found my new client of choice ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/testing-new-mastodon-clients/) 2023-01-27T16:03:16Z **So many feeds to follow**
I love blogs, I love digital gardens. Since I started this journey I keep finding site after site and I recently added so many new ones to my feed, I decided to write about it. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/so-many-feeds-to-follow/) 2023-01-29T04:19:13Z **Using my calendar more often**
If I am completely honest, my calendar has never really been that filled up. I usually just store my school schedule and nothing else. But I decided to change that, at least a bit. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/using-my-calendar-more-often/) 2023-01-30T05:19:16Z **Feeling betrayed until I got over it**
So today I felt awful after being betrayed by my own family, but after a couple of hours everything is fine again. I just tend to overthink things a little much sometimes. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/feeling-betrayed-until-i-got-over-it/) 2023-01-30T21:50:00Z **Newsboat queries and FreshRSS web scraping**
I have talked about RSS a lot, my favorite client on my desktop is Newsboat, and queries are a feature I did not know existed until now, and I can not believe how I lived without them. Likewise, FreshRSS got a great feature a while ago, that allows me to scrape websites using XPath, and its awesome! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/newsboat-queries-and-freshrss-scraping/) 2023-01-31T20:00:00Z **FreshRSS and Nextcloud broke**
You gotta love when you decide you want to do something completely non-sensical. Its even better if you actually get away with it, mostly without any losses. Its not as funny when the software itself decides to do the non-sensical things though. Here's how I fixed it all. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/freshrss-and-nextcloud-broke/) 2023-02-01T15:51:56Z **January 2023 Summary**
You may not believe this, but I didn't actually spend all my time writing this blog. Here are the Podcasts, Movies and Media I consumed, as well as device usage statistics and the like, for the first month of 2023! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/january-2023-summary/) 2023-02-07T03:53:41Z **I missed my Anniversary**
I have been blogging for two years now, its kind of insane, but it's been a really nice experience ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/i-missed-my-anniversary/) 2023-02-08T00:47:04Z **Some updates to my site links**
I did some cleanup to my navigation bar and added some extra pages Kev Quirk style. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/some-updates-to-my-site-links/) 2023-02-08T20:15:28Z **Free time, Warhammer 40K and buttons**
I forgot that I didn't have a class today, so now I have 2 hours where I have nothing to do. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/free-time-warhammer-site-buttons/) 2023-02-10T03:34:02Z **Webrings and the Small Web**
I spent a good amount of time browsing from site to site thanks to webring and blogrolls from son personal sites I follow ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/webrings-and-the-small-web/) 2023-02-11T04:24:08Z **Website redesign in progress**
You may be able to appreciate that I am redesigning my website. My era of suckless and minimalist is over, and I will now embrace the bloat. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/website-redesign-in-progress/) 2023-02-16T03:52:57Z **Phone longevity, mistakes were made**
A few days ago I left my phone charging for the night, and something terrible happened that triggered me to do some things about it, but ultimately, time will tell. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/phone-longevity-mistakes-were-made/) 2023-02-17T05:17:00Z **Android Apps of the Future Past**
A trip down memory lane talking about some of those apps I loved using and testing out back when Android was growing and 16GB of storage was more than enough. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/android-apps-of-the-future-past/) 2023-02-25T00:00:00Z **I want more FOSS Android Widgets**
I like widgets, they're cool, and stuff like Rainloop and Conky exists, without forgetting all the cool KDE stuff. Why is it that Android does not have any cool FOSS widget makers, and why don't more apps come with more widgets bundled with them? ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/i-want-more-foss-android-widgets/) 2023-02-27T19:56:29Z **My Static Site Workflow (2023)**
How I managed to come up with a static site workflow, using Vim and bash scripts, a response ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/my-static-site-workflow/) 2023-03-02T19:28:29Z **February 2023 Summary**
What I did this month of February, one year after this series got started! Awesome stuff ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/february-2023-summary/) 2023-03-03T15:51:11Z **Jeanne D’Arc: a review**
A small review of a game I started around 4 years ago. I am glad its done! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/jeanne-d'arc-review/) 2023-03-28T05:42:00Z **The Monster Hunter online experience**
As always, new and old hobbies tend to return to me pretty randomly, but surely. This time, Monster Hunter got a hold of me once again. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/the-monster-hunter-online-experience/) 2023-04-02T02:31:39Z **March 2023 Summary**
I can't believe another month went by. Here's my media consumption this time around! March was a crazy month indeed. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/march-2023-summary/) 2023-05-01T17:05:45Z **April 2023 Summary**
I actually can't believe I went a whole month without posting. I am so sorry, I'll try to get back into it. For now, here's what I did during April of 2023 ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/april-2023-summary/) 2023-06-04T21:10:26Z **May 2023 Summary**
I did it again, I didn't blog as often as I could have, nevertheless, this is what I did with my time this month, mostly. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/may-2023-summary/) 2023-07-02T21:32:44Z **June 2023 Summary**
This is so sad, the year is already over halfway over and I still haven't posted as often as I would like, anyways, here's what I did this month ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/june-2023-summary/) 2023-07-03T11:30:00Z **Time flies when you don’t think**
When I started my internship, I didn't expect time to start moving faster, its such an odd thing, I want to start writing again to gain some sense of control back, before its too late. Time really flies when you don't write, or use your brain... ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/time-flies-when-you-dont-think/) 2023-07-04T03:30:00Z **I kind of want to try Instagram Threads**
There is a lot of mixed feelings on my part when it comes to Facebook, I have to say. Now that Threads are coming, I have to admit I am interested of what's to come for the Fediverse and social media ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/i-kind-of-want-to-try-instagram-threads/) 2023-07-05T03:50:59Z **What interested me today (#1?)**
Many personal sites I follow tend to share links, notes and stuff like that that caught their interest, and I decided to do the same today, maybe it will become a regular thing, so here we go! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/what-interested-me-today/) 2023-07-08T17:40:55Z **Looking for a new phone**
In Today's landscape new phones are mostly terrible, especially if you are into custom roms and customization, rooting and similar things. What options do I even have? ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/looking-for-a-new-phone/) 2023-08-02T01:57:45Z **July 2023 Summary**
Doing this once again, what did I do this month? Surprisingly a lot, when it comes to media, not much when it comes to productivity, but hey, we are on vacations! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/july-2023-summary/) 2023-08-27T22:56:59Z **What is on my PSP?**
The PSP is a great console, with a huge library of its own, but there are a lot of other things to enjoy on it, and I decided to write once again and talk about the homebrew, plugins and programs I got on mine. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/what-is-on-my-psp/) 2023-08-29T03:25:58Z **What interested me today 2**
Lately I've been surfing the web and got hooked by many things, so I decided to follow up this series and share what has caught my interest recently. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/what-interested-me-today-2/) 2023-09-02T11:46:14Z **August 2023 Summary**
Here is what I did during the month of August, once again, quite a lot of stuff! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/august-2023-summary/) 2023-09-06T00:50:34Z **Borrowing games from friends**
In the age of subscriptions and digital stores, physical media has lost traction, and I feel like it still has many advantages, like being able to play the games your friends own! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/borrowing-games-from-friends/) 2023-09-07T02:56:34Z **Losing data, making backups**
I deleted a bunch of data using the rm command, thankfully, a happy coincidence made my pain a lot more bearable ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/losing-data--making-backups/) 2023-09-11T03:20:47Z **Fully completing a game**
Metroid Dread is a game I'm playing ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/fully-completing-a-game/) 2023-09-15T03:56:38Z **Some Fediverse updates**
Many things have happened in the Fediverse world, especially within the bubble I inhabit! So here's a quick summary of what's up ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/some-fediverse-shenanigans/) 2023-09-16T12:26:47Z **Morning writing**
Just some ramble right after I woke up from bed. Social media, Mexican Independence Day, getting back into drawing and other things ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/morning-writing/) 2023-09-17T02:32:02Z **What’s on my Phone (Fall 2023)**
I decided to write about the stuff that I have running on my phone lately. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono12.xyz/blog/what-is-on-my-phone-fall-2023/) 2023-10-01T12:53:05Z **September 2023 Summary**
What I've done this month when it comes to media consumption and other things I want to talk about ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/september-2023-summary/) 2023-10-04T02:59:05Z **The Mote in God’s Eye**
A short review of the longest book I've read. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/the-mote-in-god's-eye/) 2023-10-06T03:50:50Z **The Way I Read Books**
How I like to read and the software I use to do so. From physical books to audiobooks. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/the-way-i-read-books/) 2023-10-07T03:41:33Z **Trying to organize audiobooks**
How do I get audiobooks, split them and organize them. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/trying-to-organize-audiobooks/) 2023-10-08T03:11:22Z **Nintendo Switch**
Since I got my Nintendo Switch, I have played a bunch of games and I have had a lot of fun, so I wanted to share my thoughts on it after a couple months of use. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/nintendo-switch/) 2023-10-08T12:23:39Z **Cultural outsider**
Since the pandemic, and a long time before that, I never quite fit with the mainstream culture of my country, from the way I look at pricing to the kind of videogames I play, so here are some thoughts about that. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/cultural-outsider/) 2023-10-09T21:00:00Z **This week so far…**
Just a bunch of random thoughts and things I did during the weekend, feel free to skip maybe. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/this-week-so-far/) 2023-10-10T16:30:00Z **Still using Gboard**
A brief history of the different keyboards I've tried on my phone, and how I ended up using GBoard despite it all. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/still-using-gboard/) 2023-10-10T18:30:00Z **Word filters are great**
Word filters are a pretty useful feature to have, both FreshRSS and your trustworthy Fediverse social media of choice. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/word-filters/) 2023-10-15T13:20:16Z **Ask Me Anything**
Running out of ideas for a blog, at least today, so just leave me your questions and I shall answer. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/ask-me-anything/) 2023-10-17T13:30:00Z **Just start blogging**
Even if you think you have nothing new to say, you can still blog about the old things. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/just-start-blogging/) 2023-10-18T22:30:00Z **AMA Responses 1**
Answers to the questions some of my readers had about me, why not? ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/ama-responses-1/) 2023-10-24T18:30:00Z **Lossy Memory**
Sometimes I forget I already blogged about something, but I tend to realize soon enough, but it'll happen one day right, should I be ok with that? ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/lossy-memory/) 2023-10-27T17:30:00Z **I (don’t) want to buy games (again)**
Getting games on my switch gives me a great way to play them everywhere however I want, but being unable to just put the games I already own on it is frustrating me a lot. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/i-want-to-buy-games/) 2023-11-05T03:00:00Z **October 2023 Summary**
The monthly stats of the content and media I consumed this month! Very quick and kinda late, I am so sorry. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/october-2023-summary/) 2023-11-08T02:40:00Z **On Subscriptions**
Just sharing the subscriptions I have, inspired by other bloggers doing the same ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/on-subscriptions/) 2023-11-08T02:51:41Z **My Default Apps (2023)**
Doing what's trendy and talking about the default apps on my phone and desktop ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/default-apps-2023/) 2023-11-12T05:20:00Z **New Phone Experience**
My first impressions after a week of using my newly acquired phone and finally setting up ArrowOS ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/new-phone-experience/) 2023-11-20T23:33:31Z **The calm before the unknown**
I know how the saying goes, but I don't really know whats coming next and I don't want to jinx it. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/the-calm-before-the-unknown/) 2023-11-28T02:47:53Z **As many posts as last year**
This is post 82 this year, which was the total amount of posts I did in 2022, so I think its rather especial, if a little trivial too. So let's catch up! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/as-many-posts-as-last-year/) 2023-12-02T03:49:50Z **November 2023 Summary**
What I did, watch, listened, read and whatever else, during the month of November. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/november-2023-summary/) 2023-12-05T02:45:39Z **Project Hail Mary**
My short review of Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir, the longest book I've read so far yet again. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/project-hail-mary/) 2023-12-08T06:00:00Z **A Friday without a lot of work**
I decided to write something while at work and this is what turned out of that experiment. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/friday-without-work/) 2023-12-12T01:30:29Z **My Favorite Podcasts of 2023**
AntennaPod added their own alternative to Spotify Wrapped and I decided to take the chance to talk about my favorite podcasts in 2023. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/my-favorite-podcasts-of-2023/) 2023-12-13T00:31:57Z **My Favorite Manga of 2023**
Continuing with this series of favorites of the Year, let's take a look at the manga I most enjoyed this time around! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/my-favorite-manga-of-2023/) 2023-12-13T06:00:00Z **My Favorite Books of 2023**
Let's now talk about the books that I read this year and what I thought about each of them! Both finished and on hold, of course. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/my-favorite-books-of-2023/) 2023-12-20T03:50:30Z **The Paradox of Choice**
During Christma season, giving gifts is a pretty common tradition and now that I have a job, its can get a lot harder when done with the wrong mindset ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/paradox-of-choice/) 2023-12-20T11:00:00Z **Good start, unsteady steps, final sprint**
Not a running blogpost. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/good-start-unsteady-step-final-sprint/) 2023-12-21T04:43:43Z **Please stop AI generated articles**
Its about time I rant before going to sleep so I'll do it and you can't stop me ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/ai-generated-blogposts-suck/) 2023-12-22T03:33:37Z **I like building stuff**
I built a chest of drawers yesterday and I think I realize I really like doing handy work of many kinds so I will just ramble about this for a minute ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/i-like-building-stuff/) 2023-12-23T00:32:44Z **Declutering my room**
The reason I haven't written a longer blogpost is because now that I took out a bunch of stuff out of my chest of drawers, I now have a mess of stuff to cleanup ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/declutering-my-room/) 2023-12-24T13:45:49Z **An overview of my watch collection**
I wrote this in a Discord server and I thought it was long enough to count as a blogpost, so here it is. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/watch-collection-overview/) 2023-12-26T13:01:28Z **Citizen Sleeper**
Futuristic cyberpunk dystopia. Do you want to make a living in the edge of the galaxy, surviving as an emulated consciousness in a decaying android body? Sign me up! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/citizen-sleeper/) 2023-12-27T23:03:22Z **Building my gaming backlog**
After getting a Switch and playing quite a bit of new games I decided to list out all the games I have in my backlog and keep track of them, because it's fun! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/building-my-gaming-backlog/) 2023-12-30T03:17:18Z **Couch gaming**
During this Winter season, I have had quite a bunch of fun playing on my Switch to multiple games and I just wanted to write a little bit about it. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/couch-gaming/) 2023-12-31T00:25:43Z **Short games and roguelikes**
As you can see, gaming is my current hobby right now and I've been exposing myself to a lot of content about it which just makes me want to write something. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/short-games-and-roguelikes/) 2023-12-31T01:27:46Z **Feeling like doing Gamedev again**
Honestly, I think next year I want to participate in a Game Jam again, its been a while though. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/feeling-like-doing-gamedev-again/) 2023-12-31T19:38:18Z **200 Days to Offload Later**
It is now my second completed run of the 100DaysToOffload challenge, and here are some thoughts ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/200-days-to-offload-later/) 2024-01-02T01:54:53Z **December 2023 Summary**
Here is what I did during the last month of 2023, movies, videogames and other media consumption. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/december-2023-summary/) 2024-01-04T03:32:20Z **Limbo**
A quick review of a fantastic indie puzzle platformer that is now the first game I completed in 2024. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/limbo-review/) 2024-01-06T04:31:32Z **Ender’s Game**
My first book of the year, or my last book of last year? A great book regardless of the year! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/enders-game-review/) 2024-01-09T04:31:47Z **Blogging consistely**
Last year January was full of blogposts, not this time! Not because I don't want to. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/blogging-consistely/) 2024-01-11T23:21:27Z **Ori And The Blind Forest**
My thoughts about this fantastic Metroidvania that managed to surprise me a lot despite my initial experience with it. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/ori-and-the-blind-forest/) 2024-01-10T04:30:06Z **Looking back at 2023**
I can't believe another year passed by, but here are some of the things that happened last year, which brought up a lot of changes in my life. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/looking-back-at-2023/) 2024-01-20T04:10:00Z **Looking back at 2023**
I can't believe another year passed by, but here are some of the things that happened last year, which brought up a lot of changes in my life. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/looking-back-at-2023/) 2024-01-21T03:00:27Z **Childhood’s End**
My review of my second book of the year, by Arthur C. Clarke. A sci-fi futuristic utopia where Humanity thrives under the rule of an alien race with mysterious motives. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/childhoods-end-review/) 2024-01-25T01:20:00Z **My Favorite Videogames of 2023**
I had a hard time coming up with what movies to pick this year, so I decided to go for videogames instead and post my favorite movies later on ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/my-favorite-videogames-of-2023/) 2024-02-02T03:00:00Z **January 2024 Summary**
Here it is, the first month of the year, a lot has happened! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/january-2024-summary/) 2024-02-09T23:07:03Z **Inbox Zero But RSS**
So, I accidentally marked as read every single feed in my FreshRSS instance, but I decided to make the best of it! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/inbox-zero-but-rss/) 2024-02-12T03:16:11Z **Checking off boxes (on paper)**
I've always considered myself to prefer the digital way of things. But sometimes, going back to the analogue route just hits different. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/checking-off-boxes-on-paper/) 2024-02-12T18:34:00Z **Giving context to my blogroll**
I decided to turn my grocery list style blogroll, into something more meaningful, and rather cool! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/giving-context-to-my-blogroll/) 2024-02-17T04:10:29Z **How I found out my Casio watch was fake**
After getting a new Casio watch for a pretty good price, I thought I would be very happy. But there was something fishy going on! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/how-i-found-out-my-casio-watch-was-fake/) 2024-02-19T19:21:31Z **Improving my RSS feed**
I did some changes to my website once again, and I changed the way my RSS feed works! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/improving-my-rss-feed/) 2024-02-21T02:13:14Z **Finally finding the song**
Almost 10 years ago, a video came out that featured a great song I wanted to know. After all this time, I finally found it. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/finally-finding-the-song/) 2024-02-24T20:20:47Z **Out of The Silent Planet**
My third book this year, a great read with many moments. Closer to fantasy than to science fiction. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/out-of-the-silent-planet/) 2024-02-26T03:12:42Z **University's Over**
My graduation event just happened, and I am basically done with University, here are some thoughts on the matter. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/university's-over/) 2024-03-01T03:47:46Z **Apple vs Android on Security and Features**
This post by Kyle triggered me a little bit, so I wrote a response with my opinion on the matter ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/apple-android-security-and-features/) 2024-03-03T06:00:00Z **February 2024 Summary**
What I watched, listened, read and the rest during the month of February, year 2024. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/february-2024-summary/) 2024-03-12T01:37:21Z **Website changes, Flexbox and stuff**
I decided to do a bit of a change on my website for once, and this is how its gone so far ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/website-changes-flexbox-and-stuff/) 2024-03-19T03:22:15Z **What Interested Me Today 3**
I had a free day today and I was free to do whatever I pleased. So, yeah. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/what-interested-me-today-3/) 2024-03-28T15:36:28Z **Tender is The Flesh**
This book was randomly picked on a book club I'm on, and we were all a kind of shocked by it, discretion is advised. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/tender-is-the-flesh/) 2024-03-31T02:51:20Z **The Undefeated**
Another short read I did because I felt like it, randomly picked from a YouTube video ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/the-undefeated/) 2024-04-02T04:40:00Z **March 2024 Summary**
Here's what I read, watched and spent my time on during March! Tons of stuff this time, with good variety. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/march-2024-summary/) 2024-04-06T22:26:48Z **Inside**
My thoughts about Inside, the spiritual successor of Limbo which I played earlier this year. Here are my thoughts! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/inside-game-review/) 2024-04-11T05:11:51Z **Dune**
My thoughts on Dune, by Frank Herbert. Spoilers ahead. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/dune/) 2024-04-15T17:06:57Z **Work and friends**
My worklife has been quite alright, but trying to make proper friendships in the workplace is difficult sometimes. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/work-and-friends/) 2024-04-16T03:26:45Z **My Home Screen (Early 2024)**
I decided to write about what's on my phone's home screen, apps, shortcuts and things ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/my-home-screen-(early-2024)/) 2024-04-20T01:10:42Z **The Palace of Eternity**
An interesting piece of science fiction that does a lot of things well, making it enjoyable for me despite some flaws ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/the-palace-of-eternity/) 2024-04-22T13:31:52Z **A Short Hike**
A neat little open world game with a simple goal and a lot of stuff to do in between ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/a-short-hike/) 2024-04-26T04:00:00Z **Too many reviews?**
These past few months, the amount of posts in this website reviewing books or videogames and things has risen quite a bit, so I just wrote a bit about that. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/too-many-reviews/) 2024-05-02T03:00:00Z **April 2024 Summary**
Let's go through what I did during the month of April, some gaming, some movies, some anime, podcasts and more stuff! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/april-2024-summary/) 2024-05-03T04:16:18Z **A Mysterious Affair at Styles**
I hadn't read any non sci-fi and I decided to go for something different. Here are my thoughts on this classic detective story! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/a-mysterious-affair-at-styles/) 2024-05-03T14:00:14Z **The Machine Stops**
A short story I read on a whim, about a society where the Machine provides for all of Humanity's needs. Sounds familiar? ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/the-machine-stops/) 2024-05-04T03:30:00Z **Kobo Clara 2E Review**
I got my first electronic reader ever and here are some of my thoughts on it with KOReader installed on it. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/kobo-clara-2e-review/) 2024-05-06T03:58:39Z **Miyoo Mini Plus Hype**
A Miyoo Mini Plus is shipping my way and ever since then I can't stop myself from seeing it everywhere. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/miyoo-mini-plus-hype/) 2024-05-07T02:31:11Z **What Interested Me Today 4**
Just another edition of this series. Random stuff I that stole more attention from me than usual. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/what-interested-me-today-4/) 2024-05-08T04:00:49Z **Old blogposts people find**
Yes, I do have analytics, and I was curious as to which posts from this blog where found most often by people on the internet, here are the results! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/old-blogposts-people-visit/) 2024-05-09T05:22:36Z **Miyoo Mini Plus first impressions**
I got my Miyoo Mini Plus and here are my quick thoughts on it. TL;DR: I love it ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/miyoo-mini-plus-first-impressions/) 2024-05-10T02:53:20Z **Not a long post**
I am writing a fairly long blogpost and I feel weird about it, so here is another post to compensate ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/not-a-long-post/) 2024-05-10T22:17:57Z **First Contact with Emulation**
This is a treasured memory of mine and I decided to write it here, my first experience with emulation. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/first-contact-with-emulation/) 2024-05-11T15:29:35Z **Fix Activity Tracker duplicates in Miyoo Mini Plus**
So if you ever edit the name of your ROM files you might run into some problems in your Miyoo Mini's Activity Tracker App, here's how I fixed it! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/fix-activity-tracker-duplicates-miyoo-mini-plus/) 2024-05-13T05:13:11Z **Transferring PSP PS1 save files to Miyoo Mini Plus**
How to turn the PS1 savefiles of games played on PSP, to a regular savefile usable in PS1 emulators and retro emulation devices like the Miyoo Mini Plus ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/transferring-psp-ps1-savefiles-to-miyoo-mini-plus/) 2024-05-14T04:40:05Z **You should use SSHFS**
Just a short post appreciating the usefulness of SSHFS ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/you-should-use-sshfs/) 2024-05-15T04:57:53Z **Making custom videogame covers**
I have spent the past couple of days making my own game covers for PS1 and SNES games to display on my Miyoo Mini Plus, so I wrote about it. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/making-custom-videogame-covers/) 2024-05-16T04:52:24Z **What games will I play anyway?**
So, I have the Miyoo Mini Plus, and I have games, and I've restored some save files, and I put more games, and cover art, but what am I even playing on it? ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/what-games-will-i-play-anyway/) 2024-05-18T04:48:15Z **Arcticons for Miyoo Mini Plus**
I decided to create an icon pack for the Miyoo Mini (or whatever other handheld can use them) and here's how. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/arcticons-for-miyoo-mini-plus/) 2024-05-20T04:29:05Z **I missed a couple days, so what?**
I did not publish any blogposts for the last two days, but I am completely OK with that. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/i-missed-a-couple-days-so-what/) 2024-05-22T04:27:03Z **Early Computing Memories**
I've been quite busy with other things, but today I decided to try and share my earliest memories with computing. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/early-computing-memories/) 2024-05-24T03:48:01Z **Is Newpipe better than YouTube Premium?**
I am thinking about going back to Newpipe, haven't tried it in a while but it can't be worse than the YouTube app nowadays, can it? ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/is-newpipe-better-than-youtube-premium/) 2024-05-29T03:26:01Z **Creation, consumption, and stuff**
Some thoughts on my content consumption and what I think about those terms. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/creation-consumption-and-stuff/) 2024-05-31T01:46:19Z **I made a theme for my Miyoo Mini Plus**
I love this device, and I love thinkering with it so I made a theme for it, because why not? ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/i-made-a-theme-for-my-miyoo-mini-plus/) 2024-05-31T11:35:51Z **WeblogPoMo2024 is over**
#WeblogPomo2024 is over, and I didn't write an entry everyday, but that's alright! here are some thoughts now that the challenge comes to an end ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/weblogpomo2024-is-over/) 2024-06-01T13:34:09Z **May 2024 Summary**
Here's a recap of what I enjoyed doing during the month of May! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/may-2024-summary/) 2024-06-06T03:42:57Z **I have an iPhone now**
Yes, what the title says. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/i-have-an-iphone-now/) 2024-06-10T20:06:25Z **Metroid Zero Mission**
I finished a game on my Miyoo Mini Plus, and it is Metroid Zero Mission! A game I've already played, but I decided to go back where it all started. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/metroid-zero-mission/) 2024-06-15T14:14:47Z **More Emulation Memories**
The time I discovered emulation of more retro devices and the time I tried emulating them on my phone! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/more-emulation-memories/) 2024-06-27T03:40:00Z **Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga**
I finished this game a couple days ago, and had a blast doing so, here are my thoughts on it! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/mario-and-luigi-superstar-saga/) 2024-07-02T02:12:49Z **June 2024 Summary**
Here is what I did during the month of June! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/june-2024-summary/) 2024-07-10T01:17:15Z **Metroid Fusion**
The fourth game in the 2D Metroid series, a truly fantastic portable experience! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/metroid-fusion/) 2024-07-18T18:30:45Z **Miyoo Mini Plus Review**
Here's my review of this wonderful little gaming machine. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/miyoo-mini-plus-review/) 2024-07-20T15:22:09Z **I want modern games on older consoles**
So many modern games are filled with stuff, I wish they had more limitations ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/i-want-modern-games-on-older-consoles/) 2024-08-03T03:20:15Z **July 2024 Summary**
Here's what I did during the month of July, a lot of movies, games and anime episodes ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/july-2024-summary/) 2024-08-03T18:23:35Z **What Remains of Edith Finch**
My first game of August, a short story where you uncover your family's past and the strange ways they left this world ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/what-remains-of-edith-finch/) 2024-08-16T23:50:22Z **Getting lazy on account management**
Back in the day I was very much into security, privacy and such, but over time things tend to change and that is the case for my password vault... ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/getting-lazy-on-account-management/) 2024-08-31T21:37:20Z **What Interested Me Today 5**
I have really slowed down a lot when it comes to writing for my website, and I want to change that soon ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/what-interested-me-today-5/) 2024-09-03T05:00:58Z **August 2024 Summary**
What I did in August! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/august-2024-summary/) 2024-09-04T03:58:51Z **Explaining hobbies is weird**
I am not that good at talking in person or explaining myself, even less so when it comes to things I like ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/explaining-hobbies-is-weird/) 2024-09-05T23:04:22Z **My lost game saves**
Across the multiple computers and devices I have played on, it is only natural that I have lost many playthroughs out of noweher ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/my-lost-game-saves/) 2024-09-17T11:23:40Z **Rapberry Pi is out (for now)**
My Raspberry Pi shutdown and won't come back online for a bit, so what now? ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/rapberry-pi-is-out-(for-now)/) 2024-09-22T20:14:26Z **The GBA experience I wanted**
This is a review of the Anbernic RG35XX SP, but I was not going to disgrace my blog archive with such an ugly name as a title, so this will do. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/the-gba-experience-i-wanted/) 2024-09-24T00:39:12Z **Middle school, friends and bullies**
Remembering my middle school days and reflecting about my non-experience with bullying. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/middle-school-bullies-and-friends/) 2024-09-25T02:05:18Z **Physical game collecting spree**
I think I have gone a bit overboard with my obsession with physical games lately and I don't really want to stop ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/physical-game-collecting-spree/) 2024-09-26T02:27:07Z **Hothouse**
This book by Brian W. Aldiss picked my interest months ago, and it is like no other piece of Science Fiction I've read so far. ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/hothouse/) 2024-09-29T03:56:08Z **Progress bars for my Booklog!**
Just a small change that I wanted to make to my booklog section on my website to keep track of my reading progress! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/progress-bars-for-my-booklog-/) 2024-10-01T03:44:07Z **September 2024 Summary**
Here are the different forms of media I enjoyed during the month! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/september-2024-summary/) 2024-10-03T03:36:17Z **An awesome movie to sell toys. Transformers One**
Sometimes a seemingly average kid's movie has a spark that unveils much more than what the eye can see, and this is one of those! ⌘ [Read more](https://joelchrono.xyz/blog/an-awesome-movie-to-sell-toys%E2%80%94transformers-one/)