# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is an automated Yarn.social feed running feeds v0.0.0@HEAD # Learn more about Yarn.social at https://yarn.social # # nick = nanoblog # url = https://feeds.twtxt.net/nanoblog/twtxt.txt # type = rss # source = https://lime360.serv00.net/feed.php # avatar = # description = twitter but less cringe # updated_at = 2024-01-30T08:00:26Z # 2024-01-04T00:00:00Z **# MAKRDOWN TEST LOL** ⌘ [Read more](http://lime360.neocities.org/nanoblog#4) 2024-01-04T00:00:00Z **testing out viewing my nanoblog through twtxt.net (https://twtxt.net/external?uri=https%3A%2F%2Flime360.serv00.net%2Ftwtxt.php)** ⌘ [Read more](http://lime360.neocities.org/nanoblog#3) 2024-01-02T00:00:00Z **decided to do a little cleanup for my nanoblog** ⌘ [Read more](http://lime360.neocities.org/nanoblog#2) 2024-01-02T00:00:00Z **hi** ⌘ [Read more](http://lime360.neocities.org/nanoblog#1) 2024-01-06T00:00:00Z **posting this from [hyper](https://hyper.is)** ⌘ [Read more](http://lime360.neocities.org/nanoblog#4) 2024-01-07T00:00:00Z **tbh i think glitch.com is really broken just like neocities reply feature** ⌘ [Read more](http://lime360.neocities.org/nanoblog#5) 2024-01-10T00:00:00Z **man i can't believe that matpat left :(** ⌘ [Read more](http://lime360.neocities.org/nanoblog#6) 2024-01-11T00:00:00Z **thinking of making a 7/25/2005 retake** ⌘ [Read more](http://lime360.neocities.org/nanoblog#8) 2024-01-12T00:00:00Z **nanoblog's new name is now nblog-server because i want to leave nblog as the name of the json spec. also check out [my neocities awesome list](https://github.com/lime360/awesome-neocities).** ⌘ [Read more](http://lime360.neocities.org/nanoblog#9) 2024-01-18T00:00:00Z **installing windows 8.1 on my secondary laptop because of a failed attempt to dualboot haiku and windows 10. and because i really like it alot (for some reason metro and aero interfaces are nostalgic to me lol)** ⌘ [Read more](http://lime360.neocities.org/nanoblog#10) 2024-01-19T00:00:00Z **nblog server is getting a secure codebase!** ⌘ [Read more](http://lime360.neocities.org/nanoblog#11) 2024-01-21T00:00:00Z **my steam account got deleted because a guy accidentally reported me for scamming, he said that i should message the moderator in order to not get banned. i've messaged the said guy and did all steps that are from the control panel guidelines, but the final part is that you have to buy a $30 steam gift card, which i couln't afford it because i don't have a credit card (i've paid for clickteam fusion with my dad's credit card btw), and because of that i took the 2nd option, which is the account deletion.** ⌘ [Read more](http://lime360.neocities.org/nanoblog#12) 2024-01-23T00:00:00Z **fun fact: i use ai for anything except for coding. i code everything by my hand.** ⌘ [Read more](http://lime360.neocities.org/nanoblog#14) 2024-01-25T00:00:00Z **update on that i left steam thing: i accidentally deleted all my steam games while i was transferring stuff to my secondary laptop nooooo. well at least it works with some modern software.** ⌘ [Read more](http://lime360.neocities.org/nanoblog#15) 2024-01-26T00:00:00Z **ain't no way i can still connect my microsoft account to windows 8.1** ⌘ [Read more](http://lime360.neocities.org/nanoblog#16) 2024-01-30T00:00:00Z **[why you should not use vscode for editing awesome lists](https://github.com/lime360/awesome-neocities/commit/308f174f5882b5135ceac7b66d8af06fc610a20d)** ⌘ [Read more](http://lime360.neocities.org/nanoblog#17)