# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is an automated Yarn.social feed running feeds v0.1.0@72e53a9 # Learn more about Yarn.social at https://yarn.social # # nick = posts-on-pwy # url = https://feeds.twtxt.net/posts-on-pwy/twtxt.txt # type = rss # source = https://pwy.io/en/posts/index.xml # avatar = # description = # updated_at = 2024-08-21T14:45:02Z # 2021-01-04T00:00:00Z Learning to Fly: Let's create a simulation in Rust! (pt 1) ⌘ [Read more...](/en/posts/learning-to-fly-pt1/) 2020-10-25T00:00:00Z Imitating specialization with OIBITs ⌘ [Read more...](/en/posts/imitating-specialization-with-oibits/) 2020-06-15T00:00:00Z Goodbye, Cocaine ⌘ [Read more...](/en/posts/goodbye-cocaine/) 2020-05-03T00:00:00Z Graphviz in the service of Factorio (1/2) ⌘ [Read more...](/en/posts/factorio-graphviz-pt1/) 2021-02-01T00:00:00Z Learning to Fly: Let's create a simulation in Rust! (pt 2) ⌘ [Read more...](/en/posts/learning-to-fly-pt2/) 2021-03-24T00:00:00Z Learning to Fly: Let's simulate evolution in Rust! (pt 3) ⌘ [Read more...](https://pwy.io/en/posts/learning-to-fly-pt3/) 2021-06-10T00:00:00Z Learning to Fly: Let's simulate evolution in Rust! (pt 4) ⌘ [Read more...](https://pwy.io/en/posts/learning-to-fly-pt4/) 2023-03-23T00:00:00Z **Look Ma: My computer is talking; let's create a simplified ChatGPT!**
ChatGPT is all the hype now, but the math behind it is pretty complex - can we
 create something smaller & simpler, possibly under 200 lines of Rust code? ⌘ [Read more](https://pwy.io/look-ma-my-computer-is-talking) 2023-10-19T00:00:00Z **wait, why (??) - part 2**
wait, why (??) - part 2: Surprising corners of Rust ⌘ [Read more](https://pwy.io/talks/2023-wait-why-pt2) 2023-06-22T00:00:00Z **(r)IDE on a (t)IDE with my IDE**
(r)IDE on a (t)IDE with my IDE: Why Emacs + Rust? ⌘ [Read more](https://pwy.io/talks/2023-emacs) 2023-04-13T00:00:00Z **wait, why (??) - part 1**
wait, why (??) - part 1: Surprising corners of Rust ⌘ [Read more](https://pwy.io/talks/2023-wait-why-pt1) 2023-11-16T00:00:00Z **Trace Me a River**
Trace Me a River: Computing stuff on GPU using Rust ⌘ [Read more](https://pwy.io/talks/2023-trace-me-a-river) 2024-01-11T00:00:00Z **Trace Me a River (v2)**
Trace Me a River (v2): Computing stuff on GPU using Rust ⌘ [Read more](https://pwy.io/talks/2024-trace-me-a-river-v2) 2024-04-04T00:00:00Z **Learning to Fly series got updated to 2024!**
The Learning to Fly series, a
 beginner-friendly Rust tutorial combining evolution, neural network and
 genetic algorithm, got an upgrade!

 Since its inception in 2021, a few things have changed in the Rust and
 WebAssembly ecosystem, and I've decided it's high time to revisit the articles

 Come check it out! ⌘ [Read more](https://pwy.io/posts/learning-to-fly-update-2024) 2024-06-06T00:00:00Z **Coolest algorithms and optimizations I've used at work**
Coolest algorithms and optimizations I've used at work ⌘ [Read more](https://pwy.io/talks/2024-coolest-algorithms-and-optimizations) 2024-08-21T00:00:00Z **Mimalloc Cigarette: Losing one week of my life catching a memory leak**
Memory allocators are great! I love allocating memory! Give me more, give me

 But memory allocators can be a great source of pain as well, and this is a
 story of how I lost one week of my life catching a huge memory leak in a core
 Rust application at work. ⌘ [Read more](https://pwy.io/posts/mimalloc-cigarette)