# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is an automated Yarn.social feed running feeds v0.1.0@72e53a9 # Learn more about Yarn.social at https://yarn.social # # nick = obsidian-roundup # url = https://feeds.twtxt.net/obsidian-roundup/twtxt.txt # type = rss # source = https://www.obsidianroundup.org/blog/rss/ # avatar = https://feeds.twtxt.net/obsidian-roundup/avatar.png#zwzf6epl6jmmmw4ce52ouijuv7hvijy5q3p2jaglnk7rqnt3fwka # description = # updated_at = 2023-11-07T13:56:06Z # 2022-10-10T12:30:29Z **🌲The Konik Method for Making Useful Notes**
How to make notes for reference, not self-improvement: A practical guide to messy notes meant to be used, not admired. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/the-konik-method-for-making-notes/) 2022-10-08T12:30:57Z **🌠 PDF Indexing & Live Preview Table Edits**
Tips on time blocking, a dashboard for dataview queries, & management tools for Magic: The Gathering. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/2022-10-08/) 2022-10-01T12:30:56Z **🌠 Pandoc, Happiness, & Dataview Tricks**
Weekly notes, Eisenhower matrixes, and my new job with Readwise. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/2022-10-01/) 2022-09-24T12:30:10Z **🌠 Community Contest & Spaced Repetition Improvements**
There's a new interactive medical terminology dictionary, & a step-by-step guide to setting up a second brain in minutes per day. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/obsidian-october/) 2022-09-17T12:30:37Z **🌠 Dataview Example Vault, Book Club, & Ecosystem Stats**
Memes about minimalism, bullet backlinks plugin, timeshifting, a book club, and an upcoming mystery event. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/2022-09-17/) 2022-09-15T13:56:42Z **🌲 Using RSS to curate opportunities**
I divide my RSS feed according to how I can interact with the articles, how far along I am with processing the information, and how I think I can use them later. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/using-rss-to-curate-opportunities/) 2022-09-10T12:30:54Z **🌠 Bulk Rename, Cleanup Routines & Mobile git**
There's an upcoming discussion of daily logs, a new jira integration, and a job opportunity from the folks at Readwise right as Obsidian's team expanded too :) ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/2022-09-10/) 2022-09-03T12:30:55Z **🌠 Tabs and a new Default Theme**
Dataview has its own channel and I can’t access Discord until next week. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/2022-09-03/) 2022-08-27T12:30:05Z **🌠 Visual Notetaking Guides & Demo Vaults for Managers**
You can now push notes to Readwise's Reader app for improved spaced repetition review. You can also comment on the Roundup! ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/2022-08-27/) 2022-08-20T12:30:46Z **🌠 Mobile Git Backups & a Hotkey Keyboard Map**
A new tool for diffing PDFs, a new method for managing RPG campaigns, and guides for using Obsidian with Devonthink or Dendron. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/2022-08-20/) 2022-08-18T13:11:20Z **🌲 Don't Minimize Difficulty**
Easy in the eye of the beholder. But also, sometimes things really are easier than we think, if we just give them a chance. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/dont-minimize-difficulty/) 2022-08-13T13:13:55Z **🌠 Dataview to Mermaid & PDF conversions**
Sync highlights and annotations from Raindrop & execute codeblocks interactively, a la Jupyter. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/2022-08-13/) 2022-08-06T12:30:42Z **🌠 Quick Share & a new Minimalist Theme**
Group snippets for one-click activation, compare tags and folders, & improve your inline metadata. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/2022-08-06/) 2022-07-30T12:30:44Z **🌠 Obsidian Shirts, Grouped Tasks & 1-min Guides**
New ways to group tasks, customizable spaced repetition buttons, & default theme discussions. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/2022-07-30/) 2022-07-23T11:30:50Z **🌠 Boolean Task Queries & Improved Sidebar Controls**
Plugin settings design tips & productivity book recommendations. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/2022-07-23/) 2022-10-15T12:30:44Z **🌠 Obsidian Out of Beta, Obsidian October Extended**
Table generators, advanced project management options, & a guide to Charles Darwin's note taking method. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/2022-10-15/) 2022-10-22T12:30:48Z **🌠 Improved note relationship sensing & Catppuccinos!**
Kepano shared some thoughts about the AI-assisted text generation plugins, there's a new plugin for RTL/LTR language detection, plus: improved OCR ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/mobile-pdf-indexing/) 2022-10-29T12:30:02Z **🌠 Supercharged tags & a new Zotero integration**
Lots of new color schemes are proliferating. Plus, inspiring stories about quitting marijuana and putting visual studio code inside of an Obsidian window. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/2022-10-29/) 2022-11-05T12:30:14Z **🌠 Email Fetching, Fancy Templating & Improved Longform Writing**
Fields for tags, academic workflows, & a great method for using Obsidian to improve onboarding at a new job. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/post/) 2022-11-12T13:30:50Z **🌠 Stable Diffusion, Clean Dashboards and 2022 Workflows**
A new social media instance for personal knowledge management & a theme to bring back old-style Obsidian. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/2022-11-12/) 2022-11-13T21:36:13Z **One-Size-Fits-All? How to Take Big Notes and How to Take Small Notes**
## Introduction[[1]](\#fn1)

Historically, the length of media content has often been the result of technological restrictions. [The SMS, for instance, is restricted to 160 characters due to the underlying GSM-7 protocol](https://www.twilio.com/docs/glossary/what-sms-character-limit#what-is-the-history-behind-sms-message-length). Consequently, a change in the technological conditions can affect the l ... ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/one-size-fits-all-how-to-take-big-notes-and-how-to-take-small-notes/) 2022-11-19T13:54:41Z **🌠 Doom! & Scrollable Daily Notes**
A request for python devs to help out with the community hub vault, a new comprehensive tutorial for beginners, & discussion of YAML APIs. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/2022-11-19/) 2022-11-24T13:30:20Z **🌲Using Obsidian for Teaching?**
For the most part, my teaching notes are very simple and low-tech. But Obsidian was helpful when I was allowed to use it. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/using-obsidian-for-teaching/) 2022-11-26T13:07:44Z **🌠 Weekly Reviews, Zen Mode, & Aggregation**
System commands & tips for making notes useful. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/2022-11-26/) 2022-12-03T13:30:25Z **🌠 An academic vault tour & weekly review templates**
Media workflow diagrams, film project dashboards, daily journaling discussions, python libraries for batch-changing metadata, and more! ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/2022-12-03/) 2022-12-10T13:46:33Z **🌠 Whiteboard Canvas for Mindmaps, & a personal note**
Canvas showcases and a holiday hiatus. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/2022-12-10/) 2022-12-17T13:30:35Z **🌠 Obsidian October Winners & AI Integrations**
A guide for using Readwise with Obsidian, a demo vault for computer engineering students, & the first Canvas plugins. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/2022-12-17/) 2023-01-07T15:17:17Z **🌠 AI, Canvas, Terminal & Tasks plugins**
Improvements to academic workflows, an upcoming successor to Dataview, and the return of AnuPpuccin. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/2023-01-07/) 2023-01-11T13:30:12Z **📚 Food as Currency**
On the origins of agriculture, money, & currency ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/food-as-currency/) 2023-01-09T13:30:29Z **🎓 Sleep**
Ancient science, modern discoveries, & animals that sleep with one eye open ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/sleep/) 2023-01-14T13:30:02Z **🌠 Use Cases for Canvas & New Courses and Sample Vaults**
Mobile has Canvas now, you can render 3D model files, and there's a new Clockify integration. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/2023-01-14/) 2023-01-16T13:30:40Z **🎓 Cleaning**
Quick facts about historical cleaning methods from around the world, from lotus leaves to bronze knives; the secrets of urine, rice water, & sulfur. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/cleaning/) 2023-01-18T13:56:18Z **🌲 My favorite productivity app that isn't a productivity app**
Old, simple tools are often still useful, especially when paired with a practice of frequent check-ins with your goals and mental state. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/my-favorite-productivity-app-that-isnt-a-productivity-app/) 2023-01-21T14:08:20Z **🌠 More LLM Integrations & Sample Notes for Cooking, Workouts, etc.**
Obsidian's nominated for a Golden Kitty in Productivity, there's a new RGB theme. Plus, fancy new dataview & templater scripts for day planning & YouTube metadata. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/2023-01-21/) 2023-01-23T13:30:17Z **🎓 Feces**
Antiseptic poop, agricultural poop, & the surprising value of eating poop. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/feces/) 2023-01-28T13:30:01Z **🌠 Plugin graphs & academic tools**
Tasks now supports custom statuses, table experiences are enhanced, & there are new tricks for emacs users. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/2023-01-28/) 2023-01-28T21:02:52Z **🏄‍♀️ State of the Eleanor 02**
Complementary subscriptions, a new chronic condition, & upcoming research updates. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/state-of-the-eleanor-02/) 2023-01-30T13:42:59Z **🎓 Recordkeeping**
Cloth records, syllabic scripts, and bone calendars. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/recordkeeping/) 2023-02-01T21:56:03Z **📰 On Famines: why and how they happen. To who?**
Agrarian societies experience famine for a variety of reasons, including poor governance, war, and weather. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/on-famines/) 2023-02-04T13:30:09Z **🌠 Git plugins & OCR improvements**
Improved inbox experiences, more better backlinks, gems of the year voting, & a new scifi theme based on Cyberpunk 2077. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/2023-02-04/) 2023-02-08T17:21:05Z **🌲Building a habit of checking in with the bigger picture**
On the importance of knowing when to sit down and dive deep into your notes... so you don't get overwhelmed always keeping them neat. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/building-a-habit-of-checking-in-with-the-bigger-picture/) 2023-02-11T13:30:09Z **🌠 Natural Language Search & a New CEO**
Improved flashcards in spaced repetition, guides and tools for spacial thinking, and different perspectives on note taking and naming. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/2023-02-11/) 2023-02-18T15:50:05Z **🌠 Publish updates & highlights syncing**
Canvas updates, zen mode, improved podcast handling, & the ability to mass delete tags. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/2023-02-18/) 2023-02-25T13:30:35Z **🌠Gems of the Year & RSS still isn't dead**
Auto-close on Mac, generate TTRPG content, & improve your audio notes transcription ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/2023-02-25/) 2023-02-28T01:56:57Z **💰 Some stuff I'm surprisingly happy I bought**
A bunch of stuff nobody is paying me to tell you I liked. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/some-stuff-im-surprisingly-happy-i-bought/) 2023-02-28T01:56:57Z **💰 Some stuff I'm surprisingly happy I bought**
A bunch of stuff nobody is paying me to tell you I liked. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/some-stuff-im-surprisingly-happy-i-bought/) 2023-03-02T15:38:51Z **💚 Updated notes, Discord server, & an anthology**
Access an RSS feed of interesting (and occasionally annotated) articles, check out some of my very short stories, and more benefits for financial supporters. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/updated-notes-discord-server-an-rss-feed-of-interesting-articles/) 2023-03-04T20:56:44Z **🌠 New APIs, + Curated Lists for Vim Users & Interoperability Fans**
Digital Decluttering, GitHub Auto Scans, Obsidian on e-ink devices, & a handy autohotkey script for folks who want to control youtube in the background. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/2023-03-04/) 2023-03-11T13:34:16Z **🌠 Bookkeeping, Eisenhower Matrixes, & Pretty Canvas Cards**
An interview with Obsidian's new CEO, workflow tips, and a personal note about the Silicon Valley bank run (I'm fine; I hope you are too). ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/2023-03-11/) 2023-03-18T12:53:53Z **🌠 Plugins for writers & 7 new LLM-based additions.**
The Digital Garden plugin now supports style settings and RSS (!), Canvas continues to be a hit, and there's improved collaboration tools for Git. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/2023-03-18/) 2023-03-25T12:30:21Z **🌠 Improved Community Updates & Task Searching**
New folder plugins, LLM powered plugins, plugin APIs, improved audio notes support, and some neat new public vaults. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/2023-03-25/) 2023-04-01T12:30:23Z **🌠 Better Bookmarks, Word Counts, & Borders**
Natural language syntax highlighting, improved reviews and habit trackers, and a nifty way to leverage Google for searching your vault. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/2023-04-01/) 2023-04-08T15:24:06Z **🌠 Joke plugins, hands-free notes, & table improvements**
Tasks styling, a plugin for day trading, multi-column embeds & callouts, and a method for taking notes about people. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/2023-04-08/) 2023-04-15T12:30:28Z **🌠New Integrations with Confluence, Github, GPT, &etc**
Set goals, reward yourself for codewriting, search tasks, protect your privacy, and make Obsidian (even more) beautiful. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/2023-04-15/) 2023-04-22T12:30:15Z **🌠 Huge Publish Improvements, a Telegram integration, & more LLM options**
New plugins for scientists & storytellers. Guides for knowledge management & new features. Plus, a review of a year in Obsidian. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/2022-04-22/) 2023-05-06T12:30:55Z **🌠 GPT Tips & Tools, Atomic Notes Advice, & Graph Filter Saving**
New dev docs & a hub for medium articles, rapid logging tips, & a guide for ensuring productivity goals don't stress you out. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/2023-05-06/) 2023-05-08T12:30:06Z **📰 The Intricacies of Ivory**
Explore elephant, narwhal, hippo, walrus ivory's captivating history & uses in jewelry, tools, games, & trade. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/the-intricacies-of-ivory/) 2023-05-13T12:30:55Z **🌠 PDF improvements & More AI Options**
Check out some great guides on how to create folder and tag systems, and how to use the Strange New Worlds & bookmarks plugin! ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/2023-05-13/) 2023-05-20T13:15:14Z **🌠 Conference Videos, Dendron support, & Improved Reference Counting**
Showcasing teachers, authors, medical students, people impacted by LLMs, gardeners, and mathematicians. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/2023-05-20/) 2023-05-27T12:30:54Z **🌠 Recipe importing & Linting improvements**
New themes, productivity Shortcuts for mac, and systems for pairing digital & analogue. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/2023-05-27/) 2023-06-03T14:02:10Z **🌠 New Branding, LLM vs PKM, & improved keyboard control**
Buttons needs a new maintainer, there's a new TTRPG community vault, & Tasks continues with fast-paced updates. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/2023-06-03/) 2023-06-10T15:43:05Z **🌠 Pretty Callouts & Developer-oriented plugins**
Featuring guides for verifying encryption, using Obsidian for TTRPGs, link to tab, and Zotero Citation Picker. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/pretty-callouts-developer-oriented-plugins/) 2023-06-17T12:30:44Z **🌠 Tasks & Projects updates, TTRPG tips, & Reddit Alternatives**
Insights into productivity & society, tools for academic compiling, and new password protection options. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/2023-06-17/) 2023-07-01T12:30:35Z **🌠On Hiatus Due To Impending Baby**
Some resources for staying up to date while I'm out on maternity leave. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/hiatus-announcement/) 2023-08-21T13:04:00Z **Writing Long Form Content With Obsidian**
An evaluation of the viability of using Obsidian for long form content as opposed to tools like MS Word, Google Docs, & Scrivener. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/writing-long-form-content/) 2023-09-20T12:30:53Z **📚 Reading Roundup: Chill Fiction Edition**
Mini reviews of books that don't mess with my postpartum emotions. Think overpowered protagonists, slice of life stories, & underpants jokes. ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/reading-roundup-chill-fiction/) 2023-09-26T12:29:12Z **🏄‍♀️ State of the Eleanor 03**
I had a baby. The Obsidian ecosystem has evolved. Find out what that means for the Obsidian Iceberg 👀 ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/state-of-the-eleanor-03/) 2023-11-07T13:55:54Z **Reminder: Eleanor Konik's Feed Has Moved**
I'm over on Substack now! ⌘ [Read more](https://www.eleanorkonik.com/reminder-eleanor-koniks-feed-has-moved/)