# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is an automated Yarn.social feed running feeds v0.0.0@HEAD # Learn more about Yarn.social at https://yarn.social # # nick = novi-social # url = https://feeds.twtxt.net/novi-social/twtxt.txt # type = rss # source = https://novimatrem.gitlab.io/social/feed.xml # avatar = # description = https://novimatrem.gitlab.io/social/feed.xml # updated_at = 2024-02-29T19:43:16Z # 2023-10-05T19:39:00Z **2023-10-05**
The only weight issue I have is dealing with all the fuckheads who harass me because of my weight. They’re the only issue I have regarding it. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/05/2023-10-05.html) 2023-10-04T12:58:00Z **2023-10-04**
The eternal pain of having to refer to your paws as “hands” in front of your parents.. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/04/2023-10-04.html) 2023-10-02T18:59:00Z **PSA**
we need a third mothers day ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/02/we-need-a-third-mothers-day.html) 2023-10-02T00:07:00Z **2023-10-02**
I don’t know how much more clear I could’ve been with: “Please don’t bring any negativity around me at the moment, I’m quite tired so it could actually manage to affect my mood”, but, apparently that wasn’t verbose enough. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/02/2023-10-02.html) 2023-09-30T09:04:00Z **2023-09-30**
i seriously need help gaining weight :/ ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/09/30/2023-09-30.html) 2023-09-29T11:55:00Z **2023-09-29**
There’s no gift greater and more freeing than a tail, to a lot of otherkin creatures, when it’s made to measure, and it fits well. It never weighs you down, quite the opposite. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/09/29/2023-09-29.html) 2023-09-23T15:00:00Z **Huh**
\*feels like I haven't posted to social for a long time\* \*goes to post again\* \*last post 1 day ago\* Huh. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/09/23/huh.html) 2023-09-23T14:53:00Z **Adult Joke**
A: It looks like it’s blowing a gale out there. B: Who’s Gale and how big is her dick? ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/09/23/adult-joke.html) 2023-09-21T17:50:00Z **Anyone have any good weight gain advice?**
Does anyone have any good weight gain advice? ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/09/21/anyone-have-any-good-weight-gain-advice.html) 2023-09-19T21:18:00Z **Punch Nazis**
Here’s your regular reminder to punch Nazis. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/09/19/punch-nazis.html) 2023-10-15T10:10:00Z **Novimatrem supports fat acceptance and forbids any and all size discrimination in her circles**
Novimatrem supports fat acceptance and forbids any and all size discrimination in her circles ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/15/novimatrem-supports-fat-acceptance-and-forbids-any-and-all-size-discrimination-in-her-circles.html) 2023-10-15T10:10:00Z **Novimatrem supports fat acceptance and forbids any and all size discrimination in her circles**
Novimatrem supports fat acceptance and forbids any and all size discrimination in her circles ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/15/novimatrem-supports-fat-acceptance-and-forbids-any-and-all-size-discrimination-in-her-circles.html) 2023-10-15T10:10:00Z **Novimatrem supports fat acceptance and forbids any and all size discrimination in her circles**
Novimatrem supports fat acceptance and forbids any and all size discrimination in her circles ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/15/novimatrem-supports-fat-acceptance-and-forbids-any-and-all-size-discrimination-in-her-circles.html) 2023-10-15T10:10:00Z **Novimatrem supports fat acceptance and forbids any and all size discrimination in her circles**
Novimatrem supports fat acceptance and forbids any and all size discrimination in her circles ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/15/novimatrem-supports-fat-acceptance-and-forbids-any-and-all-size-discrimination-in-her-circles.html) 2023-10-15T10:10:00Z **Novimatrem supports fat acceptance and forbids any and all size discrimination in her circles**
Novimatrem supports fat acceptance and forbids any and all size discrimination in her circles ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/15/novimatrem-supports-fat-acceptance-and-forbids-any-and-all-size-discrimination-in-her-circles.html) 2023-10-15T10:10:00Z **Novimatrem supports fat acceptance and forbids any and all size discrimination in her circles**
Novimatrem supports fat acceptance and forbids any and all size discrimination in her circles ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/15/novimatrem-supports-fat-acceptance-and-forbids-any-and-all-size-discrimination-in-her-circles.html) 2023-10-15T10:10:00Z **Novimatrem supports fat acceptance and forbids any and all size discrimination in her circles**
Novimatrem supports fat acceptance and forbids any and all size discrimination in her circles ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/15/novimatrem-supports-fat-acceptance-and-forbids-any-and-all-size-discrimination-in-her-circles.html) 2023-10-15T10:10:00Z **Novimatrem supports fat acceptance and forbids any and all size discrimination in her circles**
Novimatrem supports fat acceptance and forbids any and all size discrimination in her circles ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/15/novimatrem-supports-fat-acceptance-and-forbids-any-and-all-size-discrimination-in-her-circles.html) 2023-10-15T10:10:00Z **Novimatrem supports fat acceptance and forbids any and all size discrimination in her circles**
Novimatrem supports fat acceptance and forbids any and all size discrimination in her circles ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/15/novimatrem-supports-fat-acceptance-and-forbids-any-and-all-size-discrimination-in-her-circles.html) 2023-10-15T10:10:00Z **Novimatrem supports fat acceptance and forbids any and all size discrimination in her circles**
Novimatrem supports fat acceptance and forbids any and all size discrimination in her circles ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/15/novimatrem-supports-fat-acceptance-and-forbids-any-and-all-size-discrimination-in-her-circles.html) 2023-10-15T10:10:00Z **Novimatrem supports fat acceptance and forbids any and all size discrimination in her circles**
Novimatrem supports fat acceptance and forbids any and all size discrimination in her circles ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/15/novimatrem-supports-fat-acceptance-and-forbids-any-and-all-size-discrimination-in-her-circles.html) 2023-10-16T20:46:00Z **2023-10-16**
all i want is to be extremely heavily morbidly obese, why is that too much to ask? it makes me happy and doesn’t hurt anyone :/ ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/16/2023-10-16.html) 2023-10-16T20:46:00Z **2023-10-16**
all i want is to be extremely heavily morbidly obese, why is that too much to ask? it makes me happy and doesn’t hurt anyone :/ ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/16/2023-10-16.html) 2023-10-16T20:46:00Z **2023-10-16**
all i want is to be extremely heavily morbidly obese, why is that too much to ask? it makes me happy and doesn’t hurt anyone :/ ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/16/2023-10-16.html) 2023-10-16T20:46:00Z **2023-10-16**
all i want is to be extremely heavily morbidly obese, why is that too much to ask? it makes me happy and doesn’t hurt anyone :/ ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/16/2023-10-16.html) 2023-10-16T20:46:00Z **2023-10-16**
all i want is to be extremely heavily morbidly obese, why is that too much to ask? it makes me happy and doesn’t hurt anyone :/ ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/16/2023-10-16.html) 2023-10-16T20:46:00Z **2023-10-16**
all i want is to be extremely heavily morbidly obese, why is that too much to ask? it makes me happy and doesn’t hurt anyone :/ ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/16/2023-10-16.html) 2023-10-16T20:46:00Z **2023-10-16**
all i want is to be extremely heavily morbidly obese, why is that too much to ask? it makes me happy and doesn’t hurt anyone :/ ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/16/2023-10-16.html) 2023-10-16T20:46:00Z **2023-10-16**
all i want is to be extremely heavily morbidly obese, why is that too much to ask? it makes me happy and doesn’t hurt anyone :/ ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/16/2023-10-16.html) 2023-10-16T20:46:00Z **2023-10-16**
all i want is to be extremely heavily morbidly obese, why is that too much to ask? it makes me happy and doesn’t hurt anyone :/ ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/16/2023-10-16.html) 2023-10-16T20:46:00Z **2023-10-16**
all i want is to be extremely heavily morbidly obese, why is that too much to ask? it makes me happy and doesn’t hurt anyone :/ ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/16/2023-10-16.html) 2023-10-16T20:46:00Z **2023-10-16**
all i want is to be extremely heavily morbidly obese, why is that too much to ask? it makes me happy and doesn’t hurt anyone :/ ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/16/2023-10-16.html) 2023-10-16T20:46:00Z **2023-10-16**
all i want is to be extremely heavily morbidly obese, why is that too much to ask? it makes me happy and doesn’t hurt anyone :/ ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/16/2023-10-16.html) 2023-10-16T20:46:00Z **2023-10-16**
all i want is to be extremely heavily morbidly obese, why is that too much to ask? it makes me happy and doesn’t hurt anyone :/ ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/16/2023-10-16.html) 2023-10-16T20:46:00Z **2023-10-16**
all i want is to be extremely heavily morbidly obese, why is that too much to ask? it makes me happy and doesn’t hurt anyone :/ ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/16/2023-10-16.html) 2023-10-17T10:15:00Z **2023-10-17**
i am a woman. my pronouns are she/her/hers. plain and simple, it’s a non-negotiable fact, and the truth. if you disagree, you’re wrong. this isn’t a discussion or a topic of debate. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/17/2023-10-17.html) 2023-10-17T10:15:00Z **2023-10-17**
i am a woman. my pronouns are she/her/hers. plain and simple, it’s a non-negotiable fact, and the truth. if you disagree, you’re wrong. this isn’t a discussion or a topic of debate. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/17/2023-10-17.html) 2023-10-17T10:15:00Z **2023-10-17**
i am a woman. my pronouns are she/her/hers. plain and simple, it’s a non-negotiable fact, and the truth. if you disagree, you’re wrong. this isn’t a discussion or a topic of debate. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/17/2023-10-17.html) 2023-10-17T10:15:00Z **2023-10-17**
i am a woman. my pronouns are she/her/hers. plain and simple, it’s a non-negotiable fact, and the truth. if you disagree, you’re wrong. this isn’t a discussion or a topic of debate. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/17/2023-10-17.html) 2023-10-17T10:15:00Z **2023-10-17**
i am a woman. my pronouns are she/her/hers. plain and simple, it’s a non-negotiable fact, and the truth. if you disagree, you’re wrong. this isn’t a discussion or a topic of debate. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/17/2023-10-17.html) 2023-10-17T10:15:00Z **2023-10-17**
i am a woman. my pronouns are she/her/hers. plain and simple, it’s a non-negotiable fact, and the truth. if you disagree, you’re wrong. this isn’t a discussion or a topic of debate. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/17/2023-10-17.html) 2023-10-17T10:15:00Z **2023-10-17**
i am a woman. my pronouns are she/her/hers. plain and simple, it’s a non-negotiable fact, and the truth. if you disagree, you’re wrong. this isn’t a discussion or a topic of debate. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/17/2023-10-17.html) 2023-10-17T10:15:00Z **2023-10-17**
i am a woman. my pronouns are she/her/hers. plain and simple, it’s a non-negotiable fact, and the truth. if you disagree, you’re wrong. this isn’t a discussion or a topic of debate. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/17/2023-10-17.html) 2023-10-17T10:15:00Z **2023-10-17**
i am a woman. my pronouns are she/her/hers. plain and simple, it’s a non-negotiable fact, and the truth. if you disagree, you’re wrong. this isn’t a discussion or a topic of debate. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/17/2023-10-17.html) 2023-10-17T10:15:00Z **2023-10-17**
i am a woman. my pronouns are she/her/hers. plain and simple, it’s a non-negotiable fact, and the truth. if you disagree, you’re wrong. this isn’t a discussion or a topic of debate. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/17/2023-10-17.html) 2023-10-17T10:15:00Z **2023-10-17**
i am a woman. my pronouns are she/her/hers. plain and simple, it’s a non-negotiable fact, and the truth. if you disagree, you’re wrong. this isn’t a discussion or a topic of debate. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/17/2023-10-17.html) 2023-10-17T10:15:00Z **2023-10-17**
i am a woman. my pronouns are she/her/hers. plain and simple, it’s a non-negotiable fact, and the truth. if you disagree, you’re wrong. this isn’t a discussion or a topic of debate. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/17/2023-10-17.html) 2023-10-17T10:15:00Z **2023-10-17**
i am a woman. my pronouns are she/her/hers. plain and simple, it’s a non-negotiable fact, and the truth. if you disagree, you’re wrong. this isn’t a discussion or a topic of debate. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/17/2023-10-17.html) 2023-10-21T13:56:00Z **Best Gold I’ve caught so far.**
#notspon I’ve been really enjoying Call of the Wild: The Angler recently, relaxing but exciting fishing game. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/21/best-gold-ive-caught-so-far.html) 2023-10-21T13:56:00Z **Best Gold I’ve caught so far.**
#notspon I’ve been really enjoying Call of the Wild: The Angler recently, relaxing but exciting fishing game. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/21/best-gold-ive-caught-so-far.html) 2023-10-21T13:56:00Z **Best Gold I’ve caught so far.**
#notspon I’ve been really enjoying Call of the Wild: The Angler recently, relaxing but exciting fishing game. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/21/best-gold-ive-caught-so-far.html) 2023-10-21T13:56:00Z **Best Gold I’ve caught so far.**
#notspon I’ve been really enjoying Call of the Wild: The Angler recently, relaxing but exciting fishing game. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/21/best-gold-ive-caught-so-far.html) 2023-10-21T13:56:00Z **Best Gold I’ve caught so far.**
#notspon I’ve been really enjoying Call of the Wild: The Angler recently, relaxing but exciting fishing game. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/21/best-gold-ive-caught-so-far.html) 2023-10-21T13:56:00Z **Best Gold I’ve caught so far.**
#notspon I’ve been really enjoying Call of the Wild: The Angler recently, relaxing but exciting fishing game. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/21/best-gold-ive-caught-so-far.html) 2023-10-21T13:56:00Z **Best Gold I’ve caught so far.**
#notspon I’ve been really enjoying Call of the Wild: The Angler recently, relaxing but exciting fishing game. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/21/best-gold-ive-caught-so-far.html) 2023-10-21T13:56:00Z **Best Gold I’ve caught so far.**
#notspon I’ve been really enjoying Call of the Wild: The Angler recently, relaxing but exciting fishing game. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/21/best-gold-ive-caught-so-far.html) 2023-10-21T13:56:00Z **Best Gold I’ve caught so far.**
#notspon I’ve been really enjoying Call of the Wild: The Angler recently, relaxing but exciting fishing game. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/21/best-gold-ive-caught-so-far.html) 2023-10-21T13:56:00Z **Best Gold I’ve caught so far.**
#notspon I’ve been really enjoying Call of the Wild: The Angler recently, relaxing but exciting fishing game. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/21/best-gold-ive-caught-so-far.html) 2023-10-21T13:56:00Z **Best Gold I’ve caught so far.**
#notspon I’ve been really enjoying Call of the Wild: The Angler recently, relaxing but exciting fishing game. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/21/best-gold-ive-caught-so-far.html) 2023-10-24T09:05:00Z **being trans doesn’t make me any less a real person.**
being trans doesn’t make me any less a real person. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/24/2023-10-24.html) 2023-10-24T09:05:00Z **being trans doesn’t make me any less a real person.**
being trans doesn’t make me any less a real person. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/24/2023-10-24.html) 2023-10-24T09:05:00Z **being trans doesn’t make me any less a real person.**
being trans doesn’t make me any less a real person. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/24/2023-10-24.html) 2023-10-24T09:05:00Z **being trans doesn’t make me any less a real person.**
being trans doesn’t make me any less a real person. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/24/2023-10-24.html) 2023-10-24T09:05:00Z **being trans doesn’t make me any less a real person.**
being trans doesn’t make me any less a real person. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/24/2023-10-24.html) 2023-10-24T09:05:00Z **being trans doesn’t make me any less a real person.**
being trans doesn’t make me any less a real person. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/24/2023-10-24.html) 2023-10-24T09:05:00Z **being trans doesn’t make me any less a real person.**
being trans doesn’t make me any less a real person. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/24/2023-10-24.html) 2023-10-24T09:05:00Z **being trans doesn’t make me any less a real person.**
being trans doesn’t make me any less a real person. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/24/2023-10-24.html) 2023-10-24T09:05:00Z **being trans doesn’t make me any less a real person.**
being trans doesn’t make me any less a real person. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/24/2023-10-24.html) 2023-10-24T09:05:00Z **being trans doesn’t make me any less a real person.**
being trans doesn’t make me any less a real person. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/24/2023-10-24.html) 2023-10-24T09:05:00Z **being trans doesn’t make me any less a real person.**
being trans doesn’t make me any less a real person. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/24/2023-10-24.html) 2023-10-24T09:05:00Z **being trans doesn’t make me any less a real person.**
being trans doesn’t make me any less a real person. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/10/24/2023-10-24.html) 2023-11-02T10:09:00Z **gonna be real busy this month**
… ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/11/02/gonna-be-real-busy-this-month.html) 2023-11-18T17:48:00Z **I plan to write and post stories and poems in the future**
Just a little post to mention and announce that I plan to write and publish poems and stories in the future, so be on the lookout for that. ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2023/11/18/i-plan-to-write-and-post-stories-and-poems-in-the-future.html) 2024-02-29T19:32:00Z **Moved to Tumblr**
Moved to Tumblr ⌘ [Read more](https://novimatrem.gitlab.io//social/2024/02/29/moved-to-tumblr.html)